Billboard advertising (July 1905)

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2 ^nM,(Baa<l''Oi<i Summer Tims Finda New _ mcuER .began, offielallr. Jtme ' 31; Imt we bad oar flnt InlUa- ' tiiini"Into the bish degrea ot bn- mldliy WTetal dajs prcTloasIy. The' c nor fudeiu^dia xaddiic tmrtncM dniliiK the ^_%K^iKBU«i*lr m But "ficak dmaetics'f "^"""^""""^ ~T1' JnnUiK on tb&t day in staid > iibcxc, the law 'pandts The - attnctton la John J. aUt, Uttlnc Xlie lad. la lowed hr anotber new called The Whole Dam a ■ e ce n d. e mnyw y ot Dfw local Chief cbar- Wlth bla lUa la fol- Bklt by Mr. McNaUy Family. Thla presents couediaiia headed by It' ''a 'ataEtceii^ycai-eU BiiHCilt drama acta, waa prodnced yaata r da y at the / Uadlaoa Square Concert BaB. It waa the in- /■ tentloo of the manacement to bnv pnaented the iprocecdlnga :all;' took ' place domataliai U'tlie'-iiotat of. te iu i >e i atiire. If not tempenment, ^tt:igloabtfiil Itiinjr- plar.cTer recetred^K^ruiner jj i a g e p Ba h -riXhfr-2'aiiree'- vaiwn;; w^pni»^^sifd s-fi- ■ 'j.^ , . . - ■ -^'i^jPlay.^MiiaaVjitfj't,^^«i>e S|OT^fjiriit-^iil"t*-yr \t''t^— ' '-* tte^anrlTota of ^Hr^ aaamoe a hla^' and Inkiellble ' perf btmance - ot \«t ^WalUefc'B a. yea^ the mnnicB'Vawmied:'to' -lie' IStlitiit-mm; lyn^ ^'aa iindd: -fia; ioveetel.'''' Ur. vBoa- aell wwe four anlta of liiiUan portieres, a nam bef of thumb ringa and a complete repertoire ot tooninolsea. Mr. Hoppe, the annonneer of . tlie PncRsslTe Stage Society, talked at la- .. temla and tntrodnced the prinrtpal diaraeteis %i|%ikir:9la^'! We most c anf ea a that beyond wliat i^tt^f'k^iMVata'tella na we have'oiilr tbfr Tasnest ^^•C laeas of what Saknntala waa all about; for g:4a^ ..tbe dimmaUe erltle la entitled to bla y'anaday a f tenieoa: og. and aftar a aln^ act of ^:{Bnt:'lBdlan;inuaee.. la .'aiBgii9:.>^l^ ;^-pdrtioa oT-tte andfrnro." wa^"' ti'-^tta "iai«nage -of ^tbe barnyard, "flew the coop." Mr. Bnasell i,^ lpoke hIa lines more distinctly than when he ^piaxed.'Etamlet, and this ttne there ^^^^^m-ia hla tights." ' '- . ^]Mt^liraBi^'anapfr-'«^ ^rf angtai; bDSlnesa for bla attractions and booaea I'fiir 'tlie ctHulss season. While In London be : 'lloofeed. •nwiid.'', accompanied by Joe Wahcr, Ehab^v " g n a t. v,il i a i w CTai„ pranid bC 'it^'''SBiopaaii -pcffocaien'df ability demanding saiartes" lansbis ' fismes simply bee a o ae of an American Btl TerOy speaklns. there win be ^dolng" from the other aldt; nntll they pes and modl^ their salaries. kwfceri.viuid la Kinia^; Potter,' ^^genMtf ' i««ait of the ■'T'*''l| .Thide TVnn'a Oabin Co.. wa a caller at Oa liair Totk office ot The Billboard last week, ■aid rapoctt that ba^aaaa has, thas tar, been ezcdlent and h^^ m ,Vigkj t^ of proaperlty ttrsniKlOTt .tt*'«kli<w:"'ii m Bii it i ' sea- 1. Chaa. A. Beed and W. 8. Edicr alio called at the New Tock office laat weA, ea zaate to Orchard Beach, Me., where they open a sum- mer enesgement. Mr. Kelley has Jnst patented new amnsement device which he Galls the aetnle ata, wave, wbldi wfll Mat., tte. ocean lato tlie festMttot 9t waauait " Proctor's stock forces are the busiest persons In New Tork theae aammer daya. ■ For this weak EUU Proctor Otis.wtU be tte slock star at the Fifth ATenne la Tte Cntt at So- ciety, James Dnrkln will play the late Sol Smith Russell's part in A Poor Belatlon at tbe Flfty-elstath Street, and Jamea E. WUaon will ba.«)e.OBlsk SwaB itB WnatKe's Faidner at (be Oae Hoadred aaa Tmniy^ttli Street The- atre. Last week I saw tbe best stock com- wfmanee at tte, zittfi ATcaaa Tteatre ercc. baaie a^ uthllsw to' alHutss. Tbe play was called Lore's Tonne Dream, and Mary Hampton waa the featured one. Originally acted, yeara aso at Wallack's Theatre as Harvest, One play la llselt la tbe b««t Stock company TCblele I erer aaw. Brery character has a chance at one or two strong scenes, and the lines and altnatlona aie tbe acme of dramatic writing. Daisy liOTerlng and Wallace Ersklne and Dndley Hawley and Grayce Scott engaged in aeretal aomes which were poslttrely lefresta- Ins; aad; Bilia '.^bmtr . W8B..*sserrM approba- tion ftir.'Itee 'sUsajiW wasK;-" Aa: tar Miss Hamp- ton she esslly aostalned the enriable repntatton her artistic temperament baa secored for tier, and ahe played the role of Bteada with keen W.-Weexnan, manager fbr Kobtl ft Casfle, of the Haymarket Theatre. Chicago, wafted bis genial personality into the Mew York office of The Billboard last Monday. "Doc" Is enjoying a Tacatkm toor of four weeks, the goest of John BlngMm ppoi the The ^ifectric lights at Bergen Beach bsTe been turned on in fall force, and its tWla resort. C&nnrsle Shore, Is also nmnlaK-ia tnU blast. Booth Brooklyn,, for the snaimci itadC;iai^^.-;:j4Qb^''aa;^^ M iii^U'-'B£jsj|tn''-'iuiiii ^ ed last Uodday, aad on tiutt day, it la estlaatad that over 100,000 persons passed over it. walk extends toe \av«: a mile al<i'>S. ^ front,' and ndw-VoMiiaiii,! from the. Orlcral'^Md; War and Bdshtsn' Ve^A, to tte' Ocasa on a prooaenade similar , to that at caty. ' Negotiations are pending between the Brighton Beach DeTClopement Co. and John HsTlln, proprietor of the Hagenbeck Shows, the : Fled^'WldgU';.-CkBBlial, OSb^ aad owners wHwr ^atttuMl dittoB at^aa -eadr'ilate .to'Ette;' The new board walk will put the crowds of BngniOD and Coney Island in dwer touch with the new Pain pyrotechnic display Tbe Fan of Fort Arthnr,- whlcli waa added to the - ftrtltltita j>t -ite is«!<illilisriag: asasMe dating the'' put '-'indt'". -^at;". IfuiiiHaB'' Beadi. : Percy wnuams win ^ao tincOt' Iv tte. >>*w da|isr> tore at his Taademie ;dMir la th Bea^ Theatre. Thompson & Dandy announced Mon- ' Caicedo has been engaged as day night that the Hippodrome will dose for '° eitra featme attraction for the Manitoba with., tte cnnlaK pcrfocmance iel'Hg^viilarfaaw; .wm irIllr''A'T«aiEe^ Oii- cas On HaxB and The Baldm : A' pntaaetloo new and throagboat. and ^ipMtttn y in erery way the success of the Inangoral abow wni be produced later in the falL Frederic Xhompaat la now ranaacklng Europe for now r names and new fSees tiir .tte npfio- Be will rettnn early nert inionQi with aa 'aasoEtment of contracts, which be cabled win.^'.de^te Europe of theatric and circus Tte ,;Eappodkoa>e opened on April '^Avsiimi^'llStLim^^ et and tte dally matinees ['.'(liaTe been adidr^l^'lllienlly'patronised. Delay In. the InstanatTan :dC 'ttejalr^TasaaBg plaat. did |%jimeb..t>rjnflnaice'1te^^ . :^„- ■ ■•-•^ - , Si j any nlgbt Answer to corresi>ondent.—No; the Ijewls and Byan who met in a boxing match In it 'VEftWadrtpWa 'fiat^immjk^iiimiMt -.1ka-;I«arta;'and Jlysa/,iiW.' ua:;«ak. «««.' -It Utile 5Kf Xiifr'^eir''Ajnrterdam-Aerial Theatre Sniaeaa are ptirrtBg the most popolar snm- Ber evening resort In New York. They are crowded every evening by people who delight la' a clever show and bright mosle 120 feet Fair, to be: held In Winnipeg thla summer Caicedo is abii;'tte: ■niiarlnail tsataw at Fazk. irhm-iilB 'lilih-*^ creating a veritable fnrore. In top boots, apOD a alack wire, Caicedo performs more wonder- ful feats than half the aenibata fa tte Show bnsiness csa do irldle ataritag. api or leaping finim a sprlnCbdard. 'W;alter C Mack, recently busings in this "dty. tea teat engaged by tte -^Btdat Iiatayette to manage bla vaudeville company daring tbe forthcoming season. I.ftfayette will have an entirely new eqnlppment of illnsloas, and may .te d ij endsd; apstt'jto. advanced', pi i Bwiwiii't^;;: ja '.^ vltfeit '.'iait'' aad lUasioa . caaaagseat.-*; wliUh' tte Julitis Tannen has made a hit at the New Amsterdam Aerial Theatre and Gardens by his impersonation of District Attorney .Terome In Ufting The Ud. About a week before ttls ■Ut waa : jiMiam >jlfc ia<i come to get polnta for makeup and mannerisms. Mr. Jerome laughed heartily, gave Mr. Tannen his photograph and said he would come to see the pleee. Mr. Tannen then aasmred the District Attntacy ttet te wonld "let Urn oS SKTbiff v^tGiliea Dudley 'Ba.ynmr 'or sefcral'yaen^" BoCfd bla Improvement'iaad wit- nessed bis excellent work, I am constrained to express wonderment that with all tbe demand there Is tor tuudaoine, manly and artistic young fldi .«tot«e actor Is Mt «• gdM aat bis days .to nonlng -teheaisals and twles-a-day stock ' company' performances. Wright Huntington has Just closed ten weeks* 'stock. oompoay aeasoB: at-I«well, and has gone to Bostni toe a blt at a vacation. ^eW' froa ; poor tte llrst week'to'capacity on tte tenth.wcA, and Wright came ^ away from IjowcII with' a wr itt en testl- from the mayor of the town to the effect ttet .toweU wlU te glad to teve him back as ' ^esoM. <BBt::!5nr!clit. vatm to te^ tte,'aM«& fliatt'iia back atand to lose It. ^wry Bereaford, mder tte' management of J. J. Coleman, win star next season in The Woman Hater, a comedy which added latter day fame to tte late BaisBd Bced. Starting the last ot September, Vb, Beiestord's toor -wm tost- tor., tMi ljr> * » e weaks. and.iwin, Inclade the ptlw d p al' Ut ia a oif tte soatt aadi;-irest; fitett. Blsley baa been engaged to iday|^'tte^ part of lAdy Peacock in Woodland Jcaa Duidr will contlnne In tte rii^Sangl aa Band Wagner %^iiit;^-'va»i»:-wmeMt , Tnesdeu and ; IMsoar <Naaiaa[t viin - Jwifii' ',tti* 'Western CoUege'l^tiirr Osb^ apMs.aMr n. at tte Studebaker Theatxa, 'Work on the. Cartiio .ig.v'betng pushed so ttet tte tteatia .geCMHir'win te/a^^al late la AngOft Wbien 'eoBiplclM,'tte^Ustigeie and popular -playbon&e wHI be one of the most beau- tlfnl' to America. It is to have two entrances on Broadway and one on Tblrty-nintt street. Tte stage and tte orchestra floor wUl be lowered to tte level of tte'aldewalk. while tte pocttaa '«( tte iMiMb ■ Irtish ..tenn«ly waa ,tte asc teaU a I'liaMae tte ftst balcony. Tte Caalaels to te iBiepiaot itanuRtiont. and will have a seating capadtr'oit nearly 2,ooo. wai.tee K. hhi,. with Mr. Jack Brown as ber companion tbe apprars In one o( tbe most beautiful acts la vaudeville, entitled The Dancing Wonders. Miss Wright Is considered to be one of the dauttest dressers upon the continuous stage, and Is possessed of one of tliose magical persooalltles which wore a hit upon ber entrance. Brown and Wright are booked well into the fall in the tjest tUeatres of this eonotry, with two shows dall.v. Tlieir famous pedestal dance Is aln-ays a bit. and in this particular line, though they have many Imltatocs,- ttcy aie coosldeicd Tetr.;mDelt'lii tta' tesd.;' ...^li 7. NEW BALTIMO|R« .TH|EArTIIB Plaiui far^. tt« 'erMtlaB. o£> the new Metr^lttsii'.'niMtM iD «aM Bohemian street, BaltinMM^'rSUL have been com- pleted and sutaodtted to the builders for estimates. The bnOdlng- wlU be orna- mental in design, two stories high and wHl have a seatng capacity of 1,800 people. The front will be of cream colored brick, -with terra cotta trim- mings, and figures ot the same material will symbolize the drama. The front of the bulldlne will be seventy-five feet wide. 'Ib d«|>a tt:wlU1>e m«eM. The entrancie -WOI 'luive'three ttxse double doors ' appropriately designed. The stage -will be thirty-five feet deep from the curtain line, and wlU be seventy- five feet wide. There wUl be six dress- ing rooms, four orchestra boxes, and all the conveniences and £tlpointments ot a well constructed. and up-to-date playhouse. Iii addition there will be special features.' The basement be- neath the first floor will be fitted up as a'aiiitnff4rooBi,::wlth lai^e-Utobeiui and " st or teo o ms •' MmeawJ. "The lower floor -nrill be so constructed that it may be easily elevated to the level of the stage and used tor dancing purposes. The IXebopidttan Ball. Q^.'zecently Incorporated, win have eontrol of the new building. The offlcers are Joseph Goldman, president; H. L. Caplan, first vice-president; Max Romm, second ■vice-president; Israel LiCvInsteln, treas- urer and Abraham Greensteln, secre- tKnr. .mnnoAK. .'.^ HIgh-i:x>w-Jack-and-The-<>ame Is the name which adorns tbe new musical comedy In which Mr. John C. Slavin Is to star. The Rogers Brothers wlU open in their near UCNally gleto; late : la Aiinst> at Rochester, H. T.' CaElate'.«lII te-Issdiig^Jidf-' Henry Vr. Savage haig {st^wiiit<l«iW' his English Grand Open Oo. by addlag; a nina- ber of the members of bis Parsifal Co. to tbe already strong organization. Lioule Maurice, musical director for Blanche Batea in The Darling ot Tte^QsAt bM been re-engaged by David Belaseo.^^for'jlbi.'' Leslie Carter's tour in AdT««'. Messrs. Klaw & Erlanger have , pro- cured from George Edwardes Tte Ordild, which has been running for III ll BCiilH In '"TilWllll"' It will be produced to New-Tart. tUfvlilBlK by an American oonuH)i>y. . "■'.il ^'S^rv;' MUe. 3Iotwia l«!vthe latest aooti^^ ""^oi Sa'caain^^Mf'^^-% ' dam«-.«C'''tte ^Minljek'lagtMb*:!^*'''!*-«< Me sopiaae and win stog nta Ute'BaiB* hllde and Isolde. Henen May Butler's Xadles' Military Band scored a signal success at Union Park, Dnbuque, la., recently and Succeeded in bteik- Ing tte boodoo which baa seemed to hannt the electric company to Its pievlous efforts to far- nlah entertainment of this character. Tbe lead- ing paper of Dabaqne poors out columns of praise npoas Miss Butler aad ter tendsmaun, ■ »M a UlUr Rehearsals of The Ham Treft la which Mclntyre and Heath are to star not season, will l>egln in New Sork, July 8. WjS season opens August X4, and the company fOM into New YoA for'an engagement at tte JICW Tork Theatre, Anguat 2S. Messrs. Klaw * ^ langer have secured Alfred Fisher. Belle OM, David Terrence, tte Empire City Qoartet, Bob- ect O'Cooaer and W. C. Field to aapport these One of the'imurteiug. With the Sa\^ Fatslfsl Oo. is liHieasmi ..tte tog—gg account ot Wagner%' if isa- ttet tea teM teaOM ontv by ttet organisatliia: Tte.i«jfra was smg la forty dlltereat dtles and t ws yt y .ft e stotes. and tte time occupied by INCfORIMdWC* was 18B daya. or 877H bonrs, ac *M<9. a^t£ There were 012 acts, . wUCh .contataea WM.IIM bara of music, to whMl'ttert.^wW' to every pertonnanea. ■ .■.■/■ " /v ■.■ \ Bltiy: .Beutl. the "party latt." wMi-aa.i from the accent on tte "to" PmnmiDced F' is at present making a Wg hit with the CaalBO Ulnsticls. 'to MasMlM,'-,''"*^^' "Vie Llewellyn, of fiaiial DoivePt Ohlo^ hss signed to play monologue with the tte season ot 1005-06. Patrons and the press claim thM Cnshman'B Twentlett Centaty Mlnatrels is me best and Btpongest attraction ttet ever piajeo the summer parka. The roster of the Includes Frank Cusbman. Fox and Ward. • ball Brottaen, Wflltom FajM. Bd. O. , of Canal Dover, Ohio^ rcofd