The billboard (Feb 1906)

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Ttte' Blilboarcl pnnuAmr m. ■ WE HAVE RE6flVED4fi8 ANSWERS to our ad in The Billboard of January 27th (read it) oonoeniiiig •a- ..ThE Sigbtsaeng Autos 167 From Park Owners and MaBi^ers. 92 From People who brnve Picture Oo ncwl o n i, SOS G«MnIhH*MHft«Baaa»totB«k»lis*lM II III! Ill Hi iiiMWiiiiji Hiilm ilin Inlll And in the entire list floljr three asked the aueBtkn, Are yoa Infringiog? Ancl tbey wrote, ft had toon tn^ gested to them that we were doingr so. Bead our Patent Attorney's letter to us and to yoa. We pid«|ria lOiiB Mttr for Aapciart psopto. niiMiCintfTiL Mfamxm, s p p p C. W. GBSSHA AT THB WHEBL IH HIS ..40 HORSE-POWER ADTOMOBILE.. Tom Nash, operator at Maviog Picture apparatus, takuw movQff piuluiw ~ of' 'flw.' atraeta abd boohnravda of Sb Loois. "O. T. Crawford (of The Crawford (Srctiit)m] seat. Mr. Crawford has the eonoessioii for the Sightseeing Autos in St. lionis, aod has. beat i^vioff poinlera to the tor, by whidi tike moak teantiftiland intwriwHug pofaite^of; the. eil7..;were'taken. - . OVER 20,000 FEET OF FILMS have been taken from this machine for THE SIGHT- SEEING AUTOS, besides 10,000 feet of Moving Pic- tures taken in foreign cotmtries for The Sishtseeing Autos, giving OS the finest list <^ snbjeota in Uie .Mgvius Fietore line. ■■. mm»J»mimmm at T» BBifci FOB INFOBHATION ADDRESS. .■f'.-.s'V*--'•.*."' -'-^ V ■■ •-. .iVy.,:;v',- ' liuiBger, sl^t^Seelng Aa,to*s, Dear sir' "-. • .. •-'^'^-^-■' -1:; sv. : ■ ■. ' ■ r.''.i.^.^^i^-^^' ■de aattoftMr^iyfarimiietaMta ttj^^^^^^S^i^A: reference to your Seenographlc Apparatus 1>uslness,yaiit'that we -" * ^ ■ will represent you aal deCend you In say and all anttat ir any, tbat nay be broogbt fitr iBfrlacMMife at pakMta, mtitlaMt yo* or CHARLES W. CESSNA. 6ei'l Mgr. Oecatir, 111. W. H. JiBB CONSTRUCTION CO., iidluapolls, lodiaoa. . a. T. Agta 'Aicum Or. . WObor 8l Smltk. 18 W, 3v ■u.—4. o. M. faenwd. «• W- S-23. ■t. Br. lade* ct . OM. IttrOi IB. Ba Baldnxm wt. -f : Baltlmacc—(Basteni . AfitU 12 14. BaRImope—"W. O. V. W. Grand'Lodge. Apcfl — . A- F. Colbert. 21 llfrs. Bword Ma«. BsIUmoK—^Amrrlcur Wnaaa SaOenn Atrna. rt». T-I3. i9oe. MiM E. v. Gocdoa. laoc nrttnU (t.. Neir Orlemu, Im. ' ' lAdse aC ICoylnd. I. O. IL BoMoe—American Beat St Kodse. Apta U. I.. B. Oslpltts. 2 Puk 8a BoMXOft—KnICbt* Honor Grsnd Lodsc. — Bmot Ajk«r. 100 l^man st.. Spriiisfleld. Beaton—Home dnle GnDd Coimcll. r«b. S 1906. Boaton—SoDi of Teterana State BncamiHiieitt F^. 1»14. Boatoa—'Nnr iw< Gaa En tla t oTa ' Aaao * Feb. a. 1908. N. W. OUroed. New Bcdfwd towdt-T. W. O. A. Vtm IbfUad Ooof IW. O. ~ O. e. T. Gcaod lAdse. Aftll 13-14. ''Tctcraaa •T. 3t. ■. If. 14^. 8. T. yUrtuai, KocttalMra. mCHISAV ^ Adrian—T. M. C. A. State Cos. Feb. IS-U IWM. R. D. Conim. ADD Arbor—State Sdraol Vaateia' QnlM Ooo Marcb 21.31.. b. P. toa^ra, MS a«. DlTla loo St. Grand Raptdi—State f eiaM eC WMAilUia* TtlL 20-22. im. LaeitlH OmiI of Booor. Stale Oil Fe'b. 11. nOB. ' Or. Charlea Jenklaak CtDokston.!!^ _^ Deal S4; MS. 6mm. W. Ckr peater. MlnBrwmoUs—G. A. B. D^t. Encamp. March —. Ortoo S. Clark. St. Paul. Wnneapolls—State Retail HaidwaTe Dealers' " Assn. F<*. 3S-iIaicU 2. il.- S. Mattbeirs. Minneapolis': UlnneapoUa—State Jewelers' Aasn. Feb. 14. IBnneapalla—G. A. B. Dept. Encamp. Ortoo ,B. CtakTat. Panl. Wnfpalla 11. ■ . m ia lnn a r j Sodetr «< Aawr- 3bTCk tut. F. J. ifcftt. KrBatc mw wM W Oa tflnneapolli—state Fnucial Dtteeten* Aan. On. Feb. —, IS06. J. A. WUweracbelde. IKS St. Peter St.. St. Paul. Roebeater—State Retail Merchasta* Aan. Feb. 14-lC. Simon Clsjk. Dolnth. iU Pan]—Court of Honor, State Ooo. Feb. 13. ISOS. J. If. Sttekncr, 81. Oaod. 'tt: P>nl—Decree «( UiinK. —j^lijii, Feb 18. 1906. Mia. M. - MtaneapoUa. «t. ruM—A. O. U. W. Graod B. Laeaoo. ftait Canau Cltr—Weatem lee Mfra. Ano. Ooa. Vaicb —, 1906. Mr. A. Mimae. St. Joaepth-^tasdard Poland Cbina Record Aaa. Feb. 18- 1906.. W. T. Ganett. •t. Loato—IMsht Clataa Aaaa. Mar IS. IMM. .Wanta P. Tirlor, BMiwnnd Va. " a tf. W. Graad " ■W. Olerer, 408 ~ innRAMA - A. B. 1_ WMK). CUi. F. Gigc Hclna. Ti T'iiitainra Premont—T. M. C. A. State Cca, 1906. J. . P. BaUer, Omaba. - Uncoln—etate Betafl r " Feb. 13-14, 1908. - I, arda Block. UncolD—Court of Honor. State Con. Feb. ISk 1006. Geo. P. ManrlD, Beatrice. Norfolk—'North Nebr. Teachers' Assn. April ■l'6. S. P. Wilson. Wayne. Feb. 22. Obnoord—Mate Letter Carrlera' .1808. '3I..A. ElUa. nSW JEBSEX Atlantic City—A. O. n. .Marcli 8 B. J. H. ~ pie Camdpn. A-tlantk: Ctly—Bpworth Leagne, Slate Coof. AvrU Zi-as. H. Hendlctson. Atlantic Qty—'Weatem Packers' Canned Gooda Aaaa. Feb. IS-IT. Ira 8. Whltsmer, Bloom- Intctoa, 111. Mrwark—^Northern N. J. Athletic Ornmaatl' Meet. March 3. 1906. Xen-ark—State Charltlea aod Correetlons Aaaa. Feb. 19-17. Bee. Walter Beld Boat. Orance W aw ailfc I . O. B. B- Grand l.odae. Jam. 048. AidMr PMUIpK. Btt Balaer at. Mew .Biieeelit ffilhleii Oateil fav Bl—i5l K. Y. X. B. OMCk Chat. lese. Btm 'MaKX, Pa. TreDtoD—Knlcbta of FTtblan Gtand Lodfc- 81-22, 1906. Ehser E. Marcenun. Trenton—I. O. B. M. Great OoaseU- Fab. 22-23. ISOe. Danld ' M. atercna, Ko. 2 8ee- ood at.. Oanden. Trenton—WaUoaal St. Patnck'a AUlaaee. Feb. 2S. 1906. WestvUle—X. O. M. Grand I.odge. Marcb 20. Wb. T. Barda. Blft Mol Mtb a^ CaMdae. I-*, MM. Br. 1 ave., BmafclfB. BlneiiaiatOD—SlBla _ 20-22. 1908. K B.-:! Brooklyn—Betall 21. IE. Banaoo. BrooklTik—AlpbA Cbl Bbo Fraternity. Feb. 24. 1908. Garitoo H. Bajaa. Afloo. BntTaln IMlri Stale b ' Feb. aTBM. a. riiii[ii lalwaa ilf m. f~ 12. Harlea a H O. Lodse. »*. : Cltf. UU Dale—Clt7 or UfM Sept. 2. Mra. T. - ~ St.. ^Boffalo. .- ... MlUerton—Q. A. B. Isteratate RennloD. TA. 22. 1906. C. A. Cfliej. New York Cilr—State Maaon Bldg." Material' Dealen* Aaaa. Coo. Marcb — J. D. On>T.' Vrw Yock Clt7^-«r. T. BetaU Oroeaia* Ualoa. M. lO-Slck. 10. L. J. OaUaaaa. O. V—V at. OletD—<. O, 0. 9,