Billboard advertising (July 1905)

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iriie Gillboaipcl 17 UNITED STATES TENT A AWNING IO-I8 N. DMplalRM M., CHIOAOO, 11.1.. Ym ExperteMi 63 All UM ul Sim TENTS . (Inoorporatod) W. Randolph M. BLACK and RED) Anythliirmadeof eaams KIDD'S PATENT LIGHTS, SIDESHOW PAINTINGS. CIRCUS SEATS, FUW, , Booth Brothers opened under at TiU-nl*" ifeb., June 22, Cor a three a-f^ capvncBt to good boBlnen aad rttaitd mtKmam, Ike iMter li as (oUows: Mato aad Mtht Baaascn; Jlnunie Hi tMaanrer; Mlka Zad^. ■d Darid and Qtaa> , Jtene rolk; SatMhO and Braes aa4 Bllt " The ' " large «o The papeca iB tbat approTsl aad «»Te tb* a miteupa. Vattf t>m the r Kml-cqatsixiaa act mm noted •ppUnac. Notes from the Al. F. Wheeler New Model SbowB: Fine weather, biff tniaineas and pleaded andlencea l3 the record CO our route book for ererr day alnee oar openlsc date. We haTC Tislted three statea. New Sork, Conneetl- cat and New Jersey. Ertenslre ImproTementa bare been made since we lett winter quarter*. B^lng thla one of the neatest wagon shows on road. Mr. Wheeler will pat oat a winter alKns at the close of oor tentlns season. Mr. Geo. W. Rollins writes as fol- lows: Mj wild animal abow is bigger and better tban ever and Is still growing. With new aTTtrrmtii and animal teachers, fnll of dasb and daring, and If fortone contlnnes to smile opon OS, this year will be the most saccesafnl of my life. I haTc focO'-tt iwe .wild jeti. ten wagons, a^b «ay^a ^^ay>tJW»MMWjgt^^te Kotcs CrOm the Rtrfla Fox railroad W« are In ear twelfth week and thus a aBeeessfnl aeaaoa. We hare had taha waaoD to tgbv We bave , WlMaDsln, HJnneaota and nortli- and hare had no oppoaltlon ex- Iha W. W. Bams Ballroad Show. We tttlt Mt Tfmth and Sootli Dakota about Angnst . 1. Mte CHir «JristF Coot loaad top, with one mtmm skak.irtHto-fllaaib Vfea side show tent miktrW^^matm mmang t ent i» tuw- ■ra by ttdfi Wt an aov caRTlas fire trained ponies aad tm tm l aJaa* Aacs. We hare sixty people srMfc a twaaty pieea fcaad. While performbw witb the John EobiDson Shows, at MoatyslWr, Ttx tmm M, Mr. John Booens. OC the Baacaa Tito, was thrown to the araand br tka InakiaK at ana of the loops and sttstalned injulea which win keep him oat of the rtaga until nest nai im Bis tight toresrm was broken and his right wrist dislocated, his lett wrist .was spialoed as well ss his right snkle. and bis chest and back were badly bmlsed. John says that the mem> bers of the show treated him fine and showed him erery respect. He wishes to take this means of ftirther thanking them for their kind- ness.' The Trio U now at home, at 512 Pslr- roont place. Fort Wajne, Ind.. ha ring arrived tliere Jnne 27. Notes from the Luck>- Bill Show: We opened the season In Qnenemo. Kan., March 25, and are now In oar flfteenth week. The weather bas been all tbat we could ask for. Boslness is good and ereryooe Is satisfled. Following Is the taster of the show: Lncky BIIU sole proprietor and manager; May Dunlap, treasnter; Sid DeCIalrrllle, combination noTelty aerial act and Booian ring expert; The Rlsldo's, Clyde sad Lottie, sketch artists and Jagglers, The Whltlarka. doable traps and aerial contor- ~ ' i; Bhodla Dimlap, aooc and dance artist; Tlaa IWI. eomedlaa and onlcyde rider; and Aastann. comedy aciob^ts and ; ad Oaitecr and Harks, horisoatal bsrs. Bb ftaa acta arc a doable bljtb wire ascension, ■aaaa ataading taee and trick bicycle, making all «oe of the strongest twenty-dr* cent FaOowliw Is the roster of the Norria '!«k^aaa*'Mavt Bd. O. WanNr. gancial agent: '.Jb'OL'ttBBt^ ansaal aSBtmetlag agent: Hannaa ttvlHin. jMH a —tt n — KMC. twenty- -■■Mm*mt-mm iSTWrnm leatt. ciNCker up. ■r Ha. It W. a At^m. . Imft Wtit, Oarteo Onltcr, Wb. _ Harry Bradley. Ohas. Bnrrler.aca. Badth. Harir West and Wm. Dean as asatataala; Ma BalU- van and Harry Mansfleld. Utbognpktn: a O. Benry. banners; Jack White, paata aakar; and Eld Allen, proarammer. Adrertlalac car No. 3: Tony Ctandall. manager; Jaa. HcOan. boas bill- poster, with Whitey Wsrd. I<oaIe Tahba. Ota. Bagwell, Oeo. Laraossller, Jot Case and Frank Webster as aaalsUnts; Jos. Hyde aad OcOk BU- derbrandt. lithographers; Walter NIssea. ban- Bets; and Ohas Bcfanneter, programmer. Notes from the Norrls & Rowe Show: While In Wfminim Mont., recently, we par- Chased « Dumber ot One baggage bone* trom the taaoas Ifarens Daly Bitter Root Banch. Bam WaOaee. a bratbcr of B. B. Wallace, who Is encaged in the mining bnslnesa. was a visitor ta the shows at Bamlllaa. Dr. Ii. DeVUUeia has been seenred aa ▼ctcrlnarr inrgeoo with the •bow. He is alio exhibiting bla celebrated Arabian stalUoo. Mohammed. Ot the dre stands In which wc had appoaltloa with the Iloto Bbows we did tntaawar baalnwi at thicc of the staada and to capacity at the other twa. Xkt AaacMia Waadard charges tb* abow with aanai aaaa ttafeata at tta arcalag pcr- •naaaa at Bane, Itat.. than the capacity aC lha «Mt JailMli, We wm metre oor new ;aMaaamla tat at Maaa MIb •• Joly 4. The at» big tsp waa pat te*e awttea aareral weeks •■a. tte fit m wttk aaaa iOy itet middle pleaMb aaA the menagerie ntlUzes sn eighty foot gs an d tofi with five thirty foot middle pieces. They came from the Thompson dt VandlTeer shops. What Is so rare as a day In Jnne? Auwer: The day which the Greater Mania ft Bowe Show experienced «t LlTlogaton. Maafc i en June 23. We encountered a snow aMOi that assumed almost the proportlooa of a bllsasTdi BowcTer. the aatlTca did not seem te^iad ^^j^MTtmiaal*'*' ''**'''***^ "'^ mnffs. *" Notes from the W. F. Hall Shows: At Wichita, Kan., Aae V, We were greeted by large crowds ot people, and the tidcsliow snd the big show recelred liberal patronage. When the parade left the groands at 10:90, the streets were well crowded, and they kept com- ing from all directions by cTCfT available means nntu late la the attcraooo. At Bmporia we did a big boslness, and the same may be said of Ottawa, the 2Tth. where we showed to good audiences at both the mitinff and ere- nlng perlormances. At Topeka the train was aiet by Mr. WUllam SeUs, who spent most of the day aroand the groood and talked very en- thnsisstlcly of his extenslTe oil Interests, re- cently mentioned In The Billboard. At Leaven- worth, the 23th, Phn. EHlsworth with his np-to dste sideshow bad a banner day, wlxile the big ahow also did good business. In tiie afternoon there were but tew vacant seats after the opening, and In tbe evening seating accomoda- tions In tbe big top were taxed to capacity. The soldiers from Ft. Lieavenworth turned out en masse, two companys of cavalry leading the parade, which was witnessed by thoossnds of people, who simply packed the principal streets where tbe parade was to pass. Beie we used the reservation groands tor show porposcs, and in the morning oor ti^k were Invited to the tort to witness a shsm battle, t^t pleased every one, and wsg most realistic and warlike. Tbe Great Wm, P. Hall Shows will spend the Fourth In St. Joe, l^^rtm. If good jseathec pe- va waaio . ae*aw *• eMted ENTeimUNS PRESS CLUB The management of White City on The Lake, Cleveland. Ohio, entertained the press club wit h an elabontto Inn- Juno It. AlKNit afactjr mmiben won present. Mr. Geo. Francis Kerr, di- rector of publicity, assisted by Mr. R. H. MclUiughlln, ably pointed out the features of the park to the press rep- resentatives and succeeded admirably well in showing the bojs • (OOd time. E^ach gruest was presented with a pony glass which bore his name, as well as that of White City on The I^ake. The Collowins menu was served: MBS aOBi Whlttlngton Park, Hot Springs. Arte, reports good Imalness np to date. Ospt. Price la wanting to hear from good repertoire paopla. Stuart, the "myrth king;" writes that he has retiredtaasCbataa^odkaitthw the management aC M||kBr wSBa aO OHVaa Chrtstl, Texas. Capt. Sidney Hinman has closed with tbe Miller Carnival Oo. with his life- saving dag*, and will henceforth play parka. He It tUi week at BlTetlnnt Park. Oleu, M. T. DuttUM «C in bntth Frank Tonng baa ttm ataaMBtl ta satin as managtr ot the laaiHr Atatte at mmgrnwrn Pack, CIb- dnnatt. The team vrfB sa sa the asad aad play dates. The Indiana Union Traotl Mi Ofc nas ■ecnrcd the Moouds, east of AaOaWSa^ lad., snd opened the place as s snmmtaftAArilF S. Street cara are ronnlng to the gioaadi aad basd aiaecrta wUl be given regularly. Mr. E. W. McConnell, the well-known smoscment msn, and president of the North Me Amnsemeat Co.. st Coney Island. N. Y.. icpons that B. J. Austin's New York to The MMk Mt la dtlag Uf baataata. Mr. l^ConmO, at th» BQoa Tlwat re. ■» ■ aad aff fka Ona ed W rtrt t fc . A at Mnr Zaik'ta The'llJrSh^&i* taSiW"*!" Mr. W. C. Fleming, late manager of the liomdco Tandeville Theatre, London, Can., Is manager of Cook's tonrs at Chester Park, Clodiuiatl. He closed with Bamom dc BaUey's Show to look after these twpnlsr attraetlona. Manager Jake Rosenthal put on first dass vaadevllle at Schotxen's Park. Dabnqne. la., Jane 2S, witb daily mmtinees and ereiiing performances. His past successes at the Bljoo assures him a snccesafol summer season at the park. The Three Jacksons write that they are meeting with success over the soathem etrcnlt ot paries. They played Olympis Park week ot Jnne 19, with Naibrllle, Edolxvllle, Uemphli, St. Loiila, Kansaa City and Fort Sheridan to follow. Bios'* Dos aadfuv SboW; wBs.llOU Bodc-Point. operatod nr'ttie Pennaryl- vaala Ballroad Co.. at Bw^ gjidBt^ Pa., la aatd to ha aaa of tlie best patxvolaed parka In western Pennsylvania. A picnic la booked tor every dsy in tlie sesson nntU September 1. About $50,000 was recently expended upon improvements. Junction Park, operated by the Bea- ver Valley Traction Co., ot Beaver Falls, Pa., oi>ened its season Jnne 10. The summer theatre is drawing big audiences. Frank Cnshman's Minstrels played tlie opening engagement. Mr. Jss. Doole Is superintendent of the resort. Mr. Matt Kusell writes from Cham-- Iiaign, 111., as follows: I have Just added Nichols Park. Jacksonville. HI., to my warm weather circuit. It will open July 10. Business in the parks has Ijeen nnifonnly good, con- slderlng that tba weather la net what Is ought ta ha. HtgoamtSoam mtm- on^lio tmi e n the Bri- - - ~ - Oa;VaB« **> Bar. Un. The park at Franklin, Ind., opened Jnne 28 with Hompty Dnmpty. Manager Spleer baa the park in good shape and there is no plausible resson foa its not making money tills season. It Is considered to be the finest resort ever opened In Franklin. Lotlier Demlo made tiallooo ascensions the opening day. Albert R. Rogers, manager of Jim Key. writes that the well-known equine la doing tbe largest boslness at White City. Chi. cago. that they have ever experienced. Thon- sanda of people are being ttimed away dally. They give a show to five hundred people every twenty-five minutes, from one o'clock to eleven. Friends of Signor Cuilio Sapone, leader ot the. Metropolitan Band ot Italy, gave hha a very pleaaant sorprlse at the close of his engagemoit at Lnna Park, Cleveland, Ohio, teccntly. fay prasiBtIng htm with a handsome ~ - - - ' «(tke Ugk Is vcfy pcaad aC tba iio^lV' Mr. K. F. GIrard, the popular vaude- ville stage manager and Inisiness manager of Crcatioo at Dreamland. Coney island. N. Y.. repo r t s btislness Isrger tiian any other at- ttaetUm on Coney Island- The clever msnner In wbleb Mr. Olraid la biiidllng the prea and prnfi sslnnsis la gaining him a legion of new IHeoda. The ^f^^y^ ^p o <y cl e» a^Mtfiton aia all pie daring that Boer Whi ~ attiactlana at Prof. Andrews, balloonist, may con- sider hlmaelt a lucky man. While at Ksnawa park, near Conncll BlntTs. la., 3mi 2S. the Professor had Jnst gKen orders for the balloon to be cot loose when It bmat. Locklly no one weald not Uhdy have Harry Bi^ton met wth eminent suc- cess at Lake Ttew Park, Tern Hante. Ind- by lesplBg the gap in his aatomoblle. ScTCrsl timet befote tbe laeceutnl leap was made the aato became tmcontroUable and tailed to lomp in the right direction, and In <ae Instance Moos Breton came near losing his life. The Terre Bante papers ape^ in the highest temu of the attraetloa and congratulate Mons Breton oo hia MTERIU FROM THE ST. LOUIS WORLD'S FUR We BOtchased tlie complete Bipoaltloa and aie at the matetial ai aBtMBM^ law lauwo , sitioB. ncy have seen aiifliv! coDdltloB and have lieea tca^ - - Baar. lOl voltaee. Gvneral ]_ die power. We are oSerlng't or mote, price each 5c. 230.000 New Incsndescent : Oenersl Electric Make, 8 and tt -' vollasss 100 to 110. SMS':llaw;.<MM Several eveiy parpos a aaltaMa- far Class Top „_ . Keglslcrfaig AnsMha; SW TICSET 1,000 Galvanised Imn Ticket also Coin Boxes, etc CLOTUma, BWOBSS, ETC. 900 "Khaki" Uniforms, consisting ot coat pants; 200 Special Overcoats, made for tbe feisw Oaaidi at the World's Fair; SOO.flOr Capar JiO aets of Swords. Belts and SiMti ~ . BAKBOO SUJEB. J!ft» V. ■ PMIIpplai .i»ia«i»alluai - range from S iMhss to S lachaB 'Ja'~ ' the bottom, aad tttn M la n teat I for many purposes. •' r = > Thousands of pther Items: MetocaL Ooppar wire. Doors, Sash, Trusses, Boad BoUen. Biope, Booting, SldlDg, Lining, Pipe. Machinery. Heaa. Fnmitnre, Oaice Eoolpment, Sates. Vanlt Doors, Fencing, Wire, Flags at sB Nations, Opera Chairs, Wster Coolers, Oreenhoose Mstcrial. etc. JAK VOB gPBCM. WOMjyS FUB CdXdp WE VULVE FOB SAI.E AND Advance. Privilege Baggage, StOOkl Merry-Go-Round Cava. fiO ft. lonjr. Deidrsble for Hbow and Omiral Oompa. nlea Ressonsble terms. Write for psrtleolAn^ THE AKHa PALACE HOKSE CAK COMPANY, No. ISm Monsdnock Building. CbloBKo. HI TENTS All Kinds and Sizes CD. WESTON GIRGUS SEATS. rortabia Graad Standa and roldiatf Cii^ cwa Chaira maDafactond. TBBttinali— famished and plans—IwalttaJtofM» pectlve pHichasers. F». A. McHUGH- SM1 OhMiplaln SL. OLEVEIAMO. O Crimmliui and Gore, playing the Uel- vQle Clrcnit ot parks, report enthusiastic re- ceptions all along. Tbey carry eight people aa follows: Dan Crlmmins, Dan Barrett. Chas. Banley. Harry McAvoy. Mile. Valescs. Blanche Bnrlger, Bessie Jsckaon and Rosa Gore. Dan Crlmmins. formerly eonaected with the Hooligan BIS song, entlt]«!*afc OMSSb*^%Ba «C the hlta «( tbe picea. :UIIKELY MANUFACTURER OF SHOW CAIMASSES SIDE SHOW PAINTINGS 62 Mm Mud Av«.,