Billboard advertising (July 1905)

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21 Associated Billposters and Dlst'but'rs U.& Mid Billposters BrrRAYED —NOT BKATBN TAKING the story printed in the official orgran to be a truestate- BMot ot the affair, one can taardlir imagine a. scene more tryins or a corterie of business men in a more despicable role than that played by those wbo gatbered to wlt- neaa th* . iMimlltoHwn . ot Sam Pratt. It was aot' tm though Pratt bad been beaten In a fair and open fight where terms are equal. In all encounters Of that character he has more than once proved'lilinMlf .tlW:fup«lor at aU who opposed .' hliii^ But heM vnM a case of downright betrayal, on one hand, by one whom Pratt had every right to trust, and one who In fact guaranteed his support up to the last moment; ana on the other band, men wiio, wwe lytnc la mlt for tlM vlotiin •■■ .sse • • ''JSUmti: iM' Suntliar tactics among MMaeW '.bnt men of honor would not flebaet fhemselvee to praOt tbmnlbr- » • » Of the traitor and bis act little need be said. Mankind has its own peculiar way of dealing with traitors In poli- 'tlcal, business or social life and this parttonlar traitor will get all. that's cmoiav t6 him if he lives Ing ttMrug^ • • • As for Sam Pratt he has at laut the consolation of Imowing that he has acted consistently and honorably throughout the entire transaction, and that he demanded no more tban be was entitled to; that he stooped to no mean trickery to gain undue advan- the Oom mi tts* wt th* IT«ir YoiK ntm- tton say as much? • • • We commend to all lovers of fair play and honorable dealing the story ta told In the offlclal organ. Nothing monaMdhaMM. ' • • ■ • •• • Our old friend, Peter Myllus, has lotaud forces with the Amsterdam Supply Co., of New Tork. as special representative. Peter has a faculty of landing on his feeL His experi- ences In the field of poster advertis- ing are interesting and worth listening to. Too long to tell them here; ask him. But in his new position Peter wui sUU be useful to tbebUIpoBtlng ^^STiia^t of t«ttll« tiM MC .contnictB. * * * Ally 11. at 10 o'clock a. m.. is the date Mt tor tha lint ■mIoq «C tha annual eonvention of tha Ameelated BlUpoaten. which meets In Montreal this year. The Windsor Hotel has been selected as headquarters for the officers and conunlttees, and the con- vention will be held in the Montreal DiiU EWL It is expected that the Csiwidian bUlposters will turn out strong, and there will, doubtless be a large attendance of billposters from the eastern atatas. Tha distance and tha « **—Hhiwtt : i n i i i ^ pi i j i .i t m^p ra yant wi s n jf vaatani men fkoiu ha tn y 'Pva* sent; hot the meeting will ha VP to the avarage. * ' * * * Unquestionably, there wiU he lots doing at the Montreal convention. There will be that t2.600 deficit in the reserve fund to he accounted for, and several other things that many of the members will naturally want to know about It will also be necessary for mean* to be foond to meat an almost certain dafloit in next yaar'a axpenaea. If the old machine la td continue on present Unes. Looks as U the dues would have to be Incr ea sad aU along the line, or else a radical. VCOnbiS o< wpenses indulged in. There will also be an avalantfh Ot requests to Increase rates. Probably three-fourths of the members have already applied for permission to ad- vance their prices all the way from twenty-five to fifty per cent What the aOMit oC meib. a sweeping Ineraaaa will he no one can tell untn It has been put in force. The great trouble is that it comes all in a bunch and looks bigger. When the board of directors decreed that no advances should be made until this meeting they thought to stem the tide; but it was like trying to sweep back that tide with a broom. The increases will come now in greater number, and consequently be more apparent to the advertiser, that If the board haA alloara^ .tham-.ta. ha. made gradually. Bn^aas Is^'on tha liieraase, however, and will stand It. * • • Wonder If anything will be done this time to establish a checking system. With the Increased rates the adver- tiser ought to ha pravMad, 'WlthvfoBia additional means of khowlnr that his posters are up without having to pay for that information. The sending to the advertiser of a list of locations is an evidence of good faith on tlM<Jiart of the billposter, but It is not AH: that could be done to tnnreaso the faith of the advertiser a list of locations Is a question of what the advertiser is entitled to so much as it Is a question of "how much can the volume of busi- ness be increased?" that demands tbe Instalatlon of a system «l checking that will make advartisara teal abso- lutely sure that thay (ura gattliis all they pay for. • • • Then there is the question of cen- sorship, mentioned before in these columns. Just now the American Bill- posting Co. is defending a suit for 'la m ags a ■baoa a aa .It.; wtfmA ■ tha. word "hell" on aeima theatrical poatsra . If these objectionable posters were pass- ed on by a competent committee be- fore they were printed, much trouble with looal pncltjr aaalatlaa waoM ba headed oft' Oot to eOB*. <0.'tt.-:ai««lt- uaJly; might Just as watt aalBa' Btnrannna. 'HZA UAS STRIXB PUT oviai The casrs ot Preildent Cbarles AMpb, at the NaUotml iiilliK>stet( and Billm AlUaaMl Jsha Supler, prrnlilrnt ot Local Mo. 4| sad ■• <X Moaa and Jru DUmon, two othar ogeers of the Mme local, cbaictd with ooospicmcr to amnlt cmplorcs ot Tbe BUlpoaUns Blcn Co., ot PtiUa- delpUa. w«K called In Uw erlmlnal court on Monday, June 2S. Tbc pcoaecatora wen ccadr to go on and all o( tb* dttadanis witre proaont except UoM. Tbe attomrs ftic tke dcfcuM BMdneta CTtdaooe that Mom feid bMO Jnjand St as mtaoobU* «bat nafstift asS tbat fee was eeoSMd la • boMllal. «to «Ms wm», thmfoK, poatpe—J. Xbaj auMt ap now before Soptember. as aU «C the. esuta bave aOJoamed to that tims. News bu been tecelTed oC flw wUf JUfftA ot tbe macnlflcent mare, "TUaMsae HaU." at Newark, N. J. She was porcbaied at a fancy price Kxce montbs ago trom Capt. Chaa. H. Smltb. ot Oorrjton. by A. B. Malendr, tor Col. K. M. Slocomb. a prominent boaineas man o( Newark. Tbls mare baa «ttTectcd much av tentloQ amoDg local boraemea b7 btr flne atoek, KTacetul action, aymmetrical form, and ellelta promlie ot great speed. Many tegreted to aee ber leaTe Tenneasee. Sbe wai bred by Capt O. H. Smith at bla Una atoek (aim near Gociy- ton, and is by Noblasaa IMSS <«■«• ••oof* a.ll>K), by Senator Dam BoIU Kan's by Ko- komla 7457 (race record 2,91) Gnndam Mor- ean BeUe by Administrator, 8.8T. Sbe la mt only tegUtertd In tbe Amerlaui tiottliig W"- ter as standard, canytng in ber toIbb tte ■nd most (asbtooable tiottlns "oofc tmt S OMW of an ancestry on both aides, MM BuwBsfnl racers. She hM a SMK. • H!J5! yesr-old, showing a trial In 2.10 flMftW* ington track. Capt. Smith ta IB wHwriuOe breeder ot One stock, and bas many flaa Moedea mares wboM progeny rf" 'Sji from In the fotnre. It la P>«52»f, •» tbe annsoal demand for '"e^ ^»Sf«i5^d this spring, and no more •»«nH£5.'SI!f nwollBg WUU the MDpcatera of Sootb Africa may be M^Sr SMtd with tbelr preaent metboda of —-" tbat tbey ongbt to medlam. Tha ** ™*''" ""^ " at SO modt ptr rate la sboat three cents per Bqnare. which would make an eight-sheet poster cost $1.8S per month, and preralls In all the principal towna. la Beat Iiondoa tbe billposter can post but tae staada, tbongh tbe town baa a popn uuoa «5 Ujm, aad .felB gate Is Mi w <3m»( tat ia u. a. BMra Jbe DAUBS Moss Brothers are tha new associa- tion billpoatcra Car HaifflMk By. J. Frank Baad« tha Hot Springs, MIlMtsr is^as Knr Tack Oily, bat ata plant ss ■ aw ig'.saMnai' liaht aisMa. W. TR- 'OOnina has Taewitly built a modam Btaat In Onabr, Oat, aal Is snnaiad to bandle an ntdeii. Gnalr' Is-av.'''Sin?a( s,ooo. R. H. Johnson, of Palmetto, Pla., can plTe advertisers a good showing In tbat CltT and In tbe nearby towns ot Fairbom and Bed Oak, Ga. The Central Texas Billpostng & Ad- Tertlslng Co., of Taylor. Tex., P. B. Carradlne, manager, has Installed poatlng fadlltleB In four- teen adjacent small towos. The Brooks BlllposUng Co.. of Lieav- enwortta. Kan., Is baying a little Its rigbt to certain hlUboard I matter is beins beard in court. Tha Maney Posting * IHatrthutlng Serrleck ot SmltbTiUe. Ttx., opicate la. forty towns — —nn i r ta aae. retaiy aBt..tnsaB*';«C'>ite''.'aH«aBf.«Bd O. L. Oobea ta ■eaaasi. - i.SSd. S. Bronson. proprietor of the p aias r a BUIpostlnc Col, Dt Dcflaace, OblOi bas bean in poor health for soae montba past, and Is now taking an extended Tscatlon tor tbe purpose of recoperatlng. Hiram H. Thomas, billposter at Btownwood, Texas, baa on his boards Dr. Pep- per, IWlKKle SUck Blue, Ft. Worth tc I>enTer RaUway, Headlight Oreralls, 20-&[ole Team Borax, and Is distributing for various adTCr- tlaers. By the purchase of Tennessee Maid, related In another colnmn, E. M. Slocomb, manager ot the Newark BlUpoatlng Ck>., baa been raised to the degree ot "Colonel" by the KnoxnUe (Tenn.) Senttnel. Well, Blooomb la cnutled to It. John D. Misher, billposter at Read- IWV Pa., and prealdent of tbe PeimsylTanla BOlpoaters' Asaneiatloo, gsTa a party of news- paper men trom BfUltiit aad Allentowa a day's outtng recently. lasa^JUm Hlshler knows bow to treat tbe atwiiaptr boys right. Cot Futterer, manager of tha hill- poatlag plant at Bagststown, lu.. la fmt a( bis bOIbaatda. Bta Uhlt Mf'f (pdakle tbm hbenllr with salt ~' ta d» tbe baalaMS. Be am be any bmpoatar JaM hsir he «0M tt The Bowail .Uthogntphlnv OOit O ICoaHaal, QMbaa, mile tbat thoa an asaa saraaly ar alghtr tons ia Oaaaaa tbat aaa ba MSM with aalsadid Tsaalla. TUa Siaa alalma ia atiat ever aerenty-flTc per etnt. et flanafllan poatMS, aad to tasTe an adequate plant to meet an r.faqnlremenu. a. Okainll * Saea. 0X0.—lAtlaota—Of. P, Bonghton. box BM. nX.—Obleago—Jobn A. dongb. 42 Blvar at. Baat St. Laota—W. B. ~ EdwarawgiBIUlll Uatto at. Indlanapolla—IndlanapoUa Ads. Stereiuon Bldg. Micblgan City—J. I<. Weber * Co, Mnnde—^Hnsde Ade. Co. Tene Baote—O. M. Bailett. Wlsante—g. 0. Bomoihi. aiB Haaon City—Heaiy n>A.—Boise—R. O. SpanHlBi- ftOa mas.—< tu al«ai O i i ii nlngl ia m * Ooml^. Boatoo—Jobn V. Oarter, 233 Belmont at. lOCK.—Ann Aifior—Andrew }. BJoomlleld. Jackson—W. B. Solomon. XO.—St. HEB.—y Schuyler—^Sna a V. TOBK.—OxdensboTX—B. H. Bra^. Port Jarvis—A. C. M. Mealer. Potxdam—Edsott Taylor. 20 Waverly at. SchenecU4r—Cbas. H. Benedict. 121 Jay St. SytacDse-^amet Uolongbey. Carrier Bids- V. vaK.—StatearlUc—Rowland Adv. Co. OBIO,—Cincinnati—J.^. Uaiphr * Oa. . vo? Oolnmbna—8. JtoTBak.:.. yostaria W> tt.»n» l.»vOa«.Ma WV;«ia .. mm.—Osrllsle—Wkn. M. Meier, bac 4a. Ooboia—O. H. Bajlow. 8 f. Badr at East York—Bichatd E. StaMy. Johnstown—Ococge Ppdegr a Ta a tt CMk. Phoenlxnila— Ocol K. ObubaltaM.'- Sbaookln—iJoha V. Bany. " ^ WIS.—West pailar OAB. — Iiantiaal ^ » Vanearar. M,V~ Bastini* at. i>DbI]M« aacKIr at centa pic ' AIJL-4>othaa—J. B. Wise. AHK.-^Qaway^.^ "itima*^ aSdk Baiaaa-^gteatrttt B. P. Oa. n iiifaafla W T lta iaaalhn Oa, Walnot Rldgc—iWalnnt Bldga D. Co. OOHK,—Stamford—Hamley 'Ocflnger, nx.—Uoomlngton—City B. P. Co.. Bldg. Oarltatoa—V. O. Ohioso-^ BaUi, in Oty—J. I.. Wate * Oa. le—&0. Bamaght, ak-^. A. Qnlaa. IDA.—Pocatello—Gaorte Dash, box 379. IOWA.—Comlnc—V. 0. Bcese. Des M nln aa W . W. Hoon, —EUawortb—WSl. h, MlikaisiiB Taha B. Boaaan Co. BXm.—BeoldJI-^ T. Wbaeloek. lUnneapoUa—Olbbaoa KtUpnatlng Oa. WUlmar—Croaby a Harkbam. Xiaa firookhsTen—r. EL Wlmberiy A' XOVT.^misga-A. L. Babeock. W. TOBK.—Chbleakni—Bdwla F. Waal ir. OAB—Btataarflla WawtaaJ Atw. Oaw OBIO.— Miiiinitwa lalla PEMlf.—Altonna CliaHaa 6th are. Jobnscowiy—Jotuutown B. P. Od. PhoeoixTUie—George K. ObeitutUxr. Newcastle—Otie J. C. LATtag O. B. P. < a CAa.—Gaicacy—H. B, DcCanp, Tzmr.—Memphli Ward-McCanlay. TEX.—GalneaTlUe—Paul GalUa^ A B^ P. i DIst. Yokum—C. C. Trlbble. W. VA.—UluelJeld—H. 1. Shott. WIS.—Piarle dn Cbien— T. A. <^ IBAGRKTIC TArK HASKIIBSS. Jost the thing (or tacking tin and eaidbaaiS algna. Brety dlatttbator aboald bara SMb Prleeo, wltb doobia extsnatoa long, each, 42.00; triple extca Inches long, each, (2.90. Scad order. Nona sent CCD. The Baaaiaaaa Uthia. Co.* Wewport. By. BIU. POSTKBS h&ve the best bo&rds sod THE JOHN CHAPMAN CO. Clnnatl and BaburbM. T^l»phon«> ssi4.170p*r» Plac*. ContntcCOn for BUlDoattnK tlirouEtaoUt tiM Ua 8a. CBllAa BiUposlns' Pasli RriMi .Tha Boat ptaeHeal brash made. Copper wliad and pioteeted oameia. tmfrmi LtgH Wtiilt BiKk. ISS^ISS^ GREY II VagJUUt BRtSTUCS- _ ^ Quaker City. 9-iacb. doe^ SB-TSeacb Excelsior. 9-lncb. SM.SO doi^ ffiJB each. ^ Extra. Extra. !>-lnch. $42.00 ooz.. (3.75 each BLACK BiaaTLI». No. 1, Royal. 9-inch. £7.50 doz.. S.SO each . No.Boyal. Much. S3S.50 doa.. S.O0 ea^ HOkSiBoyal. a-tncta. SStJOdoz.. W, a o « a eh . ' a^oet Cvmd HasdHa. so cenu aaca.' ELDER & JENKS. Z^ffS^7Si»Mumu^m^ We<stern Aaent t B. C CABUPBEIJ., N. Mo rgan St., Caa««ago« Ms "a&aftBbeaKdP*