Billboard advertising (Jan 1910)

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JANUARY 22, 1910, Ttte Billboard 38 PARKS TAKE NOTICE The PENNY ARCADE is ihe only amusement that gets all classes, old or young, and lor one cent to one dollar. Tbe Aicadet have not plqred. ouL Aik any manager of any of the five Parks in Chicago dnd see H tbey dcm't tell you that last year was the best Arcade year they ever experienced. Sans Souci Park in Chicago last year cleared nearly $1,000 per vitdL, on their Penny Aiakfe onKOM^ $3/100 to ^JOOO vnll. earn joa twice is» oM the first year an date outfit Wiile ui. PENNY ARCADES Make more clear money than any form of cheap amiisement. You can start an Arcade for a small amount of money. MOls Novelty Co. Mills* machines get the money all the time and are built to last. Free catalogue to any one interested. Terms cash. Address MILLS NOVELTY CO., GMan and JEaekaMl, • - CHICAG<0 If you can make an invcitnieiik of fipm one to five, tlioittuid dbUan aikl- earn fiom 100 to 5.00 per cent, on your uhrestment, aie you m>t lyilling-to invest ? Is Ttlis big enou|^ to support a PENNY ARCADE? Yet. aigr town that suppoits a theatre will suppmt an ARCADE, and make more dear money at a less bveslmenl than any business we know of . . — ADDRESS — Arcade Department, MILLS NOVELTY CO^ l-.''CiiicAG<K\ AT LIBERTY AITER JAN. 22 A-1 Pianist and Vocalist MAN AND WIFE A-l ttm Dnaaar «Mb f nil llac or tnM SMeOr ~ with Pletan or V.adeTUU tUmmn ^yk f <r ■ i . 11 «f lb* np-tD-4atc «iM uT. aiqwBM' f$. nnMpMnM*. " TkMtn, Oalwtli, bwa. THE MYERS SCENIC STUDIO 140 N. Third Street, Steubenville, O. THE LA TEST SON G HITS RED FERN C-H-I-C-A-G-O Do You» Don't You, WUl You, Won't You? And Uany Othen. Onr'Keir OBeaa ' THE HOUSE OF CHRISTOPHER Grand Opwik Hmm BniMiDf, CMCAGa ILtPtOiS F1RST.CLASS BILLPOSTERS WANTED FOR Ailain Foripaueli & Sells Bros.' BIG UNITED SHOWS An t mi^ iBM at abMhitdy brand new, and best ever used ligr • drens,. High-daas ' accommodations throughout. AJdr.1. J. D. NEWMAN. B»r«lieo, Wh. INTERNATIONAL FILM COMPANY 110 West 34th StrMt. !>*•>«• Id rUai, U»nu Plclara MaetalnM and Bii]<|>l<*% "••nn Id Tomm, m»t|u nciara mmi.._ -^^ >>Ma.^ Tiek^ •ier nan VOR 8AI.B-«. 10. 13, and SIS P»r ml. NEW YORK Om-pta HI MOT TOIIrtMSD^ Lions, Tigers, Bears, Leopards, Baboons, Ponies, and Dogs. . Open for engagements—F&rics, Oamivals, and Fairs. Have lineUoiiaict»'<swnfwdiitos. ^ A JOHN T^EMitKMAN, ^^m^^^ljL G FILMS for CANADIAN EXCHANGES ilTTUAIlIT ™B CHRONO anb itlJlllUil 1 GBRONOPHOIV£ 124 Ca«t 28th Straat. NKW YORK. Wanted-Seenie Railroad and Riding Davleas , ^ AQ sorts of Concessioiurthat are''popuIar and real money-getten are wanted. The only park in city of 100,000 population. £0,000 to ' drawfiom. liberaltenns toxi^t parties. Writeatonce. Royal Hippodrome, itil al MmtamU; Roodlng, Paw PIONEER TICKET CO. aasT QUALITY. LOwcsT ^Rien. ONK OROKM Wita. CONVINCE. 722. Bioadwaj, NEW YORK FOR SALE-One 60-ft. BAGGAGE CAR with runway, abo twofour-iriMiel tnicka for hauling iweiiayraU in good repair. Address W. R. IfARKLE, care Sunny South Show walk, BMrkersburg, West Viifflnia. THE BILLBOARD MAKES A SPECIAL OOBIFUMEMTABY ■ ON ABViatnsiNO TO MKMBKRS OF TKB PROFESSION OW SIONAIi ANNOUNCEMENTS AMD AT UBEBXY CABDS.