Billboard advertising (Jan 1910)

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t 1-1 ANUARV 1, «10. . . Xlie Dlllboard 7 THE WEE K IN CHICAGO HK theatre program of lUe. ufvk la InilttHl r«ltlvl« wlttt 0«w- cutitt*r«, wLo b«T« arrtv<^ wllb tlio hiAMtf aad l»i rarlrl/ to (Ittu- ilM (ram Iba ThnrpilM ot Ibw 1b «iarM af. oMMMM*. Mt wr t p l —« B t. At fovrm* T l wtw tkr 4iH«etiv«> ihif r pUrt Aiani* LJipla. arri**« and tak«a tho Umc W Viw Kast orncia: Ruth «t. Orala bu trft llu- CtotaoUI. aad la brr aivail at tliat booae sr 0'>»' n>ij vl««r MiM Anna Held, who U ap- nrartoc to bir moch dl»cu»»i^ sUuw, MIh lo- iun-uc-; A UUl» Ilrulli^r of Ibc ItlcL I* tap nUntnt at lb* Oram! Oi^ra Uouae bjr aooibi^ pUj by ibr •amv auibur. Hamrlr. Tlx- Fourib E>l>lr- Tkr Plroa of Fal* l« Kllb no morv. • ul now at Ibf IlllBOla Charln rrolmua'a Itic roarOi la betas mWBIad:. DaWalf ll.M.w r bu amUml tnm Mir aidN. CHtac «u lo TlH- roriuo* Hiwlar. wblek BOW wcmtlM tbr Ob'Oipte. aad ae It la down tb* IUm at tlw •tin »• ao<i(«J*aacra ■alum. IMlnal itf on CbrlaloiM vtv. at lb* Fto* Art* Tbvair*. riorrarr Balara, "lb« (Irl wtan art |>«id<w Uiicblnc." baa cradMroml lo dn|>Ural* Chf r«al «l wblrb ta baivd brr r<ri>utatl<ui. Mlta tUlBM la aapporlMl la b*r BnclUb companr to • niral famr arllb aoatc. railtlin} UUa Laa- ratblre. Ltd. _ _ _^ ^ On Ix«-aib>T 3T, GiMrlfa rtaboiaa prwaivd at fu«rrra° Tbratrr. aod fttr tb* ant.UaH la Cblriio, Ibr taoKHia 4t«aMlt«-lllM fUT. Ar- ara» LApla. TIhm* who bara amra tlua plaT at IbaUCtvm Tbralrv. la Srm Torfc Cllj. KlO laM«TlS*i*b •« Ibrlr pratar. ant at pr>M-Di iT-la a<l«lllb> a Ukr local Intmat. Tb* pro daellaa laadr at rawer*' Tbratr* la aaM lo to Mntlml wtlb tbal ctT«t> la Ibe E»l. wlib ■br (aaudrto oila1.ial rut aad Krorrr and ttu- ^ lirltMlUc WUlUm CoortnoT, Sl-tarJ- ruirir. iTarUiry. Anbar Elliott. liar- |ti4d. liorU Kraur. VlrclBla Itaaiaoai. Ad iter SiauboiM WbMtrTon. asd olbrr pcoolacu *''i"nQiHnl racafnai*! at Kitty Orffls ptm aadrt t*T at tiK-. lOlBala TiMatio. Tbto baa 31' ,— fba« •»• rmcb te J. W. ri««lt. aad bS^iaot wllb aa « a tbaal aatt« rocopUoa wbrr^ mr prMiFfltnl. Cbaa. riobiaaa la prodMtas tbia raoKHlr baa Millard tbr plarrra (mm lllca'a TWaIr*. Laado*. pioailBrai aaMO* wb<«a U J. P. llaBII<-r, Ibr fanoaa Basllab rootnttaa. Tbr fapporitac roaitianr l> aD>t>lr ta |>m|<ar lloo. lad lnrlD<m Ibr E'lsUab iK'aou rbiin*. vblch U faiB'Hi* la Loadoo aad Nrw Yorb. Tbr oiBolr ta Kliir tirrr U br Uoorl Mtiark- !<«. faal UulMa aa<l il<wranl Talbot. Atlor <MI aiitTbaa «iIM TW rartva* ilaattt;!* at H Tpiat Iba atiraittoi at tbr.OlrnpIc Tbr- alrr. Tbowa W. Boao IB Ibr rolr of Nat Uaaraa. t« aumnrd Iqr aa oxcrllral ran. la- rlmtl-^ Alou llrlwln. R-l* Itmna. OalbrrlDr Marabal. it at* llaaUltoa. HHaalair llbaw. A. no Brtrr. Kdvacd l-mctnan. Jdbn Mllla, Taa Cal- agbaa, Uriab INiltrr. rraak Buoa. J. K. MII- tffm. Wat, r. nraasrra. rtaacla Caatla. Warns ■ a ji ia and PbU IH<b0(>. Tbo rartabr llaairr tolla tb* atary of a Oly Wad. wbaar ^wawllbjr talbrf. •fMrbmrlv la%labaa naMf ■•t adaratlaa mptm Miiu IM W*' aMarr. aid dira ImtIbk Ibr m to laabr bla way. aa *w<l hr raa. At bla wif* Mtd br arcopla Ibr aanratlaw of bl* coi- 1^ rbma. llrary Krlhin. aad. prvtbM wllb tbr •Krraolllr* of tbr arbrmr aad a »*t of li>«»mri|.»B» aiana oof with Ibr |i^ir i »o*i of wrd- dla« aa briroa*. Tlw rowtlac atorr la alaplr, bni nnrfa awactral op|iarlHaliy for draBatIC allnallror t.lH»IrT • tNv Ibia wrrk a> tbr ««»tlorol Mtidnrttaa of Ibo b^wapurr iday. Tba robrtb katatab.*^ la br J bwpb MadM pattwaoa and Raatbrr of tW Mlrli far ataar «or. Tt»f ploy mnirra aim^ tbr aiaiaapbrrr of a prist abi^ and rovm« a atory of arwivaprr -llfr. la- trn-»tlti«. Imlml. II la a Ibrtnr lUat will ap- pral In all tboar httloc a k»<wlrd«r of Ibia )aial»i,«a ibai la of lhal dirvt aad Indral m aoa. usrb aa «*nlrrlalWi Ibr tblnklnc rlaao of oar rBllt» ll>ralrr«alD« iwWIc. Tbr work I* writ baB<1|rd atxl Ihr loral color of Ibr pnalortloo !• ttw ronalairely thai frnly rralliro IK ot»- hrt. la tbr Mc romnany of |>la>-rra at* Ibo atairo of TboMaa inndUy. «n>a». WaldrM. Cbaa. A. StotraaMi. Tarn lladaway. BaMrt MrWado. -£r.. -W«. lltHbidirrT. Omuc* W. . }IMdlrl<«. ThaiMa Tb«r-io. Xoll Umii. KMiM« Oanlrk. Attrrlt Oaaipto-n. Patrttar .. f li dat Ub . AUr* riwrbar aad Mary MuaMI. , , . «t tba OataalaL MiM Asm npld la r*l*it- l-w fatwritr, rMla brr play. Mlaa laaocrwra. llTro np to brr rrpwatlaa wo hfiow It. Sap> pnrtlBc Mlaa Hold, aad ta addtltoa to tba fa- m-ma y.lrif»M array of rbonw branliro, arr Cha.. Itlvrlow. Wat. IViwrr^ rrairta farr. Al- t'* ItaKvman. Jrao Uinraka aod l.awwato IfOraay. Nrwa romaa t» aa fiwm Col. Ja*. Ilotloo tbat on Jairaarr m Tbr Klaalnr Olrl nlll br »••»»• i-lanlrd al Ihr Owl Thrairr hjr a m-w aone ahow In h» rall-il Tbr Olrl In llir Tail. Tbr caal nf plarrta whn arr lo rnaarr lo tbr nrw pro- •birtlnfi baa not boon efflrlally annoiiDCml. but « l« nlil thai It ta qtiltr prnliahlr thil Carirr Iw-llarrn will br ntooilBrndr Mrnllllwl. Abmit Ibia ilmr nr Ihr tnooib, nr. lo br mora dHhiHr. n-, Jannarr IT. II la «M that Ibo Priaroaa Tlirairr will hmiar anolhrr now mtnlral aiM .thal-a frw dara tirfnrr lhal dair "MB ar Uhwty will Iraro i>a oa a t««r . . rlllM. Thr orw ahnw la by lloncn. *<t»nia and llnwant. and will hr known aa Thr •!lrl In ib<- tlalil Itrad llow. If Mr. SInirrr and II' C. Ilrarai ran oomr In trrtna. It la aalit >>i>t Mr. Ilt-arai <rli| br rnicn>r<t aa Ibr trading "'mrtllan hy thr forcro nf ihr KInitrr rompany. Mr nrarat. mitalilr nf ll.r fart that hr ta bna l«Bd of Mlaa l.nio Olaarr. haa a prpwlalloh of 'il« own. anil diirinf hia m<*«t rrrrnt ap|>raranr» l» rr «• Katan In Ihr BnnI Kl«a. w«a Ihr hrlght- •■•I apot nn Ihr bill at thr f»onlat Thratrr. Tlir atmlrbobrr waa dark prBrtlrall»_att of ■rat wofk, and «««r la arrantrd by Mr. ««nff< who bia pnt ThoBO Aro My rropto aaldo for Ihr mnmrnl. and la thrro anpoarlna In a Pl»y "tird Allan-aimmy VttnilW. Mr. Wamrr '« aroB In III* lltio tola, tbat «f • yonni aafr <"Mnt. wbaaa «M*aliv aad ■aUaairr l—t» ta Powers* Tb'.^tre Offers Arsene Lupin—Anna Held Amvet the G>loiual Theatre—The Fourth Estate GNnes in at the Giahd OpeiacHoine--The iOfi^^ Houses Kitty Gr^—The F<»tiiiie Hunter at Olympic THE PASSING OF THE THIRD FLOOR BACK, "f Olbrr .rill Ilobrria«a si*rrBrs an ti>r PiHitt..rb> aod Maty Balpb aa Tba pla.v. Dcm- la .N>\r Wrk. win aooa b* IWiaialld tb bla arrrai .ind l aa a wrf a tloa. Ria aabaaaurnt rnplof mrnt and Ibo imial dlflkvlty tbat la th* rrlialnal'a Ini In ronTtarlnit thr pollrc that hi* rbaBKO of bran la alocrrr. rouada out thr atory. MIra l.omta Taylrc Bpivar* aa Mr. Warnrr'a Iradlni wninan. ami amonit the othrr wril- knonn pla.rrra .nn Jiwpli Ti>nh.v. lloniM Oalta- Cb<r. Barald Hartarll, aad Loodow UcCtormlck. Thr Imld-orrr atltarllon* arr loratrd as fot- Imra: Ifabllf* ror, la Mr. Ilamlrt of Itmadway. at Iba Orrat Xenb>ra: Tbo Fllrilnic rriorrao. ' tbo -LaSfllo: TIM2 l)0«rd a Laaale at tbr Whltatr: Madaaw X Bl the Cblnwa Qpora nonao: Ullla XaoM at tba .AadildHiiBit-Tlie KlaatnK Olrl at ibr CMC Tbaatiat Tbr (Md«« of MNvty at lh> Prtacoaa. aad Paid la Pair at MrVlcboea. Tba Pliibllnic Ropr^ lo »M«h Mta Ittaacba n«|r« I* apprarlay, la In It* arrond work at th« narrlck Tbralrr. and aa arro by Mr. IVrry llrmirond, of Ihr Chlraio Trlbonr, "la amir mrlmtrama. alnird a bit lirlow thr forrhrad. aad. aa far aa wr can iodw by thr attliudr of ih»- ao.llrnrr al tbr Oarrlck. alcniil wUh coo- alilrr^Mr anrrraa," Mr. Hammond rnrlhrr aaya lhal "to Mlna Halm and to John W. Vopr. aa nnr of Ibr br^t 'itlTr 'rra brU' woatrm law- yrra, Ibr l«-*l rlfma of thr pLty air ilitr. Mr. Mllinn 8111a. oao of Mr. Donald Rnh.<rtoon'» worlby aradnato*. la al ao tlino nawklab. aa thr arrrairo tradlna man woald bo trmplrd to br In thia pari. Mlaa 1.nrriia Wrlla. aa a BKiot Immiw^l l*nrllan. fnlfllird hrr roir of cboro* niArr ^rrrrfnll.v than rnoM b^rr brrn •xprrt- rd." Fnllowlny In Thr Flyhtlna Ilopr at thr Oarrlrk will ronir Iljrana. Ihr Rncllah mnalral comrdy In whirh Jamm T, Powrr* \n alarrloK. Thr Nrwlywr*1a and Tbrlr Itoh.T, which wai« l.aat arrn In Cbtraen at ihr Auditorium, la tbia wrrk at Ibr ni>ibr Thr.ilrr. In Ihr pla.rlng rofflpany arr Jamro K. Koarn, tiro na.Tr«. Connt- r«a nisn Ton ttataf-*ldl, Dorothy Rnirrra. Lroaa Itlrplima, Qrorso Kdwaid Rrod. Irrlna Rrooba and Oaonrr I*. Mnrphr. Tbo ra|ta(«iirat la aa. noiinrrd for Iwo arroka, A Kniahl for a Day I* mrrrnt at lh« Na- llnnal Ttirafrr thIa wrrk. Tbr play l» wril and farnrahiT known In thi* city m>m It* mo at tho Whilnry Op^-ra Itnnar. Mnrt II. !tliiffrr*a T1n'>r,rmoon TVatI la thr at- tmrilon offt-mt Ihr potrona of Ihr Crown Tl»r- «tto. STKVBVaOK RKTCRXS TO ORICAnO. flpaiaa. tMa- BlaTMiiM. wftmt fwrlrr yran' iwipilohiiohln «f Ibo Cblraia Woofely Amna*. airnt Rnhlo, tcaro bim a wMo arqnaialanro In thr thratrtrat prrfroalnn. haa rrtnmrd to Cbl- niaa for tbo ballday* aod laJbnay ralllaic <a bis IMrads aloat tba local Blalta. Vor tba paat tm moBtb*. Stm baa baaa auJaaiiitaK la tba East sod Sotitb. iceoperatlng his fetalth. Be sprnt arrrral wrrka on bla cooslii*a plantation on the Jamr* Rtrer In Sorry county. Ttrgtnla. and cTBtlOrd bla peochant for blatortc toao. by Tlaltlny WUllamtboisb and Jsmrstown. hsf- towrd by tbrlr tradltlooft of Borkeley and Kb tbanlel Bacon, and Powhatan ai> ■ Smith. Inrltid to South Jeraey by thr otllceri of the newly-Incorporated Tlnelsnd Fanners' ExcbBBjte. br accepted tbrlr propoaal to or- mnlae tbr farmrra of Cumberland county, N. J.. Into a co-oprratlre aaaoclatloo, to combat the parasitic commttalOD Inirrrois. and. In a UtUe erct two Bioatba. bad TOO of the leading snwer* «f tb* Maarica Klror Tatley coaleaced Into a alpsaii taad at vatnal acU-Ialartat. Slace tbr Hodsao^ratea OtlcbmUoa. Stcra has barn as. ■latlnc Loots Rich In the dhanalnstlon of bla rian for SoTlni:* lo the Tlclntty of Greater New York, In conjonctlon with the Jrwiab Dally News and the Palerson Erenlnc Ncwn. arknowlrd'^ tlie lore of the tbratrleal sanu-. howrTrr, and has In coaaldrtalloe aa alTar from a promloeut amasrawat latorsat daws la the alatr. the acctptaac* at «M(k artHi hM* him In thr Tlclntty a( CMcaaa aad Ma niiads on Bandolpb atrect. SAID AND SEEN IN CBICAGO. It In rv<i>orted that another populnr- pric* theatre will be erected on the North aide. (100.000. It U aald. will l>e the earl of Ihr bnlldtns. with a aeaUnc capacity of l.tOO. Tba aHa la MtoldO tret, and tba MIdlw wlU be aastM- tr v. I. J. Pi nmm, ■ Mahir Etalar. who trraw brtarlt tba stactaa la; ftoas tbr Oiystal and danelna kid. write* Tbratrr. nsttford City, ISBOtacMiE. . ^ ftr<k . INT. X^drrrr. tnanacev _ Thratr*. rreenlly flird anlt for |WJd> acalaat ynllns Kmler and Jnllu* Altinaa Ibr aa awiead breach of rootrart. It l» oald tbat liar* baoeU Is latertated la tba twittu ia sy. ♦ Iad,r tbat ber stoat ar tba OHoatal FUrtlnc Prtnccaa: Princess, Th* Ooddcaa ot l.tb*ny: Urcat Ksrtbira. Mb Baalat of Broad- way; mioglai Btir' OnVv WMtary *d a Laaafe: SlaafaM. %S _ : Flae Arts. WBa lisriiblir,- Mnalc BaU aad. Malsalli. Johnstown Opera Co. has been formed at rule. III., with a capital of «t«lkOao.f for W bi Hl tbcatia and operatic baalaasa. Tba* la- an M. O. Culb. C. A. Oaa* aad Mr. MUtaa BIDa. wbo is Dlaarbe Batta ta Tba Fl. , Ourlck. was tbe yaaa* clerfyaMa la ant ot tbe Hoos* last aeaaon. EDNA LUBY RESTRAINED. an iBUKBUBii or jrvoe rraiMiio. mb -.rantedteJateltagrca, .Tly pU iaWyj ^ho*^mlatlAS& tSSd Court Smym 8h« Must Not Randor Imw Fwnklj ti'd So na Hit. Tba ■bBsm Bade la tlia CBItcd Stataa Ooott aaklas a praitaslaaiy lajaetioa to rvvtralo R-laa Laby fiaai •lasliv, "I'm a Brlnaimr rp the Kamlly.** aa lailtatlcn <a_ Iteaa Knnklla. baa been r.ranted lire Irene Orpen. |-Dbll9ber. Thonch tbe ml Ins t* agrtnat Mlu Lolly, alns- Ini: tbe whole aoaff. Nathan Bnrkan. attorney for Mia. Orrrn. la caaBdeat tbat h-nd tbe almle brco siwilaB a«lr mbb icna tba derlaten aT tba coort tnSrfeava.kMMjkP saaMt. Oa the atkrr baaCManls Josepbssai. attocoqr for MtaB Lrtr. tbiaka tbe raorc bopllcs aa lojDoetioo amlast alidoc tbe ebons ealy woo Id not bar* be«a arant^ Whaerer la risbt tbla Ib tba Orst ttme that. In tbe eoaatsat bsttlr. between the ortslaataco aod the mimics, an orlcliutor baa wsa a rle- tory. Sboold HIas Lnby, mjke ao apgciU to a blgber court It in nut likely tbat taa Slit iK damagea will be pr,'H«eil. A BApW/M, WARTUBa. n«te aesar waa a tiae la llw MWilT •< |fec> world wbea aood stoctea aad srttelsa ( maad sncb lane prieaa aa tbrr da ' la an aatl *— —- hl(b«laaa best piadai artlata. Yet tocetber wltb Its msny attrSctlT* festnrrs The Chicago Raeofd-Herald fimilshea. la readeta with Ita Sunday Uagaxtne aectloa tbat eompana rarorably with tbe best weekllea aad montblloa. and has some narlts pecoUar to Itself. Tbs mast famona writaia aad lUastratora cootrlbnta to It. Some of tbe ebaleaat aorcis of tbe yaar tt .Beleaa Utcbl^ wtlb Its, wtn caais . la gs ns ia ' Tbe attracttooa at the Cblcaao tbeatrca far Sew Trar'a ere will be aa fMKnrs. Ararnr Lnpln: Olympic. The Portnne Rnator; Oarrlr^. Thr Fttthtlns llooe: Colonial. Mlaa tn nocmc*: Onad <>prra IToaae. A Uttle Drnth- rr of the Klrh: Cnlraco Opera Boos*. Madame Tl McTlrkor-s, Paid la FaO: MOliB VAUDEVILLE FOB WAUKK> GAN. Meyer NewflehL of CUcaco, lU.. manatei for tbe Bunded Attomeya, was In Waokewaa. IIL. SBtnrday. December II In tlw Uiteirat ad Manrlee Fleckles, massger of tbe Laemmla Film Serrlce of Chicago of Chicago. lU. Maa- rice nrekles made a deal tbroosh Mr. Now- Oald for tbe property ot Mike Boaaey oa Bootb Oeoeare street tbr a tbeatie, Mr. Netrteld say* tbat tbey win boUd a tbcatta tbat wffll 52* -S? 'SS^^ ba 11 55 deep and ST feet wide. Tbe ataae wUb ba aHa to preaeBt dramaUe prodoetioaa bat fcr tba prrrat thcT wlH pla^ oal7 TBodertUe. Tb* bntldlnr will coat aboot (20.000 and wHI be ored for theatre only. Tbey bara tba bi — lorn dowD now and wUI betta aa Vm tloB at oBce. Ttao tbaatia wtn msi called tbe Waakegaa. THAW PE TITIO N DBIIIBb. ^ntlce MrKenna ot tho Sopmne <:a«t of tta rUMd Stales .lenled a petltloo ot Barrr K Tb»w for a writ of error to tbe Cooft nf A» leal* nt New York. In the eaar la whteo Tbaw mad* aa eiTnrt to obtain releaae from tbe Mat- tea wen Slate Bospltal for tbe Criminal loaane. In tbat case * pettlloo for a srrlt ot habeaa ccrpus waa droird, aod the effect of Justice McKeoa.i's decision will be to leare tbe dedstiai tt tba Owirt ot Appesis oiHlIamrbcd. NEW MUS ICAL COMEDY. A new mnslral comedy In two sets, callad Half \tay« to Mars, book snd moslc by Aloy- aloa Coll, M. M. King snd Sylrester Bodrieoea. will b,, ytrrn Ita Brst perfOcmaoc* to Btllwe. Arti.. the latter part of this month. Tbe aoc- Icna nf the company which will pot oo the com- i-dy Is tho Rred and Aibocfcle Companir. of tuw AnreleB. .wblcb. tor tbe oeeaatoa. win be ta- _ PERMANENT jrroCK: IN .BBIB. Oommeorlnc Jaanary S. JblO. tbe Park tipara - Home at Erie. Pa., will ma permaoeat aterb. Tike atork company will be known a* tbe Parb Opera Honae Stock Ck<mpany, This ceoipsoy romm direct from Buffalo where they played all laat summer at the Star "neatrr. Tbe Park ' Opera Hooae will continue to be under tbe aM^ MMM er JobB L. Ollsaa. i QBT» CITY JOB. B. w. Wartaa% Baai^t at lb* Oprra nooae of IMaaf*. Ou tm feaM to tbe Boaid oC Bm B Tacnncy Siada tf Its " I BMatb'AniaiMM la fli