Billboard advertising (Feb 1906)

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FEBRUARY 10b e Bllll>oar<I 39 CHEAP tthit W Irrt looc. ftiM w lwil tCaCka. la flnt- eoBditlaB. tJMd iMt m ioa M prtrUese car: deeps 38 people. OU llate-nMB^tlglto*^ ooffee urn, le«-box(8, loektlit CMfe-MSMtt Md ate in c*r; Big etUMf aider car. WoaM naka rood WoiUasman'a ilMpar, ac- lOO people. Um foil candy atand Unal^ Imwa. so, basketm, a l «i »r «. all caad- aaa - Car can be flkopa, 'Eaat St. Loota. cada, IftlTaaapeTt. fa. WANTED... HulcUiWt Puformen and Working M«n, for GEO. 8. ELT*S Circus. Bbow opens e*riy la Harcn. 86a«onU iSeks. Make t% lo». O£0- 8. SLT, Knidlui, Tex. FOR SALE CHEAP MEBBY-GO-KOUND. Address: H. 86Sth St.. New Bedford, Mass. CAYLORIJEFFERSON IN THEIR UlDOHlNa 8UOCES8 ..A Woman's Way.. ADDHBSa TUB BILLBOAKU. ....TO l-CT. rrlTiiegn In LUNA PARK,on iiouthMt.V tons leue:i wJUi option to puri *^ S. W. BAUl, MuaOeld, Uhlo. aad dan trfak; aoi taina new and OTialD.1; will 1 )n nwaloi will po.ltlT.l7 a. Irlcka. Price M oaou, postpiala. V. A. LAMARE, 111* Wllvoi Av., Cblonco, III. WAHTES—Moslcal or norelty StetA Team (■ale anl feniael). Doobllnc braia siren pier- Tfee Etonkaan'a pleaae rctnra mj f20. m^mtrm witt.^ WeleoB.. La.. Feb. lO; , U; taateBmd. 13. Celam ar. U ; WUta ~* noAznre ran •AkK. —— Ooaapleta Scbool ot Natural Bla- A alaiah (com aU parte of the world, (gr bmloess. $100.00: easy tema: aump. - lUVAaEB ZOO, care BaUourd. Cis> ^^BToalleiT For Sals. Inclnes No. 6 jr«l fcty, 18 fiaminer piano, 3 WlncHester repeatlns TttM, 1 tiora«-power gas engine, uoed four ■MOlki^ la (ood maalnc order. Will sell for wB It tafciB ftft aaee. Other baslncei^ caub^> for MMfc jr. IHBV, Wapallo, Iowa. _ FOR SALE. Ba «g(lowtBg, In flrat-class condition: 1 Elec- Me BaaJo which coat |3S0 which I will seU 'for m. 1 Oeathlnation PtMi^ aad LUtlac Ma- ^w. I. ikM wMck Mtt 979 which aelU *P j». Bo a« uM a ](UUm at «U. 4 UtUe VcBdtr rnnc Teatcn at 9U. 9 ladliBipoBi, Jat. Bleetrie nitteolns SUCUiiea CHatw, 00 Hand needlea. 60 eta. per aet._Deat(a SSJ«^ »l-00: InatrneUona Zree. SDWIV B. MOwa, w Canal «.. Onrnd Bapldi. Xieh. ..AT LIBERTY, DAN LEJHONT Cht. MoDkn Clr<n ■' ' • ' ' m Schiller Btdc.,.ChIe.)ia. Ope. Itofca, fMn and ...WANTED... « Fn« aii pirrOMt AnraetlOBs for Ooanty ffjOr, Sept. 4, 5, 6 and 7. _-_„BcBtJenfi8lli tfret letter. Best only need answer. Chma. L. King, lodependenee, la. 60 Sapho Picture lIMim FOR SALE. Hold 4 dozen viewa. Antomatle $iS each. 3a>lMMiit Ha>:htDei>, M each. All kinds of Mn rWneM for xale che ap. L. N. JON ES. BBAmoar Chh-BSO. Ill im BAtE—Bart Oallery outdt, 2 atr-rlflea !J5? Prtaea. »15-, 2 punching machines. Iron. u.i-Z5!°"' J5= electric lung-tester, |5; iron •*>; Boorer'a name-plate machine, S^,W jnaT rendlnt machine. «3. a 8. Slot MacUoea, Acenu aa wanted (or >! cbewlnc- •telliBs m. UclQtTre A Heath. In The Ham Tree. Klaw A £rlanger, mgn.: St. l/ools. Mo., 4-10: Tetre IHante, Ind.. 12; Indlanapalla 13-14: Lonto- TlUe, Ky., 15-17. Marrlaee of Kitty. Joles Mnrry, prop.; Fted. P. WUson.' mgr.: " Marietta. O... 7f Mead- rme, Ps.. 9: Akron, 0-_»5. Uu^iKt Pa.. 12; Toongstown, O., 13j ntMriOt, FB., 14; Kane 16; Warren 16. Merlcana, Sbubert Bros., mgrs.: New York Cltr Jan. 23. Indrf. Me, aim and I, Sdwlo J. Cobn, mgr.: Grand Bapld% mat., It. Wayne, Ind., 8; SobUi Bend 10; OUcaaok UL, 11-17. McFaddoi'a VlatB. 31ia...>L Beur. mgr.: CleTe- lud. a. ^Msuiiuw IS: XtauMMm 14: uadalgu n. ■ . ■ . . . Mta. 3ob Wlkit., Klxon A ZlBmerman, mgts.; Kewanee. 111.. 7; Galesbors 8: Canton 9; Peoria 10; Darenport. la.. 12; MnacallDe 13; Bock Island, m., 14; Clinton, la., 13; Iowa Olty IS; Cedar Baplds IT. Gortons, Four, Victor G. WlUlams, - mgr.; Chicago. II., 2S-Feb. 10; MUwaukee, WU.. U-IT. JUj, EdDH, Outs. Frohman. mgr.: SL Lonla. Mo.. S-IO; Pittsburg, Pa., 12-17. Marching Through Georgia, Chas. H. Qceene, mgr.: CUcago. 111.. 4-10. Maid and the Mamm;: BlnSton. Ind.. 7. ' Nelgfaborl7 Nelghhcn, Frank W. " PUtabors, Pa.. B-IO; Bearer Castla 13; WallntUe. O., IS. Nellac^ Allca: Tneaon. Aria.. 8: m Faao. Tex.. 10. • ' ■ Office Bair. Rlxon A. Zlmmcnnaa^ mem.: Lan- caMer, O., 7; Tiimillli .Knlttta - Charleston. W. Va.. M; iriiiialim 111 Ports- mouth. O.. 13: NelaaafOle K;-TAmieotlie 16; Wilmington 17. Prince ot Pllaen (Henry W. Sarage's), Cbaa G. Shaw, mgr.: Jackson, Mich., 7; Detroit 8-10: Toledo, O.. 12; ManafleM U: Akron 14; Canton IS: Yoongatown. SB: 'lUlk- Slu, 17. Prince of India. Klaw A BIlMUBU ^WglBt; OU- cago. 111., Fe<b. 5 .Indef. . ■. : . . Pegg7 From Paris, Madison Corey, mgr.: Baa^ Utoo. Ont.. 7; Petereboro 8; BcIUtIUsvA' Klnnton 10; Montreal. Can.. 12-17. - ' ' Paul Jonea Opera Co..- Jno. H. Garrlaon. (3edar Baplda, la- 7; Ottnmwa 8; F ton Kcokok 10; Sprhigdeld, III., 11; OS; JMlat 18; Anaca lAj Saoth Band, 1 IS: FateMH. Hleb., IS; Hiirtipm fT Mmn umpatiM Opwa Co.. JSi. Mnllec. ap.: roctland. Ore., 4-10; woodland U-lO; raieia ie-17. Pearl aad the iPnmplcln, Klaw A Brlanger, mgrs.: Ooliunhna, O.. 6-10; Cincinnati 12- 17. Plff, Pair, Poof (B. 0. Whitney's), I. J. Bo- seittbal, mgr.: Lincoln, Neb., 7; St. Joseph, Mo., 8; Slonx City. la.. 9; Slonz Falls. S. O., .. .10: Bed Wing. -Minn.. 12: St. Cloud 13;- Dn- luth 14-lS; Superior, Wis., 16; Bralnerd, Minn., 17. Paris by Nlgbt: Anbam, Ind., 7. Bobla Hood. MlUon A Sargent Abom. mgrs.: GalTcston, Tex., 7; UlniH. B.: Bu An- tonio 10; Taylor IS: Aartte ^JB; Itaw 14; Waxahachle IS. - Rodtdpb.aatt.Adalpk, AMM »iBitfc BuAerg, I MiWlimH inrk T; UteditQat 81 ■EscanabatBt SUmUti* 10: flult BM. KarU 12; St. iiBwii a: (Mm** M* ntotker 13; Boyaa CHr- IB: Ttmtm €H]r' n. Bounds' Ladla.' OMheitl.: Detail SUA., 4- 10. . ■ ■ Bunnlng For OflM^ aun.- O. Harris, mgr.; Hartford, CoBU.,. 9^1 Wlnsted 8; Torrlog ton 9; New Bochelle, N. Y., 10; Yonketa 12; PeeksklU 13; Atlantic City, N. J., 14-15; Wilmington. Del., 16: Annapolis, Md., 17. Rogers Bros., Klanv A Brlanger, mgrs.: New York City. Jan. 29. indef. Rajab of Bhong, 'Eugene SpoITord, mgr.: New berry, S. C, 7; Coltnnbla 8; Angustn, Ga. 0: Charleston, S- C. 10; Branawick, Oa.. 12. Sultan ot Snln, Uadlaea (X)rey, mgr.: BoSalo, N. Y.. B-M; Atfnm 12; Ithaca IS; Iioodon, Ont., 17. . Simple BIw Simple, SHaoa A Bl.laiai mm, ngc: OatrCosdtvUIe. IiiB« It- latliaapolla 8: Sfadao - - - - ■- Midi.. 11 Prmnkfort. Ind.. 17. Soo ot Best, Will F. Molllor. mgr.; Lima. O.. 7; Dayton 8-10; Cincinnati 11-10. San Toy (John C. Fisher's), 'H. A. Wlckham, mgr,: JopUn, Mo., 7; Webb City 8; Car- thage 9; Sprlngfleld 10; Centralla, 111.. 12; Oloey 13: Mattooa 14; Pans IS; Alton 17. Snimy Sooth. X C. Boekwell. mgr.: Butler. Pa.. 7; MeadTlUe 8; Cwry 9; Union City 10: Jameatown. 'N. X., 12; North East, Pa., 13; Westdeld. N. Y.. 14: Gowanda IS; Emparlom, Pa.. 17. Sbo-Oon. Henry W. Savage, mgr.: Oiieata, m., 2B-reb. 10; Tt Wayne, lad.. 12; .To- ledo, O.. 13; ZanesrUIe 14; Wbcellnf. W. Ta., 15; AltooBB. Fa.. 16; iMcaatcr 17. «a and Bia Band: Mllledc«*lll*. 0*. mmt. 7; Macoo 7; Amerlcoa mat. 8; Oiiliimtaia 6; Montgomery. Ala., mat.' B; Bdma Staik- TtUe, Mlas.. mat. 10; Qdomhos 10; New Or- leana, Uu. 11; -Matehcx; Mis... 12; Jackson mat. 13: TickAns IS; Shrereport. La.. 14; Lake (diaries ant. IB; IleiiimnBt. Tes.. IB; Galveston 18; BmmMM.JV. . Show Girl. B. a mniMri. aB*.: WUBlwton. D. C, 5-10. School GiTl. Frohman 4k'BBanBsi^ aagr..: Tren- ton. N. J.. T; WUmlatiaB. Dd., 8. Sleeping Besnty and the Bcaat, Fled. Price, mgr.: DenTer, Col., 4-10. Sidney, George, A. W. Herman, mgr.: Oetiolt, Mich., 4-10; dereland, O., 12-17. Scheff. Friul, C. B. Dillingham, mgr.: New York Clti, Dec. 23, indef. Templeton. Fay. iOaw A Brlaascr. nsca.: New York City. Jisdk 1. lar '~ TlToU Opam OA,: In def. „ Tenderfoot, Wa. P. Collen, nn.: ITcwport, Ta., 7; BlclMMnd B-lO; OuiiettcCTillc 12; Roanoke 13; BlnefleU. W. Va.. 14; OMteston. Va., 18: Charleston. W. Va., IT. _ . Telephone Qlrl. W. B. MaUMlK Wr.: BHOfe. Beld, -Mo., 7: Marcelhie Si^BhkMW St ■■>- nlbal 10; Booacrllto 18.. ' Two JoJhwi SBMsnaw >ia« •: nhikfeaifiii s. Tangnay. lU., 7. Two Merry Vmplre, M. B. Dec. 2. Indef. Van, BUly, In The Brn.l'aVii.V* Am. Co.. mgrs.: St. lAl^ mni phis. Tenn., U-17, Teronlqne, Klaw A Erlanger, mgrs.: Philadel- phia. Pa.. S-17. Wills Mnsleal Comedy Co.. John B. Wills, mgr.: waeo. xcs. s-T: etimiM S-lS. - latrCoadsvUIe. Ti- laBlaiapolIi I 8; Sootk Bead IB; a|aBB.BwldB, 14; Kslamaaoa IB; 'I.ttiM 16; wnia. «a*_K.. -w. «: CalOjJt. <!.. U-17. WMd^aad. JU. L. BnflMd. ngr.. (f. T., B-10; TUIadelnUa, FCi O'tf. Woodland (aeorT- W . SaTage'al'.i' Percy r mgr.: San Frandseo;■ Oal.. .B>'Te6. 10; land 12-13: Son JoJse 14';. Stock ton IS: Sac- ramento 16-17. ■ , ' . Witard of Oz, with -Montgomery A StOne, Fred.- Meek, mgr.: Milwaukee, Wis., 4-7;-Madison 8; Clinton. la., 9; Des Moines' 1; Omahs. Neb., 11-14: I-lncoln M; St. Joseph.:|fa:; 18. Wizard of Os (No. 2):. LcaeaawoctlL jCan.. 7; Topeka 9; Wichita 18^'. - ' - ',' c'- . When Johnny Oomaa jfagiBhMt' Btmt. W.' T. Ca|^ton.; piop. -and _ i^(p^iy7w>S|ri[MU' Win., Wud,'_Bap. Bl^li'jBMiil^'.ibBr.: Bronklya. K. ■ a., 8-lw."*: .... J ' ; .%. - Yaakea' ConsaL'Mha.P.BIoeiim. mgr.: DsBTer, CdL, B-10.' Xotk A Adams, In Bankm and Brokets: Bwu. Tllle. Ind., 7; Terre.Bante 8; Sccatnr,. m., ' B; BBrtasflaM -10; St. Lools, Ifo... 14-17. v.-.»--!i96--j-r*£— ■: r^. '. MINSTREL iJsrIow, Gres«, J. A. Cobnm, mgr.: Narsaota. -Tex.; 3: Bryao . 8; - Heane 9: Boekdale 10: Cameron 12: Tannic 13: HiUsboo 14; Hob; kard City l»; Mexia ib; .(Xwalcana 17. a^MT * WU^ott's, IMTCBCC Barlow., mgr.: -eoUMMni, K.-C 7; Mewftera 8; Khutoa 9; OrecBTlIIc 10; ThAora' IS; Boeky Monnt 13: Wilson H. - . - Domont's: -miadalpkla; ~'Pa^. Ang. IS.- Indef. DciRne Bna., Bll^ .OeSne, mgr.: . Mt. HoUy, . N. J.. 7; Bristol. P^, 8: I,akewood N. J.. 10: Manasqnan 12; Bed Bank 13;'Long Branch 14; Kcyport 13; Freehold 16; Sooth Ainboy ,17 ■' Oockstsder's.'- Lew; Chas: D. Wilsoo. mgr.: New York aty. 5-10: Broocim 12-17. Donnelly A Batfleld's. Edw. Cooard. mgr.: C«- dartowD, Ga.. 7; Talladega, Ala., 8; Bnnts- ▼Ule 8; SheftyriBe, Tenn.. 10; Mmphrees- -boro 13; FsyetteTlUe 13; Colnmbla 14: Pu- ' laaki 15: DMstnr. Ala.. IB; SbeOeld 17. FMd'A A1.'G.. Doe Quigley. mgr.: Albany. N. Z., T; MinMown 8; QloaenTUIe 9: Schenec- tady 10; .Mnsteidam 12; Utiea IS; Syracuse 14; Atmam 15; Oencvm 18; CovBlog-17. . Chirton'B. 0- O. PearL mgri: Cbndenport.'Pa.. 7; Port Allegheny 8. ■ Gny Broa.': Wlnehcaler, Ta.. 8; MartlnSbnrg, -W. Va., 10; CsOkcMrad, Xd., 18. BaTcrly's, Ohas. B.'BiisAaa.-mar. Wis..' 7: Oahkosh 8j III., m il. Hontinln, Sanger A MdNell, mgis.: Medicine Lodge, Kan., 7; Harper 8; Medford. OkU., 10; Pood Creek 12; Waufcomls 13; Hennesay 14. Ilarknesa A Fox, Boy E. Fox, mgr.: Black Kock, Ark.. 5-7; Mammoth Spring 8-10: Thayer. 3Mb.. 1S44:. ,gsrgkii.l.^_.i>a.. 15- Hl kcmy'a: •"milMaUi i:JMk4 tf'M*a» • C 8-10. - . Kemnd's. BUly. Geo. iK'^BHln. mgr.: BUck- sto«; Va., 7; FarmTflla B; Ptederlckaburg S; Alexandria 10: Wlhnlngtoo. Del.. 12-14; Cam- den. N. J., 15-17. Mllllcao's. Fred S. MllUcan, mgr,: Eentnrood, L4i;,.-7; Aanlte 8; Hammond 9; New Orleans 10. ' . Prtmrose's. Geo.: LonliTille, Ky.. 5-7; Lex- iDgton 8: EransTlUe. Ind.. 9; Henderson. Kj., 10; Tene Haute Ind., 11; Bloomlngton, 111., 12: Peoria 13: Galesbnrg 14;; Boek Is- land 15; DaTcapott, la.. 18l Qnlncy, 111.. 17. • .'-.-•.'.','::■ -.-.Vw" ■ Proctor's. Geo. ■.i'ft«e*«';.'Blgr.:« Jl>v leana. X«.. 04T. ' ■ ■ ; - _ ■ Biclutds A Prlngle's, Baaeo A Solland.- mgrs.: Lamar. CoL. 7; Las Animaa 8; Boeky Ford 9; LaJnnta 10; TrinUad 11: -Baton. N. M., 12: Las Vegas 13; Alboqoerqne 14; Gallop 19; 'WInslow. Ariz., 16; Flagatatt IT. Vosel's, Jno. W. Vogel. mgr.: DsnTllle. N. Y.. 7: BstsTls 8; LodnMt 9: Niagara Falls 10; Conneaut. O.. IS:,<Brltb-Fa.. .U{' Ohv 14; Jamestonm. N. Z.. .IS; . B. lMB . f a;lB; On- Hols, Pa.. 17. V- ; ' Wei't's. vno. H.,- BufSi# B.»BtSBpr, mgr.: 'n'atsonTlIle, caL,.'T;-anta CMa'K'flan Fran- cisco 11-17. . . . ...WANTED... FMIass^^Moiis with fronts inoc.a liD Bj^.' Sfiow iii 'Maicli:at - ..wColiseiiiny Chloipi|iii>^ . on Percentage-BasiiC U' -. i, Aiiswer at once, glv]ng .(ull> details of what you have. ' " H. J. YERMEULEK, - cin of BILLflOAfffl, CHIEABO. Saenllla 10; OUeago, EliflHii 8&S2SK AiMiiNlator. DByxoa OH BAaso.-. .• Otden BOW received for March delivery. IlaaaAM I lor aU Fls«s of Amusamsntand aaparb PiSo. aiSS, ■™1"-*'~g pw«^ tenaataa. SOT Sehool S(., dslcaso. in> EQUESntlENNESB Have somuuuen time (or YaudevUIe Uonsea, Parks and Kalnt—SnmmiirltaMuii. Permanent Addreaa. TUB I simaLE AOTs wjurmi .• BT AI.I. TIBKS. STAR FMHikV THEATRE. AURORAsilX. F. TailOfK, Mgr. ..SLEl6Hr-0F-HAND TRICKS. XawoasaaachaMQlh. Scad I jomi wimm, t«ts Ban. m.. euYiM orau MNitf jam sasM VAUMTlMie A WUmUCU.. Mgt*~ tlLAYTUH, -■WAN ■Vt.L*- Boss canvasman gB'rttoJar'' , cigBnrti. smokM* ud boMSffs. plaaaa da not Wilts. TICKKT at!l.L»J{; Unrfl man, must be Rood •pl«l«r. No al. bt w^,r \V r .S h.r-[>U.\ M , 1C<1 Are., 1.aUKa1(QE,iLx> : WAMTKD S rn» ACttMlona. !>»«.• ■I?tJf.?'»V?tii^^ AddrMv, H. J. VERMCUtaM: BtUbaMd. Chla»<o. llliBTlli—ladyorOentfor putner In a Tight Wire TellallyoodolBflntUUar. or wlUJolna good tight <thBt.,MtB.lll. TOM PEOPLE WAKTEU—tor Bamoier aad Wl EnasKvmrnc M*n for li»rk«, MAOfwrTom. Aava.iiB Agsnt. Prop«rtTMaDt,>pi*l •mallp«ta. nosedoOb- IJaa brass prvlerrwl. state lowtit ^lary ID first letter. ■JtaalOrConcert-I--'ni >i'i»i j-:,, ,,□ rv,,-u" MIDWAY COMPANIES Barkoat Caislral Co.: -Yotkmie, 8. C, B- 10. _ .• > . .. Baascber Camlral Co.. A. G. BaaMhsr.' ap.s Selma. Ala.. 5-10. ■ - Borrell Carnlral Co.. D. E. Borrell. mgr.: Cen- ter, Tex., 7-ttO. - - ' City of Jenisalem: Tampa. Fla.. Jan. 20, tadef, CooDopoIltan Amusement Co., H. Snyder, mgr.: Nen- Orleans. La.. 5-lT. Fann A Meyers Carnlral Co.: Blibee.. AHm., 5- 10; Dowlas 12-17. ^ . „, OajWn B Bnabmer Aavement OA...aH8l>ni * BasisBcr. mgrs.: Naerlstowa. Pa.. Oet. 1. General AMmment Co.. Passman A Green. mgra.: nsMSlloa. Fla.. 5-10: Leeabmg 12-17. Hampton Aawttmnt Cb.:. Gatncarllle, Fla., 5-10 ■ •'-.--■ ^ ■ ■ New Orleaas '3baBMna'(S».: 'CtCtaaa; Ala.. 5-10. „ „ ^ People's AmusfOient Co. M. J. W. Baker, mgr.: Bratb. La.. 3-10. Roral Amnsement Co., H. H. Tlyps, mgr.: TbUbodaux. La. 5-10: SUBNl JSM. , Teino Show. L. J. SUUOk BIbt: BSTUa. (MB. Jan. aS-Fcb. 28. _ WMtav'. OiMtn ShaML .00. a- CONVENTIONS ReuntonSy Conclaves*' ABsembllea (Oontinned from page 38.) lAinSUVA Sooge— A. 01. IB. Chnrch Coof. Feb. MANAGERS! will rent building in Chicago snltatde foe Tao^ derlUe Theatre. No theatre or place <«JHSHSE" ment of any kind In (hat locaUly. Ik 80BDD> LEB. Anrora HaD. XUanakw Bra..aad wa. St., Chicaco. UL Han for zaat <gc aiMlag Pie- tore shows. • WANTED—Tandcmia IHltalsalB. la aB tnaacMa. (My tksat capable at changing set -.«jMt» ct mik, lasoa cagagement to right psr- SnTttata^a^S. We pay all after tela. y xT.T. XXOBABOZ one SO-tOot Bs an B Ta p,Teat; also one large- C^nk Piano fcj^'* *' ao-Boond Ontan. C. B.. cu 9tli St. aramwtawn. H. Y. ...WANTED..; For Mallory's Circus—Performers for big ^>OW that do two or more turns AlKfjWant to beM ft^good ateady Moslrt*«a. ; Wtgt ^ejgf around. Performe rs add ress £. BT Mnsldsns sddreas 8TEWAXT w. falo Center, la. ^ msicAL HovBLTiEB—ar —.— WAMTKO. wim Dlcrare machine for repertoire com- iSoiU kSwSTTAH COMEDY CO.. eaia ibeazd* DOO Tft4 WANTED AT 0N<3E.__- WBHKS. WBl'l'B GEO. lUridias. Taxu. TENT FOR SALE. 4B-(oot B. K. Top, Side WWI Jorenlle man. Join St mce. ■ W. Ya. WAMTBD JUWBlH'. 18. .* p. W . Qtnd' Iiodge. A. B .Aadrawa.. AiMnMa. 1—1. O. e. T.. Oamka ~ n, mt.. MB. jCvT