Billboard advertising (Jan 1910)

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10 Ttie Billboard JANUARV 1, 1910. SWING AROUND THE CIRCLE Managers Have Cause to Rejoice Because Business in Nearly All the Larger Cities Has Been Above Ejc- pectatioiis Duiing the Holidays and Reports Show a Better Tone to. Tbietfrical ■HOO KI-Yli t H. Y. off wKhOMd Tb>> Christmas hoUdif week (hows all started off wltJti big tmxlQ«»s. Cliarles Prolimaa pr^ ■eot« I<mel at the Mootank; Henrj W. Sarage has Tbe VoTf Cnre. at TeDer'a Broadway; The fibobertu prewnt Viola Allen In The White Sis- ter at the Jkfajestic All the other booaea luiTe Stock Oompsny are pieieotlns tUs WMk, and tbe tuxise la week at ■t- 1 » aBBlT«aai7 tMtlTal _ 9. Wmiams Orpbeom T||M1_. at tbe test bills In vaiid«fill«: la J 5«nted there. '* * The Gtwnpolnt Theotre tractive bill this week. Tbomaa E. Shea, tbe tracediati, la appeatinc at the AmphloQ ttils week. Daniel Sulljr'a new plajr, Tbe G.UDe, Is being psDdoccd at the Grand Opera Htmm. BInaaf.Hva. In The Emptrct ii'tte attrac- <ton at the Bmpire this waetc Cone Pajton Stork Go. la jmrnuOam Vaota Criato at the Bljoii. ."^ v . - Tbe Brlle of Blcbmond drew lam cmrda to FiytOD'a Lee Aveone last week. BUlr W. Watson and Tbe Glrla from Hai>pr- land did weU at the Star last week. TStef ope ned Monday nlfiht at the Gayety to tbe <isiial packed hoose. Elale Janls. in Tbe Fair Co-Ed.. will be seen at Tellei'a Broadwaf Theatre next week. ^*taa».la ■» jat jp tahpalaa aa at ■«b a-ynitog- ^Hbat^ja^y TaaflaifBa ■BH'^sa'Aniif lamea&e Attbnr UcReeTcr TJghton. aariataat tRasor- ar at tbe Ftiltoo Tbaatte ^nee' that'boose on- aned In September, 1008, has' beca promoted as the permanent trpasmer. owing to tbe rea- tgnatlOD of wmiam J. HcEleney. who held the position a Rhort time. The new -tTeasnnrr la not new to the duties connected with a box nfflce, bBTln^ been nt the Bistable Theatre, In Syra- •Dse, Jf. Y.. for iiotne time, and also acted as tbe aaalstant treasurer of qnlte a few boases htfoce aeccptlnc his present posltiin with tbe Mr. Llgbtoa will be assisted In Us hr ftanfc Bosart. also bamas Iran •jWbwo he awred aa aaalstant tiaas- tt* WMIdk Ooen BgoK anl at ans- itre. PITT8BURQ, PA. TiekM fay Grand Opera and Other Good Attractions. ^^ic first appearance of tbe Hammenteln QOmpan in Plttsbnrjt. openlns tbe week Mon- tbe AlTln. In Ijicla. wlU no doubt occnrtence hereafter, as snccess hoaod foadcst taopes will be realised. The op- •alas alght was -~'-"r bxUBaat. laaiilandtiil a oeeUed hit, and tbe temalader oC the eaat, repeatedly encOKd. The anplanse, wbl(^ was Tery liberal from tbe opening scene, reached a climax dnrtng the mad scene. Ererr •eat in tbe spacious Alvin was occopled. and each box shone with tbe splendid raiment of la ocTopants. It was Indeed the social sffair fUS •2??^ <>«*«I' bad been carefully •"■Sed a«^ not alone that there shoold be no "•tea oiaeanaHa ar the andlence^ bat that the many P*«*"s »■» came and departed In taxl- eans. antnmobUes and la eaixiaaaa shonldn't be hanrtllns of the hnndraA eC cairiacea aad anto mobiles and ovoldlne acddcots Which mlabl . "..'R^^K'^ ""^ •»* «t tbousanda or hoUday shoppers, demoosttatc* acaln tbt jnpcrlOT- merit for whieh oar elBdcnt police fore!> has woo so mnch praLoe. { The Manhattan Grand Opera Cotepny wm ivaent foe tbe remainder of tbe week, Tbsca. .TMTtata. Sapho. Locia. Jonelenr de Notre iS'it PagUncd- Pittsburg la one or the few cities where grand opera la soc. cenfnl now, and with the anccaas aeUaiwd by the Metropolitan, win eaa loak C p c w ai* each rear to riTaity In tfab Hat. Tbe week «r Jan. S we have the Boston Opera Company, aad tba Metropolitan Opera Company at thi- Nixon. The Hoose Next Door, which opened a w«ek*a engagement at the Nixon Monday night, met with decided Approval. The fact that grand op- eta was on at oDe of the other booses wasn t discemable bete, as the bouse was comfortably cned ._ Th a.Hooae Next Door, a delightful com- ady . aap t tbe aa ffleoc e In good hmnor through. a^L aad was la erery aease a worthy play. tWa week Thos. B. Shea IB lej artolre. Air. Shea opened flie week's ea- •sarDOit Monday night, with a new play. Conn, ael fw- the Defense. Tbe drama la fnll of Intenre thrills and seemed to appeal strongly to the larse attendance. Mr. Shea will present durlnj the w.^ek. Dr. JckyH and Mr. Hyde. The Bells, and wHI repeat Coauael for the Defense Batnrfla.T NIsht. Tbe Grand has aaotbCT good tin of TaDdernie Ms waribmt «C a Cktlstmas prcaeot for tbe . "ft P«B"M. -.Qatand en the bin an aer- a!ral>»ama» jS n Sw aj Cadets. Tba Man- Onaaa. PalfMy aad 1 awHng plctnrea. At the Duqaaai Compuy entertal tUa week. ' Obarlet M9, at the Empire, seems to hit !Ktm mark tbls week. Tbe atonn of apptanae llMt was aotleeable throogboat tt)e wlxde per- .IhiMaBee atiowed the apptoTal of the audience. .Oaa May, tore aad hate aad stxtUng eUmasea aia what they waat and what-they gat la Coa- »lct 960. - The tmrleaque hnoawa aae doing a llae bual' Beas for Chrlstmaa weMc, aad the bins are worthy of liberal pabooagc Tbe Academy baa The Cherry Blossoms. In Gaaook Gaxee (wfaat- erer that meana). A lane and well selected cboras is In evidence, ana as a whufc. It la a good performance. At 1*T flawm/Hw PalalT DncbesM holds the l — — - - week's entertainment. .Doonesne Garden, with its Pop Nlte and special hoUday feattires Is prorlng a drawlitg eaid, while the tacca at tba Kxposttkn Blak arc also saay attraettn^ud^Jka aaataatsjt.tbe Tba' flsgac of banday tfmppets aeem to Had time to apcnd an occasional naif boor at the acTeial moving pletnre honsea, and acconUitgly, tbe down-town booses. Including the cheaper TaudCTltle booses, are doing a thrlrlng busl- neas In spite of tbe fact that this week. aboTe an. is so dreaded by managen la aU, Uaca tfeaaMaaUy. Louis l. k apwiamL; phTladelphiaTpa. Manager* in the Quaker City Have Muoh to be TTiankful for. This la a week of holdorei*. The only real new one Is the first pxodnctiaa 'aa .aaw .stage of George D. Parker's new tHjyMifmniuga Claim, while the next t^iaBge.Of IBpoMnk* U Chaiucey Olcott at tbe Walnut. All of tbe other bouses retain their last wvek's (days, witb ttie exception of tbe Forrest, wU^ remains dark all of this week up to. Satmday nlgbt. when Lllllsn Bnssell opens In ber sew play. The First Night. Bright Eyes, which la in Its second week at- tbe Cbestnnt Street Opera Hoosei Is dolus a icoord biBineas, while Henrl- etts Ctawaaa u Shaik- at tbe Oarriek: Mabel Barttaa ia The Bfaw Xonae, at' tbe .Adelphl; 7effenoa DeABgdla In Xba Beaatr Spot., at the Lyric, aad UtetCMMT aad Staeaila'.Ibe Old Town, an all a^grtns a alee 'houday .saasoo*s boslnen. Bert. Wmisam Btm'icaialns for-an- other week at the Grand, last week helag az- ceptlonally big at that . boose, while Keillt's baa a- holiday bm that wUl be lemembered. for some time. AH of the theatres are dresidag Id holiday garb, and present a rety stilkliig ap- pearanee ia their trlnmlisa of green and red fbllagew ..' Altagether PbUadcIpliSr baa much to he thaakfU far theatrlcallr. for the bosbieas hss beea tot pnapetoos. and the boll- day aeaaon has oat been aeaily as bad as the season past. Cb atrocey Olcott came to the Wslant for a fortnlitbt stay In bis cleyer play. Bagged RObIn, by RMa JohnsoQ Yoang and BIta Olcott. Tbe play Is a clerer Irish comedy aad It glres Mr. Olcott plenty of opportunity to display bis sweet tenor voice. Others In tbe east are Mark Price, Bose Cony, Lottie Smith, Gerome Ed- wards and otbanu ilr. .Olcott Temalas with ns for two woabSa-aad fa tienaa froa ' York east. Tb» Grand liaa Bert wnUams' aad Ms hondi of dusky beauties, held orer ftom last week, and they certainly are making godd, for In spite of the appronehlng holidays buatiMsa hes been away abore the ayerage. Manager Wegefarth annoaaces as tbe coming attiactloaa Tbe Man of the Hanr. AL B. Wilson. Thomas E. Shea Paid in FOB and Tbe Girl from Bee. tor's, which goes to prore that the popolar North SIrtr pUyhoase la eomlDg Into Its own. Comedlaas oC dssa. vaademie artists with talent, and-a th o i aa oat Joiaed grace with to cal ability, belprd to reader Tbe Parlslaa Wid- ows* blU at tbe Casino altogether amnaing. The two bnrlettas that began and ended the per- fqmsnce. The Actor's Boarding Boose and Pmi in a Department Store, had lots of langh- able Inrldents. good moslc and songs to recom- mend Them. Beside this portion of tbe progrsm, may be mentioned ss praiseworthy' In tbelr spe- rlaltlea Ben Pierce.. The Moslcsl BeUs. Maride Hntou and ber eight Dancing Dolls. Niblo and Skieacar, artlBta la toot moraaient; Beoaett aad Bentlsy, la sketch: Mae Boao and others. Waaaaat Uaaea neeralled at tbe Oayeiy. when Tbe Fada and KOIas Company was the stliae- tiOB, Soger ImhaC. Vay Walsh. Hugh Cooa and May Sbtefc haadtd lbs talent. In th« list a( features were a twe^rt anislcal bnrleaque, ne Green Sad Club, and a roaring sketch caBed Tbe Dotncs of Dr. liooder. The Tsnderine In- cluded T%e Golden Troupe of Bosslan-Jewlsh singers and dancers, and other specialties. In sdditlrai to tbe lively comedy proceedings that marked the u r o gr a m, as wen ae tbe many tunefbl melodies glren, the latemt was fur- iuelty cos timed Aei|ueut applaase sad laughter waie desee that Mlner*a American Bmlesqaen, at tbe Blloa Theatre, were appreciated The bill, among sereral other attractire specialties, contained foor mnaleal comediettas that called ont the strength of tbe company, Indndlog of course the cboms !a a rarlety of natty cos- tumes. One of the moat novel of the ppeclal featnies were the Bennett Sisters In sparring and wrestling boats. Prominent among tbe per- fOiiueis wm Rdgar BIslay. Beitha GIbsoa. sna- FMada: rdls Xraaeb aad Batty '^ST Ti^d.n. .b.;rony Obis Co. pn- aeatod two ■nrnT' and nHuieai eomefllrttaii eo- IMM Tbe Two Buzzards, and A Tonng "Turk. Tb af. an boat on tba nsaal aketchy plan aa fa alao* bat la fba« ta taaaMIaeas aad la opportimlty ta the handsome chorua contingent to dUpUy Its grace. It Is' thoroughly onjoy- stde. The Olio Is also good, and Introduces Lew Scboenwerk. In tricks with cards and coloa: Kennedy. Evans and Kennedy. In a sketch. True to Nature: The Coltons. singers and dane- cra; Rboads and Engel, comedy acrobata, and LaBelle Margharlts. Parisian dancer. Keith's la certainly Ingratiating Itadt with ^ amu this week by glvlaK ta tba paac of nDaMaHa-aat aaRoaadlns tawas a fnr bapny buaia,' Xtaa canaapoadeat waa takoa aU -ewer nie boose by Msnager Jotdaa aad showa tbe bright, happy faces that appealed tbtoaglHat. In keeplag with. their osiml holldsy costom, they give the poor children of tbe city a apeclal holiday blU aa well as a little token of remem* biance of the event. On Monday aome 1,300 children rame In a body where they enjoyed a good show and after the final curtain there waa a bugo tree all decorated wltb vari-coloaed electric Ugfata and Santa dam, who dlstrlbated to tbe cbUdraa eiar um jiiitata. XUa is la- dead Aailiy la Ito txae iSna. tpr It maay. bsaats aad gave good children, belag promised present otrtlook wUl bava to apend mneb mA a, for they an having the foor daya preccdug Chrlitmat to dUtrlbote to tbe poor. Aa eieaed- Ingly good bm la tbe attiaetlaettk by Albert Cberaller, the BckaC~ the down. Amy Butler, aad Oa^ the Le Tinea, and others, . A new play by a new author made Its flxst bow to tbe pobUc on Monday evening. It Is entitled Tbe Stnoger Claim, by George Parker, of tbe Oipbeam Flajen, and was produced by that company aa a holiday offering. Qnlte a little Intaaest baa been arooaed concerning a title for It. .. U;, Barker, leaving the aiisetlaa of a title «» tba jiaili. tcoelvwd neaily ■ thinsaiid letters aad. tba abon title was tbe aeecp t ad aaa. Tbe iday la 'oae dealing with prcscat-^ay laddcMs and has the making of a dever piece ot piaperty wblcb, of eeurae, mnat undergo tbe pmmag aaid bonding np of tbe master band. Miss Barney and Mr. Wilson Melrose appeared to advantage in the leading roles, while the rest of the caat were excellent. Tbe scenic eqolpment Is snpetb. DoiDoct'a Minstrels, at the ElcTenth Street Opera Boose, offer. an attractive holiday bill wltb many neoy ;teataies, a Chrlstmaa tree. with gifts an. " far tba.nisllaM m\ -Tbe Peoiila% with a liberal bm 'of vaudevOIa ud aMUoa pic- tures. . Posrer'a Trained Elephaata, Bancs and King, musical comedians, and Bender and Stdla, tbe "French .Whlrlwlnda," were amoagat the leading f eatur es. - At tha Wmiam Penn Theatre. In West PhDa- ddphla, a good vaudeville program indodes tbe Borslnl Troupe in a revolving globe act, Porre and WUliams Id a fanny skit. Earl- AHen and Company In Tbe Business Man, Leone Dale, aad aereral others. ■ Tbe GIrard Avenoe Theatre gave Ita patnma, SarS^r-antty daaSrt s*aaa atfaw ^Suire/ S tbe typical lively nnslea] ahow. - Meaars. Stein and Leonard, tbe raadcmie bopking agenta In this city, are Incorpor a ted na- der the laws of tbe state of Delaware, a charter being secured Isst week. It Is tbe object of these people to bolid and manage new booaea aloos with.tbelr. preaeat drenlt. wherein they In order to give W. K. SPABKS. CINCINNATPt'OL Aa attractive llaa gCvMHMli «t theatres for the ciun al waafc-wlll.Tt la by the several managers. 4raw,IMtar etiaadanea than la nsually accorded aaaaaaeata dating hol- iday weeka. Last week. aetwttkaihMilag tbe fact that the onbllc wan Boar abafvlag aad preparing for Christmas, pavnd aMra aaeeMafai than In past seasons, tnm aa attMIe as IMll a flnaaeUI'Btaadpolat. Tbe openlnit of tba new OirihIaB Ma.aast proplttooa. tbe hooas bdas mSTSti-Jf- mwrnf perfonnaaee. For the first time dadaaatl niayigocra base aa opportunity of seeing Mlaa Billle Barks. Ber play Is L<ove Wetcbea, a comedy adapted from the French. In which abe made her debnt In New York but seaaon. Her role la partlcolaily suited to b«r, conse<inmt]y she la a real treat. The supporting company—tbe same one that ap- peared with Mlas Burke In New York Isst win- ter—Inrlnites Jnllaa L'EstTaoge, Erseat Law- ford. Stanley Dark. Kate Meek and Maoda OdeU. The Sbnberta* ptodnrtlon of Havana, tba great Loadoa aad Hew Taifc musical a oec tai . wltb a Ibntnagbly Aaerleaa cast, is playing at tbe fytle Tbeatra. Hasaaa caaMa direct from the CMae Tbeatic. Mew Toik, where It baa Jnst eonpleted Ita aacond aeaaoo. Jamea T. Pow- en rnaeta tbe culef comedy part, a matrimo- nial ootlaw. and Bos'on of tbe Wasp, vrlth wbldi cbaricter It la ceedlesa to say be la- lects a fresh and boontlfnl supply of geiralae footllght bnmor Into the play. Parsnlaa tbe estsbUsbmcBt of tbe peOcy, •Tbfn'a sotbiM tae nad far tbe>ahlle.** tbe Onibiam neetra. te Ma saeaadriwaek baa booked a alrong bOL Tba attractlooa an Tbe Xmpire City Qnartet, HaTlen and Fnller, Shean and Wsirea, Dora IJellltier, Marimba Band, Mile. Lorette aad Dog, Morrla and Morris, Wm. Trovers and Co., and other headline acts. Bar- ry Lauder, the w<wJd's most fsmoos entertainer, the man who made tbe King of England latub bla heartiest, opened Ug aagagament gt tba Orph<Mim Monday ■aatta(a.:-.ICJi-a(aiaw4. that Mr. Lander la tbe "—~' tbe world. As annooaeai 1m tiaht wonUI Im and vmo nuaaitm ta aaaaae tbe baat tatat atail' abl*. Tbe bm* at Ibe OstaaiUa last week, as welt aa tbe carrsat week, ladade aarstal stellar acts never bafon aaea la tba Qassa CUr. Bead- tba diving Tcnas, makes b« te Cuetaaatl andleurea. Mlaa Kel- 'laa an ezblbltioo In a hugs task deep, which la auiroooded with large mlmn, so that her every movement Is risible to all In tbe audience. Tben are *av- eril other blgh-daaa attractions on tba bill. liKludlng tbe famooa Modela of Jardla da Paris. Matthews and Ashley, the O n rlaa a H boja. In a new sketch; Tbe Oaawy- f a Sia lr a Oak, In King for a Nlgbt; Tbe Fin Mowatta. fc^(B nf dob Jngglen; Scbtoda and Malvey: Tba IdTe«n-Cro*s Company, In B oma n sports sad pastimes; Jsmes Cnllea, aad other feature*. The aueresafnl mnilcti comodj. In Africa. In which the Inimltablo Torke and Adama an the stars, is appearing at Ibe Walnut. Tbe locale of the piece Is laid In Africa, one set at Mombaasa, showing the lnterl(^ of the leading botrL Tbe second act shows the jongles of Africa. Yorke and Adama are caat aa twe Knights of the Grip, toorlu tba wartd aa nothlnc. Tbe coaapaay laetadcs a big choMM of bevitlfnl glrla, wbe can alag aad daaes^ - Tbe TrocaderoBarlesqaera, at tba Maadiat "niealn, and Sam Derere'a CompaaFi (liac at Paofde'a Theatre, will be reviewed la^Be Billboard bearlog date of January 8. Tbe Aodllorlom Theatre is presenting a good blU, beaded by Dora Thome and Company la a comedy sketch. The Broken Pledge: Mabel Star, alnglng and danclna act; alao two other large acts. Three of the latest motion pie- tana aad two new lUosRated ballads coBpIate tba bOL The Mew Bmpceaa Tbaatn opened tta daaa Manday. aeenlog. Pe e embe i ST. Tbe new pla^ honae la complete In erciy detail, aad !• IM of the handsomest theatres In the city. It I* cOBStraeted of ateel and concrete and la aba^' Intely fireproof. The fumlBhlncs and flxtaeao are handsome and costly. It has a seating ca- pacity of l.trO, and wiU be devoted exclaalvaly to blgh-clsaa vandeTllle at popular priesa. Messrs. Coosldlne snd SulllTsn own and cootrol tbe new theatre. Tbe offering for Ibe openlsf vttk abowa aseie of tbe leadlag Americaa aad E ui se ia a TjadaetBe acta. Aaaaa tbe laaw Mg aSr-aptsaHBi la BstkaaO Kawae, ISm- knewa l amji aw i a t a i ot feaaale talcs: Tba' Viae Meny HcOtcsors, In s Mr Enropesn act, wbe oKar a aseaily playlet, entitled A Breeae mm Roaale Scotland: Dolsn and Lenharr, In their new skit, entitled A HIch-tooed Burglar's CYirlstmas Tree: Mitchrll an<1 Cain, presenting The Frenchmsn and the Other Fellow; Mma. Vere de Baalorl. known as the Italian NIghtla- gale, la a European product, and The Great Pra nc ella makes bla Initial bow to a Qoeea City audience. Francella ia world*a greatest aad weight Juggler. Ia i the Cuip ieaa life performance. Wanted by tbe Police, Harold Toaborg In tbe steUar i«le, -lPne at. tncUoo at Heuck'a Opera Hooae, lag large andlenees. The Bolden Stock Company bsa gooe back to old English melodrama, the offering at tbe r.Tceam beina Over tbe Sea. This play Is fdnodM on Beed's famous novel, calling Eng- land to aecoaat (or the erartty te tbe oaaa la S«L -I. t^. «««-t «--... - -ThMrtraa Dark Duriaa'JPbal tUJf of Weak. atne being daifc tbe ant half glrea their pamna an opportnally to do Chdat- Bua Shopping, aabampered by thooghts of —'— lag good matlneee. It is predicted, bowevar. tltst when both these houses open, tbe last half of tbe w«-k, tbe Great Southern with Ben Bur, and the Colonial with James T. Powen la Ha- vana, a tecorl baalncss wU) be done. Tbe bill at Keith's tbls week U one of the beat •( tbe scam sad, U ^te of the aaa te ChiMMa the .beaw.ta aidl Cbeiar <Fa HCr; Mlaa Bar Cog, Tbe QM fna Mste; ne.Czpokltloe Ibur, and Stewart. Tbt Kale nrtti. Tie wltb oor another la popularity. Tha Tiaaaid sketch is one ot the ttmoleat ia nwdceills. It has been the cause of liaaad- ecate laasMer for years, and from coast to coaat. .baa lost none of Ita spontaneity Ray Cox ia way aboie tbe average woman who docs a slagle mlngiiiy turn. Sbe baa a lot of new stuff. Stewart with his wunderful voles and besutlful gowns Is a great hit, as he was fit- tern yean ago, while tbe Bxpoaltlna Fsor de a aiagliig, dancing, laatnmcntal playing aad a aaadirr of r.>pld cbaagn. wblcb wan well » Mailblal. tbe Ice aenlptsr. baa a aerelly, and Marcel anA Boris do aome good band balasdag. witlcb Is spoiled b) a lot of silly atalllng. Tbe firat half of the week, the High Strsat Theatre patrooa enjoyed Charlotte Temple. The Girl from Out Yoodir will be presented br Nnory Beyer and ber company it the Hlgb S&wt, OB Tbnraday and Friday. This oaao company, on Cbrlstma», will bo seco la Bd- raund Day's play, Pala, a comedy draaa tt ctrilege davs. In wbIA Jaoaea Corbett caaM to tne blglieat blatitoale bonoca bo has erar Al Wlswell, who (br arrcral yaan has baa* manager of tiw Oarety. has reslgasd. to take effect OB Dec. ST. H. W. Boeers. of Wheeling, has beea aaaed by tha OolomMa Amusement Co.. which owna th) Stats Street hoose, aa bla snocessor. Tbe leslrTuitlon wss not mails be- csnse of any tronblc b<.twees Mr. Wlswell anil tho oiannfemc-nt. but bccausH tbe former wished to take a elmllar poadtloo with an- other company. Ibe members of A Gentleman from Mlislailpal Co.. wliLrh plays at tbe Sootheni aest waaB, an. aajoylog a 10 davs* rest befon apealav !■ Xtaytea ChrutoiBS. The rompaay baa wetfead centlnnoosly since Hut March, witb aaly oae nignt off. They sre enJnyliiK their Tscatlaa' In a cbaracteristlc maimer. It is raid that Baft klcloto«h baa cooe to California to take pletorea to lltastrate bla Irctnrea. Villi Deining Is at bla home la Juckann, O., where be Is laiulglng tc tbe limit In bis nas.loa for rooklog. Beul^b Watson Is stayinsr In Dayton. wb.}r« It Is said Sim Is pnttlng the Onal tnoclirs to a novel oa Meslcaa Ufa. Mary Moran. tha iMJIng Udy. la at Laba M a b apa e . wban *e la etrctlas a cnmirr cMb fSr tbtalrtcal aalM'llsa, aad Evdya Mam Mat to.lMr iana la tbsOraaie Haaatala^ Haat. Tartu, when abe baa a rare colMtlaB ^ aC' JMaMak Tmly there ia no hMk aC MMMiV Ja the com panv. W. O. HUMPTON.