Billboard advertising (July 1905)

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Xrie Billboard 19 Law Department AddMsMd MiMMnMlales. BIHTBD BY MAITBICB H. ROSBKZWBIO. t all Ileal voMtleu par- tdattaaa, villa, aoatiaota, ' ttMtitwl tew, «iU ba ■tarald ba •MraiMd {Naw York tew wlU ba gttm whm «m*- A BMllMa ia perforaaA Is CWWfB The ■arttaa Mbaaqnentlr more *• Mwr Taii, where ScT Uni aa maa and wtfia te aarcnl reara. Tbea the bnaband learea the wife, refnalng to lire with her; bat. boweTer, he aeDdi ber flS wtcUr A* ber maintenance. The bnaband mar- ed back to Chicago, the wife remalnlns In Mew York aotll fioaUy ahe goes to Chicago and there eecarea a dlTorce on the ground ot desertion, with ao allowance ot $15 weekly tor alimony. She then retnmi to Mew York where ahe now icddea. Later the bnaband mares from the Mate of imaols and la no longer a resident ot Oat atatc. Will yon please tell me U the bna- band can be legally compelled to ooatteae the payments of 115 weekly alimony to U" decreed by the Chlcaco court wbld the dlTorecT—Andrew. New Tork. If both the bnaband and wife now reside In New York she can ane for accrued alimony in the form of an ordinary debt, bat she can- not hold bim )n contempt of court for the faU- nie to par, aa that would constitute an enforce- ment ot tbe penal lawa ot another state, wblcb the New Tork courts have not the power to do. Barlog obtained judgment In tbe New Tork ronrt the wife can only enforce It In the ordinary way and not by arrest. Many defencea can . boweTcr. be Interposed by the husband, such aa want ot JurtBdlcUon of tbe ChlniKO coort, non service of proc^aa. non-residence of plaintiff, etc.. all of which would carry much weight. Is the manaeer of a theatre liable tor goods belonplnc to a company or actors that are Stolen from the honse. such as tbe foUowtnc: At Lexington. Kj-. > patt ot my plctme macblae was stolen. Ifc-': wim -.tri hia* tMu Ito-Mttne and before the C«CBlilWM0HmiMfc^-4X. H.-'Bl, Charleston. Although I could find no decisions directly In point, the principle seems to be that the theatre can be held liable according to the facts stated above. Since the theatre or nxans- ger derives material benefit from the use of the machine and of the actor'a serrlcea. an Implied contract arises by whicb tbe manager is teqaired to take eare of asd be reaponanile I have a sister who married In Mar, tUB. She lived with her boatmnd twelve years. He began to get so selfish and ngly ahe eoidd atand It no longer, so one day she walked out and never retnraed- Ber sister wrote to ber bna- band of ber whereabonta and he brought her borne after six months have ^paed. She stayed six weeks and went again, tbia time she was gone four yesrs tfala December, 1905. Tbis an happened In PennsylTanla. Now what are the laws of PennsylTanla under those conditions. He threatened her life and wanted to poison her and hlmwlf, and all sacb bnslnesa. Now let me kaaar Jaat bow die la aitnated aeeoedlac to law She certainly cannot marrr mtfi abe obtains a divorce. I am nnder the Impnialon tbit the facta aboTc itatrd woald be Kooa Kroand tor divorce in PennsylTanla, but 1 woold anggeet that ahe consult a reputable Pennsylvania at- torney, who could more readily define ber atstna and adTlse ber according to the laws, of tbst state. She mnat. of conrse. l>e a resident of PennsylTanla If abe dealm any relief therein. OMviNb Ruk): laaka a. Atiiiiili. Great M'S-.. 3-15. * Bnrke (Paragoa Park): Boaton. '^'iTa.t (»*eebo«Ur PkpW:' Mewpm, B- Beck & Harper: lola, Kan., 2-8. r^ant, Tom (St. Ry. Park): St. John, N. B., May (Manilla Faifc): bmaford, 3-8. naraptabi i Hehr (Empire): St. Panl, Mlnn.,S-8 »-is?' '*""^"'*'or*«): Atlantic City. N Beeeber. Sc Pa., a-is. Brlndamoar, Great (. wick, aie., 3-8. ""ih(Mannlon's Park): St. Lonla, Mo., ^■^^lihi'i^i Milwaukee, Wis.. 3-8: Grand Banids. Mich.. io-l5. Bowent * qoitls (BUou): Dnluth. ilinn.. 3 8. Biyiie,' John 's. W. bS^%«;J^"" <Soutbeni Park): Pltu ^'^'xfTt^t^ lOIjrmple Puk): Kew- " - - - — -.»Hr -'T«rk Bnrtim'a Does (Krttb's): New York City 3^. Cl^'-'s-w."^ (WtotarU Grore): Kei Yo?k CaOTery & tiiaait Md.. 3U5. CampbelL BlUy: Uarttees. Cml Alameda 10-15. 3-8: (Park) *g**«t» (Cwemae Park): Berlin. N. CouW ^oaanr. XHo (ban Sler):: N. Kew Xoik ■Mip: Ibw Zotfc Oity, SeTeral months ago I took a ban}o to a man and asked bIm If be would exchange It for one of bis latest. He as Id be wonid It 1 would take twenty lessons at SI a lesson and pay $0 eitra. making a toUl of $2!. I said I would • and be gave me a lesaoa card snd 1 left my ban- Jo with htm. Since then I find It Imposatble to take the lessons, and I asked bIm for my own banjo, hut he refnsed to trlre It to me on the ground thst be had engrared my name on tbe one which I had selected at the time I left my hanio with blm. He naked me to write my name wttb peacn oq the liwMe of the unt wblcb I M ao tliit 1<«MH dialing u i a h It aa the one T tat.'V ^f**^ aatter)t>^to^en waoid yon adrS'neito SK-^SnSiSh*^ The h(.Rt thing for yon to do is to arrange some settlpment with him. He can hold yon to the contTRPt. as you were tbe one to with- draw, hut not for the reawm he statiHi. The J^al rpsmn Is tbst yoo agreed to pay him and an old banjo for twenty lessons and a new banjo. Ton gnTe him the old banjo, which "nay be considered a binder or deposit for the falthfnl performance of .Toiir contract. Ton withdrew from your contrsct. consequently he la entitled to yonr depnalt fthe old banjo or lts_eq» iTalen t: In maoeyK The eninaTlnK has ^JfSPW. f'-ji^ wHfclli^ — a majority of the directors of a New eornoratlon bo tpsldcnta of New Tork ■•ate—J. N., New Tork. Ko. The statate prorldea that at least on* x UN «nctm HMt k« a iwMwt iC Ik* lUle. H.): Chicago. Settle, Wadi., New Zoik CUT. New York Crane, Flossie C au-July s. Crawtonl & Flnaias (niatld: Onebec One_S-8 Dartows. The COaeiiH^si^SSSS: nT Y. 3-S; (tdora Casino) Y o a^ato ar:^ OZ^IMS. DUmond ComtOf Four (iMMUt Jl^'Ikan- Cisco. Cal.. 3-8: (BeU) OMM mS: ^,7"^ Park): Dorar, K. H.. 8-8i (Casino) Bangor, Me., 10-15. Dayton Sisters (Standard): OaTCnpott. ta.,8-S. DeRose, Pete (Park): St. JfanL 'O^ S-8: (Park) CoShcn. Ind-. lO-M, ^TvT?- Dlxey, Henry E. & Co. (Onhli):> JtaOattan Beach, N. Y., 3-8. Beach. X. Y., 3-8. Qlls-NowUn Trio (Hopkins' Park): St. lAWla. Ky" a'li (^""'^'b' Park) Loidsrllla, EImo,'pete dc AlUc (Rock PobM Ckillnto): Frael. deooe. R. I.. 3-15. Empire City Quartet (C. O. 111., 10-15. Eagle Tno, Tbe (PaatanCa) Ehnplrc Oocaedy lav. 8-S. Bmaaett * JleNefi (Paatot'a) S4. Brans, Uxale * Ooi (Pastor's): City 3-8 Franx.' 8Ig. (Unique): Winnipeg, Can., 3-8; (O. H.) Grand Forks, N. D., lO-lS. Fcasley. Great .('Boyd Park): Peru. Ind., 2-8 (Terrapin Park) Parkersbnrg, W. Vs-, 10-15- Foi & Ward (Waldamere Park): Erie, Pa.,3-S. Fraser Comedy Four (Cryatal): St. Joseph, Mo.. 2-8. Forgnson * Watson (Pastor's): Kew York City, 3-8. GarTlce's Trained Ponies (Lasa Pitk): Coner Island. N. T.. 28-JnIy 8. Gardner db Stoddard (Ramona Paik): Grand Baplds, MIcb., 2-8. Goodman, Joe (Keith's): Grant. Sydney (Casino): T.. 3-8. Blnman, Capt. SMner Olean, N. Y.. ML . Hart A DlUoa Pa.. «-8. Harts, Vnslcal (Alameda Faik) 3-8. Hetna, Billy (Tambllns Bnn Park): Pa. 3-S. Hocb, EltMi A Co. (OaalBo): BMMkii Ta.. S-8; (Casfno) Xgrn^tats lO-IS. Hart. WilUe aad Bdltfa (Keltb'a): Kew Teifc City. 3-8: (Keith's) FhOadelpbla, Pa., 10-15. Hardman. Joe (BeawIA Park): Itluea. M. Y., 8-8. Hainea, Bobert O. triiHWk MM It): Mew Yofk CItr. 8-8. BIckey * Mdaaft C Watea li «8 ».); New York Cllr. 8-8. Hathaway** T i Mf ChStor'S): KtW Tork oiir. s«. . . Hodgca, WWHSk' dk 'Ok' (BSttVafs--'IMsr York CItr. ML ' Jan Is. BIsle (Wistaria Qrore): Hew Xortc City, 19-Joly 15. Klppr (Prospect Park): Dnbnqne. te., 2-8. KenyIn * DeGaiaM puiijlimtlin Park): Braaawlck. lie., - ' Keatooa. The Three OMast ViiA): Kanaei CItr. 410.. 3.8. KeUr * Reno (WlatarU Roof): New York City. 3-8. Lvne & Kennedy (Electric Park): Kansas Cley. Mo., 2-S. LaAdllta: Rlcbmond. O., Indet. I4ine. Oars (EmpUe): >»eep«rt . HL, (BlJou) Bockfatd M-W. . - - Lanciistrr, Tom (Saulsga VM)' Pa.. 10-15. LaKOijge. Domino (Wistaria Grove): New City. 19-Jnly 15. Manning Trio (BUon): Calnmet, Mleh., m-9; (Bljoo) .Marquette 10.15. ^. . Mlllership Sisters ( OB ie taat a rt> t--*lilPi8lt CUf, N. J.. 3-15. Mooopv * Uolbeln (Fslrvlew Park): Dayton, O., 17-22. Mootague'a Cockatoo OttuM ^hmer Fatk): Uoatreal, Can.. 2lrJllr 8> Oloals » Daly (RlreiaMs Mt) New Tork City, 8-8. Msnhsttsn Beacb, K. ('BtTeAiint Faik): BnOar. Watstaaclaa MHs ..MhifeMtt Uaa- City, »«. ••'V^ . ' MSlsette Troope (VieetiM^ «rt St.): Hew X«sk CItr. 8-8. UcMabOB'a iMInstrel Maids (Proctor's 23rd St.): New Tork City. 3-8. May. Olive and John W. Alhaagh. Jr. (Settb'a): New York City. M.. Morat, Alex, and AMlk'ttMa' (UIMtt i Mew York City. 3-8. vV;. ■ ■ McPtaee & HIU (SManOt -anr-Mr OUr. >-8- Morton, Dorothr ( WI S W Ia'^MeSOf MM- Tock City, 3-8. Mehan's Dogs (Casino): Manbattan Beach, N. Y.. 3-8. Noases. Tbe Fire: New Brigbtoa, Pa., 26- Jnly 8. .. -: .. • - . ■ . Navaasa Troupe CWlstatiK 9Nlt):-° BHrvXatk City, ae-jniy 16. Mesto. Bl. (Proetor's 23rd St.): New Twk Oltr. 8-8. NodoB, Three (Parker Amnse. Co.) town, la.. 3-8; lam^mgiMW.: ■, . Nanon's Rare BltdsT t'SSMSM-'-SMI-■tili', York City, 3-S. Nevarroa, The Tbree (Casino): Manhattan Beach. N. Y., 3-8. O'Brien Sc. Havel (Casino): Manhattan Beach, N. Y., 3-8. Powers Bros. (Park): Norfolk, Vs.. 2frjnly 15. Poogo & Leo (Wistaria Grore): Kew Totfc City. 3-8. . .. Pantxer 'rto«M::(inilitf»;^Ba«0: 4:'HMr::-T«(k CItr,. 8-8. • Qolnlaa . A .MSA (Tem^e): Beaslar * BostCIte (BUon): SarvaMtaw Bwark-Bsberta' (Iiyeemn): B]ls«betL. H.-X,M Rice * Pteroet (Paradise BooDr ^MiW^^ik Cltr, 8«. Rossi, 'Musical (Paradise Roof): Kew York City, 3-8. Shannons. Four (Laahawar Paik): East Brook- flold. Mass.. 3-S. Stlth Bros. (Forest Park): Pine Slnff, Ark.,2-S Shields & Paul (Orpbeom): I<as ^-f*'**. Oal.> 2G-July 8. '. St. Claire & Carlisle fnmlii rillS Tiiil I Mart lilrerpool, O.. 0-15. . '•■jr'y Stuart (Electric Paifciv'BMlMllll.-..ltli, »* Stanley & Brockmaa' fF mUa'fc 'MW' St.); Maw -York City. 3-S. Symonds. Lottie West (Cennett): Richmond. Ind., 3-S. To-To (Freebody Park): Newport. R. I., 3-8: (Proctor's 23rd St.) Sew Xork City, 10-15. Trousdale Bros. (Bljon): Bockford. 111.. 3-8. Thompson. Harry (Paator'a): -New ToA Clt7,3-S Tenley. Elmer (EeHb'sX. .MaWi.Xaak. Ottb' 8-8. Trans-Atlantle Foor (Caila»):-]bikaltiiilf(adi, N. Y, 3-S. Taoce. The (Ocean View): Norfolk, Vs., 3-S; (Reservoir Park) Richmond 10-15. ValTemo & Co. (Ben's): Escanaba, Mich., 3-8. Vaw, Chas. and Fannie (Pastor's): New York City, S-8. Wllllama ft Sterens (Pantafne'a): Seattle, Waali., 8-8. ynOm, 3U» (Anderaoo's): Haahattaa Beach. K. »8: (Pandlse Boat) Mew T«(k Cltr. lOJSi... ■ . n> •■ ■ wuitaa* •?wUfeei^ Glee c—txmulii's an St.): Msw Talk Cllr, 84.: ^ ■ Wbalea '* ITest (Pastoe^): R«w Totk Ollr.8.S T o s eaujs , Tlie Ttese (Psndise BocO: New To* our. 84^ „ „ _ „ ^j. n-JS; Toespao Almond^ JeflnOk Show: Dnioa, 3. C SpartaidmrB 10-11; V 14-15. Boetoek a Trained Animal Show: Qmer Island, N. Y.. mdet. Barrao^ Bn^ Show: Ba toote with Bamnm tc BaflSJ*8 Show. See Tent Show rootec Boer Waih 9m: Brichton Beach. M. Y.. Indef. Boom's Bsssfaaa Taadnnis Ooh, Ssas Beaaett, mgr.8j ll asw . _ Qay.ML ■ __ ■ .■ ■ Ennor, Mr Ir KasilscaM: - mhSBRfels; Wis.. 1-15. Bnmptr' D n mpty (onder canras), Ernest Cooke, prop, and mgr.: Danlrary, Cons.. 3-5; Poogb- kacpale. N. T.. Wtestsd, On, iMl; Torrlngtoo 12-18: IIM^^j. _ Irotikhart's mephntt^fOtahr'-Mk): Cin- cinnati, O., 2-8. Itackay's Enropean Circus, Andrew Macfcay. mgr.: Lansing, Mich.. 8. UdDonald Stock Co., G. W. McDonald, mgr.: lomar, CoL. 3-8; Trinidad 10, indef. Mnae & Weapley Edneatlooal Exhibit. J. W. Unrphy, msr.: Henderson, Kj., 8-8; Madl- aonrUle 10-15. New Era Floatlag Palace. W. P. MCNalr. mgr.: Grand Toner, 111., S; (tester 6; St. Maiy'a, Mo., 7. Orton's, MDes, Show: Columbna, Ind., 5; Fair- land 6; Martinsville 7; Tbontown 8; Sbaldon. Pm'"' U*"'Hypn tlst, F HSInA'IBVMlib WS^* Barton^ Vt., Indef. . • ■ '! Robinson's. John. CImK' -" INM ' ■•'-tl^ St Albion 6; Lii)i»tSil -If ^MIHh.-VMMMaik' 8; Dunkirk 10. - Swallow ft Maikle's noattec' P a la ss ! .aUsB- town. Ky.. 5: Sbawaeetowo, DL. ■ Otaax- 7: Olsatirth, &.,10: ' ' .ia;ni«iieab 14; TiUe. Ky-. ISL, tt; WmHWkH^. MetNpoUs, m... Mi. : -- SidllTaB. Jsha-I,.:-' .SsR-'^l jalrS... Wizsm BtsSL* Csalial Obm' taest ft Taaminnt, msia.: Be e i e, SlUb.. 8-8: Schewslnc lO-lS. Wood*«. J. Ii., Great Mechanical Hippodrome: Toomsboco, G«., 5-32. Wbeelock's D. S. Indian Band. Max Rosen- jOooer Island); ctada- Miaaoufu CT. lOmSr-St. support of her sui are reportlas In are ot th* pIcaalaK kind and the weather has been Jnst twrt. The rarioos bUU oa tap this MOMKU aevatas'Iks km. art It wa pleases had to dSlnff goa< in a summer gatden Is an absolute noTsltr. Forest Park P«g«.i-~^« Big bnalneas aad lood weather has made the managemeat af the Highlands happy. This week's bill hss proTca a most Interesting one and pleases. *"**tHr the acts being Paul Conchas, Kelly and TJoletts. Bedford and Wtncheater. Frederick Bros, aad Bnms, Five Columtlans, and others. Delmar Garden. Tbe Strollers began with a packed pavUUon Sunday, The play was wcQ put on and pleased. The novolty of tbe pex- formnce was the appearance of Stella Tracer, who Joined tbe company here for tbe aeaaon. She was a Ut, and her St. Lonla popnlarlty wlU Increase bnslness st Delmar. Business cood. 'Weat Bad Helgbta. The Washburn Stock Co. began this week In more oerlons plays, A Wlfe*a Perl] beinc the offering. It U one ot the best pieces tbe company has appeared In. and ther handled It anpertily. The piece pleased great- Ir and opened big. Baslaess good. Mannlon's Park. The bill at Mannloo'a this n-et'k Is a most Interesting one and satisfies compl.-tely- Tiie bill Inclodee Imbof. CoQ and Corlonc, Sutton and Sutton, Stoddard and Wil- son, Don and Mae Gordon, Madeline Jlaraball and others. Business good. Items—^The Alp'a Concerta have betn attended by large crowds The Berkley Playrxs will begin a seuoa ot Shskeqieare at Koemer's Garden, beslnnlnc Jalr 1. A Midsummer Klgbt'a Dream belns Uie npming ntodaetlsn. * * The (^tawtocd Tb^ .atRw'-wUAAhaa aane Into tho Ootfler ObCBl^ wHL'- aSKk ssssiB be known as the Gajctr His am. • • Jan. W. (Me. ot the Nsw::M>. ThsatzCk -: latt Thmadar for lisili^ Kr..' to "attend tbe eaaieMtoM''..'^HMi -i«f-.v tkslr---aBW>>lhsMifc.«- • . * j;>ipi,Jwte.iitliiil :di.-;4t(tflB«lBi«w> JoaelM - wlth^FCdlir.'ai BnAV — Tllle. (HI.) Thcatia. WSak^wlB: ateir, and Is to be-esapleted to. • • The (jieat WsIkM Bhows: wm plar St. IiobUi shocUr. • .*r^ir«rt eones to me ttat the Bageabe^ XnlMd 'Animal Shows arc prasper l ng nieeir ainee It: Waa enlargeO. Oppi^ altlon waa forced to nm'la Fort Uodfe...Ia.. recently. • • The New'Base Ball-'Antonatle Game Is a success at the saauner taidcns la St. tiaala, and U Is pro o owieed a paytes bot- eltr. * * ' K. S. Carroll reporta good busliteas with htt U. S. Camtval Co. Be has eight shows that are getting the money. * * ftcd C. Crow waa In St. Lonis this week.-, and leaves for Chicago with tbe Picture Qslgetin, where be will put It on exhibition. WTLZ, J. FASI^. JOTUK—Lyric Park Theatre (Cbas B. Bod- kins, mgr.) Bill tor week 18 drew good crowds and Included Wells Btotbets, Jean Beancore. (^ishman and St. Citii, Wm. Samnels. SMTlm| pictures and lllnatratcd sonsa. w-AUl''WOtk'^ promises to be a record htcatar.vpaiiilf turned away at the Ozst pertsosaaes^ caaras na«rnhfrk> TSalosd AalaiBl Show to MUsd ior, Jnlr.-i'" ■'■>; V ; Ba^a Pa& ItatoS .CMaa' Bae, aagr.) Tbla UMtio to settHw. s«i7 poputer aad sosd cnsnto mek -IS, with the fSOewtog - - - - - , - - — NEW JERSEY KEWABK—Proctofa (J. Austin Fynea, gen- mgr.) VandevlUe: Ed Blondell and bla co^ pany In a aket<Hi entitled late KatsenJammH Kilik; Mr. and M». Mark Mnrpby. EleaiJH Falk. Quaker City Quartette. Harding and Jl Sid. Mile. OllTC, James H. Cnllen, and tbe mo^ Gicater Electric Park (C. A. Dunlap. gen. mgr.) J. 'W. Cantor and WlUle Bartlett ate being teatnied this week on the big open- air stage In a double trapeze act. wblcb con- eludes with a thrilling double slide for Ufa from the aummlt of ft pole alxty feet In height. The vaudevlUe bill thla week in the tjertnaa Village la an ezcelleat one. and consists of Baby Klefe In ImltaUons. Mantell and Powner. Musi- cal Hnebn, MUt and Mande Wood, Tbe Trin- ers, Stewart and Desmond, Mabel Brooke, and the clnematograpta. Hillside Pleasure Park (Wm- E- OWle^ gen. mgr.) Eenni's Wild West has been stiength- ened by the addition of Nebtaska BQl snd hto wife. Bounding Fawn, who recently cloacd with tbe Drake ft Paullcner Show near Plttaborg. The roping and fancy riding of Nebraska BOl to a feature of tbe hippodrome, and tils edneatsd mustang, Poncbo, Is being lestnred la tbo side show. Tbt daUy Inlloon ascenaUna sad paxa- chute Jumps of Prof. Joseph F. BaSh lose bob* ot tbvlr Interest. In riding Us hsUooB dswa, Jane 19, Bush had the ml at u ala a e to toad la the Passaic riser. Bs. to a good calmaMr, ^nd managed to readi ahbse to .'aattr. Oa 'Saaa •& tbe ballaon caoght Ste Jnst as'JlkH act of making hto saesnilMi. - aad. fhaMOlM atuehed to tbe 'panehata wsca ,1a; being burned, when Oa astaaaat-sad loose at a height a< aOO fCetr^saa'; unharmed. - The midway attncttans aie br a Canadian Oaasur. whleh^to:;^natv TflkT «IcB' IWAMk^vctfoniiliiK ^Si V fcatme. Itema-^ special flrewoiks i~ (eatarcd at an tbe parka July 4. ' moa. the Mexican boll wrestler, and- hto "wISs have dosed at Greater Electric ^k. and are located at Fort <>eorge. N Y. • • The man- agement of Proctor's Theatre has shown Its enterprise by presenting tbe attac4ie« of tbe house In Dew- and nat^ milforms of brown broadcloth. * * Zeno Park at Eighteenth at. and Slxtteptt- aT«. has reopened under tbe : at'.the owner. Charles Waag. Van- to betas toatnred. HARRY. BONMEUk - Greater E3ectlto ladb. : MAURICE H. ROSENZWEIG. Lawyer 93-90 Naaamn St., New York General Practice. —Domestic DliHcnltlcs and Theatrical Law. Re<tnfed rate« to the profeKslon. Editor Law De- partment The Billboard.