Billboard advertising (Jan 1910)

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JANUARY 1, Wia Xhe Billboard 9 IN TILUE'S NIGHTMARE Muie DnmIk Mikes Her Ap. petrance in the Leading RoleatAliMiqr . HANDsdi^nPfidbucfi^ HAHMANUB BLEECKKB HALL. Albuy, N. V —Mirlo Dnmler Id TlUle'* Nlfbimarc. musical comnlT b>' Bdsar Soiltb aad A. Habt- «im WMO. SIMid hj Wm. J. Wllwo. tnie' Mm Pcilooiilll lluTi-jr Tlakvr tioUrjr Br-IM .. UarrT Froat lUoJr Blobb* . l^iUBaa Utf-'tt r<rjxa Snow .. Ml*« Jotuuoa .............. ll«rl» Dmalrr Uormce Newman GUrriKV Harvejr '■Mtvil Btrbantta .............. Ccorge (ionnas Oclavla Brake Vlrdola Fola Star MootfonI Moaa Dramo K l tod 100, otben. Lrw Flelda' lamt pcoducUoo waa (trra tu Initial parfonnancc at this theatre on <^lac- Baa K>e, awl acond a decided aacceaa. Marie Unoler 1* tbe «ur ta/llM iMeiilUr MJ>> oolT •k* eaa aaaniue and ab« kaa aM. ■fegnMJriaUe Dnaatvr sonsa. Tbe atory CMMM.HMBwMM. ' a kMidlns-liouae dnidn aad Mr anocialw who an tnaaported la Iter lalfhbonre to > mriter- IMW land wben atraaac thlnca happen. Tke aaiutc. br A. baldwta Sloue, la In bta cateklnt rela and U dooe tail Jiiaclce br a ccnmoy of (ood alncer*. Alttioasb Mia* Dteaa- Irala the star, IbMv are Indlridoal hlu acond br J. ClarcDCe IlarrcT. Barrell Bariwetto and Ortarta Brasfce. Uiw Flelda hta asaln alMini hia prodlxaUtj bj the Uriah piodactloa be haa mad* t«r TU- ile'a Klsbtmore. It will ramfc with The Mid- algtt gaa* aad Ttw Jolly Bacheloca aa one o< the flDC«t Doalral aad wtalc vrodaeUoaa of the MARTIN BECK'S! NEW SCHEME. to Oiva NwWcomars to Vauda- villa Mora lAtlantien. XarUn Beck baa eatahHahad a sew bureaa la caoDcctloa with tha ttooklng department of «fc« Wealem VawlrrUlel Tbcatrca. and oae which all artlsta will aisceelate. At the bead of this iborean Ur. Beck has placed Atthtir Hopklaa, nfeo taat aeaaoa manased the Brishtoa Beach Mosle Hall ao mceeaafallr and who la cooaldcrcd oos of the moat cooacrra- tlTc and mlMBtormed 9t the yooncer Taode- TlUa masacvfB. Tfenacb tbia aaaic* all aitlata deelrinc book- Ian wifi ho la(arete««d>ad comapaaM with. «aa tha SMMaat poaBtbtaTcan -wHI ho sIvcb to } Mr. Bm* U o( the apMaa tkat not anOeleat attcntloa or eneuar- apaant haa betctotsK hOcB clreo tha newcomer fcTwaHtlUe or the eatabll^ed artlet who U itt- *o do aomethlBS nev or better than form- /. and aa he fooad It'a pkyilcal Impoaalhllltj the beads ot the booktac department. Ftaak VIneeat and John J. 0>ninB. to route the (rcat aomber ot acts required, arranc* the ptocrama to this, the larxeat raodeTUIe circuit la the 5t' CHRISTMAS PRESKNT Mad* by J. Hia man to Frad Zimmar- Sons. J. Fred Zimmerman. Sr.. of Klxoo A Zlm- nrminn. wbo recenllj parchaeed Ibe plat of *nmsd on the north aide of Uaiftrt street, wvat of FlftT-vecmid alreet, In Philadelphia, and apoQ wblrti be fa icotnc to erect the new Zlm- mennan Theatre, aeatinc aboot 2.400, made a t:brlatma* prearot nt the same to bla two aoai, J. rnd. Jr.. who la maaaclK tha Oal*^ Tbea- A. C Weatoevr. wbo deolned tho Keith The- ativ. la rooipletlnit the ylani aad apeelflcatloas tor the nrw Ztrometmait Theatre. The eater- prtse win rronire aa ootlsT "f a qaarter of a mMlen dollars, and la helna ananced aoiely and pnaoaallj- br the elder . Zimmerman. Qrouoil «ni b« broken oe>t month, and It Is the Inteo- <km tn haro the hoose completed br September 1. 1010. •n>e theatre win he dcTotetl to the bet .ler elaM of randaTllle at popalar prices. : Httrlier,:wiM6 Injunotmni; Would Not laiua ■ Ordar to filaaor. Jiidce Holt, la an opintoq r-mUVKl In the 1!Blte4 RIatea Clrcnlt Cohrt. In an action tn- >ltt«ted b.r Vanirtiin lllaiwr and WIHnnl Hi>l- I m al l . aa!!lnst the ,3t, BImo Compin.T Uncor- roratedl, «n1 other*, tor. atlptm! Infrliwrmpnt of coprwrlaht. denied tlie motion tor a pre- liminary Inlnncilon. aarltx U><" nne'li™ loired In lhi> mot ton la at leaal too doubt tnl to aaihorlaa Mm iMaaMa ai a»,w«ir mil •ho »f»a<a«tii .tiaai. »i Ba i ili ; l>a ttv - ue*. ♦t Ibl M* ttL»art. *T Iblnli tkat (ka a*' . ^.iMiAr tho Rmerirm caaej, mv P Mi l l i i a t» llMt tka eopyrltht rt a Iwak *»• not prrrent nlhrr per«n» hwa taklna the seme title for enolher hnuk. ereo In th.< c«»o •f an entlrelT n-vxplrrd rtip.rrlitht. In tlila ci-ae. iho mprrlrtit of Ihe n«»rl harlnf ex- Pln^. an'l U beln» opi-n to anr "n' to nrlto « nlry baaod nn the noroj. I ihink It atl" more .InaMfnt whether the mmplalnanla. *ir wrlllptr .iTiil .-*f».rr1vfallr.a a [>lt>r. to which tbej have siTcn the aamo title as tbe novel, cju pre- \<'nt the defendants from Kirinii the nnnw of tha BMol to i.n entlralr dlBertat play which haa baaa eaoatmcted fnim tho aand. "It la dakaed br Uw tiaiflalaaaU In thta MM ikat Ifea dtfaaiaata' admMaa af Ikt liUa IC MMf, tm Mr ^Ut ataTttair liwloetloa aC a play wUk aack a titlaw < ' ~ iHa Mtulaa fppHM |b MM •■■»<«( bmi Aada traa^^aaaala tta ei gil« bt at wkUTlma rz- 8UCCES8FUL SHOW. Ike Olrl Thai's All tbe Caady la a aaw an eal akaar. aaaaa tanaack aad OaiT " j» ataa 'aaaa* a( JVaiwIr tak *t Hkk. r • This abow kaa bfoa dalos a alee bnalaeaa since Sept. 6 aad la aawr la a peaaoerona condi- tloo. B. M. Oarfleld. wko la bandllnc tha ahow, baa decldiMl to go to toe coast with It. Mr. Garddd Is known to be s buslllDV usnscer. a-id opera bonae maosEem wh«-re tbla -Shaw has placed leport It one of the bcatpopniar-prlrad maslcal comedjs on lb* Ma4» avHa aa for Us snccess. Incre In tbe steow, aa foUowa: B.M.- --- SHUBERTS ANNOUNCE EL ABORA TE PLANS Say They Will Have Four New Theaties in New Ymk Citjr and Cooriir NttKf Year WORK WILL SOON BEGIN ON NEW HOUSES The anooancement Is made by the Sboberts I that they are preparlnff to add many theatre j to tbeir Ust of boosea. The stateotent Is made that they will hare four new hooaea In Kew York and twenty-clsht In other cltlea In dlf- farent parts of the coantry before the end of tha comlaa year. BrMeatB th« ara not dls- .-^ ^ jU^,^ «m ba THOs. F. ommttH. •nt IiM Traar. wtik naaMBM** XMnlB. rkHaMpHa. mnalcal director: Gerald Vaa^ entpcntcr: Balph North, elcetrlclaa and propa.: Harry Lore, B. L. Rtchardnn, Billy Shean. Wm. Fitt, Chariea (Mshtoa. James Clelcbton: Panay Waldtn. Rnth Barry, Lann Lawla. Chorus: Floreaea Berry, Basel Case. Musaiat MttlaibJItotIa len. Jana Fhrllns, ~ ■" "** Dixie Barry, Dot Carr, Blanche Rich. MR. HARRY 8AYWELL GOES TO v;v-.CI.C VytA HOi Banr Saywell. far Hi« past elirht j-ear^ treas- urer of Hsrin^nus Bleecker Hall. AIb]n,T. N. T., haa reslfned to accept a similar po«ltloo In tha bot-oOce of tht Pokinlal Tbestre, Oero- laml. O. Mr. P. Ra.T romntock, who I* the lease* • of both housraJ rec««nlsed Mr. Ssywell's abm^ aM^amMvdVhlta ^o^tha^ Ont^iad LIONBL S ARRY MORgltt.'-. ' Lionel narrymore. who haa been appesrlnit In iTilcnro In The Ptrra of Pxte. was com- iwlled l« relli* (Nai Ike east on accuaat of 'itne<*. «^Mr«wa. Mr JNnMHM an (Ileitis. aaa,$it-Mt far Uttc .Talk far tiart- ment. callnl ■■Sliiibert Tke at ce " aa • Lee and J. J. Skabrrt to tkrir ~ Stan S. ahubrri. The now tbi'stres bearing the Shnbert name wlU be la New York, Beaton. Brooklyn, Pblla- tlelnhla. Newark. Chlcaico. Minneapolla. St. I'aul. Mllw.iiik.s-. nntte. Scnkane. Tacoma. San Francisco. Oakland, Lincoln, Pueblo^ St. Joe. I.ln'Xihi. New Orleans and Memphis. The othcra will be: The U1PE» Theatre. 'Washington; tho Boms ThMtrc. Colorado Sprlnm. sod new but as yet naoMn-M theatres In lllrmtnEham, Atlanta, Klcfa- moad and Bloomlocton. In New York City. In addition to the Sha- liert Thearrv. tbe Indepeixlent manasets will bsTO tww pUybooses called the Princess, the Inqierial. tad the Mnalc HaM.JTke latterwlll be coadaeiaa aa«B • Uaa MtteeM aoed ao far aa smnaeawt pkina Ml Ika UalleS Staica are eoa- One of the fonr mettopolltan hwtieaja bow approachtnE completion. It la la Thirtt-nlnth atrret. ne«r Itroailway. aad probably win he d<<dlc3lod Ir. FVbmsry by oae of the promlneat Shnbert !«tsr^. Oniiind fi>r the other three theatrea has been siyrtirrd. .m.l bi-fore the Br«t of March coaatrne- tlon will hare been h»«nn on all of tkem. The location or each Is «>etw>>rn Tbtrty-sereath and Ftrty-alath atreeta, aad wtthia a alep at Broad- -aa «a tiw w/m- kaaa pt^la Ika. other eKlMwfirkp •an aafcr anwk»l»a» avHac so that all will be ready for occupancy at the h»- glnnlnc of next seaMin. When ttu.-iie theatres ar« completed they ex- pect to have at Ihoir disposal a chain of week stands that cannot be nurpaaeed. with affllia- lions in a vudlclent number of oae nlgbt towna of the blglieot grsde to gl\e the moot deslrabia toatu pouible. CHRIST MAS A T HOME. Elaia Janii'KMiKvB HMMay Har (Km Firaalda. Eiaie Jaala. < deli(heed at Aa mai at kOM^- years. Mlsa Jania holla from Colnmboa, O.. aad by reaaoa of Mr. OUllncham glxtot the compaay appearlDt In Tha Fair Oa-Bd. lUaa JaalaT treaent atarriaK aablele. waa at Uberly t» aa " fm- Chrlatmaa Oajr. Mlaa Jaala* eompaoy doaed for tbe halMaya and did not hare to play acaln ootU Moaday. December 27. when The Fair Co-Ed waa booked for a waak'a caaaaea-aai la New Xaik at tka GEO. ARLI88 RECOVERS. Tha Actor Ratuma to Haad tha Caat ■- ■■.'•f'i AitUa. who waa m a s red kki pkr> ta take a xnaplte tnm' ataaa weak, aaa who waa tkaiaCara okUgtd te MOia fiaM tka caat of "Saptliaaa" la mack better. Ur. Jlt- Ilss learned boaa his medical adrtaar that ba woold b* fully raatoced. Accardlasly BantoOB Grey Flake, his tnanagpr, haa arransed to canr 'Ut tha toor of tbe play aa plasned ortct - Witt -~ " ~ Binlly £ Stereaa, rvtlmna^i* aaOy. Mr. AHJaa. jnd tha eompaor anr appearloa In "aepUmna," wOl appe« ia PI Hikuii! oa Jaauary S. '*S<v- tlnna wm be aaaa la Chleaao and tha nrta- rlpal dtles at tbe Middle Weat ilnrlns Jaaa* ary aad FclinuZ7. LESLIE CAR TER L EFT HOTEL. Mra. Lealle Ositer. who was play las Kew Or> leans, laat week la Vesta Hearae, waa toread tn leave bar room la the Hotel Oraenwald at " o'clock la tbe moraine, one oC tbe coldest aad uicat dlaaxiceabla New Orleans has experlencad In ysara. when the manacement dlsi^orered that her pet doa waa la tha room with her. She Immediately areat orer to the St. Cbaxlca Hocdy ahaja azxaascBcata were laada - ta a^ coauModnta her. Ifia. Carter said that aaiaaat' meata bad been made to hare bar doa 'la Mr room befom aha cane to Hew Orleana. and tkat the manacer of ttw hotel violated a promlae aC the proprietor wbea ba dcmaadcd that the da« ba pla^lB tka kaoMa aaoai. Whcatkai BAD BUMNIM :«Ulltt CUMilias Western company playlnc Kidnapped for lion, under the manas»aient of Nat> Oay, at Carlrtoa. Neb. Bnalneaa was vury kaa -aS ' thronch Nalieaaka. . Accordlns to reports tbe Eaktera ciaupaay la dolus a nice hoslnesa In Iowa tcrrltorr. After JanuilT I, E- H. Perry, bockinc maa- arer for the company will route foor companle*.: T>e VlUiice Poataiaater, The rerrymaa*a ninphb'r. Tinder tbe TIfer'a Paw and KU- napi«d for a Mnilni. All n-bearatns of tka coippan'pa win be Oooe at Kdlnitbarit. HI., a toara ataetaea mllea aootbcast ot SprtnafleM. DIXIELAND VAUDEVILLE SHOW. Ida Tkaaa Taaa aa* l a a i aa u rP^ jea aare la Seotbera Thaaa. after ki. tiaarallj idayed the teadlBa-vaadeellle tk aa t iaa fNB CaHfonla to TeiasTlfr. Wan li laeaaar- las fmm a three weeks* alMe of pnesmenla. bat Is workinc s(aln. Mr. van and Mr. WsU bare parehaaed a larcc tent and are touring the South with their Dixieland yaodeTlUe Show, under cauTaa. Baalaeaa la rery good. Tbe company Indndee MIsa Clytle Bar*le|r. Mh Ollle Belmer. MM Alice Belawn the Slaten. JIamla Taa PRAttCBS STA fclt^ W BTUWM HOMB Pnneea Starr la The Ksstest Wsy. win make her appewanee, as a star. In Attitar. N. T.. (bar BMBO towa> oa Jatmary 15-lS. at Bar- manaa Bleccker Ball. Msasrer Gocdoa exnecta tbla to be a led-letter occasion as Miaa Stafr made her praflnaloaal ddrat In "Beaw*> at Ptaa- tor'a Theatre tea year* aco and. oalaB rtcal. coadttloaa, baa neeer playaa .1 since kcr la Baae H oa to atatdeaa. ■ . RATS BAT ANb tCAWirtER. .WUtr Bala wk< piayed BuZsIn. .j» taat wsrk sat dowa te a *pos- •mad kr Braea eail MafrHaa. at