Billboard advertising (July 1905)

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16 Xlie Billboard Tent 3hows circus Museum Menagerie Wild West CIRCUS PEOPLE BECOMKSLK8 Dariiur tbe ensagement of the Bax- nnm & Bafler Sbow in Jackson. Mich.. Jtane 27. nine of the showmen were Initiated Into the order of Elks. It was an important meeting for the Jackson Lodge, and Dr. I. A. Luxnpkiii, the exalted ruler of the 2Uattoon, Til. lodge, was present to SMist in the eoemonies. The entire conclave of jsOa with the Bannun & Bailey Show, numbering about seventy-five and headed by Trea- sure Chaa. H. Hutchinson. Dr. R. W. Iim, CUeeiXAw fiMtiiuA>aa4<'Kiank OaMcgr. the ilram-^ present. The new memliers initiated were Sam McClure. chief of the se- cret service; Dan :S.naheU.pressacent; Bobt. Bi^ »y> am >e r l i it end e nt of proper- ties; Bnd 'WnUamsoi^ director of con- versation: Messrs. Faber. Homer and MessiclE. of the treasnrei's .del>artment: Toda Seisrist. the aerialist; and Wm. Uelrose, the well-known bareback rider. Tbe ceremonies were performed beginning at 10 p, m,, and continuing for a period of two bonrs, .during which time the greatest excitement and good spirits existed. ]}nnng the evening performance. the Jackson Elks were tt was m,:Ug tlBM fbr tte Jt tbe town aar «g» ttat mlsU be doiw by tbe w « goa» aa ttaor Um i eitd tbe dty to the lot on tbe otber Mc. Ben was, Indeed, a new dtnatiao. It was patcst tbat tbe town meant tbe drena to par aaaaettilne bealdes Its Ueeue, and. It was a thoaiaiii to ooe tbat tbe abow woold be "bdd ap^ In anr erent. But an eTer-read7 agent came to the nacoe. He crosaed tbe tallwsy tracks and knodced upon tbe door ot a farmboase. Amuid tbe comcrlb to wtwa tke agcat fiapklj esplatocd an' i:lTe tbe sbov on wj pnp'tr. an' yoa Cn ten 'em it wont cost 'em a dem cent neetber!" So tbe show was siren In tbe country beyond tbe clt7 limits, and ten tboDsand people tndsed one and a ball miles tbroneb tbe dast to wit- ness it. ***"^f tbem tbat (dd man who didn't Intend toait Wtfatly bx while a awindllng same was sotag.aa; even it tli* victim was a drcns. HaTe jMi' ever Iteaid of tbe "elephant smell?" Well, atnoe tlw mind ot man nmnetb not to tbe eaatiair. Ihete has been in existence, especially in rnral commnnltles, a tzadltlaa to the effect tbat a horse is driTen ftantle W the odor at an ■ elephaitt. Oleanlng the Anscan attUles woold be a IS ii lne 'a diote eompand to tbe demoUttoa aC ^Hikvjdea in the mind of tbe aTnage ml^ 'Andier. Fetbaps tbe circuses themstires aze more or leas to blame for the life of tbe tradition, for we an remember tbe moontcd official who ridea thro ugh tbe streets at the bead of the paade caning to rlglit and left: CIECUB OOBBIP Mr. T. Rankin has the side show with tbe HagenbeclE Trained Anlmwl Show. "Tody" Hamilton did the press of lows np Hue. Hit damn aze la that state thia BMOtk. The Armars. irttb the Floto Shows me UN |>n*c ae mum, jMstd ike wm. tioreos Bacenbeck wlO mafce a trip to Oiimasi ab e ut Octabar 1 I new act wUck be pnalns wll in the drcns world. Lew Chasm is featuring Creation, or tbe Floating Lady, in the side show with the Wjn. P. Hall Sbon-s. Tbe lllaston Is a eood one and ia makins good. "Pop" Ray and Jim Gunsworth, spec- ial agents of the Hagenbedc Sbowa. apent tbe week of Jnne 19 in Waterloo, la., looking after tbe Inteicata of the drcns. Chas. B. Fredericlcs, known to' the circna world aa '.'Batch*' Fredcrlcfca. la »«^"g life easy down on hla farm near Wichita. Kas. "Batch" bss a flne fann and it is wen atoeked. elqphsiits of the Hagenbeck a good tfasl oC attcatSoB. The Crosbys, Wutw snd Oma. write that tbey are maUag' a Mg bit singing Bow's My Frlen. and Tbe gweotea t Flower That Grows In Tennessee. Tbey are In tbe TandrrUle annex with the Wallace Sbowa. The Campbell Brothers' Shows play- ed at Marengo, la., July 4. This engagement was made last winter, the business men securing tbe shows for tbat date in lien of the nsoal Fonrth of Jo]y Celebration. While riding in the Hagenbeck parade at Mataballtown, la.. Jane 22. Me. 8. B. Hdta. of the ahow. waa thrown from Ms kan%' hecaaie snmaoagalile. He sostslaBg a bntaa leg and ft ae Uu e of tbe aknlL Mr. Dan. S. Fishell continues to re- Gzava of "Doc" Colvin, at Geneva, N. 7.. over which tbe John Sobinson Shows zecantly hald aanieas andar tho d ir actlo n «f Bev. Sheik, the tegnlax acdaiaad miniatar of tbe Xaa Big QRAPTING OFF THE CIRCUS GeORO ,11. Flag^j relates in Tbe Pil- Ills csqtertences with one of the Mr Aoim and i.tlM-title. oC'his-axtiete, which Is also nisde the oaptini flir Alls mnaodiiction. indicate*-'tiMt^Jds^sym- P"****— are with ^ht' C ' iB ium aima . His obBorations follow: The drcos la compelled to glTe a bond to coTcr anj Injnrr the street poTemcats may sus- tain aa a reanlt of tbe paaaage of tbe show's heavy wagons. Sodt-.a-^baad waa demand ed ot a drcns in one of tte aoct tamoos dtles of tbe nlddle-west last aeaaoa and tbe abow ss*e tt. b mid-afternoon the dlrcetMat*'^«C tbe cfKos was waited npon by the atseeir egauals- aloner with a bUl cvrering the damage done to half .a docen cnlverts. It waa paid, a friend of tbe ahow llTing In tbe town InTesti- gated the matter and discovered that three of tbe colverts which were "dAmaged" were on streets that the parade bad not traveled 1 UsoaHy. however, when this bond is spread before tbe directors of the show, they accept tbe alternate otrered and give no patade. When this Is done tbe rank and file of tbe residents zfse to protes t tbat tbe show la no vaod. or it woold give a parade, ignorant, qoite. tbat their dtr fhtlieTS had faHed in their attempts to Mt 9 tbe drcns. and that the absence of the pBafla was dne «» that. 1 aMaB instance of almllnr Import livHeBBeC£^tOii' tiie arrival of tbe ahow at tta aatabMs ot a small dty In Ohio, the Maaag tt was- apgcaadied' by one of the alder- mea wttb the oaoal "pande bood." A iiarade la. sach a town woald mean n money r.iaaa Kevertheless. if there la a nmaway anrwhere In town on tbe day of tbe circas, the "show" hears of it. and the. ttsaiaaae asta oat his checkbook with tte wtmaa^ 'fBksboat smen again." Tb& farmer is always accompanied by a town lawyer, who proposes to aee that his "client" Shan have '^nstice." Tbat tbe farmer was driving Into town for no other inupofie than "to se« the show" makes no difference. His horse smelled the elephants, became 'locned" at ooce. ran away, threw aad bis wife and tbe twelve children Into tbe dttch. and amaabed tbe "Attooaat^ 'y^:.: ;-^,.^ le^acak . tbe bocMS, " f a mil y^ ~ ~^ treaaaii, . , ., , , _ Then tber tiissiiM wites tie' tbedt. aad at- torney'sad '<llnt more away wishing tbat they bad nade-lt tBOO. What woald have happened If that treasurer had refosed? Jnst tlils: Tbe "attorney" would Immediately bare began "salt." an attach- ment woold have been Issned. and the 8bx>w would have had to defend Itself. A great cir- cus with evefy boor of its season's life schedal- ed can not afford to lose even fifteen minutes In a coimtry justice's court, and If It shonld defend its rights in the premises would the resolt be any different? Mot one whit! For even the ooontry iostlce Is Imbaed with the Idea tbat the drcos Is his prey. So tbe abow cbaata the cbarna. "Pay. pay, - Our correspondent at Marlon, HI., a town of about 10,000, wrltca that the dty wanta a eood big railroad abow. Tbey had a good one early this spring, bat the bad weather kept a lot of people away from It. Mrs. John Robinson, of Terrace Park. Cincinnati, and wife of Governor Boblnson, of the RobtiBOD Shows, celebrated her blrthdar recently. Tbe Governor preaentcd Urs. Boblnaoo with a handsome $1,000 bcooeh. The Flyng Dordens. AJpetro^ the wire walker and The Devil'a acts that opened with Pain's Manhattan-Beacli. N.- T.. i acu wm be booked weddy. Among the new acts M. T. SM tte berta and fnutkea aad BaavtBa** Tkalaed Ooga. Blllie O'Hara, known for a decade in the privilege department of the Forepangh aad Bamai:^ & Bailey sbowa. la now the proprietor of a which is proving VMt 1 circus fraternity. Mr- C. B. Faulkner, of Faullcner & McIIenry's Mnseom, writes that tbey will re- main In Cheyenae^Wy^, antU Jo^ ^^^^3 eng'age ill —t . Ha MpOttB 'SoS^SM '9Md tai^ nrss. If reports be true a grave charge has t>een hrongbt sgalnat Jtike O'Brien, a vetena sbowman with the Hasenbeck Show. It Is ic- ported tbat Mike attempted to wreck tte flist section of tbe Hagenbeck Show train while ea route fnom Waterloo to Ft. Dodge, 'la.. Jone 2^ by catting qtt the air brakes. The Great Star Show No. 2 is mak- ing Its second tour through tbe west, and ia headed for Ohio and the east Its report Is good boslness in spite of aafaTonhle wcatber. master and BB^y^l^&e -Ji- aabaal ttitaw ef tbe ahow. ■ Germany, la Aasest Cart pioialsca to »ar a vMt «• to Inqieet tt* ITasiSii Witfaoot the (Uflhtat pleaaed wHh the pcatnaa tbe Not a town baa been lost and good boalnen lias been the rule all along. On account of ill health E. Ray Swan has tKcn forced to give np his posltloa wltb tbe opposition car of the Wallace Shows. Mr. Swan will spend the remaining portion of the summer with bis wife at Cedar Rapids. Ia., and during tbe first ot August will venture forth aa tbe Junior partner in a Srat-class attraction. Beca u se of illness Mr. Chas. Park. Jr., has bccQ roMpelW to dose aa lithographer with tte Ha. 1 adranee ear of tbe Wallace Sbowa. aad so to tbe Jiohna Hopkins hospital. Baltl- Inatacat. He reports that an the MM. C«ttt.bll«lMd IS49 TbMMon & VandivMr HAMVrACTVItBRS OT CIRCUS TENTS TENTS FOR RENT. 810 E. Pearl St., CINCINNATI, O. TENTS Maiiiifaetnreis of T eata an d Canyas Qoodaot Tanr«, MUmUlY CO. CIRCUS CANVASESt Poles and Stakes, SEATS, nacs. EtOk BLACK TENTS. SIDE SHOW PAINTINGS. Proata antf Bannera lor Street fairs UOD'S PATENT CIRCUS liGUTS SMIW.Wa An sizes for sale or rent. Send for CawIoKne No. 60. MUU 1EIT AM A1IBII6 COa OMAHA. NEB. iiimmun- imwmwwwwv^v Slww*. Flags. KHi*! M !■-II Milrin IM aWHM Ml IIKI k LMmH MF6. GO., Delmrare S*.. - - Kaiwa CItr. Mo. SCEIEBT AID SHOW PAIMTUGS! jrOBM HBBFVKTBI, No. X18S Boone Mt.. Clnclmnatl, O. i UNIFORMS BANDS. Hiunurr. mmnEL piuuoe OUTFrrS. USMERSaad aU elhon. Send for Catalog, tnontioo Und wanted. SD«dal Attentien Glyen the Profeuloa ■W-starnUallofmCo.. 220 ClarkSt-,Chicago U . C . G OS S CO. SHOW PRINTING. stock Haocera. Porters and Cots on hand for adrj^ tIalnaeveiTbraneholibeAmuHmentBnaloeM. Benana ol Dramatic and PbowPrtntlnB ' iOi Vair and Caratrat PrinfU BB. (B> Binportrrs, OoBmcrelal VaalaiB s'usi^tM Pi^BS of all klada. GREAT WESTERN PRINTING CO., S13 ELM STRECr. ST. tOUW. MO. FOR TENT LIGHTS ....AND OUTSIDE LIGHTS.... GEO. TAITLOR. s t 97 CWT S«««vt. Hmw York BOLTE <■ WETER. MFRS.. 223-22S Mlehl«an St.. CMoaCO. ML