Billboard advertising (Jan 1910)

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Xtie eillboard JANUARY 1. 19ia. Tuklnstoa ua Tbeatre. IB tear acts, bx Booth " WtLMn. Haeketi Buffnie Klrby. ......••^^•.•••...DDstin Farmm TarIMn Bnjice —Emmett Gorrigao Tom Budall .Gotdoa JobBStdiie -Anvtole VeaodJT ..Conway ^hcrie .AuoD »...' Bmr Ctradi Omr Morfair.^.; .L.. .Iblm Hanlaactan JoOge Flejdetl Robert CnmlnTng* ^^he GcBcial" ^..Bobcrt Taiiv PIMcU 'SA'Vltetatlan Nexzcas', Ko» Ibtlkr ...lUad BMCoii Both UoTd ..Jane Kendrkks .Gladys WlUlama HIT win is sort of a Cascinatlvn -IB MwMir tiroii on the (tas*. pro- TUiag; of eoone. tbe Jtm l» batul- ■ome ud does not offend tbe moral ewde In anytbloc more'prions tlian a few mnnlvra.^ Ualaons. robberies and beart bieaUnsB. Hot. of conrBe. Cameo Klrby doesn't do these things, or any of them probably becaose thia same conzve Is none tbe less handsome than be is Dnstin Tm for whom foolish girls patterned pHlMr _ And It we gness aright the same yomic ladles irOl Insist on a neai-sonuner run. • . ' j-aii^-*'^ IB the detans tkat ss Id «lB. 1MB Ha mllc. Infeetloas as In Tba Tta^aiaB. tta s wee p ing gcstnies—as In Tbe VIiglBlaa, tbat sane cbarmlng. romantic personality—same u to Tbe Vlrginisii, and this Is no dlKredlt—far be it from sarl>—Its Jost Dnstin FSmmn. Datotal and easy. Famm la prcnllsTlr adutsA for tbe western type tean fca. lWllJIJfc 'iOt.Bg—t tt^S a mere detaO tB iBMr'UiBt^tM'-tliB dMMt really exist. - • Bays Lools De Foe, of the play npA the acton "Not a precept In the decmlogae of good old tcmantlc comedT' sua broken In Cameo ElibT at tba Haefcatt TbcatRv and .aUtasBBb Booth brfc' iBgtia aaa Banr iBoa Wflaoia took t far and wicbcMdk .tfea .aiB .«C IB thHr' Blar. ntB llH»'«nilr''MlM,lt «Bt of tto OOCfcab BOC aBB ttBQttgB^pg^BB^B *jtB goers oC twoBtjT. ycazB -aca *: wao ao i acarrcd. '*Word has eom^-to New Totfc from time to time thst not even Nat Goodwin conid make this drama of dare-derUtry and beroica attractive to aodleoees la -tbe West. Perhaps, be conldo't, Perbapa. too, the -West hasn't waited np to the bnmor of perfect -eerloQsness. Bnt Dnstin pSur* nnn> can. Last night he made the Mlaalaalppl Btver gambler as bandsome and dashing as a ear* aller of old. Tbe more be posed, the more Im. possible were the things be did, the more the aodlenee Uked bim. Pnmltlva to tbe last degree was Caaeo Klrby and as trsnapaicot as a pane Of flaaa, battt waa laid with so m aa y Joariab es ( and'aoCb hBBA-wiuugbt aauiMUa0..of that tdo .uaat plar-praof tat«l|^ter Kiiby-Wluc^ imll Prb^ at the Hackett Theatre—Brilliant. llie SclkK^ for Scandal at the New Theatoi. SCENE FROM THE LOTl^RY MAN. > was as pIctBKOiQoa as a chranio ~hat ha pUasis to call hia art B lamnO. lOm IbF.BaMey ith Bccttr graces SM^ttHm bx B valeo that aoaadcd llhe'a caaair tH wIlh a cald IB Ita throat. Gocdoft rirb ii aiU Mr, the venge- fnl bnthcr. ran wliole sentcneao tssather ontll thrr Boondfd like a single word In aome Far SasterD—say TorUab—language. Bnt Emmett CorrlgSD, as old Bnnce, wbo saved tbe day for Cameo, was a delight, and George Thatcher, in bntnt cork, was a Joy forever. Bobert Cnmmlogs was apleodldly eereinonl<7ns as a "Sancfaem gm- tleman,' and John Harrington, as tbe wicked Uateao. aported tbe best dialect of tbe lot. We lay 'the lot' becaose there were as many dialects .. as aetors. and the latter niunbered flfteeo." And enidlte Mr. Klanber gays this: "What b the fascination of tbe smooth'-ToIced. wblte- banded. mffle-bosomed gentleman of tbe gieeo dotb—the old-time gambler, wbo plied Ills trsde ■moDK his bettets la the cabins of tho UiaiaippI ateomwats. ar with the rongfaer iliiaiat la tbn Waisely settled wa at em nilnlog cam|io of the tetr-Dlnetst. Waa it Ua btasnr. Ua aUll, hIa« boBMr that Biado Uai tba ple- tnrcaqoe llgnro H bis day cvob aaoog tbo plc- ' tnreaqoe? Is It Jnst tbe common par va aa e ness of hnman nature tbat makes blm seem sppeallng stOl—now tbst we have lost blm In reslity—In his pletnred Image In fiction or on the stage? Of eoorae, not all of him was bad. Ufce Cameo KIcby. tbe latest sample of tbe tribe to bid for the sympathy of s tnutlng heroine, be wss often Jn-ot a mlxtiTe, part good, part bad. Bpt. after all. bis profeeslon was a^ust blm. "As it Is, however, there Is a lurking smile. . totnehow. even when tbe thing gets to be moST aerions. wben the sitnatlon grows moat tense. ■ This, In tbe pnsent esse, luppens In the third act, sfter Cameo Klrby, in the camp of the caemy. loTlne. and lovpd by the girl whose father's deapoiler be Is supposed to be, is stripped of ail dlssntiie and stands for judgment Bjially before tbe liot-beaded son. rea<1y to ma:ke htm pay the penalty of a supposed mladeed of years fpae by. For the father of the beantlfnl Adele Baadall. haTiag lost his plantations In a game of cards, kills himself, and tbe atnry bad gone out tbat Cameo Klrby was responsible." And the Tribane says: "Here Is as gentle s play as ever snanrd Itself in the favor of a paMlB xaandag ft sweetmeats. It la. not a ' pMHBB alar tr-Bar Cbsnce: Its lovB la dtaacom. Bad the ncek of modesty need glow with Botbtne ■oaa Inappropriate than a healthy cimdatlon. Aad yet tbe play Is aboot a Mlmlsslppi River gamtner and his Iotc. away back In 1S30—a gambler that no well regnlated family woald ex- elode from Its cbaate board. He bas the voice of Hamlet, tbe manners of Cbesterflrld. tbe teste of Bean Brmnmel. and the acmples of sn eran- felleal bisbop. His name is Engene. bat be U commonly called 'Cameo' Klrby. becsnae. as one Of tbo cbaractem Bays, be la 'atmng op and down With cameos like s Christmas tree with toys.' last night, however, be wore bnt three of these adornments. Tbe spproprlsteness to ronislsna In 1830. of the ref.^reoce to Chrlstmaa trees may atlr some donbt, bnt there can l>e no donbt n tbo Btaess for tbat placs and period of the -Xho ioka la «b me.' Iheir lis bars Ukeu adnalaga of tbo haa been ilr paplla bars takei and the plarbouse icbera and scDolars. trUk teacbera FRENZIED TIIBATRICAUi. Xtifw, YorCe U amuaement mad. FVom day to day (be Oeld of •otertalunent narrows and expands to the moai surprlalag limits and can be foond wbo bas tbe Ismertty to lovaage an answer. Uoving pictures snd vaodvvUle have taken a hold on Maohallan Ibal haa the Broadway man- ager worried. It no longer worrlea tbo toad manager—II broke meat of tbem. Oa*.alght stands are merely a thing of Ibe past. Two aaa- Hons sgo fony-0ve wvwks cuuld be booked. To* dsy bsnlly half Ibal many and Beat aaaaa»— what'a lha aao of gntaalag} M a rt ad al ctutes and randOfUlo has* caa* IMb tbelr own! And. there's a rrason! The writer dropped in a nmrlsaath aliaat ptctoie tbeatre last week. Had to atand In llBO for a ten-eenl ticket and then aland Dp laaMo, Every one of tbe elgbtreo bnndred oeols war* mird. Tbe allow ran aboot two haaia, and fr«a start to anisb waa decidedly entertaining. Tbero were foor vaudeville acts—none of tbem stam, bnt Jaai as good aa the sverage yon see at oao' of tbe larger vaudeville booses, and tbo ptctaraa were of exceptional quality and variety. If moving pictures eoailaue lo malotala Iboir dais aad vauilerllle acts are oeiivted with cava, ' the dicker drama atuai aa a mamaw* K. * E. NOTES. J>>seph Brooks haji enKHS«4 DIs^ BHI to play the prladnl eoasedy part la Oeo. V. Il<4>art'a new farce, Tbe FIrM Night, la whM Mlllan Rnvrll Is to appear In l>blladelpbla at the llrnad Street Tbratre oa Clirlstaua night. Mr. llnljan'a Islest ettort la an adsplatlSB froB Ibe Cemiaa. Der tialbo DIchter. by Boeen. Utm Rnsaell has bsd It la mind for fatal* nae, bat Ibe demand la as sUong for farce that It srns di^drd to bring It oot at Ihla time, la addi- tion to IMgby Bell, tbe tullowing people will alao apfMvr in sappoH of Miss Baaoell Ib Tho niM KIghl: Jalloa HcVlcbn, Mbw Booth. Albert Aiidiiiaa. O i —« » B. Ilac*. Bob TMett. Sasaaae Weslfoid. MtUkOBt Ctaaa. Leonora Oakford aad BaMc WlUtama. ♦ Mile. Adrlloe Gewee. wbo la appearing at tho New Amalerdam Tbeatre. la Klaw A Maaor*a nradDCIIoa. Tbe Silver btar. aaya that abo awkaa It a practice to bo a i l dim awab* afler >S:aa, itlB. XtW York. Id th at ah» tHra I B.*tp B«:lM rt. t»g.>!W B—t of tha cvoalF4bBK''4ha ftaB.'BB.Wftftdtaff.rdtat* iihe haa IM aad laaat at ^^^dock. aovor later, and aa mallaeo days ab» daaa not oot anything belaretB tho hrnkfast hoar, whieh la 10:30, nntll after Ibe algbt'o p et fw maacs. Laa« walka. with pleoty of IMIl air. aro bar oalr forma of eserrlae. as m fc fl .B lMjW l dPflti MM to develop parts of tbo 1 her poae and danclag ^ Tbo Booad'Op, Klaw * drama of Ibe aoatbweot. l et um e d to the of Its eriglaal pisdoetlaau McVlckrr*a, Chicago. Its note DOW lies tbrnggb ibe Sooth aad Weet. At the Ptorrrot Tbeati*. rhiladclptala. Tbaaka- ■rivleg t>ay. Tbe Beoad-Up broke ibe nvord for attrodsnce and receipts, piaylag to arare than •S.OOO on tbe dsy. Tbe play balds Ibe record far strmdanre, receipt! fee the vnek, sod for an eitgageiiieat lo tbsl clly. Raplry Ilolmra Is plsy- Ing Ibe nile or Sim llaeter. Ibe fat aberlff. No rhaoge will be made In lbs e^lpmenl for the long toor. Tbe Roond-Dp ^iccUl coeatsta of five slxtr-font bscgage cotk two palac* b a t oa OBO d eeper — ' —" •Canae EMv la s V*t !■ whkh Ifr. DotUn --nam ia amoetad to ehaim tbo anaeaptibla. Camad Is aot ^tti»'«f and airy. like Arsene LnplB,' and Bot for the world would one raSer It to be snppoaed that he Is so moch of a rogne. though it may be wlahcd that be were. Bat Cameo Is qnlte ss daring a persooage, and be qootea Shakespeare. He Is accused of knavery most black, bat be Is anile laooeent In tbe mst- ter. Aad he fslls In love with tbe yoong dangb- ter of tbe man wtMoe death he is snppoaed to have canaed. and whose estste be bas won. at cards, only for tbe pnrpose of preserrlng It for tbe rigbtfal heirs. Trader hearts In tba aadlcneo bleed ftir,^.blm,-althaash tha Josdlot svaa OB see la thB^ftat:^'.piadialr.'Mir-tka: tMtlfc wflioid.''-'• NEW THBATBE EVENTS. Since the New Theatre opeiied In the Koevmber. flve ntedactlOBa havetaea. laat belog bhoMaa'a Tfaa'-'SdMa which, waa glna for the-Mt tlM^ the Kew TheatiB Oinmr last naniarmalBg,.before a hMMaat-^alBsiii - v OC- lha sins pmented. three ha«* bees BMdMB aad two daaaieal, leav- ing seven more to be produced this sessoo. Of the drsmss to come, three, Don, Tbe Bluebird snd Beethoven bsve been annoDneed. Tbe tltst- nsmed is by Badolf Biesier. and the arcood by Manrlee Msetrifiartr .: U s Hln^^ttat «S(lrvJ|n tike new year a" ShafeaafaaflaaB peiaeaCatMB wul be made. Tbe School or Scandal was enseted by one of the most notable casts ever ssaemblrd for tlie pmpose sod will prove one of tbe seaoon's telling sttractions. Tbe costnmlog snd scenic effects proved to be lonovatlona. Instead of using tbr costnmea of a period antedating the play, aa la nsnal, tbe garb worn was thst of Bberidsn's time. IT77. Tbis served to emphsslie tbe llfe- llkeseas of tbe dellgbtfnl comedy and make Ibe perfonnance more plessing to tbe eye. Tbe ar- cbltectore of tbe looma. moreover, waa trae to In coottmilng tbe play, atrtborlty ' OalMbotbsfb and many csrleatsrcs of tho thBO. that tho cast lo of aaoaool streagtb mar bo lBflMT«d'fmn tbe fact tbat Mlaa Grace 0««fsa played tady Ttexle. Mtm Raoe Cogblaa that of aim. Candour, and Mlaa Tbals Lawton that of tady bneerwell. Tbe Sir Peter was XjObIs Calvert, wbo made a real bit in Strife; tbe Sir Ollrer. E. M. Holland, one of America's fomsat playiw s; the Chatlap Barfa c o. Matha aon riisS' ftaia tmaam ts jrtB tts ssawasy; tte - - Al- bert Branlng. and tbe Sir Benjamla BsdMle. Ferdinand Gottachalk. tbe famooa Imparooaator. iXln George wiu remsln .with the. ocBaalcatloa wbUe tbe play is kept In tbo npanolre. after which she will resume her toor. • Andlascas at tbe New TiMire are aomettoev myattlled by the rapidity with which such ma»- tlve sceoeiy as that employed In Strife la changed. Tlie explanation la aimpls. Tba four •ceoea used In tbe play are aet on (be rotary aUge before the cartala rtaes. OBO aceae rroadng tbe andieace. Ae.sadllaca-lasliL.lsbb Mo •l>r>^ of a V. bat SB eliet sT.MMsaiS'-.ltjnM hr naing the boeks of the olhiv-aaaaMb'^ amke a change, .the opeiatoe t aocl w ■; a s >oloatiir. and the plalfons tsras SMB^ths iiMS't faces tho andltarlsai'' ■;"',i'-i'.--t:4v.^v-.V'^^ : The ,path of iho-thtotn'tHiiMC*lB'Bet always lo ai a l i a wB,. aa Esahcmla Aa^.'.-flis Mow The- alto's malMoIr tsMqr kBows. Lfsa than sli hoan after the alork Ttalted Bopbemla. In one or the Vboadeis* boma. cat and klliena wc*e dls- the period. In coottmilng tbe anis sowbt la the pertislts of C Sir TSCv BaMHs. ssd la tho.i posactied and sifea a hoow In the chief uaber'a room. This did not salt Eopbemis, and she (rsnsferred her fsmily to the kitchen sdjololng the tea room, where sbe aofferrd erlctloo once more, tbia time at tbe baula of the chef. With her weot Don, Strife and the Nigger, offsprlnx. turned after plays In the repertoire. Eupbemla was looking sbout for a new borne, wbrn she spied men relsmplog tbe big chandelier. An In- apt^tlon abowed tbat tbe cnaodetler bad a nice hollow top and wben tbe men weot to lODCb the mother and ber family moved In. A short time later tbe chandelier was railed and It waa .But until after the flnal cartalo tbat nlgbt that lb» waicbmaa-heard lilalalleo cflMl fieai above aad discoTered tabtirii j snd kittens an eomr ifertabtr baaasd la -the beUer- Olto H. Kahn, treasorer aad one of tbe New Theatre's foandeia, baa pteaenled (he iday- boooe «ntb a poiWalt of Jooepb Jefferaon, psloted by Engene Schmidt aad tbo famooa comedian blmaelE Tbe pletova ahews Mr. JeSerson as Rip Tas Winkle sbImUv Ike CBdkBBM isgisB sf tbe gnomes. ^JMr.^lMaaMt twm^a^yotjga^ tha^awlae ad alaaiiB jS^SiliiiiM.'was rnat' ths braah of Mr. JeAnoB oad ike pertmll by Mr. Sebmldl. Tbe eaaras was exeeoted In IHW aad was stgoeil by bolb arlisis. It was preaented lo Sir Itenry Irving with (be Inscription: "I go to meet mr king.n and on Irelag'a death was oold. wllh other effeeli of tbe ISSNdS Bsfllab player, Tbo apselal matl a aia eC Asloay aad Qeopatfa have kaaa klMr sbsowIW; Utfr adacsMn Tb« Clrrnn Man, tbe dramaUaalloo of tlotBua r, Doy's aloiy, *8qolrr l-bla, with Marlyn Ar- bor kle la tbe Mile role, la playlog a very nae- ceaefol ensagrmeDt at the lliaetoa Theatre. Af- ter II* Itoatoo lime. Tbe Clrroa Mao will be played In the leading rltles of Ualae and Ike re- mainder of New Bnalaad. Mr. Atbaekle'a part and tbe ^alnt cbaraetsra wllb widcb be la aar> looaded were tecagalard ^ckly la BaMoa aad takea at aace to la tka kest ts a(. tksj|ili lMM. Bepcsled'le^sesls .kseo-keoB issiasMl wSat sMHi* agvra of tb i olrao la which The tSteoo Mas ha* played, for. a lelora elalt.. — '' ' sitsatest iBdIealloa ef the popalarily of tbo ■day. nolouui r. Bay. Ibe aalkar of tko kaok. •aw bla graders, a t a j ^ tar^^ Stat Haw la Boafon. He hupkle'* COBCOPIIM Hlme" Look. ANOTRBB TAUArBRRO STAR. Vlflith Tnllaferro haa b«>«n mada a elar by Klaw and Rrlaaser and Branba. Sbo will bare tbo port of Rebecca, In Soaay Brook Kami. Eillib Taliaferro first atlnwied aofiro lo Tbe Bonnie Brier Rnab. with the lale James Stod- dard, and (hen in IW Olrl with Ibe Orren rrea wllb CItrs B b a i d g oodj' raHowimr ibi«, she bad serrral pirta of omall fon«e«menre an i llteo went with nrra Kendall In Tbe Vinegar nn;-rr and Wealber Beaten Benano.* She waa nevt *e>-a as a eblM. la Marto of the Itowlaods, wllb Mrs. Bertha Kalrorb. Wbea Mrn, Wlna «r Iks CaMMBs ratrh was M«lB«4jn« tWbi* •Mer, Mobsl Tbilaflittn,' aa Um« Maty. ruiM* oko anpaaisd In. Bir w ategs .MIHISBa. sb< -ftea as riitf, la Pally of Ika Chcaa. • UAunB AnAtir fltm. The two one-act plays written by S, M. Barfle and giris nntrtgbt frnin Ike play- wriaht to Miss Bsrrrmore and MIsa Adnraa. ar- rived iwvntly St Ibe nilcee <rf Charles Fmbnan- >ir, FftA-nas la arroaslnK ifcst lb* i*iy sites to MiM Wanysa^y. kyr!g^» g«<bi.<HW '*» *«*^ flrat. at tno AdaiBP nsd BoaHIt. SSfStSWBtB In May. TOO OAM ITOP IT. Chas, Prohnmn has received n tot* ter tiaai RernaHl Miaw la wbirk lbs nIarnWit anbsaaacB tkat ka kas conndeted Iks BMa«> wpsgsM)