Billboard advertising (Feb 1906)

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44 Xrte Billboard ;PBIRUARY 10, IMK SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS, I^LECTRIC PARK ORENS ARRII. 1st. JIMUSEMENTS WANTED. The new BonAvd Thonssod Dolter^ diptwlog-popoIaaoD 100,000, reached bj two CSrVlMB. <Hb1i Irtr, •Cttiieessionaires Wanted. Figure Eight Boiler Coaster, Caroussel, Chutes, and Circle Swing already let. ■Can <^ler tat sammer Stock Drama, Comedy and Light upeia, IS weeks each. rfuU particulars. Address, Sldne>^ H. Wels, IVfgr. mUlER SLOT MACHINES NOW IT Ton WantTbem In TIOM for (be Opeatec of tbe We—o« of 1 909, All klads of Slot .TIscblBes miiA Sappllea, otero. Tlewe* n»mm SlMes« etc. AFEW HFW flNE^ ~Crack dbot Ptstot," ~H<TciiIe-i 81>onld«r nd Arm Test," "SamsoD 'tn HCn Uaca Antomatlc Pnncber." "BlrtJi.phoBe," "C*llo8coi»" Picture M«- drins, *%looiBT6asStT«Datb" Uacbine. "Get. If urled" Uachlne. and doieDS of others New aaeaeomlnxaUtletiine. \Vrlt« for rHe»« and printed matter. When In Net* Torlc call on me r. «. ZIHMERIIAN, 5 C. 14th Stre«t, New York. ||I>EN MAY 1st, 1906 mst Virilflia's Most Popolar Resort Under tbe manaeement of tbe AHEBIOAN AMCBEMENT CO. -^MnxjtMag TSew,' Space for Anything Good. What have you? Two Huu- ttikdnw from.. A Good Thing. Get Busy. Addiess, QEt. i, HdilHIUI, VisMaglM talk Kit.. Pltbtarg, H. laKTBtaaMa •T.T. «k* nod oat of it. Ton caiuat km AIK I rltaknd to otter pspen Bloog toiii — i Ike aaMs »(thair aditon, «D. an i i i i » l b»T wattofcaow- It l« tba K raZia AOZST WHK A OOFT OF Mftns BiARia J.; (t ept n pre hen» »T« u4 oomplct*. It !■ tb« best ottbem KOWkLL'8 uid yoa wlU doable hit oMlalceaa. lb n ipnm iL. i9W TortL City. .WANTED.... ....WANTED f JOHN H. SPARKS' SHOWS, r^llwiiHil ln all Uoes. Small Tronpe of Japo. Aerial Acts. Comedy Acts. Par Art, Afrolmtfr fHHIIIIiill *l I Tiilliliii and SlueiDK Clown, ard s Ble Act to feature SHBemaniBeFa Mairb Sill. Can I'ffer year's eogaceirenciuvood. sober AMrtss CHAS.SMMS,llmtHMMlLlpaikifS( Konte: Dad** City. Fla.. IWl Its *«~T*llH. Wt AMta.aeda. ni Alcm«Ua. 13: Bartow. 16. EWE SUF»F»LYE SbBi(tiiiMi,.Aiifitiiiii8rs,. Usdiciu Mu El ' tiHM - Hi. wm wmii : K. OUR HnMSIUWr TN 272 L NUdlui St., CHiCABO. •Acme COAST ABiUSEMENT €01APANYi 8ULUVAN * OONSIOnil^- ) Vaadavm* Th —tT«a East.! MSB, TtSBI-CLASa ACTS OP AIA I M.'o uom, «L«n^ «MK inr, mm. wi WIAT, inUI^WASH. Mate SEATING Kinds . BEND FOR CATAL'Oid. ' E. II. Stafford Mfg, Co. ; t dOTibI« seta rrd moiiBt«d ooU&r, ponj banMH^ llkaMI OrwI&bsiletordJjulisndi. FBOf. CBA& E. aiCl;Ba« Atb^,! —. Dr. Jm. Hardii. •cc'y. U N. FCnl st. BdtUm. m.—Xoctbcn nlMs ftmltir aud. Feb. S-10. Bert B. tncaa. ircry,: Bvoctao. N. 7.—PuwIeH' i g. «■ Shew. Fft>. S-13. W. C. B a ii — s t l ew ; w«Py. DDnkiifc. N. Y. OacIstM. N. Y.—Caatoteo Paaltry Aun. Show. Frti. 5-8. Is. J. Wbltlcy, •ec'J. Outon. O. Cant— PmM^ A Pet Sted Aan. Show. Ml M. Q. ttMk .aic^. CDmberlaai. ~3M.-^MNIir 'AMB. IMr. Feb. M-lT. Dajrtoo, O.—Dmrtoo Fanelcra* Ctab. .Feb. 1 7- C. C. SiTldioD, eee'r. DodzerlUe. WU-—8. W. WlafSis PooIUr AMB. rcbb w:.^ A. .B. a^wr. no» ia- ▼aife, m. - ■ -: ■ FiaaktaetL K. T, meet-Trily • F. >• AMB. Shew. IbK. »n. - CIL UMik sM-y. 6Taa« BmUs. IIMf Plllj * PUM Oab Shew. ttb. »!«. T. B. WHgkt. KCTF. GtecaflelO. Teon.—Greeoflflil PoqImt AssorU- tioa Sbow. Frb. T-B. a. A. Boblnrcs. mc*7- ladlanspoUa. lad.—FancJrra' Aasn. o( lad. Frb. ^ B-ia^^^«^JL^yt«».^Jg^»g^g^ S^ Pet •ee'y. Jbbnatown, Pa.—fobnstowB Kennd ft Poaltiy dab Show. rvb. 7-10. N. 'BaltfeiMre. lid.—N. BalUmore Pooltry raa- elera* Sbow. Feb. 16-20. N. Taktma. 'Waxb.—State PooIOT Aias. Sbow. F«^. 12. H»nT CoIUm-, "cc't. Taooma, Wash. NoblearUIe. led.—HunUtoo Co. P. A P. S. Aatn. Bxblbic Feb. 13-17. L. S. Baldwin. Nomlk. O. fooltty KeUocs. aec'y. . P«L—1 Feb. i4.i«. Bbdhy. O.—Sbelhy P. A P. 11. 1. B. Hlaci. ltc-7. St. Paul, XlBO.—Jdaaeaota Sbow. Feb. S-11. B. J. Toledo, O.—PooltxT Fudcn* A 1-a. Alfa. X. Bite, aec'y. WWU WWlL w Amm. muUO. 14-lS. «. B. m. S. ASBB. Feb. S- . J. Lnr. .M<r. BriTMeiCk IB . Fta Feb. a. BroeUya. B. _ ^_ crr»' HtflitlM'a ThH CleniHmt Ave. Bta^ 3B OteeA.aad B. J. Bawe, New Tocfc City. Hamfani. Itau.—Bvrrrblll Board at Tnd« Food and ladBttrlal Eipoiltloa. New Armory. Kareta 81-ApriI 7. C. H. Qieen and E. J. Bowr. intra., ZTT Broadway New York City. Loolsrllle Kj. —Pore Food Show. April 24- May 8. C. Dean. Detroit. Mkh. Newark. N. J.—Newark BetaU tiroeen* Food StKnr. May T-19. C H. Orecn and S. J. Bowe, mgrm., xn Broadway, New Tork City. Provldeaee B. I.—Batetaera Oioccr* «od Mar- ketmen'a AaKClatlon of Bbode laland Pore Food'Sbow. lataatiy Han PraTUcoee. B. L FA. iS4*. 0. H. etcca oa B. J. Bewe. mgia.. m BMaamK Mew Teak CUy. Bocbertv. V. T ITortMUr BotaO Aaaa. Pore Vpod.Shvw. AnrC IS-SO. Grocen ayraeoae, N. T.—AyiBCOtc .* Meat Dealers' Aasodatloa Food A lodostrlal Kxpo- altloo. Tbe Alhambta. AprU 19-28. CTiL Green and B. J. Bowe, JD^ra., 277 Broadway, New rork City. Wocester. Mass—BetaU eneen and ETorliloo Oealeis' AssoeUtloo's Pnc Food Show. Me- cbsBles* BaB. Feb, SB-Xardi 10. C. H. Oteaa aad B. J. B awa^ ai>is , «TT Braadway. AtrrOKOBCLB SK0W8 Beaton Mass.—Anonal AntooKitiUe Sbow. 18 23. Cbriter I .Canrpbell aeo'y. Bnffalo. N. Y.—Aatomobile Sbow. March Cbleago. m.—Aoaaal AataagbUc Bbaw, at Isenm. Feb derelsnd. O. Feb. lT-2i. Detroit, "1 men's Bknr, at Iteh. Bestoo. Maas.—Qone Sbow. AprO — Brooklyn. N. T.—Braofclyn Hecae Show. A^ 25-28. Bldlos and Drlrtns Obibw BNoklya. Pasadena. CU.—Sootbcm OaL Bone Bbow. auica e-i B. b. a>. «eir, see^. U-'' ■'^'^ '. ' iBnooB cmcrrs Detroit, Mich.—IKyatic Shrlaers' Indoor CbcoB. Feb. 2B-MaE. S; BaaeU O. Fearea, abatean. KXPOflHIOBB OUeago. ni.—«nt National Sbow. CoUaeam. March 7-14. Codoaa* Payiie, mfra., ITtS Park Bow bUc., New York City. Chlemco. IlL—Secood awww.i and Boalnru Syitem Sbow. lT-3<. CbctiraDe A Payne, Bow bldg. New York City. Tobae«o l^dea* indostrlal 'Sxpoaltloa. Sept. New York City—Madlaoo S^jaare Oardea. The TVibaeeo Tradr lodostrlal Bxinaltloa. Sept. S-16. IW. Turk, gen mgr.. Van Mc^ Wln- ebcster, Co.. N. Y. TO HAMASEB I PARKS. CARNIVALS, SIDESHOWS, CIRCUSES, FalrgrouDtt,: Etc., Etc. aaVha aboot M ft. tn opaiatlOB. The bast moaay-a oowda Hi a u la a aad MB^ hop known In yia tfi L Wins (ortnU partlOBlafals lbs iA86IE iURPHT iF6. CO. ZSDHMSt, ffiW TDIK cm. I. S. L How Many Tons Cmb Ym UtI Herculeii Shouldei^ — ^aho — Ann Test it tlmphr Coin* tha&f, EveiybodF Tiles It.. "Automatic" SstSpifldia Electric HTronemeua Cages Drop Cases. Metal RoolettB Wheel—best ever. XjOOdM ^ Marked Carda. Latest and most wonderful Hold-Ont ever made. No practice required.. Can be laid on tbe table and vlayed in fUU view of aU the players. ABk tor-partleatanL Greatest catalog ever written anj Ung. Sent to any addkvsB BARR A CO. M ' Concessions to Let -AX- ..EAGLE POINT PARK.. For Snmmer 3ea>on of 1906. also Befresbment PrlTfleees. Good a location for a Merry- Go- Roood and Fenls WheeL NotUneboteleaa Address commaoleatieiis to R. M. HOWABD, Oen. Mgr. Cllntoa Street By.. Clinton. la. Handy FriitJarWreneii SWLMknf. CMtaip New Carnival. Fair and Streetmen malce big money—are you next? Sample and ftm particulars by mall 10c. ft L SOUBH, SpUzw Mf., TtMt. 0. .at thBM. todastBelai to^eowFeoetoff- aiaiiafbetaM and ' catloD ebsncM. -VIGTOB H. «BAB de «•.« Dapt-R-tt-MtaaallsBt.. CalOA0O.lU. The Carrick Elsctilcal Mfr. Co.. t77 W. Had. laon St., Cblcaco.. Stenoptleona, Spot L]«hts and all kinds of StMBt Llffbtlng AnpUaseea bnllt to ^er. Bzpert Repairing on liorlst Pletne MaAIoea. Batbnatea tomlabed co all of raectrleal work. WASTES—The BieloslTe Hifriibnist •loo. for 1906. Park. Bet aet People anewer. O. &. BHAM^ Tidlaaspalls. Jmi.