Billboard advertising (Feb 1906)

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FEBRUARV IMC Ttie Billboard 37 NEWARK,M. J. ^ L'fi. A. SCHIMIDT and CHRIS. KURZ^ Proprietors. OPEN FROM MAY 20 UNTIL SEPTEMDER 23 S00,000 F»EOF»I-JE TO DSLA.W F*RO]M[. Tbe I^rsest and Only High OlM* Park is Naw Jersey. £6 Acres ut Amnaement. AcoMaible from All DtrtetfOM. 5 Cent Car Fare. A I. Cirs Tra; th 10.000 Squetp Kept Space. Diolce Hall. 8.000 ^nar« Feet. New Opera Honse with Seating Ca- pacity of 4.000. Tbe Mart ManlSoei Itoat Electrickl THE 21st NATIONAL SINGER FESTIVAL >F TBB- UNITED SHHaS OF AMEHGA, wm hm Md at Otfaaflo Park, ■■ Itowaric, N.^ JUNE 28, ENDIN6 JULY 5. A, DAlf-i'V AXTCNDANCE AT THE PARK OF 200,000 VISITORS nnexcelled In Its Eqalpmeots. Pre^ ■entins Abaolutely HIch OUas . AmaaaaaanAMnduaa - An Can Direct Into tba U MlantM' Bide from tta* HmM of tbe City. Open Erery Day. Two Bands of Maalc European Ootdoor Attraetlona. Avenae Attandance: 8iiiidaya.s aMk -^er Informatlom w HANS WEVER8, Manaser, Care of Colossm TM-NEWAH;, N. J. W[LDONWIltlAM:^MI[K TICKETS FORf SMITH,ARK. ' ! Blood Poison aod Its attcDdlDK Ills, Bbeoma- UsiD ud Oatxrrh, In any 8t<f^, cared prnsa- BentlT by STBRUMO'S BOYAX EEMKDY. Sold Under A Bank Guarantee •end (or Fr«« Bo*k iItIsi fall lu(onn>iico tni prooli TU JOn STIBUie BOTAL HEIIDT CO. rterliDf Btilldlni ffMHi CHf, For Teu .sm«MY. Spin ncmr tato eottoa candy anjr oolor or fiaToc BARTELL FLOSS MAGHIIE CO.. U MUBRAT BXltlCr. NKW YORK. BEDUCED TO «34MI. Mad leal 8pl«l Ib Davotad to tba MMllfinv l«ectorar, Strert Han. Oamare Docic r Uciaa. Cart>Mton« leller. aad to all MvdlcliM. Tollvt or caratlva (Toodj tbrt.:ugb •peach. Tell what to mj to bold attaotioD. •muM, inpu-uct and interest rnonvb to touch tbe pocketbook. You woald aotpart »ltb It at any price. Sent prepaid for tt. or*«nd 11 depovU aad will aand C O. D- with exAintnAtioo prlvlt«se FANTUSCO, »«'^^S!oS?^ WANTED To assist In laoncbtmr a Ma kMm OBaiedy. Bare Play and Paper. Sooi taoUw M- SDfed. nntane adrertialnr scbeM Only those meanlDe baslneis and with OMB.' A chance of a llfe-tlme to therlght man. S. C. MlkkER, Cars A. O. Dorasr. ypleifrfacw^er Tfaeaten. K. T. GItv. New Coflveatiofls HOTZ.—Tk* faOnriv IB. Medical Anodal Or. A. itmtan. CAUTOBNIA. Uls Anselea—Order Nobles of the aiyitlc Sbrloe Imperl*! Oooi>cU for North Ancrica- May 7-S. B*nJ. W. Bowell^ " ■ Lo« Aoselea—Matioul Usy T-10. Mrs. Jao. P. sc., Bridgeport, Coon. Sacramento—KatJTe Sods of tiie Goldea West Grand Parlor. AprU —. Mlu Lsnta J. Frakcs. 143 Stockton St.. Su Saaim —PacUc Coast " " " ~ —. Ber. B. A ooanoBon. Bartfotd—Bc^al Arcanam' —. Sdw. B. Boyatao. WUmlnctoo—«hldd «r Bsaar Oiua Lodce. April —. DIBTBICT OF COLTOBIA. WaihlDgtoD—NstloQal Asso. of Tetenna of the Mexican Wer. May »«. Uxds F. Beeler, S N. Broadway, Baltimore, Md. ~ ~ ~ 1 Aan. of Car acr«fae Of- _ . r. M. BtaMik Oat. B. B. •( M. jLT^fT atr, TuTT. ixexiSA. ksonTlIle — Soatbem Baptist PrsM tt m .Mardi 28-90. Bdcar B. Folk, Nattirllte. Tenn. Chicago—Gook Coontr Sanday-sdiool Ooo. April Chas. E. Cook, US Tiaslll St.. Ohl- easo. III. Deoatar—State TraTClna fMtMlIra Aan. IT. Bar. 9. a. " - - " Ada—State Fsatmaaters* IOWA. Des Moines—'Northern FreSbytertan Ctareh, Gen. Aneinbly. Maj 17. Ker. W. H. Bol>- erU. 1319 Walnat St., Philadelphia, P«. Des Molnrs—Pioneer Lawmakers' Assn. March —. laaac Brandt. XEBTTTCKT. Uwlarins ■BsaHate Gen. l.«ttcr Carrier** AM B. Parker. 88 Sooth XABYLAin). Of Cbrlstlan Boston.-r^. B. O. p. Grand Lodge. Maicb 14. Boston—Ofew Eagland Jron Moldera* Goaf. AprU —. Jaa. it. Cnrley. 10 Bralnerd St.. iHyde Park. BoatoD—^American Federation of Moalclana. Vay. —. T. C. Keleber, 710 American Trust Bids. Greenfield—Vcsteni Baas. Union Ez-Prlsoaera of -War. April ]•. «. W. Aasscat. 10 Kha at.. Worcester. Waaik New Bedford—T. V. S. A A-MBM OMiy Coo. April U. * ' Waraatv—KatioMd lMa> of OMMa* «• * Cnttanaakara. May (1st week), teats CU- sta. M LawicBee n, Bnaklyn.' B. T. BICHISAB Detndt—Switdinien's Union of N. A. May —. M. B. Weleb. 530 ElUcott aq., Bnffalo, N. Y. Detroit—Coort of Honor Sopreme Con May 9. W. B. Boblnson, SprlDglleid, Ul. Ocand Rapid*—State Leagne o< BcpobUcan dobs. reb. 13. Gcud Bipldt iBgyal Artanom St»a Cm, AprU XI'U. Wi A. mea, lamalBK. eran« X08 Majeatte. died ftcabytcrUn Cbnrch of Marth Bay SS. Ber. D. F. MeOUl. ISOS . . — Ifedlcan Meridian. idsSOTTBX St. Ziools—latcmatloDal May 8. S. a wHStat Blilg., St. LoQls. HEBBASKA west Nebraska C W. MalBlehal. KdocattoB Asso. nw HAXPamRS Coocord— G. A. B~ State Korampmrnt, 18-lfl. F. D. ■Woodbury Naabna—A. A. S. Bite TSUcy of NaSboa. aS> ward Baymood Consistory SZd Degree Ca a se cation. AprU 19. B. A. Arnold. HEW JEBjBEY Atlaittlc City—Daogbters of Liberty State Goa» cU. AprU 4-Q. Mlaa V. Kndteott. aos Boa» ton are. Newark—iBeonion 36 tb Beg. New Jeney Voloa- teera. April S. J. a Taylor, City Han. VEW TOBS BnlTalo—Amalframatrd Meat Cntteis A Bnlcba WorkrT^<^n of Nortb .\inerlc:a. May — <, Homsff D. *'jsll. Boi .iIT. Syracu.^- ....WHU II SAN FRAIGISGO.... nekate aad Foia. a No. Sr Slztli St. 300 PER. CENT PROFIT TO AGI The Handy FrnH V«getBM« SiloM- tmu*. n ane fawr 4ssl«ai ^JWMkj^ I lATTKE POTATOES r te«^fv« bid wita _ IngblACTlraorlcnncrtta* 1** popularaonsa,ftc Nochlnwa better opportonliics for laca with i >^*' MA(;E MONEY for free, | - - - VMaaiaaaMu kawtsiislin I t/a. »ajl«««