Billboard advertising (July 1905)

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50 The Billboard _ Mr. Stpt. aWO. T. B. Spanec, pna.; B. IL Wtnc ticai.; 0. B. TanAHkca. tee. Lucutcr—Cnnt Co. Fair. Sept. M. Oto. A. Moore, are. X«dl—Lodl Vote Mk. Ptit^ IM* ' ' = \ IfiiWiw— IKmm Oa. flU'. TeiwUUsed, Kc Muiltowoc— Agcl. Fair. Sept. 5-8. Oul*. O. Hacker, see. ■(atahneld—Central Wla. State Talr. Sept. 18- . SI. Ota. W. Wdtoo. aec. HcdfiKd—Tulor Co. Fair. Sept. 5-8. r. U. Sbmw. prea.; t.. A. MAJer, traaa.; W. O. Tbone. aec. _ _ HnrlU—Uocola Co. Fair. Sept. 12-IS. H. B. VcUud. prea.; Wm. F. Petemum. tnu.: 1. W. Smce. are. Ilcnomlnee—Doim Oo. Fair. Sept. U-22. J. B. ChlckerlnK. prea.; F. A. Vus;, treu.; Geo .Qallawny. aec. miwankee—Wlacooaln Sute Board ol Agrleol- ' tore. Sept. 1-13. Geo. HcKmoir. pm.; J. I. KtBpt. ttcu.: laoi. Jf-xniHMfc . „ IflMtal PolBt—taan Wlir IWi; Aac 1*-18. > Ok Mk-: IiiI^ fft-M. _p. iiSnt Clfc ■■>«. W. Idri- M*IIIs*OIe—Ctoik Co. lUr. Sept. U-IS. J. vr. Baaatl, pcct.; O. L. Bcdmoad, treas.: H. C. Clark, aec. Vcir Kldimond— Vrxr Bletunend Fair. Sept. 10- aX, O. J. WUUama. prea.; F. S. Winter. trta*.: L. A. Baker, aec. OcoDto—Oconto Fair. Sept. B-8. J. B. Obue, New LoDdon—A{Tl. Fair. Sept. 28-2B. Fhinipa—A(rl. Fair. Sept. SMB. r. K. PlatteTlUe—Bis Bad«er G. H. Grlbble, sec Flrmoatb—Sbebonan Co. Fait. Sept. 4-T. Ott* Oaffron. aec rtrtaue—Colnmbla Co. Fair. Sept. B-8. 1. H. Wella. pr.a.; R. N. McConchle. treai.; J. E. Jones, sec. BeedaliDrs—AsrL Fair. Sept. 1^ W. A. Sbolte, aec BIchland Centre—WlflilaiKl Co. Fair. Sept. 28- IS. J. W. Uartln, ptM.. Gotham. WU.; K. O. Itybtand. trcaa.: W. F. Vofo. Mb Boat— AstL Fair. Smt t4-ia. Sermoac^-Oernoor ""P*" Tnbii*. pres.: H. J. Tasnm. aa 'bti-.WUr. Sept 11-lS. F. M. WMUt fl-'U. K«LtM, aae. rntta* Oib, fWr.. tat. ML Weat Bead—Waahlnctim Co. Fair. W. p. RIt. aae. Vcatfleli r. Sept. 1840. leiis—Maiqmtta Oo. Fall; Aag; ■ Tiiuia FiauMer Park fUr. Stpt. «-& f"'—". pre*.: J. II. Uonar. treaa.; O. B. RUharAan* ••<•. _. _ Sept 3S. M. An*. 1-4. av. AlTlnaloD—Fair. Oct. S4. Alymer Canaila'a Oiaat 0iL D. H. P''- -. aec Bowiiiaa..„e—Weat Dorlumi Fair. A. James, sec. Brandon, Man.—Westcm Mas. Fair. F. J. Clark, mgr. Brlsdea—Fair. Oct. 8. BroekTine—Co. Fair. Sept. 21. B. H. Ftdd, Oalcarr, N. W. Ter.—Inter-Weatem PaeUe Joly IB-ao. Cbaa. W. Peteraoa, aec OampbelUord—CampbelHocd Fair. Scpb a. A. Hay. aec Carberrr. Uan,—NsriUK Fall. fOf 18-80. O. H. BnxOia, aec ^ . Caraan. C>itwilshfa"M^~ C|ll»i Islit Mb, SUy IMS. AsrI. Fair. July Dlal^ Fair. A. J. DolavB. fna.t B. S, HeniT BoMaaoDf aoe^ OsUlBswood, flat fitaat Wiiiillma KUMIian. Savt. SMfc. y._^.Bl«, |8ML,| Aa. uSt- flnSS»4lMwttMlK^lqr6S^ v. KM. ter, sec Crrstal CttT, ViU. JftlWlte 13-14 W. O DB^L ' MC» CTpreu' bitcV. IftnrHSgnTlMr. lair Xt« Jaa. McDole, aea^--. ■ , ' ■ PaapMn, Man Fi^|lt.- fMR AlWb •> Wklt. more, aec- Deloraine. Man.—^Asrl. Fair. Jnir 10-Sl. P. O. Sbephenl. aec DnnrUK^DnaTlUe Fair. Sept. 28-27. EOmonton, N. W. Ter.—Isdoatrlal Bx. Jane 38- Jolj 1. F. Fraaer Tims, aec Elkbom. Man.—AsrL Fair. Jnlr 17-18. W. M, Coablne. aec. Foreat—Fair. Oct. 5-8. Qladatooe, Man.—^Asrl. Fair. Jutf SI. D. Clanwi Fatr Sant. S84T. Baadota. VMa-rSo. IUil McOsnnel]. see. Bartner. Uss.—AsrI. FWr. J0I7 1»4». T. B. WoodhnU, aec. XemptTille—Ox«»d Fair. Sapb SMS. B. Gnest. aec. . Xnianirr. Uan.—Sootiiats BfeB.' 'SBT* S- 10. . J. Schnalr. aec Sl2»S*ton. One—Kln^atoa DUt. Fair. Dates not set. Major B. McFarland. prea.; C. W. Wright, treaa.; J. Mocian Shaw, aec Aas. U. Netaoo. B. 0.—KHIaoD Mr. Stpt 204L Jaa. J. Johnstone, prea.; t. J. Ifaiwis, traaa.; J. E. Anna M a . sec Oak Late. JIsj _T)iiiafl> AS&. Bate. Aw. Ott S.4. 10. W. SraMMO, 888. omila—OtmiB Mr. Stpt, 1«4S. A. 9. son, aec OtUwa. Ont.—Xzhlbltlan. Sept. 8-18. B. KcMa- bon, aec Owen Soand—North Oiar Kale liataa not aet. A. a. Macke7. SML Paisley—PaUler WUk ' tvl. SS4r. J, B. Bbcp- pard, aec •'^ Paris—North Oiaat BzposltloD. Sept. 2848. H. C. O'NeO. sec Peterborougb—Indnstrial Bzhlbltlmi. Sept S8- Z7. D. Hngbea. pres.; F. J. A. Ball. aec. PetroIIa—Fair. Sept. 31-2C. Portage La Prairie. Man ■ Partaie A Laktaldc Fair. Jolr 18-lB. V. SlMBpaxd, ata. Benfew—Benfew AgrL flWb .Mfl; SSMi W. S. Smallfleld. aec. lehaMoa—BtAaMod Fair. .Sift^ IMV. W. UaVsar. aa*. Sarala—Mr. Bert. 184T. Sanit SU. Barle-4aat Alsooa faB. Jbqi. OanaoB. ptcs.; Wm. Bwb^ ace. Sberbrooke. Oat.—^Sanada'a Eaatcm Bzhlbltlaa. Sept. 9-9. O. A. French, pres.; Wm. Tomlin- <on, sec. Shoal Lake, Uaa.—Agd. Fair. MMg, S> Frank DoU>s, aec. , •. Sttratbclalr. Man.—^AgsL .BM; ' lag; Su A. B. Snttaerland. aec - - ' ' Strathroy—West MWfflalaf Mfc Snran Rlrer, Man.—AgrL fUr. Darrocb. sec. Toronto—Canadian National 26-Sept. 12. J. O. Orr. sec Watford—Fair. Sept. 28-28. Weat Loodon-Fair, Sept, 8-18. Vanleek QUI, Ont.—Preacott Co. Fair. Sept. 2123. Alex. A. LaBv. praa.; Vnt. W. Thiatlewalte, ata. Weatbonme. llifa« ligll Wttt- tt. O. Badge, see. . III il^llilll. 111 iWSi^lilM VBB. tat, 8-7. C0I...K Mb. iMt W» atlamma, aaa. and PAPER BELLS Siffi^ W.F.MILLER,:::! Ws manwfaotmtt the bast and lugast llna of B«lta,Pap«r faiM, Papw.HaMBaodn Also coDfettl, eanaa^ Mek mutibes, squlrb balls, ■Licensed to Bntt-In** badgreaaodf obs, toys.balloons, buttons and badges for all celebrations. Over 2000 different novelties for summer resorts, I street fairs, carntyals, etc. OATAlOB FRR, lae and las Park Row. NKW VORK.r AOS. Vk B. J. J. Beld. NeOea, sec Ifntos—Mnton Fair, sec. Morden. Man.—^Agrl. Fair, Rnmball. sec. HpcTla. Man.—Agd. BUb Mtf U-U. Oct, 13. Wm. Hnrbottle. Jolr ao-21. M. c. New street Fairs. AaUaat. UL Stra at Fair. Anapleea FIrcme:i. Jnlr 10-IS. Cbleago Am. Ent.. attr. Bloomlnrton. 111.—Street Fair. Jolr 17<S3. Croat Parker Am. Ot^-.aUU . Dareoport. la Street BlB.. MF'S^I' BNIfl Bros. SboiTS, attr. Hastings, Neb.—Fall FestlTal. Aosplee* Eagle Bnalneaa Men'a Clob. Sept. — W<n. l<. Schellak. sec OMat Parker Am. Co.. attr. HaTana. III.—«iia«t Mr aaS'.QuairaL A<»- pIces^m^Q^Mj^vAaafri'-aC'rUMMU Sept. JaekaoDTint. III.^Ba8lta* nMIta aaS Aatomo- blla TMraaarat. Aoc. SS S ip L S. T. W. Baditer. tae. Oraat -Mkar Am. Op., attr. LchanoD, O. S tw it Fair. Xalr M. Fred Heir. ttt'a Bipo. Bhowa, attr. I<ebanon, Pa.—Street American Clob. Jo]/ _ LeBoy. ni.—Free Stiaafr' Ineaa Men's Ase'n. Keetch Sbotrs, attr. Morrlatown, HI.—Street Fair, Jnly 3-7, Boyal Am. Co.. attr. Unnclp. Ind Street Fair. Aoiplcet The Eagles. Jnly 3.8. Sceman-MUIIcan Mardl Oru Co., attr. Pekio. ni.—icnl^ts oC PFthlaa CaralTaL Joly 10-15. Am. Co.. attr. Co., attr. St. Lodls, Mich—street Fair. Wlxom Brua. Cam. Co.. attr. Sebewalns. Mich.—Strret Fair. JaSf Wliom Bros. Cam. Co., attr. SlsteniTlUe, W. Va.—CamlTal. Aoaploea Co. A. Second Infantry Weat Virginia, National Onards and Bogers' Military Band. Jnly 3-8. O. T. Campbell, sec Gem Am. Co., attr. SkMnMn, llo. Btie a t Fair. Oct. 8-8. B. A. YlroSgNlS nMwfc i^lSfc : Mir Bklna Broa.* Okin^ Oa^ '^ll. Wlllmar. Mlnii Bttet Fab and OHateaL Sept SO-83. Wm. T. Ifariiiai^ aae. Wlallrld. Kan.—Street Mr aad Oamleal. Ana- pices OoDmexelal 0Db. Oct. 80-Not. 8. JnU 17-22. 10-18. Street Fairs and Caraivals. This list Is TBTtsod aad u i ii s gt ad waskly, Abo.ileen, S. D.—Street Fatr. Mr SS. Cash Oa>U Cam. Co. (No. 1). attr. Alpena, Mich.—Street Fair. Jnly lO-IS. Capi- tol Am. Co.. attr. Baltimore, Md.—Reballdlng Celebration. Sept. 20-18, J. Harry Tregoe. pres. asan. Baxter Springs, Kan.—^Blg Baxter Bennton. Ang. 2S-S<-pt. 2. Chas. L. Smith, priT. man. Bay City, Mich—Street Fair. Joly 8-8. Capitol Am. Co., attr. Barry, in.—Street Fair. Ang. 8-U. Baldwin Bros.' Shows, attr. BeUernie, Ont.—Street Fair and BandOB. ' JHIP 24-23. Artbar McGlanta, sec, Blackwell. Okla.—OraaC Jaly 3-8. G. M. ~ gel, am. les., attr. BoooTlUe, Sfo.—Street Fair. Aospleea Eagles. Ang. 14-18. B. 7. Koonts. see. Boolder. GoL—Stitct Fair. JnlF S4. UonBicb Gam.' Co., attr. Canioa. III.—^K. at P. OasateaL Oct. B-T. Geo. C. Hoyt. sec Canton. III.—Street Fair.. Inly S-S. Pattafson & -Bralnerd Carn. Co.. attr. canyon City, Tex.—Old Soldiers and Ooirlrays' BeonloD. Joly 10-15. S. H. Heyser, gen. mgr. CarathersTllle. Mo.—Free dtreet Fair. Jnly S-8 G. W. rvashman. sec Cedar Baplds. la.—Ninth Aaoaal Oaiatral and Borse Show. Oct. 2-7. O. S. Bgltaa. ap. Obarleaton, ni.—.Uniform Baak K. aCkTCatnl- Tal Assn. Dates not set. Charleston, W. Va.—Firemen's Free Street Fair. July 3-8. American Cam. Co.. attr. dirton, Kan.—Street Fair, Jnly 8-6. S. I.- Dodge Am. Co., attr. Ollatoa, Mo.—Free StnM Mr. /dr M. AfaUBoSbowa, attr. Clyde, Kan.—Fifth District M. W. A. Log Roll. Ing and Watermelon Carnlral. Ang. Si-iiept. ConnellsTUie.. Pa.-^Military Band Camlral, Ang. 28-Sept. -■ Grost Mundy Sbon-a, attr. Coshocton, O.—Old Home Week. ADg. 7-li. Geo. S. Caton. uec. ConocU BlufTs. la.—Foorth Annoal Street FaU and Camlral. Sept. 4-S. E. A. Trontman. sec. Oecorah, la.—Camlral. June 2S-Jnly 1. Dulnth, Minn.—Enclosed CaralTaL AMplatf Third Regiment Band. Ang. awfl. B> Cosmopolitan Am. Co., attr. Dnroont. N. J, —Firemen's Fatr and OaratraL Oct. S-7. W. 8. Sbedmas. 8«>>. mf. EarlTlUe, la.—Oamlral. Ang. 17. I.jW. la- sec pil*. aaa.i 0. A. too. jr., 888. Erie, Fa I OiW- ers. Mr S4. ONat attr. Brie. Pa.—Odd Fellows' Camtral. Anspleea I. O. O. F. Temple Assn. Jnly 17-22. C. F. Hnmmell. Dr. C. EI. Earrey and B. it. Broim, Ii. O. Stemrlt. committee 00 arrange- mentn. Or>.at Mundy Sbofva. attr. Eric. Pa-—Sunrmer Fe»tl»al. Benefit of the Hosiritala. Ang. 28-Sept. 2. L. G, Sterrett, mgr. Fargo, N. D.—Street Fair. Jnly 24.29. Oolllna* Am. Co., attr. Flndlay. O.—Free Street Fair. Auspices Palb- Jlnders' Lodge. Jnly 8-8. W. L. Teal, sec. . Waldar'a Ona. Otn atu. miL Blab, nrtllaa Jobllaa. laaa T4. J. D.Bait and B. O. Waod, aob-oemoUttee. ■ Ottb Pa,r.«ltth Aaaoal Street Mr. Ana- BtaMBosa Oo^ Moi. 1. Aug. 14-U. Cbai. T. Sallar, ate. Ft. Plate, N. T. Strut Fair. Sapt. 11-18. EBlel Bebell, ate. Ft. Scott, Kaa.—Street Fair. Ansptect ot F. O. Eagles. Jnly lO-lS. Parker Am. Oo., attr. Fort Worth. Tex.—Street Fair. Dates sot set. Dan SSook, chrm. cam. com. Frankfort. Ind.—^Blg Celebration. Ansplces the Confederate Veterans. Jnly 18-21. W. H. Johnson. GatesTllIe, Tex—PsU OamlTal. Oct. 8-14. C. L. Baah, mgr. OonTenear, N. Y.—Free Street Fair and Fire- men's CamlTal. J ly 8-8. Pierce Am. Co.. attr. GooTemeor, N. T.—Old Home Week and Cen- tennial. Ang. 24-30. H. O. Bogers, chrm. arand Forks, N. D.—Street Fair. Jiriy 81- Auir- 5. Collliia' Am. Co.. attr. Great KalU. Mont.—Street Fair. Jnlr 10-18. Colllna' Am. Co.. attr. GreeDSburg, Pa.—Street FaB. Mr IMS. Jones-Adams Shows, attr. namlUon, O.—Free Street FaSh Men No. ISO. Sept. —. H ^Weldafa Can. Co.. attr. Baaorar. Pa . Street Fair. Jnlr S4, JMwa- Adama Bboara, attr. Battaid. Baby—Ctrttt Fair. Jnlr Bend- lar * Mtaio Oan. Oa.. attr. BktoM. lBat<-%«at Mr. Mr **. Osl- Ilns> Am. Co., attr. Jackson, Tenn.—^Pytblaa Street Fair aad Oaml- ral. Oct. 10-21. J, T. McCatehen, it; see. and treaa. Jaekaon. UIu.—Ootn and Cottoa Oamleal. Oct Jaekaonrine, Fla.—OamlTal. Aaspleca Jackson- Tine CamlTal Assn. Mor. —k W. B. Car- ter, prea. Kewanee, 111.—Street FUr. Mr tM. BNat Parker Am. Co., attr. Klttannlng, Pt.—VUth Annoal FlCtatfS Wtt* Street Fair, Aoaplct* Bote Oo. mTWt iUr si-AoK. B. Banr J. Walter, ssa. r>iieon. 111.—'Merebaati^ Skat St aia t SWr and Fourth of July OtlabialiiB. »«. V. 8. Cam. Co.. attr, lACtosse, Wis.—fltreet Fair. Ansplces Mer- chants* ProtectlTe Assn. Joly 3-8. Lapeer, Mich.—Street Fair. Jnly 8-8. The Wlxom Brothers* Cam. Co.. attr. LoSalle. 111.—Eagles' Big CamlTal. Jnly lT-22. Chas. Wlnbelm, see. New Parker Am. .Ce., attr. Lawnmebarg. Kr.—Street Fak. Oataa not set. Lexingtoo. M<i.-^«sgla Straat Mr. Ansplces bslwlaB BaglM^ Mr M. Br ' BMHt ste. a W. Paikar Aa.«^ atir, Utfia raiia, m. t. mt x mt rSSTtaX Oars . . Aaaglria Exempt Fl i a m ag fa ' aoL fr. B. Nocria, ace. begaa. Kan,.-4lreet Fair. Mr 44L Brotbeca' Cam. Co.. attr. London. Ont.—Old Bays' Bennlon. Beml-Centcn- nlal sod Sommer CaralTal. Ang. 7-18. B. O. McCann, see. Great J. Vtmak Batsb Shows, attr. Madleon, 3. D—Street Fain, Mr <hsh Cam. Co. (No. S), attr. Bankato. Minn—^Uankato Baaiaeas Ben'a Oaml- ral. Joly 3-s. C. H. Oriebel. Jr. Uanhall. lU.—Street Fair. Jnlr S-8. Mooarcta Cam. Co., attr. Uattoon, 111.—Street FUr. Datea not aet. UeadTine. Pa.—ClUaen'a CamlTal. BeneSt L o. O. F. Orphaaa* Boma at MCadmie. Ang. 21-38. I.. G. Stanett, mgi. • Memptab, Ma S t t aat Mr. Aog. %*. U 9. Roberts. ss«. Ul'-nMat Fate AH.S4a. 8 . SUsst SWr aaS OactftaL Ang. CAGLEWSUPERIOR QsNERViONE'SZ: as North Franklin St., CHICABO, ILL. ET*r7 article • raonsy-makvr &nd m hn«rtlnpc i>ucc«nisi Get our price* on Gas and Wbiatltnfr Ball«>on>t, deoo Tatwlfor adrertlwlnt; purpown. AIno Imported Tlvwu* fa|>cr Kaiin. Tho noly ptmltlrtlj Kxctnstv* And Itell- abltf QaUood Houbo In America. Oar line thia aaacAo Is tlie vtnniKctt Jn tb« world, with arttelM for Mncft BALLOONS BALLOONS Oas, Hochet or Whistling. WK HAVK AU. FRESH STOCK. Ocn Gas BAi,t.oo>'8 are mads of the best Fn-ncli rubber in tbn* iH>1ors, red, bine and grean, Knd lullate lull size, \rarranted best quality rubber. No. Per Gross aop, Asaorted colori 4 Ot 10. Scanles* i<to 1. WBltaBBttanfirllplMa * 00. VMMgrooiwaS.whlps. lit No. 45. 65. t6. 58. 160. mnSTLOM lilLLUMt, OrosB In Box. PcrGna Assorted colors..,.! 1 M Assortait colors.. t PO ARsorteil colon.- 3 na HcGlnty 7 75 Serpents 2 7.i TV* also carry fnll lines o( WSIMag Oaiioa. eiMl:s JSBSlr.. Peekat Knlsaa, nskool MH8. and niako Tip eelectoil Intx fnr^'^.^iu, 190 8bA CatalofHJC mailed ou HiM'li<u«liuti. ,..!.( SI. <'l,,,rli-f .St., s r. I 01 IS. JlOk PATUia F. PAtim. * COk, OAS.* WHISILUMi JMO ABwESnMNdk BALLOONS M THC WORLB. Also NovtiQes lor Sircefmcii. 9Ws nt&r*t**if aratk IM 888 iMMy ot an kinds asd diM tM •! gasraatse of taptrlot viiUty to aar oSctcd ov the rntrlMt. W< alM canlloa oar castaoKis aad tks trade to bttnn af iafeHof goola aad TalK nsabcra ctfetad at cheap pHcafc PIUOE UST M UmiMTIOII. STRC ETMKN W* hav« ALL th« LalMl Na¥«niM Beat TlMoa Papac Faao graaa. S9.B Uagte VMct Bouqoula srOMs 3.00 No. 80 Oaa Balleoaa gross, 8.80 lb. Sis 100,... l.M emiral Canes. ...per 100 1.80 Com. Collar, Tit ft Coff Bnttona,.. acoas. 01 Immense assortaient ot canca, pe^t eotls^ mbbcr balla, robber thaead, blow oats aad saw ooveltlea. The Coldamitli Tor Importlne Co., 122 Eaat Fourth St.. gncliinBtl, OUlO' CANES and WHIPS Toy Whips aad WalMniE CaBes._ _ D. C. RICICKTT8 m Am StTOBt MEW YORK. L«rto«t ManufaoturArs in United ■I^TAllLtSnKIt MenOm "Tha BiUboanr'