The billboard (Sept 1899)

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THE BILLBOARD The man who gets the cheapest advertirfne nsoallr gets the least effccliTC. I am lookifie for such accounts as are wilUnjf to pay for service that will bring them best results t I nuke posters an^ post tliem CTerrvhcft^ and throughout the entire procce^gr mj en^ewor is to secure the most results for the advertiser. In spite of thi% my prices are not hteh, and I frcqtieiillr secure competittTe business on account of price—and then I Iceep the butincss bf ptoAmlng results. To the advfrtiser who wants to try the billboards in a small way, 1,000 8-sheets will corer eight or ten citiu, such as Providence, Washington, Little Rock, Los Angeles, cte-, etc, and the cost, for a listed, protected, renewed and guaranteed showing for thirty days, including the cost of producing a good poster, will approxi- mate $1,600. And if the order conies to me the work will be satisfactory to you. Rre thousand 24-sheet posters will advertise the thirty principal cilics of the Union for thirty days, fisted, renewed, protected and guaranteed, at an apprczlmate cost of $i6,ooa I am today facing work for the same people ibat I M wodc far whca I went into budness; I have ie«a them grow and they have continued to increase their ad- vertising accordingly. I am looking for such new accounts as want to get results, and I ean offer such the best there is to be had. 1 am making (HI Cloth and Muslin Signs in quantities of not less tlwi 500 of a kind; Print'palnted, or paint'printed they are, and as durable as hflfld-painled, but cheqier; all made from special designs and not from type. Send for' saaqiles and prices, stating the size you contemplate udng. Sixes raiigeiiwi4^iBclKiatlc tiiMMIot8;12x3« iKbes at 7c in 500 kitN to 36ztil at 2Sc k SM tots-^ ta sorseoan colon. amWHoke LONG., DISTANCE. BILLPOSTER, QUICKTIME POSTER MAKER- 255 Fifth Ave. (28* St.)