Billboard advertising (Sept 1905)

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SEPTEMBER 8Qi 190B. XlTc BIlll>oard 45 Fail in Line, and M^ke Monsy. No cxpertence necMMir (• Bell mj Jap (.'rook CaneM. Tner Mil a* Sight as s«0 to 600 v*r cent, yrollt* Is. 385. JAPAIESE BMiiOO ClOOK im Mnrted Fiu'ib, pirlBO RiHluced to S2.50 I NOr 385x. U JAPANESE BAMBOO Crook Ganes Bnlied Silk Ribbon Per lOO ^$6.50; Th« boTB flad HIT CHI- CAtK> BRANCH with H*rn U Welabftam «t MO K. UaOl' •on 8fc., ft irr«*toonTenl«ac«, wban tber ft re UftvcUna Booth or wMt. BevanondMOdftdopoBU otai tooU K per cent, on •nomrporerVMLW. Ailorden aoiter 9KM» most Im iDled wtth ft monej order for tba tuU ftmonat. OfttftlOtfO*. L EtSENSTElN, a Ami tt, 1. Y. UUWV L WOmUH, WMtorn N|NMiitallv», 240 C M»dlBoii ehloata. XIM COMPAXX. XU K. Fli^^ f«f U* Alt ftT tUkiAC Ck Agents Wanted The Knir. oi luc n'orld. It doe* tb« work of M differ at •rtleln. For parliiK reiieublci, remATtng ryn. BOoi potetoM and pineapple. cuttlnR8«r»Cos& cUlps. tMnnmn try, corlnit >ppfe«, cottlnK cold lUw, nntmeK ■■Mer, xallnr Ibh, Ice pick. Brad Ue. tor wmple. Fer gnm IB. Addreai ALBCWT AI_I_CN, 118 Fourth Avo.. PittsburC Pb. Dice Perfect Work, $3 50 per •ex New timnspftrcnc loaded work, inarked cmrda, entirely new work, •1.00 per deck, W.M per dos. The nnr«t card niftrldDK Ink In ilie counirr, M.00 per botUe. Lateet strlkera. •plndlee. shoottntr KaI- erJcn, etc Write for oar new PtmeUoftl sportlnc croMto catetoff. fre*. AddrwHjTp.KHAnraftOo^ Bna CUlrA. Wii. Atlas Trunks For Ui« protwioa wHknnl ■ PRRB. MM* »Uh ocr PATBNTED SINIMNn. nniulrliic bo ■••to and rlreted thranslnini. Oor MUlnrue trill chperrnMr Inirotliifc tbta «• 7on. THE BEZBEH TSUifK & BAO CO., Bo. Ua Colmnbii A»«., FbU^alphlK, P», «Bf,.M«.**"* ACCOUNTINtf. OFTOaMNT. CONFEHI. NOVELTIES. Oood Things for Streatmen. Write for CaUilogue. G. Td CLAYPOOLE, 40B PMrl St. Sioux City. Iowa m IP Ta YOU, n. sTREETiAin \'n liinbl.. it,., ik r.T Mii Tl!! i_Ti We are beadvioaifeiS for Carahnl, Fair aid StrMtmti. JeweliT totR. Comb Iota. Pbear iota. Notion lota. Pone lota, HaDdkm-mefa. Ranir IuCm, Memo. Booka. Olaaa Cotter KnlTt*. W. B. W. Bi and Tableware, Penlraa Bhameneta. Oermaa Collar ButUMuand Needle Caaea, Bis lilne ofSlam'liar OatB« Flab Ponds, Knlle-Boards, &e. TTe bur and sell for cash, and ron will And onr price* Oata- Savo tkmm S t* M yar eent. on eveVT dMla>*B wmA •! Kooda yon bay In onr line. WE ARE PROMPT SHIPPERS, TOO THE HOROWirZ^BERGER CO. 106 Gual St., H. T. CHj. BINDERS Th FOR^ iilboard Wm boM 90 48-page coidw. nw pipeis can be easily bound one at a time; late copies can be In- serted in place of tbe old ones. It keeps tbe pa-, peis flat and In good ooDdltiw.- SfzeUxlS. { The oR.ou^;7uSF The Great Hageriiwn Fair mu HOD HASEBSTOWN, MARYLAND, Oetabar 10,11^ 12 aid J3, IdOS. IP—HPftJ|g,000 11 f»UR8KS'AND :Pf«lEMliuli|« ces«l >ns and side show vrlicilrites (or sale on COD- Midvav at iiprleaa. tUW in tinrse<, in race program. Entries eluse Ort. Srd. 19(6. VarMtvUaiea apply to GKO. H. SXANKBHA-KKB. Sapt. Prlvll<>eea. Por rai'-es appl to'W.i.H. <HaW&BD, 8npt. BacLnS' ~ STACBW'Sl^relarr;: Forothpr In'ormatlorr anply to H. Richard eutiiniann Transter Co. Tbe Onli|f> Eaeluslvb~ThMtrtealji8ean*fy and 'l*roperty ' Steraaa WBiaHwiiaa and Tranafar-'CoDipany la thatCeiiatty. Scenery and Properties for aale for stora«e<diaTse£l~~ Hare bauled AlXtbeiarcaoompanlea plartnK In ChIca«o tbU season wltb tbe best of ivconti. This U the 8rm tbat baa the Gov- ernment contract tor muvlnK all tbe Pederal olBoes and: Postofflce Into tbe-aew P. U. baild' ~' aaybodr baaa-ltf .Wa have ahlpped ' * lliikBf«« Inir In Cbh-ago. 700 kMUte In 42 bonrs: can anrbod MalraMQaiUaratB. mH att m litfjgauad u band atttV wluehweeaBntllicelnreMiualBralM OflBce. Riiom 15. 225 Dearborn St.. Tel. FlarrLson 1667: Throop SL. Tel. MunrxH- t(T4. rHirA«;0, ILL. Stndlos. SboDS, Warehouses, 107 to 115 The Billboard's Free Emergency Service; UANAOSBS In need ot people by reason of aooident, sickness, indisposition or daatb are invited to wire us at either of our offices stating their require- ments. AUsaoh wties are immediately baUaUned on a very black board with wbleh eafih oOee la prarlded. Maar aebaia, aabnaaa^-Mrfonners, rnnai- oians and agenCBwlio an at liberty look m CD us dalW aBdf.ttaey alwara lead the bulletins on the board. Tbia Isa quick means of getting m touch with Che right people. This serrloe is giatla. All Want Ads sent as f6r pabllea- tion an abo posted tlia momanfc weatwd, and Manafsra fregnsntiy get appll- NEWY0RK,I440 PMJSin 8ti9 ^ ; CWiCINNA'a 4IM8 fceu»ra« Aatraasea, Pertoratera. HlaaM and AdlTaaea Pirn AT UBBBTIf, IB rail aar mm* r*g*mt»v ....THE LONDON.... MUSIC HALL I. cba raeosntxad oiftsa of VaadeTllla Art!«u thienghoat the 'world. Amarleani vUltlns la London wU- and a tnendlr waleome at 401 Htrand. New Tork rapraaantattT. I. fl. CARLS. IMS Bi VorkCHy Talephooe—am MadlMn. ^^;:^-.s£j??^ni'&a-fta ran,: iHABBACHSCCaOSntbertStPfeDi^P? Onif ihe BEST Sketches^ Son§8a C«medlasa Qramas - • . w ; . . - ARO FUSL I ud aTei7 dMiulpilDB or tboatneai worK WRITTBM Tu utiDBK. Uoaoiocnaa aad 'Paiodlat a abaetaitt ' Comadlea aad Drama* Rsrltad. Oaly tbe ben orlclnal work turaiKbed. Befaiwoaa by tbe naadiAa MAGIC BatabHabad in*, prnfaaahinal a.e. I do not fomlib duoMcaced mator1al.bat ooly write tba bli^aac ffrada to order for BOB WATT. 'i'-Ti^V'' 806 WalBBt Street. Philadelohia. Pa. WatfontbiiNr.biithaTetbaimida atraM.Mala Quick arrrloe, irood Koodx. CoofAttl, ae lb: J«p Ckr. CknoaCOO per IW. Tissue l^rxr Fu»B.CBuidiUig&} CamlTAl BlAppers tt.bO kt. ; tinake Blowonto 11.71 gr^t Paper Horrja, Rubber BaUb. Rubber Tbreed KBd IWpaL WblitlaaDd Ou Balloons. Ribbon tor Onaa, Javdis; Watebaa. Optical Ooods. Pocketknlres. Walkiac laaj, HoUoos. and aU LATEST NUTELTIEIL Caah depoall wllb Older. Ko eoods C, O. D. wlctaoot It. wnta tar oataloana; mallao fi a a . SHRYOCK-TOOD NOTION CO. ei7 N. Paartli Mraiat ST LOUIS. - - MO. UNITEO.STATES ANOFOftEKN ,COPVnCHT& imJENTS' jam , A COPYRIGHT And make yon a fortane. Ifyoibana* PLAY, SKETCH, PHOTO, ACT. SOMG or BOOK tbat Is vortb aaytbiBV. yo. abOBld ^opyriebt lu Don't take cbaaeeawbea yon can se*-nre oaraefT- Ices a taman co«l. Sendfor onr.SPtCML OflEH re MVDIfORS before applnnfr for apatent. If ar^/ar jtni. lUNBBOOa o. fatinU *eni tW^^jTgjtMtiU patent*- ble or not, I «T<OCK CO] OcaaaKaa. & VAM MAint. SOAP FOR FAIRS Cuiai Oor DOIXAS aaoited box of Biieaoa^,. Be U tba hot isUer.for tklta, itraet wort, or _ luff. - uons 700 ttt per too boxea. Dost mim tbJ«< of maklttic no or more a day. We aiao make ' braiida for MEDIUINK BIZ. Ei M. DWIS SOAP GO.. 38 Bilw firt met, CBClpf. Flags and Decorations^ CONFETTI. CANES. SLAPPEgit Unlicd States Fl^a|m SPtElS THAT CET TWE MMlieal ttfielUOrwlaa ta Ike Lrctnier, ttrert Han. Cteriaoe Dkiw. Oattelaa, OartiatOBa Seller, and *e M edHTiTMadleiiia TailacerCuaUeaapoaa .peaeh Tal|a«hattttavlehaU attaation. aaiwa, iaatrw* and <aiara« - - — ■-->».b. Yarn poatpald fcrW. orasnd tUafnritaad wUl •and O.O.D. w'tb « raialeetlea pcieilaai^ FANTUS nn 84»l>iai»wa 8L.«MMSa Pnapectnaaant tree tor I II i. Wanted Attractions tor andltorlnm or Japaaeite aar- den: will auoommodate SUM t«uDie: usee Sx75r**et. Wonld like to bear frum TAU* DBVILLE PBBirOBatBB^ orany Oraa* claaa ataatva anitable for a laisa cardaa. VartankactaggniMira.addmM Hew c. Brown "RlW RICKEXXS, "" . Fartory Babylon. K T. . iUvpr Trimmed, HOOperl *Wi aiovvife picTCRB iiiacmi>«b«. nbaaaadaeeeaaortea. camsns. lanaae, aoac aUdas. aew aad tenmd band, boo^bt. wid and excbaacad. bpntmachaaicai repalrlnv: .pedal nidaa made: monaff picrbrea taken to order: performtm^. devai- optnx and fllto printtnK for the trmia. S«ma«-: Ammicaji Cl»»KiT.»/KAi-u A FiJJ< Cf).. Klwhaidt flclmelder. M^fr.. c^- ^u. Nttw York. Happy mooi.igan game Tbe arv tasriiall V*ne. beltar Ibaa a deO nA; nrw. ]wH ••nt. a ii»«».r maker. V> ather CP OOSEV A Co.. lOS S. Paa plainaa rU. Cbteaaoja.