Billboard advertising (Jan 1910)

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JANUARY 2», 19ia Xtie Blllboarcl 49 _ Lodcr of Maaoos. Jau \*. M, fWria, Cwltr Ripldv la. Wttr l ao '' l eu« Pnlr^ntlon of Labor. Jane 14. J. II. airlrf. nox 362. Slonx Cllj. la. Watrrloo—Natlotiil Aaao. of tbe Sla, Eoc. M. A. S. ■. Mar —. Jamct A. Coulaoa, lOU ; Mmk CItr. la. IMvtaCton—Nartb Oeotnl Kaous TnAtn' Ai- •Mtatloa. fob. 24.33. Hn. BcIIr Taml Ptkw. Coarordia, Kaa. BBtcUaaoo—Kaiuaa runeral DIrrcton' Ann - Jn* SI. I*. U. PfDirpIl, Topeki. Kao. UaaoB—A. r. A A. M. Onnd Lode*. Feb. , Hrnrr S. Zlnn. s N. Maia at., Hi ' ^' natcUmoo—B. and S. M. Oraod —. A. K. Wllaoa, Toprka. Kan. notcblaaon—B. A. M. Orand Chaptar. —. A. K. Wllaon. Topeka, Kan. HMckleaaa—O. B. 8. Oiaad Ctaapler. Frb. —. Mm. IMM BMMtt. Wr — HnMblaMa. Kaa. Hatefal a ioB J ti Mrrctan' Aaan. JUaehHcb. HM IfliMata anakTSaaa* CHr. Kaa. Kaosaa CBtr—Kama* Jfaater Marcb 7 8. K. W. Dravrr, ISO Kanaaa City. Kin. Kanau CHr—Qrand Coandl «( labmna. IJ. C. T. June S-t. (Icaii.'B. vr. AtebiMo. Kao. Kaaaaa Clt.r—Wnn.rn Ic« Mannfnrti Marrh 4 (1. E. R. Andlrr. 8«da1l<. Ottawa—Orand Lode* K. of P. of Kaaaaa. Mv n. am J. Kn^MB*. Kaaaaa cur. Kaa. H lta nu t—T. U. C. A. Stat* OamiHaa. m. 10. I. n. Oalffoo. Plttabont. Kaa. Sallna—Kanaaa Pbarmaceofteal Aaan. Mar 24- 30. lUibPK Lowman, Plrbtbtirs. Kan. Topeka—State Draomflc Editorial Atan. Feb. 11. W. r. BoTd. PbUllpabDrc. Kan. l^oo«ka—Kanaaa Rankera' Aaan, May —. W. W. BoiTisan. Toprka, Kan. Toorka—State SocI«ty of Labor and ladoatry. rVb. T. W. Im. a. Jobnaoo. 3tate Hooac, Top«^. Kan. Wteblta—Kanaaa Edtttirlal Aaan. Feb. I4-1S. W. B. Rlarkbfim, Aatbooy. Kan. WMlta—TMplr Tie Beneflt Ann. .May 11. O. U. StralMo. SM Gnwt at., aay Center. Kan. xnnacr naakfott—Mate AatI Halnoa iMcae. Fab. 74. K. A. Fa l a ia r . anpt.. tMUTiUe. Ky. H > n i »f ao> K eatartiy Eilneattonal Aaaa. Jane SI-St. T. W. Tlaaaa. Frank rnrt. Kt. Leslncton—Kramrky State Ceancll KnlKbts of ColamlKia. May 10. Geonc A. Barkley. Co- InaMa BIdc.. LoalaTUIe. Ky. I«zlnston—fttat* Uedlcal Aaaa. March —. Dr. ..A. F. McCnrwaa|,JwlatlH^ Br. .... tonLTill.—atata; Wgttn IflMar OMtaa* Mm. ■ .Feb. 8-0. tiaabmne—Kalhmal —. Frank K nL — -KeatiH^ . Jto^era- Aaaa. nk. ML «. K.' la, Ky. . LoabTllte—A. O. U. W. Oraad Mfe. f«b. S. J. <3. Walker. S17 Norton Bide., Louia- tUIc. Kt. Jtrwport—Grand Em^mpment of Keotncky, I. O. O. F. May 18. R. Q. Elliott. Lezlnr too. Ky. Owvasboro—Grand Lodfce of KeotixckT. Roval Amnom. April IB. Alrr M. WoodrnlT. 101) S. Btb at.. rx«l«Tllle. Ky. Wlaebniler—flraad CnomiandrrT. K. T. May . j^n. A. H. Biyaat. 01 Plk* M. " somauwA ■ataa Raoee—IxraMaM April —. NIcbolaa.-l .OrlMaa. La. . _ Ht; Andrew Oraad Ladjce. laae 31- T. Ormt. 331 CaroaMct at., Xcw Or- _ja. I.a. Moma City—.M. IT. Rnivfca Lodxe. F. and A. M. Jnne K. O. G. GoIIIOD, Dratrer 22T. Natrhltorbe*. La. Xetr OrI*iin*—Knl(bta of Robot Grand Lodce. Man-h 14. N'w Orlean*—Imperial CAonnpIt A. A A. Nnblm of th* Mratlc Shrine. April IS. Benl. W. Pow>ll. 20ft Masonic Temple Boitton. Mai*. Jf»w Orleans—Amerlran Water Work*' Aaaa. Anil XUD. J. U. DiTCtt, 14 Oeor|te at.. anrleatnn. a. C. ana Ortea a a niHted AneleBt Order of DniMa. '"•e 13. Henry Keltb. 400 Caaal at.. New Ortean*. Tji. Stew Orleana—Marfl Oraa Sneed CaralraL M. **. Homer C. Graiie. New Orleana. la. taw Orleana—Knirtta Templar Grand Com- naaderr- Feb. —. Richard Lambert. Maaonle Temnle. New Orleana. La. Kew OrleaB*—Natloaal.mtortal Aaan. Feb. 10- IS. W. F. Parrott, eira The Beporter, Watar- Tun, fnwa. Kew OrleMia—RIeetaa Oraad Chapter O. ■. S. nf the Star at Laolalvaa. Itmr Wl/t. Wm Carlyala Webb. SSI Ommmm MHr €|k Iraaa. La. Kew Qrira.*—Brotberbaod of Ballway STatl S«ha. Mar —. B. B. Flaber. S10 Kaaaaa ^OtjrJJfe PMf.. Kaaaaa Otr. Ma. Kew >M*ana—Gr^nd Lad«a K. at P.. SUte at TaaMana Jnriadletlvi. AprU l»«lt. Mn 1>. Brrarn. n<« M. Ofay. La. New Orlniiia—Lonmaaa Snnday-Sehnnl Aaan. Warr-h 15-17. Ihoa. V. Kllzey. 918 Malaon Ulanrhe Hide.. New Orleana. La. New Orleana—rTthlaa aiatera. April 12. Mta. M. V. Ualllard, 23TB Cblppewa. New Orleana. New Orleana—Lonlalana State Pharnncentlr*! A/ao. Slay 10 12. Oeotve W. UcDtilt. 20S0 Uacattae at. New Orleana. La. Opelanna—Lanlataa* Pie« Aaen. ApHI —. l» K. amtat; Kaa IB..Haw tklaaaa. Amraeta—Annnal State Royar Conferew* Xalaa y. M. o. A. Feb. ll-lS. JcltcnoD C. anitb, Watrrrllle. Me. Aiutnatn-A. 0. U. W. Grand Lodre. Feb. IT. Fred Rmerr Poiine. naltnarett. Me. Ban a t^- nranfl Comm.tnrlerA- Knl^ra of Maltn. Jnne 18. Thoa D. Sale, 43 Bxrhinite at.. - Portlaml. Me. Bar RvHur—M«l"e Mrdlral A^m. Jttl>» 2»- an. vr. Rean Mnnltoa. M. D.. 822 Conar»^« •t.. Partlaad. Me. "ajaatheatta—Grand Txxlae Kirigbta of nnnnr. »Mi. •-10. A. F. Glid.'en. New Ca<tle. M'. ''2!J?5*-l'*«*'"' «at» Kawarth Ltaaaa. J«ar M JnIy a. Aaali> >l. Fiaat. PlttaMd. - Pnetlaad^ne ttta Kaaael CM — Portland—K.B. a P. Oiaal Late U Xatne. April 0. W. U -QaMgr. •StlH^ Baacor. Mc. TTiiii nil lliaad LadR a( JIalaab 1. O. 9. Ore. KAKTLAXD Baltloion!—Aaaoclatlon of Amertraa Medical Collecea. Marcb 21 22. Fred C. Zapffee. 3431 r.exloKtan at., flatlmore, Md. Baltlniort.—.National Bowlhic Aaaa. Tonrnameot. April »-30. J. A. Baxletoo, Garaga Bldg.. Baltimore, Md. Baltlmon.—Amerlran Oriental Society. Marcb 31-Aprll 2. Prof. A. V. WilUaaaa Jackaoa, Colwnbis UnlTrralty, New Xotk Oldr. Baltlorare—Grand Lodge of IliijIaiC ' April 12-14. Jamea M. Hendrlz. Baltimore—Independent Oldaa .«C Mk-Mtowa. AprU 18-10. Wm. A. Hmm, .iTa O. F. Temple. Baltimore, Md. Balilmore—National Aaan. oi Clothlen. June O T. Wm. R. Oorwlne, 13 Aator Place. Nen- Tork City. Bultlmcre—Grand Council Royal Arcanum. March 24. Wllbnr F. Smith. 18 W. Saraluita »t.. Buldmore. Md. Baltimore—)Iar}land State Volunteer Flrwnen'a June 8-10. Jos. K. ItoIIcr, Spurrow. Point. Iiul. Baltimore—Slate Council Independent OrtlPr II. A. M. June 14. Cl<». H. Stein, 017 Franklin at.. Baltimore. Mil. CaabcrUnd—^KnUtbta of tbe Golden Eagle. May , »fc.^Jh»tbait^W. Aall. 2042 E. Nnrth arc., MASSACHirSETTS Boston—Order of United American Mechanlca. Feb. 22. A. Beakloy. 343 Union at., Lynn. Masa. Boston—Grand Loitge of Maasacbosetta, New England Order of Protcctioo. Maicb 9. V. S. Hinckley, Boa too. Maaa. BoKtoo—nepartment aC MataaAaaatta Relief Oorpa AnxlUaty to the O. A. B. April —. Mary R. Elliott. OST Waahlngtoa St.. Boatoo, Mana. BoatoQ—Department of Maaaarbnaett* G. A. R. April 0-T. larael H. DeWolf. Room 27, State Honae, Bo«toa. Maim. RoMtoo—Manactanaelts Oirlslon Bona of Vet- eran. C. S. A. April 6-7. John D. Strattard. 13 Beacon at., Boatoo. Man. Bnatoo—Masaacbuaetta Home Furalsbera* Aaan. Feb. — Alooao E- Toot. 18 Tremtnt at.. Boatoa. Maaa. Bmtoie-Maawchaaatta .latlatant PostmastcTs' Amb. Ikb. 32. 1010. John G. FItxgeraM. Lexlatrtoa. Mats, roftoo—Boaton Anto Show. Matrh 3-IS. Boatoa—New England Keanel Clab. Feb. SS-SS. Chaa, W. Taylor, Jr.. Baalaa. Maaa. Baataa—Grand Lodge A. <». .«, W. Of Maa*. Apta 9027. Cbarira a ■bailW;:;lt,.tMaat at.. Baatoa. Maaa. Baalaa -IWiinallaaal OMtar oC Oaa* Ttaapiara. ■ Aptn C-T. C H. Kliahai lOB WaMaad aT«. Metbeoa. Maaa. Boaton—Masaacbaaatta CIIHwMt Order at Vm- esters. May 2Sw IlaaM B. Mbgaifa. IT Wor- cester at., Baalaa. Maaa. Bo<toa-«M*tani ^Bf o «< Bw ar.: T Ujtl . Saiaacl isathawaaB SIB StaaMat-at.. -Baataa. Boatoa—Bcbckah Aawmbiy «e Maaiarbiiwtta. May 4. Sarah A. Barry, 47 Moamneat at., Cbarleatown. Maaa. Boston—Oaiightets of Llber^. May II. Eaill} A. narla. 1 Dvrla at.. Ibrlhoc^ Maaa. Roatoa-^rand Sana^^Ktj^^y^0*.. I. O. O. F. Feb. 9. 3ohn N. TerMna. SIS TMaiont St., BxatCB.. Maaai 'tt. V. em Mai^achuaetta .\«sn. of Ex- War. April 19. C. H. Heald. . Nortbatnptoa. Mass. . layen and 3Iamna Oalaa of '»rrh 14. Edwanl..r. Baw d . 188 ~!olyoke, Maaa. Lawrence—BBiha Ooanty C. E. Union. April 19. Albert H.4BBBkford. Newboryport. .Maaa. Lynn—Graa^^Commnndery of .Maaaaehnsctts. Ancient and Itlnatrlooa Ordrr Knights of Malta. Jane 14. Frederick H. TUaao. 013 Colonial Bide. Boatoa. Ma<a. Orange—Town .\nnlreraary Celebration. Feb. 2(. Springflcld—Bampton County C E. Union. Apr. la. Was Baalcc M. Baten. Kactk WBhiahaaB. Maaa. SprlafOeM— Vtw Eaglatid Rntel Aaaa. WA. 4. W, R. Woml. f orJey'a Hotel. SpringflrU. Tann*.ii—Seeenlh Maaa. Veteran Volunteer A»- Borlatlaa. Jane IS. Wm. B. Wade. 16M X. Mala ak. fhU RInr. Matt. XIOKIOAV Abb Arbor—Mlcblgan State Branch United Na. tiaeal AmPoat Oflke Claika^Mar 30. Bd- fthSaa^lWHiSS' liiiiwa 'aIwI>: 1?^ ■. Jane IwtTolt. Mlr«. . ■ Battle Crcafe-4nMMa a— ■ of .■aaor. AprU 4-T. BObCfl Htltih. 1« ?M fliKet. Detroit. Mieb. Bay CIt.v—^?l•tl• Pulldera' .\iHti. Feb. —. J. T. Whirl. Detroit, Mich, Bay City—Orand Commtndery Knights Templar of MIcMciin. June 14. H. L. Anthony, SfTind". >tlph, netTt>It—Michigan Retail Lumber Dealrn' A»- {•oclatlno. First week In February. Arthur L. Holmes. 878 Gratiot are.. Detroit. Mich. Detroit—Michigan Oalrymen'a Aaan. Feb. 1-4. S. J. Wilson. Flint, Mich. Detroit—Michigan Fraternal C<»grrsa. F<*. 17- 11^ Mrs. Emma E. Bower, Fort Huron. Mich. _ „ Dfttait-^aNilam Bowling Co m wofc ..Mb tt- Mateb 14. A. L, Langtry, care Cmrnut Clab, Mllwankee, Wts. Detroit—International A«»n. of Master House Painters and Decomton of the V. S. and (^auada. Second week In February. Prau'-I* r. Black, 020 3. Wasblngton Sq., Phlladel- pbla. Pa, Detroit—American Conference of Medical Ex- anilnlnB Bosnia, .\prll —. Dr. D. B. Har- r|p*m. W»(«hlnKton Arrade, Detroit. Mich. Detroit—Mlrhigan Potter, Egg, Pooltry Car^ land RMMim' Asaa. Maich —<. .B. L. THE NEW LaROSE OEenie fnitiui, hre m mter spehmu A GIGANTIC CROWD-ATntACTING FEATURE la wMA the naat ntBaaaa BlatHKal Bftela, nra. Water. mottCbalce. and BBAOTinib WOaiAH. caaMae la awH« 9 a graad apactaala aaw te the aaaaianat pabUe. IBB VOOKTAIN la 300 ft. la circBBAmce. THE WATBB AIIECIB italac la a hekbt 198 tt. la the rery mtdat at tbla maaa of ndlliiK. tonbllag. chanclns water eaa r a dta a aaaa T ii 1 at lady artlata aad modela mysterlaaBl.T appear and dliapnear like some manmoth niiMlon to aud from Tiew of the spectator. In a rettned program or seriea of tableau, all t pe rl eal gn>nplngi>, en- tertalnlnc apeelaltles, Ulnmlnated dances, and artialle vocal noiubeTB anltabTe (or ladjr aodleoeea. cloaing with a grsnd pyrotechnlcal display, tcpnul " ' " ~ ' Ulnmlnated with priamatte myrlsds of kaleidascnie fects, the ladles rising In a final allecarlcal lahlaaB aHlfthe tnnitnsea watei*. - grsnd^ pjmtechnlcsl dl^la]r,_ 11 iHiidai'lajU llai^i gj^"" ^ '^'* ?*!*e. brUHaatl^ ■eat l a i a ati al a l e c ti te al ar- No. 1 Show can be RESORTS. ' " for lono raa, Ka. 1 camad tjr MAKAOBBS or «BII.T.MBWMXASB QITr .RABKS larStoNllta la aaoolala aa a w rtl aa with miMy^dhaaBr « fM to ftUl y aw dwajl wm caaraa paTllIoa. fmat, etc.. and eaa ha <. MAMABBM^r CABKITAU AND FAIRS aa a feature paM no. La B08E. Cinefnaati,' Ohio, cars The Billbaaid OBae. I hr OSCLT )*sr Tl par cent, ef the .flaeat theattaa la the. lad Oaaada are famlnhed with tbem. Thef aia-i « the dOS awrlas pietme thaatma la fBleaia .. V» maat the fiaadas dsaaad toa LOW raicco oraiA ch.mim of atylea wbteh. at QUAUTT CHICAGO. ILL. 171 WtabMlb Aw WaiM^iMhtlaHraai aiil^^ All aorta of Conceaaiona that are popular and real HMoey^fcettpra are wanted. The only park in city of 100,000 populatiuii. 30.0U0 to draw from. Libenl temw to right parties. Write at oncf> Royal Hippodrome, IStfe airi Fimst Stmts, Reading, Pa. BLONDIN SHOW WANTS Oentcel He«r7 Man and Mexicaa Hn-wy, botb moat tlooblt- bn>M. ClBiiuif^t. Tromboof. Bbm Drum or BaritoDe: MoslcUn*. band aod orebestra. Two-Cnr Show. .lO wwkn* work to good people. No booMn. Uost join on wliv. Tickets otitj If kuou-n. XJaetnX pHsple who doable braaa. ataxe. with ftpeclaltles pimcod any time. All p«»ople must dn.'f*^ partii; wanlruh**. fit*. J. H. SIcCarty. If at ItN rry. '^ A.'.lr.-^.^.i ILEO BIOMDIN, Eockport. Tf^x.. Jan. 2fl; Sinton T7; Keaisdy Si; FIoi " TiKe S9; San Xntcnio, Gen. Del,, Jan. 31-Feb. 8. HERE'S YOUR CHANCE-FOR SALE An all Iroo BlUplant of 1.800 ft., bone axid bnnE7. modem bin wacoo, and put* coofclnric outfit. 130 abeets of Iroo Dot made op. with locatlona contracted for Dt-w t>uanl» In a oiainitectiirlnK citjr of 20,000 copulation, with tw» towns adjotnloff of 3.A0O and 2.."»00 populati*iQ each,' connected hj troltcj anu within driving dti^taDce. The man who will glre the hovlDetM hln iienoiial attenttoa caa make tbe price In ciuo year. Reaaon for a^lltuK. a mucb bljrger profwrltiun la open to mv for teunedlate declston. (Available tor immediate accapaacf la bMue 1 lirr Id, alx office attached, stable, carix^ntrr 9bop. paate and hffll PMNB Md laiBF ftt4 fliT T all for*2S.CO per inonth rental.) CAW 9JUCBS TIUS UBQAlX. TmrXTT,'* car* Billbcaid. Cincinaatl, O. • IVtwHt—MkMaii^faal ^-Ib jalM Manb REELTICKETS TRIMOUNT PRESS 87 ALB AN\ ST.. BOSTON, MASS. ° Srnd for Samplwa anri Pric«« ALTj complaints op the NOX-IIECKIPT OP THK RIIXnOAIU>. OR CHANGES OP ADDRESS. SHOVI.D HE MADE DIRECT TO THK PUB- WCATIOX OFFICE. 416 f lAl STHKET. CIXCIXNATI, OHIO. WHERE SAME WlUi RRCKIVE PROMPT ATTENT ION. WH EN N OTIFYINO VS or ^^■^am OP ADDRESS, GIVK OU> AS WELL AR NEW AimBiBBa