Billboard advertising (July 1905)

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10 The Billboard imSLT AT 0,11.8. A. NCMT YORK. CHICAGO. •tLOnad Oacim Boaao BBlldlns. R S. . Taispboaa Cratnl an*. TfcfeBniboafd Pabllahlna Co. propeily Installed the fire would not have swept ont over tlie audience. If Savli' bad perftmaad tiba duties Imposed upoa him Itjr law fiie catastro^ phe would have been averted. The Indictment Is fonnded upon the statute of Involuntary manslaughter. The facta 3urroundlnir the commission of an act make It criminal negligence. The law anticipated the fire and provided for It. TTnidear any reasonable Interpratatkm of the ordinance the owner of a the&tre is reqoirad to protect the audiences. In Illinois a,pienon who Is indicted as an accessory Is llabl* M an owner. Judge KaTanavcIk has not yet reached a decision but It Is generally believed that Attorney IKay^s argument was aufllclent to s ec uis m, dlsmlsiMil of the last week in New Tork, with Bdmund Russell in the title role. The costumes were enrioaltiM in tlmairiTMi and tlw progress of the play was replsto wltlt interest. The various characters irm- impersonated by Hindoo actors, Mr. Russell being the only American In the cast. A parallel to this was the en- gagement in Cincinnati of Ben. Qreet's company of players in open air pro- ductions of Shakespeare's dramas, un- der the auspices of the University of Finen omniM p«r 1 Tha first real blood has been drawn In the contest t>etween the Empire Bur- leaane Circuit and the Columbia Amuaement Co. A good deal of spar- ring has marked the progress oC: the bout, but up to lut waA. ttwra had ■ been no actual set-to. The issue re- ! vealefl the f&ct that those in control of the COlnmbia Co. anticipated by several years the trouble which resulted In the forming of a rival combination to the original Empire Co. This Intelligence emanataA. ftaiBsthe* _J - - _ - land wliea' the "CiilVBniiia Go. cauaeft a disposses notice to be sefrved on Drew and Campbell. lessees of the Colonial Theatre, for alleged delinquency In rent. EMdently this Is but a technlcaJ ground for the proposed ejectment. Drew and Campbell hold a ten yearar lease on the Colonial, of which there are yet nine years to ran. To forestall a paucity In 3k* lilt fgtm at Mlboud. «to«h w o lii ^— theatres In the present emergrency— ttjtart •isht mintt Uag p«s«« f» J» f22 'which they forsaw several years ago— uS?nSE^itaSteSitha emtaya OotaoM^-OK. then idoitt- kiav ahuc* af ew or diMB--fled wtth thm Buipt re Co.. bought the muMt Mtify .Wai* Satnidv. lait; Colonial In Cleveland, together With of a park, with its convenient acces-1 sibillty as a pecular reconunendatlon. XAtaially Iha moC sardan attiaetlon is crowding out the anHteal comedy that enjoyed prestlfa lii tta good old sum- mer time of aevatal yiars ago. It seems to be up to ChtMWB nanacera to oon- struct gavOana oni' tfta roolli nC their theatres. ■'• , • The theatre-Uoenae conditions in san Francisco mentioned In these columns several weeks ago have reached a cri- sis. The grand Jury has taken up the question and the devalopements of thel ▲ troaa i*aa MCaeted dnrtos tho week invesUgatloh are Interesting to a de-1 between the dramatle attthoi'a aoelety gree. The city officials are trying to I and the theatre syndicate of Farts, settle the responsbllity on the theatre I For the past two years the society has managers, but are meeting with very | been trying to boycott the syndicate scant success for the effort. There by refusing to permit the performance of would seem to be something radically I plays by any of the society's members, wronv with a eity ordinance that ex- By the tenaa. jot the adjnstmoit. the empts trem license exaction all theatres I society glvea pel mission to the >Ul«a that do not comply with the building Dramatique management to produce laws, as Is the case In San Francisco. I its plays during the next three months. It further specifies that all playhouses 1 The society further agrees to abandon akosU U maim tifjM* ^tm armipnm n« tUter eraaat sadfTteh with seating capacity exceeding 976 shall pay $301 per annum, while the theatres which do not seat that many people must pay $201 a year. The de-1 cislon of B\ judge in the Gate City re- cently established the precedent that] any manager operating a theatre wi th- j states Circuit Court, of New York, last out Ueanaa-ia-llaMa. to pnaaeathm by|^eek held that the reproduction of music upon records or perforated rolls to M« wtbrq/ at Me facm ole—i U Noon Moator. theatres in several other cities. As the ** I exigency did not develop at the time, the Colonial was leased to Drew and Campbell for ten years. Daring the past winter the lonv .axpected crash came, and now the -Oidumibla people ^^^^^ _____ want the Colonial. In the popular street SSW^Tvy^'^efS^^^ strong U^^ app^ for Qt^shlng the Indictments ^ey rrfUl«tordtoq^^ agamst Manager WOl J. Davis. In at- V^nSS^* " tecklng the last two counts c»«awlng «««^ m!i^Xrli n«rti«>n<!e. ic&ver held that|0»e eastern company can prove a in rent they wUl in all pro- Undoubtedly do ■ftil-'''"'' negligence, Mayer held that tte approximate cause of the lire which J^^"f°cy resulted in the loan of life was not due ^bllty win tbelr^case. to the absence of fire apparatus, ■■*iL.L tb&t It was not s^> aUeaed in the m-1 this or they woma not Ba:w* unaanaKen Ite^ OiMB^VUe cited by **°™ Interest Involved In ^ laxrser In whidt necsona had been the real quesUon at Issue, the case wUl toScSd^r nSi«Serrand where show not only that the Columbia Co the upper courts niled there must beh'as laying its plans for Independent an lnt«po8lUon of human wiU ou the - »evM«l Wms ago. when they part of the defendant to make the to- »»m also that they Sctraent legaL In his answer Assist- had rdeg^ :the_proJect to the in- aMBbUe-^^Uontey E. C Undley said definite future not within a ^t often a violBtlaa of a city ordinance [years when they signed the lease with conld constitute a basis for indictment [Drew and CampbaiL ^Sw^l^^iSifSS^SSi^^ closing in Chicago last week of ^:S!^.i^^r^^M^^^tea^£UeveraI theatrical attracUons that wet« poliee power a mmilelpailiy haa toei to run aU summer? Does it in- Idcate a waning Intereat.'aB tba part aa the violation of a state tow. Many k' "^^^ J^^^:;J^^^Stt'^;^J!^r cases were cited by the attonwy to ."Pj^^ diow that a UablUty exists even wherepotj^*^"'*'^ ,.A?SJTv raLs^tenato KOVtS nfety ap- ml^* ^ ^ overstocked market; n!77imr^SSSh ^n^^naTvnnired bv but the lo^ic of this deducUon Is some- SSTw'2^.y"?r^J^^ea^l-»«'t hampered by the fiict thatjhe Its claim to 1250 annually, which each of the Paris managera has hitherto This would swsm ■ to. Indloata . vtetoiy toe the eyndleata. o • • The decision of a Judge In the United the dty to recover the deflelt and tol criminal action In which the penalty Is I $500 fine, six months in the county! Jali, or both. One or two managers who I have been refused the necessary license I hav^ deiwslted the fee and gone on I operatms th^ theatres Just as if the I ^ nnotijrttaii eC ) license pennlt had hem obtained. Inl • • other eases not even this precautionary!, Met calf case versus tfaa Mhaa- altemative has been resorted to. It is | Association of New ToilC eamaup quite possible that the grand Jarysli^g^ 28, and waa asalii ] does not constitute an Infringement oC the copyright law. The finding Is of interest to all music pullshers and the manufacturers of records, rolls, organs and other devices and Instruments for probing will result only In an edict tol revise and correct the ordinance, and that BO DTOsecutlons or aatta ntU hej authiMaed. • • • The meeting of western vaudeville managers in Seattle, Wash, last week, failed in ita : " ~ soclatlon to conserve the Inte re s ts of Its members. In lieu of the proposed organization an agreement was reached lookinr to the abolishment of a prac- tice that has proved generally detrl mental, and which consisted In the tm WOQQLE BUG Opens in Chicago—Chiquita Injunction Removed—Opera House Destroyed By Firo—Diek Ball Fund Still Qrowing— Lata News and Qeasip From Par auMi Hm Another Infusion haa hesn tnlaeted Into Chicago's summer season reper- toire In the Waggle Bug, which received ^ ^ . ^. .Its first production Saturday, June 24, bidding among managers for desirable I Garrick Theatre. To Miss 3Cabd acts, thus raising the price above wbatl belongs a big bunch of the credit they consider the real worth, and set- f^j. jjjg excellency of the entertainment, ting an unwise precedent. The docu- Fred Mace, In the role of the Woggle ment sets forth that no manager Is to I ^^g^ ^oes all that could be expected of encourage (or permit If h a la aw are of [ ^ rather limited part Blanche It) performers to break contracts fori jja^y^ some little songs and dances more lucrative engagements held up as -^tjjdi bring down the faonaik aad lfiaa '-: an taeenUve. The matter of a during pj,„g^ Coyne la respoaslUa ftw Iriimiit house for vaudeville acts and perform- -fright antics which make the show the ers was also talked over, but upon the ^j^j.^^^ -gg^ Godfrey Is cast as Jack decisi on not to proceed wit h a perma- 1 pumkinhead In a scarecrow makeup, nent wa i i la a tlBiK ■ • taa uliaijiig .:hoaae | ^j,j ^^^g sacrifice any of his repu- idea waa aiao abandoned and acta wiu I Helen Allyn and Beatrice do be booked at the different houses j^j^^^ The dMrna ia; wtf coa- , results In a case of this nature. It was,--^-- .„»~ i„tn oised that the p«aon, who had faUed h**^ ^^ ir^^^^t -- ^nro- A«lthe calcniatons. as some of the most ot. natural selection, or aur- la aunty o« I the calculatons. as t' lW s puU ng At-1 meritorious shows have . I meritorious shows have put up the S^^TMa^^TS^^ieit thTTSniabd- abutters. Of •"J^f'^SS? it^ ^■n nlac«J nnon Mr. Davis l)e- are not patent and tbwa_«HK.ha ottSV ,^ Ity can be placed upon Mr. Davis be-,v_ , . i..n..»m.. ««»» U cause he is not the owner of the biUld- &««»» f>« detrimenmi_taflBenca Oat tag destroyed by fire. Attaniey Undler ^V^t be«i consW««i ^„,„ „ ii( AKlaral everv oeraonwho wsea ahund- Ieoniedy Is only temporarily popular^ li i^^Ste^^^2<^^rJ^W^aIrements k very Probable^ Its popularity H SSso^ by oiSance fa subject to wane fii^t In the b^ clUes. where Is the f ^S^t. Attorney Undley «S°e«M^^,,f"^^.," S SSTtiteindictment was founded <>= •M tb^ state statotet^^ whlch\ atate that degree ^ aa the wot SVOOb have ^^aT^^KdtenMlBMaea a duty and I drifted Into more of a vaudevflJe «aiar- 11 SS~ tBliiiy'ii*^*^*""* the acter. PUf. Patt, Pouf tod a wonder- W ^^ert,S^i» ot tbaz doty by the ful run at the ^too laa*jammer, but ^ B^^^^^ It is imposed, he is It was a wonderful show, of Its kind, as f|S^of^r^5Sn^|^5«^THeqnol. is theBolUcklng GUI. now e-doylng m fr^^i^lrom S^e flU e«:ape a sacce«^ ^!8^^,*l?iJS^* t^ia^^ the objections raised by Square Theatre. None ofj^e itwfeare ^ d^tetse as to the proximate cause putting on stral«*t musical comedy ■ iSd^ldencT ofthe form of the ord- in any constMClion of the term. ^^ toJ^an^ ftorth the foUowlng prln- Kv«i the hipp odrome, whid i is a new ' \t\ dples in hia argument: The aUesa-1 entWffMa^^.^^JJWJg^ II «M» of ^t in ^ indictment Is that | remain dosed throo^jnaiy and August. Se^lSi^^^^ >y Jaw A loof garden holds forth the alluring 1 hS» to i^S^atewouMhaviheMi I prospect of cool breezes «»d suf^ease iMUiiiMlSliifl i^^'i r*~^ «.> tftcaa. the heat of sttme and bricksbdow. through the eastern agencies as has 1 tumed and glvea avidenee of nmfih caia been done In the past. Local managers selection. The music Is of that reached an understanding In respect K^„gj„g roUleklng Jngle that goes to recognising one another's contracts, ^^^^^ farcical merriment Mr. Chapln la and all acveadto tta^vroposlUon that Ueaponslble for It Frank Smlthaod the manacer who had made the ""t gtaged the piece and did ea- wlth a performer had the uat I work. Mr. Baum. who wrote ■* a'^t. I book, haa put in some good comedy • • • I and the lines are up to the standard. Professional people generally will re- I gr«t the abandtonlng by the New Tork Mr. Franic C. Bostocfc. who obtained Ceatial-BaaNad or ita aave n teen-hoar I «n tnjnnctitm in the U. & Cirenit:Oaq>C' schedule between New Tortc and Chl-ragalnst the midget Chiquita. reatialar cago on account of the wreck that I in^. her from appearing under the man- overtook one of the Twentieth Century agement of any other person than Flyers at Mentor, Ohio, on the I<aktt | himself, has given his consent tor Shore road last week. U Is t>ellevedI dissolution of the restriction. It wiU. however, that the fast trains will be re-1 be remembered that Mr. Bostock Ob' only temporarily on the Central, I talned the injunction against Chiquita as ttie Femiajrtvania will no doubt con tinue the seventeen hour trains on its road. From the reports it seems evi- dent that the wreck at Mentor was im- avoidable. The TwenUeth Century Umlted happened only to be the train to run Into the open switch. Any other train would have suffered the same fote. In fact the time Is cut down, not so much by Increasing the acttial speed of these trains as by eliminating all the less Important stops and short- ening the time at all the othera Un- less the switch was locked open by a malicious person the fact that the flyer Struck it was merely a coincidence that woOUt nev«r hawan^ai(atn.. .1*: M. EI- iMk, manager' «t .Kelth<a Theatre^ In Glavdaad* was a '^rtetlm oC tbtf wrack, as reportied on the oppbalte pagOb • • • A rather unique event was the pro- duction of the Sanskrit drama, Sakun- soon after the Fan-American Sxposl- tion, claiming that aa he had dlscov--.- ered, educated, clothed and bedecibed^ ber with Jewelry he was entitled, to her servicea However, Chlqvtta dahn-: ed that the animal king mtreated her and would not allow her to see her. hnaband. and as Mr. Bostock could see no chance for a recondlltatlon he gave his consent to the dissolution. Chiquita has. been appearing under her own '. Viamiaa tala. hy the P rogrea sl va The opera house at Red Bank. N. X, -n-as destniyed by fire on the morning of June S4. The origin of the fire la unknown. The fire waa discovered, at S o'clock, and In two houra the butldliW was a total wre«sk in spite' of the heroic efforts of the firemen. It Is thought that a young man by the name of Con- nors, who was watchman at the house, was burned to death. He is nUssing not be otharartaa