Billboard advertising (Jan 1910)

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JANUARY 29, 1910. Xtie Billboard 4!6 CEIWOitSM IP IN OT. LOUIS. A «•■»»•«* tvcMitlx annlBtcd at • mmm to much M>me nnw ar_cr»i«rli« ,tlw Skn- ». la Uw aana mt Um ckatmikB. AUoracy jlLl «( tkv caamlitre are Bot. on KJId Olfulgl; K. llcb- wcm avpalatcd vt a dim mpeilos «( rtcrcTBcn rad layawa callwl by Ucv. IT. J. TartoB Maoae. wbo la ImUoc tbc cruM<l<- for <ha renalwaaev of (hr drama )o 8t. Loula. Attrr ortai'isliis <l>* ■"<»' ImiiurtiiQl 'V^ty the committM) 1« taklos up tl>» coa-likTatloo of • bill to. br dnfUsd to be lDttu«Juce4 In IUl' Mublripal AimbUr. wUcb wlU cuver tlie al- tS^^ puaa- Mi'-aaiM^ aC atWB «« fea dla- 11^. wick!' jlirttoriiSr. ,^ ^ t>? la la afiatattgr •!» tta MraMt It It la aot ■laaMnllr. M «iU aMata fraiwr co^nwra- tMi af tkoaa «ko riia«M llTtt it aaaport. Tkt smtcat mOa aC tlw aaed ara atur. be am. ara tblMa tcndtec ca Iba »o«ar&e_ot Sm aaa i Oa txnrarila woows. and nu f aaH yi One «C tbe beat tUnca tn tb* p f apaa nd rataa. ba am. la tlx protretlon of tbe yoons. ■*Oiiaaralilp U a daogfroua Uilnic." atate<1 Attorney SJileMa. "It tia« to bo haailled prop vrly. or tbe renmly ^^ill aa bail as tbe dla- Mie. Aa I uDdpratitnl It. ttv comlttre'a work la prcUmiDanr ai»l Ita pmrlnce to tlraw op a l > tui »»a t d opBoaate mat wUI boM ." m»ADAm» tW ¥ftlrr« W<WARTERS. Iba MfeAdams BIr IVot Tbeatre In la winter- I at Oallaa. Texaa. where tbe eaoTa* la ' a e«cnplrte vmbaalloic tv tbe cora- I. Maoaser Cbaa. R. UMilanja tie- _ tbal dnrinc ttt comtef aeaaos he will amre eoe at tiie •trooc.vt dramatic coujpar.!..* Sa cao C't toc<^tbrr and alao oqe of tbe awellerI gands and orrbestraa. Tlie McAdnma Big Tent Tbedire l« one of tbe larfrat tl^atrlcal enlerpr1«»a In tb^ Sooth. It la ownrd and controlled by C. n. McAitima A floo, of DtUa*. vbo bare «ucteMfnlI; operated tke Crete Park Ibeatre In tbat Hty tor tbe at el.7 P»9mx ...> «C tb; Aa allia Vack a( dlr ptapi «• aiala ft* taa •eLLOW S NEW PIKCS. Cbaa A. Selloo. wtio liaa vppearrd la Hie Cat and tbe Pl-ldle for tbe paat tbrri- aeaaonii. wlU laoncb a new mnalcal extraTarana. l%e Cow and tbe Moon. It will go tu tbe &M)t. paying la K. & E. bonaes. Mr. Silica will b'-nil tbe rompaDy ot aoow flftjr. people. II ouy be tried oat la Cblai«a aa « aaaMBV attneH-w. ■Wm. E. B Hr. ScUaa. aARRV SOCIETY TICKLSOt '. Tbe Snpreme Court of rj0iil»I«n« hatxled i"Kn an ofilnloD. Janoarr 17. acntatninj: the Talldlty at tbe cblM labor law paaaed at tbr laal ^ea- aim of tbe Legislature, and boUlnx ipeclllcalljr tbjt tbe act foctkida tbe employilleat of eblldrvQ oader fourteen yeara of age oa tbe tbeatrlCJl It la beilared tbat tbe e«Mt a( tba ««• wtn %t an effort al tbe aest Aaarmblr la April. t» MCK MAY RCniim TO HOCK- It la rumored that Oeorge Peek, general ntaor eaer of thd IU'ni»l»-Iow« Circuit .it TJnatre«. wfto now liai bla oOlce In Cblcaga, may return ta Bockford. III., to manig; Lb* Gruml <>i>^ra Haoae In addition to bla otbcr du:lea. In wblcb •vent Ceo. C. Sackett. at piv»eot local man- ager, woul l lak^ up other work. Tbe aCali* ar ttila circjit niT<? been la an na«euled c«adl- tlaa owing to tbe tbeatre war aad saore rbaacaa alc to b- ex pected. ADVISES SHOWS TO STAY AWAY. Dallmrt. Texaa, baa iMudiieaa. klaii- it ot poor lMi.<daKaa. aaylaic Tbr Clark Opera Uotw been cloaed on account ot agar t. A. Mann ad*r tba< way to atay "tbcic la no mooeT bet» tut . ^ . "We kept the bonae otwa. batriaa tbat bi»l aaaa mlgbt pick up, but ena aee au diaocv for aajrtblBg better thla aeaaun. All conpanfe* — " tbbi aeacoa bare an more than aad tbe na^ority bare not d<iue MYine SHRINERS CAPTURK NIP- POOROME. Mralle llbrinetm flflreB bnadre.! atroac.. IWIIMlIld of wbooj were membeia of tbe Aran Pattoi of Mecca T>-miile. attemled tbe iierfo-m aaea at tbe lllppo.\rome. New York City, the taikt vt Jannarr IS. Tbelr red few-e were v--ry aaHceable Ihrousbout tbe big aodltorlum. Tb»y waralr applamled A Trip to Jip^n. Tbe Ballrl at Jaweta and Inalde flie Kanb. tb<- three —— la the nippoilTome procram. MANAGER TRANSFERRED. , , 'jrltb tbe W. r. Mann forte* and mm tetentlf manager of tbe Deadwooil Theatre, baa been tranatem.d to fVrgir. Kalla, Minn., and will aaanne the miii- agenient of the I.ycmni Theatre at ttiat t"«™. aad tbe opera houae at Wahpatoa. !(• (W II. U Walker, the ieaaee «f aoaae alsleaB tbeatl < < OB Iba Nartbw«« CiRalt. Roe So BIlBd. ■lay. la wblcb Mr. M fi Kew York. tbe en- . Ibe «*at ot new American will «oon appear of llie rait will OatU Ooabl Palhe Frcres Feature Film POSTMISTRESS A vivid portrayal of a most dramatic lAoiy. The P uih i iUti iBii; a widow, in otder to sne her sick difld, pitfos aonw of die GoYonment funds to pay die. stony-hearted old doctoK. The same day the Postal Inspector arrives to audit her accounts. How the poor woman is saved from disgrace makes as pretty and pathetic story as has eva been pcesoiled in moving Released Wed., Feb. IStO It^wiU worn' OP In Ancient Greece TO RB RBLEASBO SOON BY FATHE FRERES NEW YORK ttWaSBOlSt CHICAGO SSSandolpliSt. HEW ORLEANS 818 Uidoii 8t> tfaa A. B. C Co., Clawland, Ohio. SOUVENIRS Noveltlea aod Speclaltiea for Pain. Caralvala. Nlckelftdaoaa. rictav* Shoura mad mtt. W* bmij • vwy MlecOoaal rfroMor J We nrry tbe largest us^ rttupnt <.r Knife Board Kalrea wjat of tbe .Miaslulppl Blrer. Oar ■ra abaoloteir rock bettom. Wa alaa MU Uaa of StreetBaa'a Gooda. Carat.- Itiea awl sooda Car falra. Wa ara " ra tf aa'a aoj ply bonaa la IT BUtta aad ba«a rtiaianlli at aalMM < we caa aatlafy jroa aad waal Toar baal den ahippttd aame day aa rcealTcd. Cbti FCKE. COE. YONGC A. CO- Nlnth and Lacas i^va* "* WANTED CLOWNS SUtp lowest aalair la Mn. . milJ Ot n SBOWS. Oca. Dei. SiD Aotoalo, wuTB FN snsNini rar atcdcn * COIUaa* Orerlaad Bbowa. Moai.' elaas and performeia tn an breoebea of itaow battaeca. except r ldeia; » aat r FOR SALE--WHITE BEUTY High acbool and talking boroe: LaaplK, baiita. pad and talklos ponr: Dyiuunlte. JaaaarT aaii tbrowinc male: alao chaalog and tbrowliw doofe* ej. Stock cao be seen at Vtlr Oraoada. Ft. Wajaa. led. J. H. TAK VRANKEN. Box 211. ffANTEB—FOR INGLE SISTERS' SHOW Sketch Team. Ooraet. Clarinet and Baaa Playar. ladles preferred. Will boy aecood band Taylor Imak, .M or 3n in., Ur^e cjmbal for dmm and anare dmm for orchestra. Duplex or Leldy taake; aiaat be in good ahape. Addrcaa J. £ Oa. WANTED SINGING AND DANCING Alia Inp Dnnsmsr. M«l. Show: nahaM* Taak If i kDon- yon. caaanaT Ha. Write or wire qalcfc. rOVTIHELUE, »i«Mtn i|. lb. PASSION PLAY FILM BMr. atr. lactm na Bpater a. «3.00 per day. ft * BimEB. Kaaa, Pa. Al XZBZaiTT—Veagana FamUj Band of ladlea and genta: fiimlab 8 to 14 piec^'a: also Dotph and Fluaaj- Volgt. novelty dab jngslera and rape aplnnera and eomedr wtre act. Eiperlencad In CIrcna. Wild Wcat. Camlral and VaadeTlHa, Addieas J. X. FEAOAH8, Box tt». PatarabafK lUinoia. KOTICE—(40.00 will bar 2 striklnc maeblam WlU boj anything ecw and novel aoltable for carnival or fair gruond. Slot machine* for aala W| eidi Jii^ .^ ^ Wtil e _ q |nlcl^^OEO. OSOVXa, It Xaadiac. Fa. akatlBK Rink. 200 b^ M f££%tn vnmeaade arooad riak. .lOO aacklBB Aataw trie llgbtlns. la Oiat-elaaa oae. In largcat In interior dress O. S. Hasding. Pa. A oni Ufa F12Z" -Novelty Intenuesao. KoU of mnalcal elferTeaeeaea: wilt.. Ufa and nyaty. A mnalcal elferTeaeeaea: a tea br wcr <V tMaon: pnbllabed br BeaJek. Mt Or a copy. To pratnalM copy. eadoalvg card aad atamp, a copy sent flea, for Taoderllle planlats. moving plctnre etc. KAMT C. KEMOll. Eranaton. m. FOX SAIJ&—Cheap for cash. A complete doc. pony, animal and bird show, conalatlng of tenta. doga. ponlea. animals, binls, wagon cagea, ticket wagon, nnlforma. bameaa. and ererTtblas ta Bake aa a 6n|.claa8 abow. BratTtUaa tttt- allgbtly aaed. If latctaatad. ■ or caaa and aae It at IWHAM. Laatattaa. Kak. far cataloc or aA, WDWIU WMSn TO BVT a t aa ii d iu oatflt for small dr- coa: prefer tent M ft. nnad top wlib tw« M or 40 ft. middle pieces. Will also boy or rent a sleeping car. tborooghly equipped. Address with full n:irttcaIarK acd lowest spot caiih price. MASS S. NATHAS, F. O. Box 117, WUalnr- ton, N. C, MO Bait at aaaa lar aarllst af la CUeag*. HL WAHTED—Good np-tn-date party to take latere est snd ran rlcfaro and vandeville and otbsr attrsctlor-- .!u>^ in F.«-ten Ohio. Addxasa WHITE Pal-iCi:. Birag mlla. Ohio. not Kaeblnaa For Sale—10 Mllla' Check Boya, J30: 6 Mills" Liberty Bells, »30. Tbeae ma- chines like new: baee co fBribcr osa tar tbaas. .Addresa FXAKX "'IT'. M| V. Sw W»m^ 7aAaaaalU«. fll.. ■• - XAKXWPOB TMMX, .• JMicaataca aOa.. waats aa aad other attiacttaaa Agply at aaea ta t. ta S ;