Billboard advertising (Jan 1910)

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8 Xlie Billboard JANUARY 1, lltlO. NEW YORK MUSIC NOTES. Tlie liifrmnn sajinff. Eooi tLLnss «rv three" (alii.' ^iten diosp slad drvl) ia splendidly exemplUi.'d by tlie latest Lincte bit. Softly bn awan*. a musical masterpiece that i& tlie fea- ture or tbc bis Berlla Rerne aad ot wblcii a mniloii eo|ik-;< luTe slRa4r M l* CoatlDent. Wkea tke wiilMt- Blrit i 'MMfMlft' Paal Uacke wiot* Ol w—■ 'SMI 'tt- was 4um m»A Ikat la « Aart tiM lisie<l b7 tiie KtrptlaB latt wkifb. dnrlBe tbe seaaon ot 1900 pnred ooe ot Ike ETmteKC bits of tbe year. FjUowlns tbU CMM I tbe tblrd bis bit. cominF like Its titl..'. WaniT Unawares (Love Comes Stealinc)- It 1^ n MyU on tbe order of Glow-worm, wltb tti<' niue Mrt ot musical obUcato runiil3c tbroucb It and stin !•> TasUy different In ccQitmctloo. rytbm and mel<»dr. that It itlalnly showe tli> ph«- nnmenal senlas of Panl Uncke and Lis eTtecme TcrsntUItj. Lew Fields, who has had the dla- ancHon to first present to the Ameticaa piri>Iie both <:ia<r-w<m and Amiaa. aov atataa be will do Ufcewlaa with SoCUr Paa w ai a a . la oae at pir _ -for , Ike hooie at Stera r aC veelal icqoesis Hu t Uj Vaawaies ttat »r" keiBC Sneil as test ss Hie parts can be tnnwd cat. The I4acke pobUcaticiis are anlme In Tiew oC thtlr enormoas tales at the price tbtj arc sold a« there U an cnttlnj; on. t he a i . a f aatnr a oC the mnM? pUillsblns bnxlneaa tkat «C aaorw laneaaes the totsi nmnbcr ot eople* wHA tkooch Jearinx Utile If any profit. ♦ Moslc p<d>Uihers appear to be awakenlns w ■ tbe fact thit when they labored for chanse-i In ibe copyright Uw tbey orarlooked a most important <Juui;;e tbat ^oold tuLTe pest-'d and one, probably of more t— valoe tu diem than the collecting oC from nunotactnrers of P^aofl^aptt »w_— - oiber mecbanlcal mnsie peataeaeak TMa » ■— tbe creatloo of a system o fajwc af !■ t> » t3»ny- ttelit OSce asntiis a poldMhcr rnhtu te tceocas * ^ , ar a 'tWe "ttat tboe Is notfains ~ r jeara the copyrtgbt bas tg ot tbe title, without to detuaUiie If a copyright al- ■eady ezlated aad a pa b llSt w r mlsbt traduce ■ooethlBS that a prior copyrfsbt bolder bas al- leady protected in his own name. A nimber of pnbUabers are giving considerable atteation to ttU snbject now. Nat Sbay, ot tbe Fred Flscb er MdsIc Co.. states be Is prepared to pay con dderably more tban the present fee to be as mred that he tias real protectioa as the owner of tbe first copyright on coatemplaMd ttUca and pohUcatioDS and Leo Feist baa ^ ed an Interesting article ea tl— at the music trade "Win I Hear nat Dreamy Waltz ib Uic tltl>- •( a sea? |>d-U«)Md >y Joseph W. Stan mai OMupany. cootpoiwl by In-aplaUr Wood witu a lyrle by Ed. Caidt nier. whew Jlsteis ate gettue Mn r«T«Itli-». Fa. Gardenler «a« oo» o* tie mrvit pnpnljr •"good fcUoan^" in the aoo? »rltia.t Oclil an>l hU KdeVIe na i aboek to ttMmsands of people ot the rtige. Stem and Campaiiy are making rr^clal efforts oq this sons t o mate laxc^ royaltU-* r«»r tbe airtere who were s iiptM M I ■ cd by Gardcnier darlac bia life ti me Whkkis > SooiedliiiiT&wl Big ofdieTmife. LUELLA LOCKWOOD MOORE. viltlBE. kas a new eompadtloa In wbia Be M c«niT of koth the vords and mnile aad wfaldi la lydc being a 1 te Tbbb. K. nrtls anil P*ley hire proven th-MseHes Tal- tiable members of Sbaplrtfa rtaff and hare ~ ~t rotor- receat acoKa tkat pcunlw to kas already It wm andonbtedly d Me in view of the ot slides lost made for It. ♦ I K. Wsttbt wm renaan>j« JasoaiT 15 » ams In the IW1 ' at fcnadway aoA ♦ Tbe Greeooosb OoaiiaB7. mmte patHAa of Xew York, have a good eatalogne raataliitnc m varied list of good songs. CHICAGO MUSIC NOTES. Tkonas SirIft. tiie yoong eomedtaa wbo bas been playlaff atock In Chlragn for several sea- vios. aad la aosr at the Academy, la slaglaip a tHIow ;iionaia»'s soac tkis wc^ IWeiia, by Cewer's Band and tirctaestia aC' TMedo, O., are mevttng with their iisnnl miec^v (Ms winter. The Rositer nomlw-rs ar^ rvr^lviax a gortfl abowlng. Plgsoa Wins. Parade oC th>- Docile ~ Id Oieaar b^ag eivecUIIr wen NEW SONS HITS. Fr«m the Loading Publithora. THAT MKU(liUIZt.\a MKNIMBUaOUM TOKB. Ijme uo to that ewe _ I'leasu me, hooey, » | ai i »Bi ako t^ Ikat aohn strain, KlM mc like yoQ woitM ytiiir nutttiur, One good kisa Ueih'rTvii anotlifr,'s the ooly music that wa< ever me, Tbat taatjilila' hypaotlste' delaaohn tune. pobllatw.1 br.M'l tor UR THN WAY. Basaxd^uaaie Vr Aaatat r aa tki'way. :f It's as nlc« as yoa nft- I'm not on to tbe cam». Won't take me long jost tfea: If you're so awfDlly wlao Why don't you ipcliic a • We can m.tke love M tka WHEN I HEAB XIIAT DBSAIIT 'Wi t^rlc by Ed. Oaidealci: mmlr kr lOnxUtir Woods: four-foar aadautino. When I bear tbat dreamy, walla witk lla mfluai dlrtne . Tb're'K a feollsg rones a stealloc; fkaa tka days of Auld Lanf Syne Itrn' y->u ^i^'d me and d<^relved au. 0SSt 1 lad »it?i 3ll yonr faults lliat I love you. love yea. Wben I bear tbat -Irramy waits. (V>|iyrlshted kihI pulillsbcd by J»seph W. Stera nnd <'omrfa."xy. LUELLA LOCKWOOD MOORE. I-ft Co.. are mnch in demand. Usek ic Ihigal have cootncts for nineteen weeks in the Sooth, opening at East Sc. Loala, week of Janoaiy 7. Tk0 will Oia at Boasltei's mmibeiy. It I Mir BM '» Bm» Sweet Home and Uaet Xa Ikmlcbt la-Iheaai- The latnt aoioialtion to the Boaaiter eataloc is Meet Me Toolgfat In Dreamland. Leo rtled- man's sensational ballad. As a hlgb price was paid for tUs joax tbe Baaiiax fblka ate daiag an f btC Goa Edwaida^ IQ^hfc UaJestle Ibeatia laat Ikeatie, aivetT Xoa«, wMk It ia bame.sldc Mmeflme IB'J*! tbe Weal; Harris' nsM Brothers, who have been In CUcagu for tbe past wedc hare been featnring Ted Snyder's Next to Tear Mother Wbo do \an Love? and Wbes tbe Moob ia In tbe Heather. ♦ Bep^wts from the Cbaa. K. that ne nbttac Pr* ff tkat n sMa. sniek _ SaBa naano^ is aaDtas wtSL ♦ mdefine ddmt ai ^ 27. . ko ki ' Bcmlck'a latest soog bit, Pst oa Toor Obi Gray Boooet. Is maklac the beat abowlag iluce the aid fModta. Br tke Shade e( tta Old Awto Treo. »• ■ ' ■ 1 -• Bne and Siaxim are nalng Are Too In tlielr comedy sketch. Bi LneUa Lockwood Moore ia a MMkar'aC Iko dl^ tlngulsbed Detroit family of tkat Bane. ' Ska rix-vired ber moalcal training and iiiliaatlaa aNroad. and In the West la favorably kaawa ibioagb several composltloiu pobllsbed In ber borne city, wMcb have attained considerable Togoe. A few moQtlia ago. Mlaa Moore detrrmlncd to enlarge ber field of eadeator by eomlDf dln«t lo the center of all mattera Bosial, in order to lutxodoce to New York managers a series of clever prodoctiOB oaml>ers frrsb from ber pen. Althoagh Misa Moore has been In this clt; bnt a abort time. Baaageia like dtartea DUUagham. Uv naldfc.l}w(n TtoafaML^J^. - tcadr tevw vitt' 1 goen. MUa Moore baa eoaacqoently : placing seven of her anmbera in varldos pnidae- . tioos, with recocBlsed moslcal comedy artists I and vaudeville acta. Tbe numbers in qtwatlOB are entitled Ycater Bvc. Ijove Bcama, Bcdooia Love, Womeo, Lovely Women, Baby Lloa. I'm Not la Love With Anyone and Btomo Seltser. In looking abont for a pnbUalier, Mlaa Moore vlalted several of tbe larger bouses and after weighing carefully the bulnraa methods of each, she very promptly made np tier mind to cast ber lot with Joe. W. Stem * COw. wbo arlU i :: L net oaly tka a) alicadr baea glitai, daecd by Mlaa 1" Stem * Ob. botk , lalaai ■ong is . onnlag Wild. Cko by the Tbompsoo Maate Oa. 7 lo being tt ia vaMlsbeo The Bat nut Father Wore, ooe ot the many bits from Ike Bcnlck abelraa. Is maklac (ood Id Cobsa * BbbV — - - Slater Brorkmss la Next to Tear Mother Tbe patrons of Slttner's Theatre made qnlte I foas orcr Ubm Maile Goetln last week wben Wm. H. PeiTO la now In cbanre of tbe New Xorfc oOoe of tbe Uosle Hoose of Lsemmle. sn-l l.p^SS'SmS ^ 9nmm wilt atw The CtatBia «< Pearl Allen's act la. Jost Be- eaoao I E«C .Xsa^OOn Ho BaNT .KlBlbt i-al> lUbed Ir i<w lAcUo Lsoctdo featBicd Near star Start Oo at the . jwi><n-44inaii^tkrAl«vjMM SB* aak- inc s leatm aCXsa WMn Hky a w M fc Cot- ton Tewa, Belt aaJ Hanr Okc. fatmerlr at 141S Broa-lwny. Kew XOTk, baa rcmored to 134 West arth utreet. Maw Xf A. aad wlU be reads to at- fa tka I ■ ■ " ^ ~ JOSEPH JEFFERSON ENOAOiiD. ' Joarpb JeScraea, Jr.. has been engaged bv Llet>li'r * COb for tka part of Bob Vaa Duaw In Mlsa Pbllora. Mr. JefferaoB sad bis brother Wlllltm have been playing this year In a reilral of The fl^'n- rietu. Prevloaa to this anil fur seviTsl »e»- aooa tbe two sons of the famous actor bare appeared in tbeir fatbrr's old saccesa, Tho Rl- vala. la Mtaa PhUora Mr. JeSeraoa will bart lbs ^BRASS: lOtTLejIBHEAiMliiMb Cbarles Frotoian bas bagoa iibaaf I IBT biB l>ew pmlacUon of P. Analty's (Brca cnawdr* The Brass BotUe." now Is Itas second year at tbe TaodeTili' Tbratre. Loodon. Mr. FmlimBa anaonnco ibat tba pisy will be flreo lU first American production at Iba Apollo Tlieatre, At- lantic City, Jannary IS. CHARLES FROHMAN QBTS RIGHTS PIrm Wolf, Um sothor at "Tko laertt of Pflli hlnrllrt," whose ni-w p1«r Is to be t"*"!!"*"' tbia Winter a tba Cotnrdle Frsneal^e, liii« writ- ten Cl)f<rlra Frohmao ihst be will torn the pluy ovff to .W m far j rairtMi .ptadae t wa dlt«r:ij alMf K IB sSBBBBaa la