The billboard (Jan 1910)

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8 THe Billboard JANUARY 1, 1010. CHEAP I Ftudwo, OaL: T. Theatre Cbairs Abftolatcly jroa-Brwk«bla SollaUe tar mall tbratrv (Dd bmvIbc pictw* ilian. We eanr tbeie chain Id stock and can tlilp tmmoUately. SecoDd-hand ctulra alw seatlnif t-^r oat Of door Dae. Add. Dept. B.. STEEL rrtismjEE CO.. Grand Raplda. Mldricao. Bostoa oBe*. SSt Ooncreu St., Rostoo, Mass. Monadnnrk RIk., ofllee. +4 Park Place. THE CIRCLING WAVE. : popnlsT HnimiDwt dflas drr an. Baally and qnlekly set w. ami ukn laezpeiislTe to oiwrate and to tnrasport tram to place. Onsated br StsoUne englBe. 80 people. Maatt by crUnder plana or oiiaa. Now Is tbe time to place 7o<ir aider. OtMocne. price and te stlmooUls og appHcatioo. AKMITAOE * OUIHS, Patentees and Sole Uan- ■teos •est* cf i^tTirvrs. AUTOMATIC MOVING SHOOTING GALLERY Don't Read This UnlesB you need aceneiyand^ the best work at the most reaaon- able prices. Ck>lored models sub- mitted. All sets nuut be nt>d , ^proTod by j * - — - - HE fflH sonnr iwoKn SCENIC STUDIO, mPIRF THEATBE. - PHILADELPHIA, PA at RIVERV1EW PARK. D«tnll. Mleh. Tile ooij amaxriDmt park In DetiaiC It's a Gold Mine. ■ Write to tlie Mnuter. FEATURE FILMS FOR SALE At 2<i. 3 and 3Ke per ftoot. to reatm stroos Wkr IMIT Jnnk? XcraoKT RUt Oa. nmmi t» ■swn tot. 108 Fanrtb An.. Ptttstarc. Fa: 'tFIABIBTS WABTZD:- "TKE EHACS BYBTZX OF SEADIVO WTBIC AT BIGUr." mailed for ten cents and atamp. Alra T HEE partlcalara or haw to plar TAV- — ———I nna KVAOK ■ Ssawms. EL tUJO a mi. ■St. SvcoDd'hand ST5.00. Mayer Fittabnrr. Fa. IB aMftiH condition. •US and $3.00 per narUne. > complete, 2ta Fnltoa Bids., pATCMTV SECUBED OS FEE BSXUB» ritlCniA ED. In-e report ■■ » ■■» UNITED STATES MUSIC CO., THE LATEST MUSIC FOI PUYER AND ELECTRIC PUNOS ON SPMIS AND ENDLESS ROLLS PRICE, $1.50 Per Roll. pieces to nfew'efoy moBth tint they old by the time others produce them. SEND FOR UTALOfiUES ANO ■ULLETINS. 111^401> ^NiIhi An>t CHICAGO, U. S. A. 60 L«rg*st Makers In Iho Wo- Id TS per cent, of tbe flttcet tbratras In . Canada are roraliibrd Titb tbem. Tbrj an ited a nnobfT ot aljlca wUch« ' ' itle of ANOKKWS QUALITY CHICAGO. ILL. 171 Wabash Ave. The Chair You Are Looking For. Do not get in your mind that this CifiauT is anjrthing like the ordinary; revolving chair so extensively advertised. Tius chair has a Mtf-taeiuB^kaefc and a talf-r^if iln'tfd. It is fint-class work through- out and. wejglB a half more-thaa tbe orffinaiy 1 is hidcstniElililK Don't ask for catalc^ue, but mder a sample and aee it, then you can jud^ for youcaelf. Addieas. The A. R. MILNER SEATING CO. NCmr PHILADELPHIA. OHIO. "THE NEW ATLAS" IS— The stttNurest trunk fat America. Haa nt- eas. Our ( catalogue will teO you wl^ 32«Kk • $1000 34 - = . . 10L78 38 " . . 11.80 38 " 12.26 40 " 13.00 THE BELBER TRUNK & BAG CO. No. 1641 N. (Uncock St. r^; PhilwiolpUa. P» Thn 1 iltiiBi f Iiif thellorim PjilwiilHMhwiiiiiBwBpfc HMtb. largest circiilation and is the besi Advertising Medium, bar oooe. suBsemmoM. ex-oo a tkar. SAMm.a co^t mailko run. 31, 33 and 35 Lttchfieid St. LONDON. W. C . ENGLAND Moyiii|{.?fiictiire Mitchiiies, Stcnopticoiis, SBdw, i CHAS. NL STEBBINS, loss MAIH SntBBT, 'iiBS'if.: • XASSAS cmr, mo mubUlty. Ulnitrated GaMe Inv.ntluns waotfil sent free. VICroa J. EVAMB A CO.. WaaMnston. D. C. SKETCHES. PLAYS. LIBRETTOS. A socct^fal aotbor of plays win accept a Smlted ODiDber of cuntract* for Sketcbes, I'layi, ~ " for Operaa or MuKlcal Codi—It. AiliL Z T. Z.. car. Tb. Billboard. -SLOT MAI 131 atjiee, other camins Irsltteate ^a»._SendJor bl^^^flFe wtn.boy Ubntr Belb. Cketk Ultia ( STAGE HARDWARE RIGGING LOFT EOUi STEEL CURTAINS OriSBMlillKllMCll nmon FILMS FOR RENT CAROUSELS Park Merry-Go-Roiindi Amusement Outfitters herschellWlman go., SwieM|St.N.TMmiii>.llT^l.ti SKEE-BALL A most profitable and easily managed Bowlii!^ Game for PLEiSinE RESOnt, PARIS IID WUSEItlT PlRlOtt SKEEBALL ALLEY CO. nuAinniiA, mi. PRINTING CARNIVAL MS A great Une (rf paper. Don't use cbnp lookiiig paper when you can get Ute most attract>\-e line of pic- torial lithographed paper at a low -rate. Prices sent on application. THE DONALDSON LITHO.CD. Impart ((£iSS^) Kwtatki. THEATRICAL COSTUMES €tm UtaatiaM IM X*. S. o( anr and allcMIr mart rmlMfa Jaat aaaSMed. Send for «■• at oara. Tkes. kaisalaa vUl net laat lose. E. B. A K Cowp^ny, Detroit. Miclj^ BALLS BALL BEARINGS —Tl SIcBS sad t a a a'r a frw. SIk Mrta aT SMt sMMr two sb!pB.ata for It-VO. WtU» Ikr aar Hfi af fM r»c aale at tI8..tO per terl: titled and la read eeodltloo. Bend far list. UHEX' COMPAXT. lOt-lie r.Brtk Aes.. rtttabarc. Pa. 1 aala af ilMta aar week la raala of Kim te MfMt nrnMOmtm ,TT nxji azmvs Outzoliiaroisols l*vffact n I'srd la aU the irr. O. Vs. MAGIC Madclans' Acts boUt, itacrd, and bookfd. Um and larorautlaa lue, loci ode extra dim. I mutCIlI Itn fifti aaaMBi a«« ■ .umi w la. B.«k)H Ucauw. anat BMk OufiM. JoAw><K mavKV rmamso oo,-«bcw pnattn tad Cnsrav^ra: n.t«a. B.ralda. Banana, etc. PBa MOINM. IOWA. FILM AND SONS SLIDES FOR SALE OR SENT nrtj Reels nrplQi ttoek, le t* Se par faot. lOrtaat cea d l Haa. wm aaatjakfaet ta SBa»