Billboard advertising (Jan 1910)

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Xtie Billboard JANUARY 22. 19ta Gcldess of Liberty. How&rd Woods, inprs.: Golden Butterfly, with Grace Van SCnddlfonl. Harry C. MIddletoD. mgr.: Waco. Tex., W: San Antonio aO; (loaston 21; UiilTe»ton 23: Vlckibur. Ulaa.. 24: Natcbez 20: Yaaw Ctiy 26; Jsckaoo 27: Meridian 2^: Seima. Ala.. 20. Ginserbiead Man: Keokuk, la., 20; DareDuort 28. Girl at the lleliD, H. H- Fm»c«, prop.: Wichita. Kan.. 19; Sallna 20; Ahlleoe 21; Eiu- poria 22; Atchison 23; St Josvpb. Mo.. 21; BrookSeld 23: Hanulbal 26; Keokuk. la.. 2Si. Oirl Qoestion (Eastrni), B. B. Frucc, prop.: BIdswajr, Pa.. 19: St. Marys 20: Kane 21: Watica 33: Tltusrille '24: 0007 2S: Bradford 98: JaaaatowB. K. T.. 27; UeadrUle. Pa.. 2S: od city 3». Obi Qneitioa (Wcstnm), H. H. Fn»>e. prop.: UobUe, Ala.. 10: Rattleabory. .Mlas.. 20: Svlma. A-la.. 21: ToacalooKi 22: Columbus. ' Miss.. 24: Aberdeen 25; Jackson 2(i; Padacah, Ky.. SI: DnQnoIn, III . 28: KdwantevlUe 2!). Girl From U. S. A. (City). Barry Scott, mt^.. Baltimore. Md.. 17-23; New-ark. N. J.. 24-29. eirt From 17. S. A. (Eustem). Harry Scott, luirr.: Weston. W. Va.. 19: Backta.iauon 2U: Slurgunto^v^ IS: Fairmont 22: Elklna 24; Par- sons 2..: CaDlberldU<I. Md-, 27; Loaacooinp 2b; Midland 29. Olr) from U. S. A. (Central), Harry Scott. ■uffr.: McPhersoo. Kan.. 19: Dcd^e City 21: Lamed 22: WIcbUa 24: Caldwell -Jb. Old from U. S. A (Western), Harr^r Scott, ■sr.: EbksrUe. Uo.. IS: CUUicothe 31: ■•l lM fc t i lj Xtt St. Ckirlc* Hz J< ~ : M; BaavrOle SS; Leztai^toa 37; 98: W aa w mbm 28. BpIIIiii aC Ubntr. Slort H. HoiiB. ■Jtrtmnm, l»: VUat Si. GM aoA thti Wlaid. irith Sun Bmai StaberH, own.: Phlla. 3-33. ■^mtjiwtn. Cbaa.: Oaeianatl. O., 16-S2. Held^ Aana: See Mlaa lonoecnee. Httebcoek, Bajanad: See Hw llu Wlio- Owns Tbe Sapper, Da Wait: See Tbe Uatinee IdoL Hnstlej', C P.: See KIttjr Otep. UsTtman. Fenis, Co.: Los Auseles. CaL, Dec SO. ladat. niMypstt Taa (PHMtai Am. Co.'m), Slort hl, Havana, with James T. Powers, The Sbuberta, mffrs.: Oblcigo. 3-22. In Panama. Al. Rich, mgr.: Atlanta, Ga.. 17- 22: Norfolk. Va.. •i-.S'. In Haytl. with ilcloryre .V Heath. Kiaw Jc Erlanger, mgrs.. Bntte, Mont., 19; Ana- ' Cauda 30; Beleoa 31: Mlamila 22. Isle oC Sptee, V. A. Wade, insr.: MeriOicn. SUo.. Ha uto rt un aO; BnoktaTca 21; Y. C. Isle of Sptce: Akron, O.. 17-19. Juda, Elsie: See Tbe Fair <;o-Ed. JoUy Bachelors, I>w Fields, mgr.: N. Ian. 6. Indef. Jnvealle Bostonlans, B. E. Lang, m^r.: BapM City, Man.. Can.. 1»; Naniota 3»s Mln»«d« 11 21: Gladstnoe &. oiiiiUB iSMS;-ItaMm 28: Portage la MbM» -flft WmmUm, llMt. 28: Orrden 29. ' KIk «( Cadwils, with SfUgnerlte Claik. Tbe sCgmtm. agi*-: X' C. Jac 10, imlct. KMb * Dm: Sn Vtamdaea, Oct. 4. indef. KBl^t for a Dar. H. K. TwjU i >■ » ■ ' ; 3tm- ele. tad.. 1»: TodtanaglU aMtt-t^itiigf i ld. lU.. 2S4S: Etaria 2M». Klar Botn.. Mb Oort. mgr.: Bbvniae. Ca!.. ^8: Btlliili an San BccBBdlao SI: Salt Lake OHt. V.. Klttr Gicr. irltk S. P. Htattar. Cbaa. SVoh- aan. mgr: lWiail> -IK. It; IIVtOB 20: Sprii^Md Zt: fMHtaa & ■ Kissing GtrL Oct l>iatw CMk. amr SUHran- keu Wis. 20-2S* Lacey Musical Co m tt f OSL. 7. A.' IMT.: Bgr.: Ctkicano. Inttcf. Lewis ft L.tko irnslral Canedf C«.: WicMta, Kan.. Jan. :t. Indef. Lore Cart. Benn- W. Saraae, asK.: Knrark. N. J.. 1722: TNMaB VaJmmm> ss: HanMRirg 20; BcMUW tTj iUMaoa 38; Johnstown 2:>. • Little Johnny Jones, ' H. A. Morrison, mgr.: Ontral Citv. Nrb., 19; Vork.2ii. Colnmbus 21: Wayne 22: Sioov City, la.. 2:t: ^..eMant 24- VermUUoa. S. D.. 23; Slonz Falls 26: .MitCb- eU 27: BrooklDgs -JS: Huron 29. Lomb-irili Opera Co.. Sparks A Berry, mgr«.: Vemphts. Tenn., 17-22; Dallas. T^, 24--Jii: Ft. Wortn 27-29. Land o( Nod. S. E. Bork. mgr.: Pocatello, Ida.. 20: Ogdoi. U.. 21-22; Salt Lake City 30-31. Little Nemo, wltb Jos. Cawthm. KUw ft Er- xs.: KaaiiTillc. Xun., 17-20: 21-3t Twfia, la n« Mm WIoBtn, I^nan VHtca. Kr.. W; Ji im ni otSHinat. Mr. JtOatjie * HMtk: flw Ik BirtL XoatcooMtr ft m—ir 8m n* Oli Moon. Victor: B«* Tka TUk Man Wb» Ownv Bnaftwaw Vt cock. OMun ft Bkifli,' asn^: X. T. C., Oct. 11, Indef. Ml-s Innocence, with Anna Held. F. Zlegfcld, Jr.. n^rr.: Chicago. Pec M-Veh. 5. Mlfs NoboO.v from Starland. Xbrt II. Slneer. Dgr-: Cb'.caso, Jan. 17, Indef. . Kerry WMow (Ejstera). Henry w. SaTcgc. mgr.: Bmnoke, Va.; IS: Norfolk 20; Blch- m-nd 21-22: Walk.. D. O.. 23-2S. Merry Widow (Western). Hemr W. Savage, mgr.: I><ilatl>. Mian., 18-20: Snpaior. Wis.. 21: ^^lalre a^^^OjWj^imfc^gU^Far- 'aianliattu'^Kra Oa.. Bibt. Kaac. ngr.: Al- iMiiT. Oa.. IT-tt: TaHMta SO-ZI; Bnmkwick 24-2S. Mary's Lamb. . Witt >lli >Mi Oute. Oula ft MrtTkH. mgrx.: .wwifrtawa* Om m "^Ss" tonTi. Pa.. 20; ftltomt Ut — Phlla.. 24-29. lUx-Fadden's Plat!". BaitN tt . Detroit. .Mlrb.. 10-33: TiiaBll »aMMi Tl T Toledo. O.. 27-2U. Ma's New llnsband. Harry Scott, mgr.: Sprine- flpld. Kr-. 19: Campl>ellimlle 20: Leltctiaola 21: McHenry 22: Ontral Olty 24: Greenville 2S: Drakrshoro 20: RnsseUvUle 27; Bovrllng Green 28: CHarksvllle 29. Mark. Andrew. Lew Fields, mgr.: N. T. C. 10-29. Mr. Hamlet of Broadway, with Eddie Foy, Tbe Sboberta. mgni.: St. Louis. Mo.. lS-22. .MldBight Sooa^ Lev FleUa; mgr.: Brooklyn, 1»-2S. huais. Natiooal Grand Opera Oau: lUawapMIs, Mian., 16-22. New Hmapty Dnmpty. L. P . Bllamrt^ mgr.: Watertown. S. D.. 19; WIBmar, lUaB.. 31: St. Cloaa 33. . - Old Dntsb. with Lew Kh-Ms. Lev N. T. C. Nov. 23, iBdcC. Old Town, n4tb MoBtgWMir ft DlUngloni. mgr.: \. ¥. C Jan. 10. Indef. Kowers. Jamt-s T. See Havana. Prince of To-Mgbt (PrlDcesB Am. Co.'s), Mort H. Singer, mgr.: Oskatooaa. la.. IS; Mu- shaUtxnvn 20: Oes MolDCB Sl-at: HlMg OttT 23- 24: Slonx Falls. 8. Bl; ' Sit. XHftMa.-m Omaha, Neb., 27-2S. Powell & Cohan's Musical Comedy Co.. I. Kent Cohan, mgr.: FranlUin. Ind.. IT-tO; Cotumtms 20-22; SbelbyA'lUe S4-2G; Connrrb- Tille 27-29. Prima Donna, with Pritil ScheH. Cbas. DilUng- tiain. mgr.: St. Panl. ^Ino.. lT-19; MIqqc- anoUa 20-22: Onloth 24 2r>: Mailison. Wl!<.. 26; Milwaukee 27-29. Patay in PoUUo. wltk Bfllr Vaa: Cerv. Pa.. Pai^fal: V illllfc. ¥ f: It: —ItT •—T II: Taiboro 22.' Queen of the Monlin Rooge: Bmoklyn. 17-22. King, Blanche: See Tbe Yankee Girl. Babbit's Foot: BrooksvlUe, F1&., 19: Dade City 20; Bartow 2l; Waaehnla Ft. Myers S3: Pasta Corda 33; Ft. Meade 3il; Lakeland 27; MdllierrT 28: Port Tampa Citr 28. Bays, nse, E. D. Stair, mgr.: Patersoo. K. J., 17-13. Bed Mm.- Martin & Emery, mgr?'.: BiKL^ton, Tel., 19; Waco 20; Ft. Worth n-22: DalUs 24- 25; Denison 23; Wichita Falb 27: Ardmorc, Okla.. 28; Oklahoma City 29. Boyal Chef. F. A. Wade, mgr.: Nawport. Va.. 18: Cbarlouesvnia M, ■ ■ ■■ -. BoUasoa Opera Co.. OL' MMmm..' msKt On- bee Can.. 17-29. Schelf, Frltzl: See The Prima Doaoa. Silver Star, with Adeline Geace. Kl.nw & Er- langer, mgis.: Boston. 'Jan. 10. indef. Stnbliois Clnlarella (Prineeas Am. C«.'s West- era), Mort. H. Siagw. mgr.: Lcii4an. Oat., Can.. 10; Port Hnnm. SUA^. 30; Saginaw 21; Bay City 22; Flint 24: Ana Arbor 2:'>: Tr>le<Io. O.. 26. Lima 27: Ft. Wayna, »»J 2s: Coohen 29. SoDi Kiss (Eastern). Mlttentbal Bros.' Am. Co.. Inc. mgrs.: Mcad\iile. Pa.. 10; Jamestown. M. T.. 30: Erie, Pa.. 21: BradforO 23;.OI«ii. N. X., 24; HonuU 25: Corniag 2S; EXmira 27; Aabnrn 28; Ithaca 20. Sool Kiss (Western). Mlttentbal Bros.' Am. Co. lac'ngrs.: Winnipeg. Can.. 17-19: Dnlach, HIna., 21-22; Minneapolis 2T2G: St. Paol " Puzzli Picture SliJes «»r Mwing Picture Smart Set. Bartoa ft WUwell. mgrs.: St. Jos Ofk, Ma, 16-10: TiDpeka. Kaa.. 30: Lawrmee a: OWmm SS: Khos d^. Xa,. SS-Sb. Sckaol Tlays. Stair ft ^tlta. lac Mra.: Omaha. Neb.. 18-S2: St. J iigk. Xik. SRM: Ds Molms, la.. 27-29. SonerlMu Stair ft Havlin, Inr„ rngtc.: SmflMk. Ta., 17-22: BIchmond 21-29. SI'Iney. Ge«irce. B. D. Stair, mar.: .(Jliattfinoogn Ti'nn.. 17-22: KnoivUIe 24-26: Lexlogton. Ky. Tbey Loved a Ijassle, B. C. Whitney.-mgr.: Cbi' erg.!. Oct. 31. 4ndPf. 27; Mande, lad.. 28: AadenMm 29. Tod.1 ft FreU Ifnsietl Co.. Aime Toild. Jr. laio'.: WladMater. lad.. 17-10. Two A m ar l e a n g ftteoed (KaMcra).' L. U HairK mgr.: CralMaan... Ky.. 1>: Rletnaaod 30: Wtnciwstpr 21: KlrbolarviHe 22; Monrfstown, Tenn.. 24: GreeaTlHe 25: Jobasan City 26 KnoxTlIle 27: LaFan tte 28; JeUIcn 29. Teal.- Baymoad. Musical - Comedy Co.: Enid. Okla.. 16-22. Time, tbe Placo and tbe Girl fEa«terp). H. H. 'Frazee. prop.: Anlmm. N- T.. 19: Horneli 30: Bradford. Pa.. 21: Jamestown. N. T.. 22: Butler. Pa., 24: Johnstown 2>: Altoona 26: Hraitlngidon 27: HagerMOKVn. Md.. 28: Anna- p<dis 29. Time, the Place awl tbe Girl (Western). H. U. Frjxee. fnnp.: Cheyeane, Wyo.. 20: N. Platte. Kebb. 31; KHiatr 32: Gcaad Uatf »: Haat- Ian nnim »: UaMa St: Bed Oak. la.. 27: Otiiimai 38: Griaaell Si. Tbreti Twins (Eaaternl. Joe. M. Galtes. mgr. Wash.. D. C. 17-22. lliree Twins (Western). Jos. it. Galtes. mgr. LaJnnta. Co>u.. 19: Wichita. Kaa.. 21: To- peka 22 Three Twins. wHh Tbos. WbilTen. Jos. M. Galte*. mgr.: Elsvood. Ind.. 19: Crswfords- vllle 20: IVrre Bante 21: BranisvUle 22: Hen dTwn. Ky.. 25. Ton O' Th' WorM. <3eo. H. .Mnrray. rot'r.: Seat- tle-. Wash.. iT-22. Tnik of New York, with Victor Mnore. Colian & Hatrl* . men.: St Loots. Mo.. 1622; Vla- TwISSajSiriSttF.'with MMr Cabin. Daal^ T. Arfhnr. laiv.: Theema. Wash., 30: Pett- Jand. Trff.. 21-22. Tlllle'n Nlglltsciare. with Marie Dressier. I.f-w ri.'M«. n-CT.: Kansa.-: Clt.v. Mo.. 16 22. Van Stnddiford. Grace: See Tke TTnlilfa Bnt- terfly. " Viennese Opera Co.. BmH -Ik iti.' mST.:. **l- f-^so. Xov. 21. Indef. WII1«' Miirtcsl Comedy Co.. John B. WIIH. TnST.: .\nn>inoll9. Md.. 17-22. Wine, n' an.l Sons. wUh Boolta. R'^bt. J. Cohn. mgr.: NiehvUIe, Tenn., 17-22: Blr- mlaghim. Ala.. 24-29.' W>nl ft Vokex. E. D. Stair, mgr.: KaoxvCle. Tirrm.. 17-10: Lezlatrtoo. Ky.. 30: Andenmi, Ind.. 21: Mnnele 32: Cladnmtl. O.. 28-29. WIvard of WIselsiid. Hany Soft, aigr.: An<- ttn. Pa_ 10: Rmporiam 30:. Beai»ea XI: wn- ll»a w|iarta2. WlHlam*. Bert A.. Ji n-velsnd O.. IMS. WIdflw MeOartby. BM . flM.1. re.. ir): L a w n a unll lt'' 98: iraaiaiU St; Blosshiirc 22. Yorire * -Ad.imii In Africa fB. E. Forre"f<-r'«). F-l. E. I>alev mgr.: Yr- uu g w f n»» . O.. IP: Winr-n 20: Be:irer F»ll». Pa.. 21: Sharon 22; Frie 2»: Ji-mrstiwn. N. T.. 2fl: Bradford. Pa., 2n. Wheeling. W. V«.. 27-5B. Taakee Girl, with BlaEe».e Ring. T>ew Fields, ■sr.: arveland. O.. 17-22. ^ Show Puzzle Pictures m your dwatie by using new Combination Song Slide and Puzzk Picture Carria which can be attached to any moving picture machine. Q The slides are handsomely colored, and your ^trons will like diem as the carrier revolves the Puzzle Pictnre on the curtain while the audience solves the puzzle. ^ New sets of Puzzle Picture Slides issued each week. Priee jof Carrier, $i; Price of Set, 7 slides. Dclivarvd Exprsss Prepaid EXCHANGE OF SLIDES - ^ We win exchange any act of INnzle PSdne SBdes far a new set at $1.0D per set per wedc You mail the slides to us and we will mail you a new set in exchange. Q Write for circular giving full description, or start right NkTIOUL 8ilEd., S3 SM iBnii IBl at the Sasat thsatna la Ihs inlitad with lham. TbcF an Bictara I baa tt sa la < ' LOW PRICED OPDIA CHAIRS at atyKa wMek. CHICAGO, ILL. 171 Wftbuh Av*. "RIGHT-KIND" VAUDEVILLE i» "SPARKS' VAUDEVIIJ.E." and l^ pnll. plea-^" snd bnlld tip .vonr boose. Wby czperlmeat with "mlsrepr^seatatloos" wbeo rttn can m-curt* onr f.-rvlce at n*> InrrraBc In cost? The best vaa- dfvitle In the tJ. 8.. coDsisteiit with lalnr}' I'sl'l I" y"" Bet If yuiir house Is oa the "Ttl* SPAKKS' CIBCCIT." Don't di'lsy anoili.r inlnnln. Wrlle. wire or ph-iiic. ami start playlag tbf-se kind of acts— mraicAL dthickes KOMTftM A JACK ft_^nT£ W HIT W OKTH ft mOBZBOV ft SBAT. TEXAS CLEO CKAS. _1I£1LS0V. TASBEII & YOllHO SAVIE8 ft WAUOV XELVnXE BROS. - BILLT BRO-WimCO LESLIE * PATEE WOODLEY ft CASTLE WJKBMMT ft BAJUIEXT mm.- ft MM . w. J . n ^isT ft Avm JACK ft MEix mt gm THESE LEFEVZBS TED SPARKS' VAUDEVILLE AND DRAMATIC EXCHANGE Century Building. S^'^*^'^ Kansas City, Mo. DRAMATIC PEOPLE WANTED AND FURNISHED . —: SOLD EVZBTWaZBS AjSUB^STOS CURTAINS AND ^ SCENERY 'inqr /not''ii* Studios, besir so9miiaiJunMscM>..t«oaiHt ilL. HalB Offlo« 417*410 S. nilsk 91. Establiabcd 1875 For Rent-Good Film anil Sonf Sfiiles-~For Sah &t moderate prices. H. P. Machines and parts, Carbons, Cement and Tickets. THE EUREKA FILM EXCHANGE CO.. 317 Ev«r«tt BIdg, Akron, O. IHK BIUiBOABD'S OI«A8SIFIKD BUSINESS DIRECTORY GIVES