Billboard advertising (July 1905)

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9 nil oimti* wui Octtit n* BohmUn OU. nrlr is September. Uanbattan 'Beach. Pain's Spectaealu Port Arthur opened here Tbursdaj night. The per- formadice wae <me of the best evei* aeen iicre; the ^reworks' were superb, aod -Uanager Falxi Is to tie congratulated for tils aacceaatnl efforts. Port Arthur shows ttae< realistic tAttIC* 4« land and sea, and anlshes with the ' Whieh are grander than ever. A Win be given dally at 8:15 p. m. SlBDhattantBescb Theatre (Percy O. Williams. . . mgr.) This (theatre opened Saturday with a big TanderUIe bill. This is 'Manager Williams' first . . .MMOo at this theatre, but as he is the most • MPUar' TandeTlUe maoager of Greater New / X«n te, la sure of sncceBs at this house. Two . parf O f l —ne ea will be glTen daily, and the policy . ' «C tk* taaoad wUl be the best la TsudeTllle. Lnu Vazk '(Thompaoal It Doady. mgra.) There '. aianr dwma at IdDa PM this aeaaoo. and aur ntir ttfiMUeu Wn* kcca aOM. The VaU of rart Arthn. wkleh opened laat mek, .. has made a (Mat Ut at tUa wuk, aad la the v bl? 'feature. Vhoosands ot .Tlsltsra dally are 1 walking advertlaemcBti for tiila Aow. The ' Trip to The Moon. Iggoiote Yinage, and The , Fire Show are drawing welL ^e free elreoa - la the lilg, freci drawing attraction. Some ot the acts appearing here this week are Oalcedo, The 'Wire Klmr; Jossle Ashton. Archie 8. Cblek, "ilme. Zella. Seeth's eighteen besrs and many others. The circus performance lasts from 12 o'clock noon to midnight. Mr. F. W. Thompson, who is In Europe, has eat>led that •he has Josh closed a contract for one of the : big anlmdl acts of Europe, and It will be seen . at Lona Park soon. Brighton Beach Part (W, A, Brady, mgr.) The Great Boer War spectacle here Is drawing '. capacity business. Four and five i>erformances .. are glren dally and at each performance the large amphitheatre Is packed. The attraction Is hendaomeljr billed, and the success of the attrac- ' tlon Is assured. (The Brighton Pike will soon be completed, and the big sceole railroad, which . W the largest In the world, la about ready to .-open. Ttae Soer War la ooe of the leadine at- >- ttaatleoa- Jnr algh t a etr a this a e a a on , MI.000 daily y .belac tbe avtcaca atttDiaae* last wide. ' ' Snghtan-Beaah'Unate-^n (Wai. T. Onrer. '< ncr.) ' :ne ')>Is Tanderine Wu this ireek was ' Ifar BMhod, Sam iEItoa. Holeomb, Curtis and WeMi,' Parker'a 'Dogi. dlff Ootdon. Tyce and 7ermoa, White and Simmons, and Nlblo and Rellly; business here Is good. Dresmland, Coney Island (W. B. Reynolds, mgr.) Jtreamland, with all Its fine attractions. Is doing big business. Creation Is drawing Im- mense crowds, and ererytiody Is pleased with It. Bostock's big Wild West Show, with Capt. - Jack BlUs' latest attraction. Hell Gate, bss opened, and has proved: to be a big winner. ' Fire and Flames has been remodeled this sea- ,, son, and Is better than ever. The MIdgeit City ' ' draws well as usual. The public have taken generously to Hunting In The Osarks. Asia is doing well. The big open-air hippodrome, with rsces and outdoor circns acta begin dally at tbree and nine every afternoon and evening, and Is the leading open-air, free show. Ryan*a Airship and Coasting Through Swltxerland are patronised by thousands dally. Fall of The Bas- . ,tUe celctHiated here on Jalr M^kgr tke irvTVkaoeh^panidatiaB'at New Talk OttF>'iJ;"' % # Boitadt% tt3bMy lHaad (itaak C. SMtett. nsr.).u'.'Thenf;]a aa let. op to bostnesa bete, and ' / 'Boslsdi :|a< IMikliic sD pievlous records. Capt. i5'.<'Taek'BaiiaTltav;is tbr leadtag feature. Moteni vr.asd ber Jangara, Aotora and her Polar beats, and many ottier acts make np- the bill. Bonavlta ■'~'".'will sooo put on a liew lion act. Creation, at Dreamland, Is proooonced by an the best attraction at Coney Island, and mem- bers of the clergy who have seen Creation pro- . nonnce It wonderful. Business Manager E. F. Glrard states ithat be is giving performances -^' as Quick' as possible and yet he Is unable to give '. them ifast enough to accomodate tbe crowdl. From New York to Tbe North Ma (|t 3. Anstin, mgr.) Big business is th«' ndS-hSK. and the atttaotion la a big hit. Midget Olty (Ih ; J. H«dl1«ilts,: Mg.): Itbls . ' attraction U the mat 'nlVW^aaa 'MWd.apt in ..: Dreamland. :: -■ '. Stceplcehaae Paik (Oao. Tllrea. nsr.) ma : .park la - dolBX bic batlncaa. > Maay aeir ■ttnc' T^-^^Mfliis «w sua here tbls aeasoo. ■ _ - - - ,> ;IhiS j^^'hai-A'awta^'IniUiicaB' a( slf 'tiiDca. ; 7' 'Beisea Beach Is now opened and many attrae- /V'vtiooa az* to be seen there. It promises to be '. TUT popnlar tbls season, many clubs having ar- tanged to bold their outings here this year. v$'°t OslTCSton Flood (James McKane. mgr.) This ^'^^^Ug-aoenie prodnotlon has.bad big business ever jft'since It opened, and 'the aeaaon will be a "^record breaker. : The Bocky Bosd to Dublin Is located on [''liBntCaTCBne at Coney UUiid._aiid wUl soon abows bSTi bccB booked tor aazt ssa- aamaa-A SakNt's «Mt Oaw 90. k . ek lj p r it g..- _ ^)~OmM jTssHl Mock Co. mtk It. OHIO V' W>"Z. 0. ,»•.. aiOTERSVtTiTiBi—PaiilBg Theatre (WUl S. ^'>'pant. mgr.) Mande Blllman Co. ig-2«. ■0,v . Family .neatte (Wa. Oalboon. tea. mgr.) i-^^iUKaai yjanOmm :91. Kaasoa. ' Reiner and aiU«ikall;*«Mr>0««.: 3WWktM. ■'i i gan and Mai- :Yan^Bta^lS M the benett oC tke Mbrth Aibary :l'.:il>f-I-MHUikt '■-tsilneai. Clrciw-.i^Ddrew Dow- vs' ala'SvOlnias^at. Item—Bobt. D. (Hyde has re- £;.SlCMd ;Us fiosltlOB as tealdent manager of the .'^'■nually SheatMi' and has been succeeded by Wm. ^^Calbooa; of «•« Tark. j:^.->aaeaadaga" Park has recently bad maay new :'^jindvaiodeni tmpronrements. and this famous re- f'rt'sart-'PronUes to become more popular than ever. .'^r^IXBAfU.—I.yceum Theatre (01. M. Gndstadt. i&jngr.) The Cricket on The iHeaxth 17; large .business. Tbe New Boy 10; Cornell Glee ■jjnub 2a. Benwlck Park Theatre (R. A. Post, mgr.) .Carter & Cluford's Dixie Troubadours week - ^12,' crowded the house at each performance. . Crlmmlns and Oore In A Warm Match week 10. ELSCii&A.—Borlck's Tbea-tre (Herbert Salm- , '-ger. mgr.) The Manhattan Opera Co. scored a '' treihrndous hit In Boccaccio 12-17; capacity '..^jMmses. 'Nettle 'Ve^ta was seen to advantage in •i the title role. lolanthe 19-W. RIalto Theatre (F. W. MeCoanell, mgr.) Mc- JEeever and Sandry, Jamea B. Pnrvla. Slandie lArlag. Fannie May. UlUan Ball. James Proad- love, and the blograph drew good-business lS-.ii. NORTH CAROLINA , j_ OWJ BBOBOt- 'ffea senger^ J^iera Bouae (J._B. - S^nr «7%s iOswT SATTOH-.—Tletoda Theatre (O. a lUUer. jngr.) JUU Marlowl aad M, & flsOM 1«. As .You Like ltas.~' " " " ' break all reoocds. f!alr?lsir Oaalao (AI. -Ward, mgr.) Sllveni and amsiyi VosM^ and Holbein, DeVeav and —e- .Veaoc. fleatmls UortM. and flpcaeet Kclley .week U. Lakeside Theatre (Yaa. A. Sbk; iwt;) Tan- devllle la drawing large erawda. Week 18: iRIce's Dog and Poay Sbow. Itema—Al. Ward, msnager of Falrvtew Park, has dosed negotia- tions wlthi Llbretta for a week ot eoDcerts tuy that celebrated band. • • aiaoaw XIrk.; «< lakeside Park, opear ' "■ - Sunday, .8, and over' the dnt day'a ran. TOLEDO.—Oastaa. She OU That Edoki Uw ,Me. with Kathtyn OatetmaH In tte leadlBK Mdt, rwas tbe bill at this boose week 18; a draded jhlt. greeted by immeuse audience at each per Xormance. Farm Theatre. The vaudeville bill at thla house week 18 was one of tbe best of the sea- son. S. Miller 'Kent & Co.. Press Eldridge. Bur. ton and Brooks. Allen Doone. Kennedy and IRoonry, Srasll aad Biaail and oOieiK Tha .at- tendance at aaeh perfonaanee was eroellint. IIEWAB3C.—IdlewUd Park (Will J>. Baiila. mgr.) This resort opened week 18 with the Barlow Minstrels as the attraction; company and business good. Next: Robinson Opera Co. Buckeye Lake Park (Will ID. Harris, mgr.) Feamot, ithe legless wonder who leaps the gap tm a bicycle, la tbe principal attractloii Itor week J8. Tbe ktteBdance at thla park itnee the open- ing haa been ezeeBent: . CASTOW Park Theatre (L. B. Cool, mgr.) Business Is eoaitantly Ineicaalng. Press El- dridge, Klock and Bnssell, Barry and Johnson, Brazil and Braxll, and Grace Leonard week 25. •Ebert's Park (A. E. Ebert. mgr.) Vaude- ville continues to draw great business here. Oaiden Theatre (OL Jlanalag, mgt.) Vande- vill* week. IP;-ttlt bsilMSl.':.^''0»dir!"«aavaa— lPairaea.-Bfflfsr':inM'.:iliMt...M:/.MK'bi^^ iOasiiMi(Bairr Bavn, imgr.) ThiM TkMMtdMii^ Anna AMott. MeCne and. Onmt.-r SaishlM. 5. Salatatd. Balsht and I the eaahsagiaph wc^ IP:-bouaas ez- eelleat Vaitt : eanfas—Centiy: .MWtkB tf i flk Pili Jum;9T. - ,■■■■.■;'v'^i!'"''^''':-'''"^-- TKn,n,—>kwm Bilk '(J.'.iir.' ^^cia,: mgr.) Jamea and Oavla, .OwUa ~aad iBbsUacs, Alton and Tbelma, atay Bfana. Jane Oenrthacp tt Co. .week 11; fine bill and good business, week 18: McCann Family. STETTBEirviIXE.—Stanton Park Theatre (F. C. Workman, mgr.) BdblMM Omie Ogplm OOb .week 12: good ' bosliwss. SOMOdl van- devIUe week IP. '•-.'■'■^ ■ (BMn* PENNSYLVANIA Theatre (H. W. , ) , pa . ^aC. Pont 16: good bntt- 'Sisa"iftiik -esat l —w 't» 4i«ir>aii* cpaMi:' jb,«Mbb' Bmsi (Itarvln XJooper, mar.): Ctmta,-: VtiH eaacas—Ulnaelll ~ rotbcn'nanatie .Ca. irM U; 8. S; ;0. OB KEMSB i m a,—Oaktord Park Theatre (M. A. Coffee, mgr.) Best vandevUIe blU oC aeaaon 12; house crowded every night. BBASFOBS—Slg. SaateUe * Welib Butbsts^ Sbow 19; good business atUfaooB aad evi^ac excellent parade. . . - '.-1' -vnLLiAifsposT. Tsnsiiwr Timinn '(t ' n Pray. mgr.) Stock . ati'- ttdT;«•SOl I I B l fM I. Two Orphans 19-24. -■ «C. «. Tnsid>le. 'Pelham Stock lOo. 26. TEXAS BEAVMOKT ^Kyle Opera Boose (E. U. Weiss, mgr.) Season opens 6<«»t. 11, with Arthur J)unn In A Perfect Uttle Gentleman. 8AV ASraOHIO.—Electric Park (B. H. Welsa, mgr.) BSStnn Ideal Open Co. 11; 8. Bi.O. VERMONT RnTLAND.—Opera Honse (Boyle & Brellne. mcrs.) My Friend Hogan 16. Park Theatre (FelU BUe. mgr.) Baiiell Co. week tt: flae company and bnslness. -BMMtt- Ifoolten Co. week IP. WISCONSIN ULWAUKKi: ^The Woodmen's Coorentloa Is going full blast and the streets are thronged with, strangers. * Ferarl Brothers' Carnival Co. Is in ton'n as one of the attractions and all of the shows in connection repont good business. Dlavalo. of loop-the-loop fame, met with an accident 20. Bis bicycle left tbe highest point ot tbe loop aad he fell, breaking hla Jaw.. It wiu be aametlma betora ha eaa agalk .attMpt his act - -v.: Wottderiaad bas aav apedal atttadkas ftr the vttk and,.ths vast crowds tax tka paik*a capacity t» tte animi A leeecd-hicaklaig. week is looked (or tr the atanageiMvt, . Pabst Park baa many apeelal attsactbna all of which are highly appreciated Iv ■ tks large crowds. ' ' Whiteflsh Bay la psenrlag to ba-scv -'papalar during tb»:(watm-/:ir!Mt>wHaad:-aaay->i a ii pl i are takiac .la eosl hwfaM? iSt - 'tbU' IC- sort. Alhambra. The late Ml.. Jaaea is doing a flue business ot this house.: Xr. Glasler and Maud Truaz in the stellar ndes ate excellent. Academy. CliS Dean & Co., Gardner and Sumecs, Mullen and CorcUI, Dan Beklaw, The Four Asnericus end others mske up a star per- formance and are receiving good returns. Davidson. The summer season opened week 18. The Baker-Brown Stock Co.. In Who's Thompklns, is proving a great diairlng eatd. xiarosBA.—Rhode Opent<'SiMM° (Jbs. o. Bhode, oigr.) Bouse daik. .' . ~" VhioMi (iWciai : .-asll* .WiaKwt; 31k.'. aad MSk Jkak EllIs. Cora MUkel, Frank Emer aoB. Charles Banks. Three Sclleys. Juggling Burks, and moving pletasM wask W; flood bnsl' ness. CIrens—Wallaea Obaaa Mowed to ca- pacity business 16. FOND T3XS LAC—Crescent Opera Bouse. Dark aU week. Vaudeville performances week 12, included Carlisle and St. CUlr. LaAdella. Oavey and PhllUppe. flatar Uadia, - moving pletnrca; ti Shows S4. WATTSAXr.—Grand Opera Bouse (C. S.'Cone, mgr.) Wlnnlneer Brothets' Co. week 12; line bnslness at eacb performance. GrlddeU Oavla Stock Co. 21-23; \.isconsla Saengerfest Con- certs 21. Ckystal a^heatre (Mr. Stnart. nur.) .Otis Bow- ers. Channiag^ MlSS lIIaalO' ,'Woats^CL;;Vi 'Bock' enaeld and otters aafce a ' piaaitag .;'HI this week. WEST VIRGINIA CANADA nnet's Vaudeville Theatre (C. W. Bennet. prop.) Willig and Larkln. Three £vans Sisters. Eloise Mortimer, O'Brien and Dunlo, MoEvoy and iMay, Theo. Tramplns, Theo. Bal>cock A Co. week 11; pleased fine business, Sprlngbank Park opens June 26 imder the man- agement of -W. L. Stewart, and the Stoddard Stock will furnish rei>ertolre throughout the sea- son. Under canvas—Mundy Carnival Co. opens week 19 under the auspices ot tbe Old Boys. Item—Mr. J. E. Tnrton. manager ot tlie Grand Opera House, latt fgc Maatgomeiy. Qne.v to loek after his park fliMfc<>Ss win return at tbe ead of the season. XOBOHTO.—Grand (A. J. SmaU, mgr.) Eugene Blair in tbe Two Orpliana week 19; bnslness satisfactory consMrrlng the wa; weather. Next: Under Two Flags. Hanlan's Point (L. Solomon, mgr.) Immense crowds at this resort week 19; many special and up-to-date features being put on by the management. Mnnroe Park (W. Banks, mgr.) The Famous KUtles Band are drawing monster crowds to this resort- Great Mundy Shows 30-July 1. BT, JOBK, B. S>—Optn Bonse (A. O. Skta' ner. mgr.) A aab'-OU^tClme 12-14: fall .Sba« and business. A^'Q;; ■caBiMB'S Co. la lepsr- toire Is coming. Tork Theatre (R. J. Armstrong, mgr.) Sweet Clover 12-14; fair business. Glrcus—SeUs A I>owns' No. 2 car arrived Jmie U. Tba show wiu be •■— — nnt.—— TnltTlir In— im- mense liMilmaa II bslag' Iks" ftril'lllfrap "billi to years. OOBBTa-^AtSNV mgr.) C lea e d. Bi Additional Correspoiideoce. CALIFORNIA nABCnCO.—<Iiv«It Opera Booae. The Hnaaar was pradoccd with Banon Ber- thald la (he east. The opera was bcaatlfnUy mounted and the petfortaaace was caeelleat. Oalombia Tliea«re. Kat Goodwin appeared In An American Citizen, and repeated his soeccss in UUs i«ay. A Glided Fool wUl play Thurs- day evening and for the rest of the week. T. Daniel Frawley foUoirs In Banson's FoUy- Alcazar Theatre. Baniett's Booeymoon waa produced and made a big - success. <Miss Lil- lian Lawrence made an emohatle hit In the part of Harriett Baird, notwUhstaadlac-that Sba aalF had one week to prepare baiaelt fti 'thla "past; Next week: Audrey. ": '■!■..:, -■'■/■■, - OallConIa Theatre. Florence IMbcils'fIa giv- ing a splendid performance of Tim AdvcBtnres of Lady Ursula. From Thursday evening and during tbe remainder of the week she will appear In Dtagda. Next week: Camllie. A special <na-tlnee will lie given of Ibsen's A DoIPa House. Grand Opera Bonse. Miss Wl...smson and Mr. Woods are drawing fair houses with A Womaa'a Sin. Ncn week The West to Win win be given. Bddit HanKm wm have a box- ing aBatdi:Oilth 3Ir. Wooda datiac the play. . OipiMaab! 'ns-:,OiBkcaaScls. dHaK'.a big boal- aesa-tkto'jWMk^%tlk'CMIiriXa(r''sliOK'' '->-'- Central'-Vhsatae.-'^Bo''VnBda'iwas'-'pndnced to a crowded hoose Isst aicht. /n>e sesnoy was excellent sad very realistic. Nest wek Down In Mobile la to be produced. iWebefa Concert Han. Tbe SUrtler waa pro- dneed for the first time last Saturday evening. Walter Shannon Is directing the stage. Flseher'a neatre. Week Jnne 26: The breat Develo, Moslcal Tbcnn, DeBolses, Mclntyre Trio, Aldto Bros., moving pictures. Orphenm. Week June 26: Mr. (Sande GU- llngwater A Co., bis own comedy. The Wrong Man; 8 Bedouin Arabs, whirlwind acrobats; Geo. W. Day, In cork; Wilson Trio, German come- dians. The EUfOrd Co. arrived safely in town, af- ter a snccessful trip to Honolulu. Items—'Frederick Belasco has Jnst returned from Portland. Ore where he snccessfnlly launched the Belasco Tbeatre ^ock Co. Be la to give his entire time to the production of The Heart of a <>elsha (by Colgate Baker), wblch will be produced for the first time at the Alca- xar. • • Mr.- and Mrs. James NelH (Edythe Chapman) are . stopping at the St. Francis, and wUI open an engagement at the Majestic The- atre la tills dty next Monday evening in Doro- thy Vcnmn'of Sadden Ball. • • Dave War- field Is In town «ttb bis -wife, and are stopping at tlie St. Fkaads.. Be riria oend hla- vacation irtth .hls mtker. \ *i.*;^^ Iraad(n Stctcns':bB* taken: a two wfA».;vT i i wtl si^ :aad - wm-ispead lt with hu fharily atv«h^i«rii«a.--;';'--. .v.>. : The Otpbeam lias:'iaB»:;toC:'* .rMaat-rjapalar boz<4)fflee mea In Mr..-'Xce nonraw. who Is a great rs'vorlte with the Oiphemn's patrons. Frank Onrtls, the vraU-known manager of FVoreaea Babeits^ Co. aad ooe of tbe moat etB- cleat, ebsls OB. .sara.<<aam-a-ddl«htfnl dinner at hto J si *sl»jg i ffl ;i rii; a^tkos:C^^ *. * The'.-Dc««r;^.Thiat>a.i;Ja'-;,qaktaBd :«paied to a crowded boasa.-s^;kgn^bete;dDiag a Ug hnslaess ever iliiiii Tlis IHtspwa 'Tbsalu iMa- agement SK to be- congratalatsd-vfor tbe good slM>w they put on. • • Chaa. .Bign*r. the high diver at the Chutes, met wUh an accident In performing hla teat at the Chates. Be-smek tbe battsm ot. the laak -aadvls laid-lap. ,Bc .wipv-tti'Aaps. - • • The Bertba Crelfrbton Ownpany are In ton-u from Portland, and they say that Port' land is duU notwithstanding tbe fair. * • A <2S0,(X)0 pavilion is to be erected opposite tba Chutes, to be used for sportlns events. • • Ferris Bartman. who has been associated witk the TtvoU Opera Bouse for manr yeara aa comedlaa aad stage director, has pnrehaaed • ooe-halt latetest ta . thc sslsoa aext -.t* XMbaa Thvcia;' *: .»-:• J>-t-y^:0sWls>i,7^^ak>?a:e*i1ls. Theatre.: has sued the Bse alng ■ Ih i Wi l I n tmt Ssa.- OM dataagcs far Ubehma atatementa printed In that paper, no article, among other things., charged that Gottlob. by false |»vtenses, lured good money to poor theatrical attractions. (Tbe Columbia attractions are tbe t>est that ever come to San Francisco, OS they cater only to the best patronage. • • Mr. E. D. Price has returned from New York after attendltii; to the Belasco A Mayer Interests. He has secur»-d a number of plays for ttie four houses they control. • • George Dillon (knon-n professionally ss Robert Blliott) passed away at Urermore after a brie'f Illness. Be came to tlie coast with MeHwume IbeDowell. and lately has t>een associated with Tr Xlberty 'Stock Co.. Osklsnd. A. W. THOMPSOX. LOS AHGELES.—Mason Opera House (H. C. Wyatt, .les. and mgr.) T. Daniel Frawley and a t^pable company appears at this tbeatre for tiie e'nlire week, in the comedy drama Ransom's Folly, ^r. Frawley is one of tbe most popnlar actors, that visits this city, and a successful run seems assurf*i. Burbank' Theatre (Oliver Moroeco, les. and mgr.) Week IP: Langbter Is tl>e keynote of Tbe Spell Blades pccacnicd hy.-.tbe ~ ~ Stock Co. Tba. tfayv'faralshes : extremely -ladlcraaa Mtaatlaas : which are: handled to perteetlaa br thlB i_ aad to rthe'ierldent satlsfaetloao(' tbe- cw ds d hsase■ opening night. ' ;Bdaseoi; Thcati*..CJ. .B. .vMaAmnd.. aa^.} Whltst'yWh Utl s nFi '^tbs^'^'wdHtaeira mma a tl p aetar." ii| S llmlti 1 sillsiiMisl at this pigK hoose In the • tuandrgW^Matis^ > gheridaa. ag The Uaid of Ba^filt(i,^inttllasc9r la ed hr a- lliat-^Iais CHipiiarr«C bis' jtn hava ahaicd the sneeeasT^aC kla leecat I Isl ! addition he wUl haw the siNSgt sC tba Belasco Stock Co.. and that the ehgageaaeBt-win prove a box offlce success Is assured by the heavy advance sale of seats. Grand Opera House (Tbonrss Baker, mgr.) One of tbe most popular of the Ulrlch Stock Co.'s productions of last «>a50n. Tbe Road to Rtiln. Is produced again this week. The maav* thrilling scenes, with their wonderful cllmaxea. were loudly ai>prcclated by a packed booae Monday night. Orphenm (Clarence Drown, mgr.) HeloiseTlt- comb, making her first American tour. Is the beadllner here this week. Ber singing takes well. The Empire quartet, one of the Iseat comedy singing fohrs on this stage. wetO Wiil received. Tbe Marvelous MeirlllB. eoBW^ er>. clists. return with new eccentrieities. Xsbb fk Bice and Sally Cohen latxodaea new fcatam tttelr sketch, Wartca-aad Oaidacr 'artir"SMNr comedy talk. DcOaao:BMfheis..t«p«at fbdr .aaa. soal feaia ■ wlM> Jhi fiel i tf Caad ^Tba.' O e O iB fll ' Bla- ters'src■ ma;-iMj|>w>.«fe*-:fc;lfcar Veor daa£! Ing. while aew ihwtlaa pietBaa 'oamidete a bOi that Is crowding the booae at each perfbrm- ance. Chntea P»A and Theatre (BeuT. KbA. awr.> The DonateW Italian Band Is ctatMaB tp^an the crowds to the. family dasdeal ercalas nwidisias 1 miili uf IinpiBlaaiii. sliHi Ihili rsgHmr pto- - - " ■■- - Special attractloaa mailt at the hot- air haOaoa^aseeaakas aad.dsdas. leap for life IV Ptot. W. BaadsB. aad t s asfi a ^ tlw chutes Incline on aa ortinair ^ MCTde by Capt. Cow. Insky. AU eoneeasIOBS ste running to _faB capacity. The latest addition to tbe aiUvSf- ia a laiga Japanese Tea Garden. Ins t i Ws d W who arc doing good ba sjaesa. ■-■-4 D. W. COLORADO, paat week. 'The-Uc «< Floto's Circus. EUtch's Garden CUrs. EUtA-Xdng. mgr.) iMlss May Bocklcy lias a chance to delight her old trlenda again la. the pMdaetloa ot .tba anese Mlgbtiagalc; as laat ' ~ good. ' Manhattan Bead" (W. H. Lawrence, mgr.) Sastness at the beach is Increasing weekly. Tbe- many outdoor attiaetlans. added to execUent bUls In the theatre. Is making the White City by The Lake a much-soogtrt-for place. Tbe Vaudevine hUl this week la Zamora TMo. Alt. Bolt. Sailor and Bartnretta. The LaMolnea. Bon. nie Caylord. and the bioscope. New Cnrtte Theatre (A. R. Pelton, mg^) -Two sensational melodramas. The Midnight Assassin and Life For Life. constUnte a blfl that Is drawing good booses to the Curtis, Dnr> log the action ot the play and between the acta several go<>d specialties are introduced. Crystal Theatre (Geo. L Adams, mn.) nen U thxlTlng with a -mr caod hm. appcartng ate Waaher Biothcn. KSiea SeyoMMir. Btxaer 'Bretlwrs^. BlDsu C. Mr. aad JIrs,^«?A;^ FMpa^taad the morisc pie. Kotatr Thaatpf mtsar T .ab il*l . BSr-)_ -JOB. aKCdkat. ' Tba hlU' ikH week .la Thico aBen y aw. Kaos. Brotbtta, Amhalt. Laialto; Cos Xsrdncr. and tbe moTte pictates. The Great Floto Shows came to . town 18, aad started bnslaeaa' lP. with an excellent str««t parade. There were four performances given, afternoon and evening on the 19th and 20th. and each performance drew a large crowd. The Cir- cus Beautiful ot tUa year is. certainly a sreat Improvement orer--ilH management shoBld 'l)* 1 success. The Great GasklU Shows open an extended en- gagement 1^. The Overland Park Races, somrarr meeting. Dsjr 17. ~ 'J. D. BcOI GEORGIA ULABTA.—The Casino (Jake WeHs. mgr.) The Oelainater Musical Comedy Co. in Mam'seUe' ^Awkias.' was the offering for week IP. This eonwdy proved most acceptable. Amy Lee- •pcarad ia the name, part to good ^adraataga; . < iOia M a a;, »>B page ST)