Billboard advertising (Jan 1910)

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44 Xtie Billt>oarol JANUARY 29, 19ML UIOTfim KLiASES Jmaauy— Fe»t 1 CS > U ud tbe UMar Boat »to ■ nm. Ufe of Moms £6S S-O* Trasedr of the UUI 812 S—Sbanslua or To-dar SI 8—Rldiellra. or tlie Conaptamy 11— cut Bor's Venceaoce SSD U—The Old Maid's Valentine 375 12— ^Trne to Hla Oath 15—A Sister's Sacrifice 070 18—Tbe TojTjiaker's Secret (MythlcaU ... 969 22—A Pair of Schemera. or My Wife ami My Dade (Comedy) 713 22—FiTe Minales to Twelve (Comedy) les tS—The Life of Moses; part 3 (Hlstorl- leal) 974 3»—Tbe GIH ud tbr Jodce or A Xnrtlile ' ' ........... 3S0 MP. (Carl Laemmle.) NoTember— Feet IS—Ttie Forest Hanger's Danshtcr 750 12— Thr BmTe I'ollo man ............... 3M 22—LevltAtj sees ttie Pande ... 1W SZ—BODOr Amoox Thlerca SM t Ga nai o — War 1000 r— Feet liBIt O—l ..*. 941 ~ ~ 9S5 .i..........,...^... KO -I BM .t...:....... SSO JaanaiT— • ■ Tlect 3—Tbe Wlsnln; Pnaeh ................ 9Sa 6—By Sight of Lore IT—Tile Tide of Portmte M—^Nerer A^mln Gl.'S M—A Boae of tba Pbaipplnes 370 Si—A OeqiMtle'a SaltMs (cancdrt SoTember— 18—A MUUooalre Bootblark _25—Delajcd Telesram Pr a jai . Caae oC Grip Fleet ..IMO . 900 Fleet . 830 .. 790 .. 390 WOM nCPOBT AKD TRADHCG CO. Feet IS—Goddeaa of tbe Sea (Le IJon) S60 13—U>»e of rittle Flora (Itala) 790 15—Julias Caesar (Itala) SoO IS—^A Uotber's Heart (Ambroslo) 798 U—Tbe Mysterious Luggage (Eclair) ... 67o 15—a!be Cursed Case (Aqullu) 940 2S—Tka Boataca lAatfmaio) TTu - «« the Gao* .Krisbc X3—KapaiMK's Oaaaa mt Ckcaa CLa Uaal E«r. 22—Ben All Bey^ Daadac DnM CMpkn) 510 22—JohB KulCT'a 1>nfcinptlnii {ftU9 ... 831 39—Tbe Palnter'a Idol ........038 29—Tbe Serrant of tbe Actana 28—MarreloQS Sharing Sip. ...j. j....... 610 28—Tbe SoDg that BeacbaABK Bliat ... SSO 28—Tbe Motor Cyclist ...i^..^;..'........ SS5 28—Tbe DoDMe «U 580 December— Ffeet 13—Uaebetb 1000 a—A Xtip to the Arctle (Balclgh A Rob- •tt) 410 1 1 C l—r«il> « Coder (^raat (C>noa| SOO — —- biren (Edalr) .......... i... SSO V« Trooblea CMkHl 980 of "—' r Wtl i l i liM ObO- elgfa & Robert) 310 13—The Beggannan's CraUtude (Ambro- slo) 730 ' Week of 27— The- Strolling Plajos CBal- elgh and Bobert) 685 - 'Week of 27—Mugcbomp's EaaSf Hknliis Exetirslon (R- i B.) 400 Week of 27—Madam's Favorite (Raleigh Sc. Boberts) 330 Week ct 27—A Chrlstoias Lesend (Itala) 300 Watk aC 27—Vbaiahaad Faya a TlaU (Li-'Llon) T^.. 283 Week of 27—The StoiT of Sir Ufe (Aoi- brDsii>) 8S0 Week of 27—The Fmperor's Staff OOcer lEoUlr) 700 January— Feet Week of 3—Ont With It (Meester) 330 Week of 3—Seal ami Walms Hontlnc (Bal- eiph & Robert) 500 Week of 3 —^A Hanpy ^eir Year (Balelgb * Bibut) 430 Waafc ag *- gnaiiaWi BalMay (Itala) ... 800 Weak ar t Tumttan aod SUre (CIws).B2S Week of 3—Tbe Poem of Life (Aqulla) .. 975 Week of 3—A Wall Street CHiaaee (Eclair) 5*0 Week of 3—Tbe Salted-Mine (Caisoo) ... 730 Week of 10—The Rebel's' Fate (Claes) ... 630 Week of I(f—Tbe Tetrots of tbe Family (Raleigh & Bobert) 230 Week of 10—Mooarcbs of AU Natloaa (Bal- elgb A Bobert) ................ 385 Waek of lO—Hotstn? Takca aa the Champ- tau (B. ft B.) 220 aC 10—Walkawar*a New Boots (Ctoest 300 WaA at M—Tke Law at DntiaT (Aoallat S90 Week ot 10—Tan aaa Twlk (BaMgh * Bobmt 230 Week of 10—Braee IJItIr Heart (Eclair) 673 Week of Tbe OaiftaMI Boy (Clom).. 0S7 Week of 17—Macste (Cricks and Martin) 650 Waek of 17—Mawr^ »r the Amr IKA of n—.\*tkmrm Xitfla iMta JUMr (CInes) 7-i0 Week of 17—Joalon-iv a Bail Coun-U'Ilor (B^Ieleb Uobrrti ."HIO Week of 17—^TUr Fivi-booter's Captlr.- (Betaltl liTO 0t 17—A Yaaas GIri'a SarrMn- CAtnOX -' - -"'^ ft T7—The Xtaa JOMBtol 4^~> «r n^-BaMM tmi. M5rit.tki> »«• al*t tllaial»| .......V...... »« GRF..\T WUKt UmK X Wm." COM?ANY. JaooaiT— Vi-rt 1—Tenanacn. ar Tbe Fotenet'a SarrlSee S-«ke ChOd Bmfaetar l»-r-The Dcatk «C tke Brisud Chief $54.00 £S And irv CSB prove It. Any ODe can opprate It. Xakrs 4 finUbed button liboto^npbtt a mla- nte. Price of Cam- I'ra-Scope. with •juppllcs for usak- Inj: 300 pictures (rnoQgb to pAJ tbe cODipletP ont- flti Rxtni button-;. 51 p*T bandretl: •■xtra frames, Jl.'Kt per srrofts. Be intU'peo- dent and m n k e moDf.v for Tour- gelf. Write today. W. B. IConntford. 100 Maiden lAne. New York, N. T. WANTED-AT ONCE TRAP DRUMMER ADDRESS W. A. Finney, Grand Opera Honse, BBLNSWICK. GEOBGIA. VIOLINIST AT LIBERTY Up in leidtlmate 8a8 rmm cellent librarT of masT 1577 E. 9Sid Street. FILMS FOR SALK 1.000 ft. Film. f3.fl0 c ash with order. ya»T.-p FO&^ER. Wantt. O. FOR aAT.K—1 Ljpon & Healj BInk Or^an. »4.-*: 100 Foldlnp Chairs. fTO; 2 rolls of Musric. eight plec<s on each, at *-">* a mil; 1 Motor for Organ. teO: 130 pair~< of l:r>ll>T Sl^ates. worth 83.30 a pair: Skate IlKiiain^i acJ Toola, (Hb Wacth S1.07S in all. for sale 8700. JMms 9. L. OAW80H. Belle Flaino. Iowa. taa. 8AXE OBZai—s mlaiatarp cscre. 40 abet laal po^TK. 33 ja^ tgea ^i^ ^Biril^Male. 4» FOB BUS—TaaOntBe Tkratic Im tawa: town (IZ.MIO v<p.}, aeatlnc capadtr ow 400. Stase follr e!iiilp|«d. stn^t and rdret drapa. aiKO par- lor and wooil settiats^ 3 comfortable drawlts roocEs. Kent $100 per month. Goia^ to sell:- muit CO to AriZfina on accoant of throat tma- ble. l*leas<- don't -write nnltrs!* Interested. Ad«I. H. W.. care BLUboaxd. CInrinaati, O. FOR B«T.-F—Xon- Ed. Kx. iS. P. macblm-. al: attacbmeotii. fll2; second-batKl Ed. Ex.. all at tacbments, $70; new No. 4 Optlyraph ontflt. ti7j Model B. wltb burner. «22.SO: Oiooe. Oxiiithr. S1.U: new Son Sllilea. 83; flliBa. 8M per nd: i-ower Rh aatar Sat^jjwMiBtli Jjaljfc Mar- gala prlcea tp tfwe *CL 'Jb mmMMmWm zia. (>hia. CUSTOMER wants manager for firsWIass muvini; picture house in Chi(»go. Says CTcat opportunity for right man. Wrilo to me for portitnilara. Cl-'grOMER wants to acU nickckHlcon located in big moviqg picture Untrict in tlnc H pa "flay* fce wBl i ijiMuu far qulBk caoh. Write to me far dclailB. EXHIBITORS OVERJOYED widi llie new films now being released by tlw Inde- pendent manufacturers of America and Europe. Never since I have been in the fihn renting business have I r eceive d so many letters coiB]dimenting the new stunts being pulled off by the Independents. There aie some renters who can't give you a good Independent service, because ihey are not buying any of the new fifans, biit I can and will give you the cream of the best. If you want to be de^ sure tiiat you get the best the marlcet affbrfs, write to^ flic biflBBSt anf best flhii nat«r in the wodd. Meaningnobo^ bOt me CARL LAEMMLE, President The Laemmle Kllm Service Headquarters 196-198 Lake Street, CHICAGO JCIXKEAPOI-IS, POBTLAlfD, OMAHA, SALT I-iKZ CITY. EVANSVUXT, MONTBXAI. G FILMS for CANADIAN EXCHANGES AUMONT CHRONOPHONE 124 rast asth Street. NEW YORK. — ROLL TICKETS -^ Tionr Om Stwrfal TUm^ "Qt printings frant and back. "LOOK THBSC PRICES OVER" 10,000—$2.50 25,000—$S.M 50,000—$6.00 100,000—$9.50 Quick shipment, accurate nnmbcnnp guarantcfd. C'asli witli onlcr, no C. O. D. COUPON TICKETS, BOOK TICKETS. STRIP TICKETS. RESERVED SEAT THE.\TRE TICKETS and CX>XTR.\CTSL Let tM quote jou prieoi. Write for ■wmplw. ROYAL TICKET CO.. - Shamokin. Penn. PLAYING THE BEST IN VAUDEVILLE SULUVMbmICONSIDINE CIRCUIT mumm g oy*iCK SniXIVAH AiTD CCHBISIHE BLOO.. AUD XAZtlSOV SraECTS. 8EA TTLE,. WASW. Ben. Mgr. OEJIESAl BOOKXKO OdlUE •nXE e AKD 10. 1853 BBOABVAT. NEW YORK CITY CKSJS. O. BRANCH BOOKING OFFICES. UI7 IIXS Matkct SU. Tlwetic aite> FILMS FOR SALE One hundred reels of .A.-N0. 1 9er\-iceable films, from S7 to Sll per red. Second-hand Song .Slides,$l per ^t, with music. HATCH SUPPLV OOMPANV, F« Avenue near Ferry Street, Pittsburg, Penn. THE BUYERS' DIRECTORY TELLS YOl] WHO AND WHERE. AMERICAN Fll-M SERVICE. COURT HOUSEi TWO EMBLEMS OF JUSTICE: THE AMERICA N FLAG and OUR BANNER A Square Deal to AIL Our feature film service will convince you of this. Wc are the hufleat buyers of film in the West, and furnish the best service in America. F'ilin NEW OFFICESs Bank Floor. 77 South Clark St.. CHICAGO