Billboard advertising (July 1905)

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Xlie Blllboapd 13 — Park): . .1 IWfe) at. louls, JO-IS. tluniress (NoTelly Part): Stockton, C«l., 3 8. Hj-lanils, The Three (CiTStal): Colorado .Sprines, Col.. 3-8; (Ctj*t«l) St. Mo.. Uf'i'lp "ciiimwi lllMBahrl: Brtt*, IfaBt, 2s- Jnlr 8. Bjvicr Sc Janet (UBlqw): IflDaMpaila, iOaa., 3-S. Bar. Dnicrele (fUntew'Faik): DiTtoe, O., M: (OlentMvr BmMl Qm > mji^ BtekT * )fed«r (MMk MST^Bmm City. B Bimi'» aiai.MAaB tkiUi 'MBlaMri. Caa.. niKw. ttrtac {Etlivi0: mkidihu. Pa.. aune * BMtart (BIJm): t aOwa at , Wla., M: (UBlque) Ban Claire 10-lB. .au^an. ''^ (Empire): Camhtldge BraaCTlDe, ■S«r «£w Mfc): ntmmg. Pa.. 8-IS. niiM. IMIc (AtUetle Park): SoOalOk M. bAhl- Vtcd (AI Freieo Beach): Peoria, JU.. ~3y Jalj 8; iDnamland Park) Decatur 9-IS. Barrto * DeLoaa (Paato'a): New York Cltr. 3* Banlsii. Mamlec <an»ier Park): IlctUea. Coon.. 3-8. ; ■ - BaU. Anna ( r iM IWf l l i ' flw II Ml t ' Mra. IIL, •JBJnIr 8. Hirrls Bros. (Coner Island): Wbeelloff, W. V».. 3-8. Hrbdlng. Wm. (Saaatoca Patk): Pattatowo. Pa., 3-8. Hert>ert & YllUat IHhHlQM ftaft): - Sb iMda. Uo., 3-8. BennlnKa, Lewla & Hennloea (lake MlOMsan Park): MDSkegoe. Mich., 3-8. Hill & Hill: Mexico City, Mez.. SS-Tnlr 8. HoMvn, George (Olympic Park): Neivuk, N. J.. S-s. HoU AK. (luteruU Patk): Ocajfafaiea, la., 3-». Bogan, Ern««t & Stadenta (fMHiOt New Yock CJty, a»JnIr 8. Hwzel BMi. (Vaallr): BaMiw IMw 9MM|r 8. HDrlm. wariMl (OMila llMltl:' Ifffait. M. J.. 3-8. Bcmiiann, Aldelalde (Caalao): Uantaattan Beicli, N. r.. 3-8. Hnlow, ctuts. (lacooa): XjOdlow. Kf., 2-8. H^low & Wb«e]er. Misses (Z.affooa): I#adloir, Kr., 2-8. Holfscs ft aolmea (Blveiald* Paik): Hon- trpal. Can., S- i^ . • tsars & Bian na|k4t F«., 2-8. ■ IttUao Opoa Ma OkHHHMhni'iHOt Mew York Cltr tftaMtaa awN CMbr la- laad 10-U. I * BaltaT'a I Bar. Wla., VtaiieapaU*, Hav Ha- Cltr. IicAf. Juaephlf l5&)ao>r Sm rS: (BUoa) Mariaatte lO-U. Jcaalaca * Jewell (nalqae}: Miaa., 3 9. Joalper & Bajea Oavla Sack Paik) Tra, Coiui., 3-8. - s JtMika (Wenoaa Baarii Paik): - Mkh.. J-8. ■ Jaaie* * DaTia (Btaaanite ibaMa): Wfi- nlnctoB. Del., 3-8; jillailiaaiiwIO AtUaUe Cltr. X. J., lo-ja. Jetnre & Ellrworth (Hajiloa's Point): To- roolo. Out., 2-8; JoUaioa. Musical (Baiiaatad Xaar): EnalaBrt. lodef. - ■ Jocdan, Harrj (OiMT likBtl:' WWal^K. W. Va., 2 8. Ealea Broa. (Pt. Sheridan Park): Hlghwood. lU.. 2-8. KlW (Sprloc Lake Park): Trenton. N. J., 3»<: (Central Park) AUentoo. Pa.. lO-lS. EeUflHT (lorcenm): PbUadelpbia. Pa.. 3-8. Eobl. Gds & Marlon (Cryiul): Anderson, Ind., 3-S: (Crjatal) Kokomo 10-15. Koptf (SprlsE Lake Park): TrcntoD, N. J., Xcacb. N. r.. 3-8: (Hammersteln'a Boot) New York City 10-15. Keliirr & Sejmoor (O. B.): Colorado Springs, Col.. 3-8: (Lyric) Lincoln. Neb.. 10-15. Klntull Brofc, Three (Waldmcrc Park): Krle. Pa, 3-S. Xcbo. Jimmle (BUoa): Keoosba, WU., 8-3; (Unique) Sbeiwygan 10-15. ■retore (Family): Butte. Moot., 26July 8. ■mo. Weleb & .Meirow (Pastor's): New York Oty. 3-8 (Victoria Boot) New York City 10-15. C^Mi^^aalcal (Potest Paik): iKanaaa Qty. ~" " - Whh.-j; * Biga OUcaso. Brisbton Beach. N. T., mk) Newport. B. I.. 10-13. JAadUorhtm^^^UiUaDapoU*, Swlta.. 3* . Kelly & VMtu» anmmmt wtm >aik): I<sala- Kfrauo, om (Ptapte^): LeaicaaaRb. Kan.. Kagfman TMape: Ba mate wltk BlaHlaK Sna.' Circus. See Tmt Show Mates. Klltoy, Arthur: Kb roata wltk Wtjcfa aiaa- aRh Amusement <3o. Sea JUdwar l a at aa. Klncsley & Klnsaler (Staadard): M. Woctli. Tel.. todet • Htchie. SI: En roQtc with tbe aaMhan Car- nlral Co. See Midway roatea. ElFlD-Utt Bros t NIcholsoa (Blppodrome): Leo- doo. Eng.. jolj 17-Aa«. IS. Cbaa ft Att CMIamtte Oatden): New ^««» oir. Ml OK wm (OoaMt): BMkiBSBd. lad., 3-8. K^fms ft dole (Shootlns Park): Dnbnao*. U K^URftiUite (Uaeate^paik): Lejstnon, Lylllan ft ObJ (BHaB>- ^ir<.. 10-15. %mMmt. t-ulBi Picaro Trio (Lake Vlav Haute. Ind., 2-8: (i-italt ilo.. 9-15. laowat Undstrom & .Lndrnon fParktt ^eka R.n 2-8; (F^Uy) East St. Sr&lB ' (j-yceoin): ban Francisco. Cal .Li's "•tt. S?fb'. is"<'-"=«-^'(&ii-trl?^'p.rk>: Ix''^, J*I>rew & LaZoae (Park): DanTlIl* Til mo Le^yls_. Mr. ft Mri, i. x. 'tSti) r%aSC oiu Ji?.* Jiif"^ (Otftaaaa) LawMn^cUM*-:^ i.Bjy Lttcbde'ld. Mr. ft MliL' i^. u^mm BMkt> I«^UT (Star): VHetarla, B. c, 3-8. ^i''«2?';B,rV_,'^P'"> ' PWaclaco. , Cal-j^8-8: (BBpbe) Oakland 10-15. —— ,i.°;^V*»"eS? <B«<w): Dnlath. Mtan.. 8^ (%l«aa} WlBBlpeK. Man.. 10-15. Klg*!..* ^ CfMtt> )T'-Kew York (SW. 8^; (K(lik>> PkUaddakla. Pa., lo-ic. I^kwaolj_Mr*ltar Gcn^ge: Maaa.; Ga., Lakola. Banr ft Chma Clh^MI:.'-. M^van. * HlttlBfer OUDcr^): Uaia. O.. as- LcDoUe (Bon IM): Salt tafca CUy. Utah. S-S- (Lyrlc) Olden lO-M. Leo Jc Cbapman (Eaat BM Buk): Miminlif Tean.. 2-8; (Foeat I)Mk BgUaaMS? Loula, Mo„ 9-15. .--a-™™/, Lacille. Mae.: £b n»ta wHk Wk. r^'aUI's Show. See Tent Show roatHL ■ ■ — •■ Lane t Soilnetta: En ^m j. iiiHreh Camlral Co. See MidwayHalii^ ' ".. - K".^".; William J.: En roota wlik tta Sicat Mundy Shows. See Midway lontca. Lassner, Lee (Domlnioa): WiOBlptC, can.. iutlef. (Empire): Gloucester City. N. J., Jnne 12, Indef. teMolad. F.: En route wltk I«ehnian-Keetc]i ErposltloQ Shows. See dildway routes. LeTlno. Tbe Great fWblte City Park): Clere- land, O., Jnne U-Jnly 1. LeriDo. oolpa ft Baata (OoUaMua): Levy. Mrs. JMha ft Oa. (feMs BmM Inder. Ltojennan'a, Prof.. Palace ol Amusement .Washington Park): PbUadelpbia. Pay., Indet. Lombard, Prcatoa (dicstaat BUI PUk): PUl' ^te. iifba<bHa faik) Y.. Indef. Lucler. Ben: En route with Campbell's Bros." Circus. See Tent Show routes. Lyons. Walter 8.: En route wltb PUbeam Bros.* Camlral Co. See Midway routes. Lockettp. Mattle (Collin's Garden): Columbus, O., 3-8: (Atoo Park) Yoaasatown 9.19 - QMsa (laaaHHll ft(k) (taMt Fa^ Btaai W. J. KIDDER 'ITT iMiHiM mi mmt. Cub M< Successor to J. B. WILSON. Photographer Itotho THEATRIOAI. PROFESSION N. LeVeen tc la.. 2-8 0-1,^. Lnketis, Foor (Kennywood Park): Pittsburg. Pa.. 318; (Shea's) BnlTalo. N. Y.. 10-lS. Leonhardt (Rlrersjde Park): Baton. Ind., 3-S. LaDcnt. Tbe Grrat (Folly): (nilcago. 111., 2-8; (Wonderland Park) Danrllle 9-15. LaValla. Tbe (Orpbenm): Seattle, Wash., S-S; (Grand) VancooTcr. B. a. 10-15. Lnbr ft Ttayer (OlenUncy Park): Oilumbus. O,. S-8: (£«ka*lew Paf) Xore Hante. Ind.. t-lS. ''wiill ta.""'" ' ■' • un^tlan Ttto (Oatqaa): Loa Aaaetes, Cal.. aaeaaicr. Fkada CBaOraaad Park): BalU- »5?** .|n«lM)t . fci*a. CaL. Lewis, Captitt B. (Boeky Olenn Park): Bcran- toa. Pa., aaaaly 8. Ln;te, AL COrstal): Waaaaa, Wis.. 3-8. Baplda, _v4fc,I>W (la«ki Bock): Raw Haren. jcMaa): Oatatla Beach. B. T.. S4. Lornottr Btsltia CTaDv laik): Syoamoce. N. r.. 3-8. LrPacc (lakiaMe MM: Akiao, O.. 8-8. Leslie, Ldlllaa (Vacast OailM): PnWliati. B. 1.. 3-8- ' - " • Vskr. Antes (Xngar): Fatb.' It.^ Ape,- 90- Antc. SI. Malcolm ft Sbetette: En route wltb Perarl Bros.' CaralTal 0>. See (Midway rentes. Marlow ft Aldo: <Bb toata wUk OBln Broa.* Circus. See Tent Sbov ISMH. Martyne, Eddie: En roate arllk 7. IkUk Bitck Showa. See aiidtray rootes. Martlne Bros.: Segnln Toor, Sontb America. June IS-Oct. 15. JfcCauley. Joe (Gnlque): Mlaneapull^ Hlnn., Apr. 3. Indef. ^ _ Marley. Chas. J. (Bro«dway)s BsB BeeaaMlBO, Cal.. Juno SR-Sept. 2. MoCtellan. James (Metropolitan): Dulutta, Minn., Jnne 12. Indef. MelTtlle. Jean (Geoes.-e): S.rracusc, K. Yh N. Y.. June 12. Indef. Meredith Sisters (Stoll Tour): EuK.. Indef. Mi'rrlam. Bllllc: l ^_Toot e wltk BanaelMr Car. Mora. Bd WHl8ll*ail AMtla Cltr, N. J.. Indef. „ ^ Morris £ Morris (Phoenix): Tacoma, Wash., Marsbail. Tbe Mystic: Londso. Enc-. Jalr 11- AUB. 28. . .. ^ Morris ft Parker (Olyafia fllfelt Tenn.. July 3-2D. McConoell Sisters (Ckntca): . Baa naaelseo. Cal ''-S McCann Family (Seccalnm Park): Oallka. C, 3-8: (.M.ver'a Lake) Canton. Ma-^ , . . Mores. Fire Flying: Patter«<»i. -It J." 1-8; (Indlanola Park) Oolomba^ O, IMK. (BMa)t Mad^ fr^ M. «J. Bernard D>^llyxi, raOH BBOOKLYN, Ns Y. GOOD BYE DOUGHa ^ve my regards to CJhicago, remember me to Joe Abrahms there; tell the twys around the Illiuois, the real Cliink isn't there; Whiskers of how I'm learning, to send no under-study along; give my regards to Martin Beck, and I BMy be there ere long. THANKS TO PBOVIDENCE (RYE) FOR KIND OFFERS. M<^enna. Ted ft His De* (Tlie Oakca): Poet- land. Ote.. indef. Mlltoa, Frank ft DtlMoz SIstns (daad): Part, land. Ore., 3-S. Mnnen ft Conm (Idora Park): Youngstown. C, 2- 8; (Celeron Park) Jamestown, N. Y.. 10-15. McSorley ft Eleanore: Deadwood. S. D.. Indel. ^^c«^aek B, (Bra Beack): Bre Baaek, N. Mnsketecni >iaBr^aifc)r BBWkiwtaft! k. T.. 3- 8. MoGlnnls. John D. (Bustle Palace): Hot Springs, Ark., 3-8. Mayer ft Irwin (Maaalon's Park): St. I«ala. Mo.. 9-15. , .. Marrelle ft flkaHft'-^fSiateftti Can., S-8. . .■ t MelTlUa ft Aaaua (CBslao XMk)l Mick.. 8-85 mSSSS^' 10-15. Mc<^]ne & Grant (Pleasure Beadi): Norwalk, O., 3-8. May & Miles (Grand): San Diego. Cal., 3-8; (Ca.«lno) Los .Angeles, CaL, 10-lS. Mortons. Foar Juggling (Spring -BroOk Park): South Bend, Ind., 2.8: (Lake Michigan Park) Muskegee, Mich.. 8-15. Mitch.II & LoTe (Rirerslde Park): Saginaw, Mich., 28: (WeDooa Beach) Bay Cicy 8-16. McXamee (BIJou): Dulutb, Minn.. 3-8; (Unlqoe) TVlnnlpeg. Man., 10-15. Morco Twins (East E^nd Park); Memphis, TCnn., 2- 8; (Meyer's Lake Casino) C^ton. O., 9- 15, UtiDtell's Marionette Blppodrome (Oak Park): Sacramento, Cal., 3.8: (Norelty) Oakland 10- lS. UcCartr, Myka ft Co. (Olympic): Ohieaso, lU., S-8. ■■ . Maleatle MBSIed Usar (TJIIfHr.MkMal^Ma. Pa. 8^. . ■ \ ^ ■ Ifagee. <3em C. (BUon): XOaM^ lOeh.. S-8: (BUoa) KarQoette 10-IB. ., Mlskell. Cora (Dniqne): Baatk :CUea(0, 111.. 3- S. Marlow, Edward S. (Idadenwald Park): Bam* lltoo. C 34; (Wsndertand PaHt) AaarnDs. ml BMS. B. u t*: q liMla ^ Haw , ni «i n . aiaas.. 18-lS. Uarr, LUUa tMIDeCs): EftB^^'Oi;i;>S8M»i4i.'". MdEvor ft May: Foal *i taa; Wit.. M; (BIJon) Baclne, lO-lS. Marckley Sc Or as (Casino): Loa Angeles. Cal.. 3-8: (Unique) Fresno 10-15. Marriott Twins (Cedar Point): Sandusky, O., 2- 8. Mann. Danny ft Lola Haines (Recnatlon Paric): Fresno. OaL, 3-8: (Uaiqoa) Laa Aasclsa 104S. Miiu ft ■ iniil i./ < Pwa l M% "i;l8i8Tfe>;...vpa» York Cltr. -'**!' (F ia « i a i 'a>^- lH « aik, ^ MtfJa 10-15. ^7.' Mills ft Bums (Olympic): Chicago^ McNsttl. Keegan ft Mallaney Park): Bayoane. N. J.. 3.8. McKlnnon ft Reed (Tbnnderlwit Park): SaT annah. Ga.. 10-15. ManTTO ft Sbanklln (HlTeralde Park) nipeg. Man., 2S-Jnly 8. Mlllman Tlio (iParagon Park): Nantaaket Beaeb, Mass.. S-8; (SaiaiBastelB't Rot) Naw York City. IMS. MarinriUs. Giaat (Omleal): CHMla Ckack, 0>1.. 2-8. Maddox. Richard (McBetb Park): Lima. O., 3- S. Manolo Family: En route wltb the GaaUll CamlTal Co. See Midway rootes. Mnrpli.T ft Palmer (Lashaway PaA)t .''.BmI ■Brookfleld. Mass., 3-S. Mathleua. Juggling (Ft- Sbertdan Park): BI^< wood. in.. 9-15. Ucaellan. James (Bljoo): Dnlnth, Mbm., 8. indef. Mae ft Mac (Park): KecaarOla, K. Z., .S«: (Park): BUaabetlitown 10-JS. Martial ft Max Mllllan (Palaea): aaanir, Scot.. lO-lS: (ifccam) tiondoa. Eac., IT-a. Macarte SIsteia (Bnpfte): Hall. Eac lO-U; (Bawlia) Bdcktao IT-SI. Mairqasads. The (Camnatoc^: AtkwHe CHji K. J.. 34. M<dl«tt Trio: SaU Laka CUfi mikih**. McCna ft Peaia (8tar); ftiiaila.TTOWt,.» Ueoltt. Bsymond (Lakeelair Paik)t' ' Serta Haate. Iad„ 3-S. Meier ft -Mora (Enrplre): Shepherds Buah, Eng lO-IS; (Bnplia) CaidUr, Wales 17-22; (Em- pire) Hwaaiea, bg,, BMB; (BmplR) Krw- port /^^ Meers. noes: BriBBaP.' S84^ Win- Miller. Elizabeth (Salitftnry Beach): NewtmtT' poet. Mass., 2ejruly 8. Mlddleton, Gladys (O. H.): Victor, CsL. SB- July S. 'li'r Mwton ft Diamond CBcadctSOa^): VOii Island. N. Y.. S-S. Mora. Jerome (Coney Island): Wheeling. W. Va^ 3-8. Morton, Gertrude: Bocbester. N. T.. 3-8. Murphy. Mr. ft Mrs. Mark (Proctor's): New- ark. N. J., 3-S. Murpby ft Aadrawa (Ualqfae): MlnneapoUa, Minn.. S-8. - ■: ■--.-v ^'' Mason'a Boel a ty Bdha (OyaiM:* OhMagak HL, 8-8. Monran ft Klein (Oak Summit Park): Erana- Tille. Ind.. 2-8. MartlnetU ft SylTcstor (Caaiao): WUdwood. N. THE IMPROVED BEB-HIVK. A iv& prodnctloD. Can be run whan alli arebaraed- CanbenaadtDrJawaliTW t«o w flOBUBUlaB ««ta mnii Th» Imprevod Carnal Back Splndla. tbeooly controlled spUidle without a gaff, PrtM 81ft Tlia Improved Chioage But Spindla. cnaraa- teed perfect, can be raovad with. Price tSS* The New Chlcate Drop Cass, weighs S Iba. tbree way blow off lo center. Just out Price • . . . . tSO. The World'a Fair Striker, with aue and layout. ----- " 'CHECK COP.''for Poker Pla>«Hhl swift, sure. Price per Batttei - • . BS* Bicycle Paper V per dOM. IVieanU8»iMee of all kindn: we lead a I others la ^sDiw. Catalotrue Free, SO new ideas. H. C. Evans & Co. 128 Clark StiMt, CHICAGO. i WUaatlad McGrath Bros. City. N. J.. 16-15. ■ Normans, Fire Juggling: En ronte with Gaattr Bros.' Dog ft Pony Show No. L XoU. W. J. «}rand): MarloB. Ind.. 34; (■■- ptre) Milwaukee. Wis. MB. v Norelty CXanedy Foar. (lekiHMt'vMlkIt :t-Jl>^^^ toona. Pa.. S-S. Nlble ft Bllcy (Krith's): PUlaMi^hla. Pa., 8-8. N^en ft NlUo (Spring Qrore Patk): Spdac- fleid. O-. £8; (BoSy^rtasa Pnk) Bmc;;'; Urapoot 9-16. Konnan. Tbe Fxof Man (Patti)?;.'' WaiBlMI ,'■•'1114' M; (Park) Daavffla MS.- .' • • NeoU (BUoa): DiftB«a^-..Bc;'M;. (S^jOi^ B.): Preeport. HL. lO-B.. •■•■ir;,'-.-- - NowUn. Bare (BMtk'a): Bastaa. Sfaaa.. Mt (HMth-a) Phna<W|kla, Pa., 10-lB. O^ilee. Klttla.ArCi^rreaiMMIt ga*)8^/Py^ ton. O.. M; JIaaaMT>^aawr ~" Ogdea, aUen (taar 'sole 'Farki . M. Oarl. Adelc Pnrrls ft Co. (JnncUoo Paik): ' Beaecr Falls, Pa.. 3-S. (telies Troupe ot Japs (White City): CSiIeagD. in., asaoly 8. Ordlar. Mile.. (Standard): Darenport, la., 3-8. Omar. Ben (Four Mile Creek): Erie Pa., 2-8. O'LaughUn. Major (Electric): Waterloo. la.. 3-S. OzaTs. The (Btiacslde Faik): Montrcsl. Can . , - 2- 8. - OTole, M; Mek miaalt.'VBka Clake, ma, 3- 15. - .;■:.-,?• ■•-.i- Orlsnd, Lee: St. Lonla^tlia:; »*. Phllbrooks ft Reynolds "(Oaktad PaA): (Jrecaa- bore. Pa.. 3-8. :•» Oberstelier Troupe (Collsenm): Londoo, Eas., July 3-29. O'Oole, Geo. W.: En roote with CamfbeO - Bros.* Circus. See Tent Shonr roatea. Otte. Nick: En route with IPlIbeani Bna.* Oar- niTal Co. Sec Midway routes. Parkburst: En route with Jones-Adama Shows. See Midway routes. Ptat'lps, Orren ft Millie (Godfroy's ParUloo): Grand Rapids, Mich.. 2-8. Pelot. Fred ft Annie (Olentagy Park): Col- umbos. O.. 2-8: (Seccanm Park) Galliloa 1^15. Payton ft Harris (Unique): ShAoygan, Wis.. . 8-8. Packer. Bert (Comblnatioa): Deadwood.'S. D., V?»*alr'».:;=:.^: