Billboard advertising (Jan 1910)

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JANUARV tt, 1910. T lie B 61 SHOW PRINTERS. rkllixiiD Show Print Co., 338 A*7lam at., lUrt ford. Conn. SIDE SHOW PAINTINGS. S. Beck. 723 nin» Maud aTe.. CMcaa*. tlV RakcMl Art 0>.. S9MS N. STth. OMka, Hab. B. J. 1Uf*m * Ok. Mt BiMiwavh VMkljw. CUnt^ ni. SIDE SHOW MiPPUn. Wn. Nrlran. 8 Ol|Mrdl Clac*. Itath Gam- brid(e. Man. SIGNS. SKATES. ^""f^ AmerlrsD Roller RIok Supplf Co., Saaiiit*. Ill rblcaco Roller Skate Co.. 1123 Waablactoa nird.. CUIca(o. III. M. C. Henley. Richmond, Ind. The Samnel AVIdrIow Skate iltg. Co., Worcrt- trr, liaia. SLOT MACHINES. Vasafaetnrara of aaA BaalM la J. Kliher * Co.. 434 M m~'., Ljm * Bnlr, 30a Waba* Mina KOTtitr c*., . c. «, •tor MACHINE MNMrrnrra; Cbta O*.. MIS 3Mb at..' SONG BOOKS. Wm. W. Oclanry, 117 Part Bow. S. Y. dtx. r. S. BmUbt. StU William at.. Kew Tarit CI&. •WUMW OOb. 240 K. cMadlaon at. —- SONG SLIDES. Tor XUnstiatad Boafa. Am. Tltacraph Co.. lie N'assaa at., N. Y. 0. Clilcsso FUm Rxcbansr, 4a Jackaon BU-d., Cbl esge: Oiulu: Orarer; Salt Lake dtj; San TICKET CHOP PERS. TICKET MUfTERS. Aicaa nttat Cu^ M OearborB at., Cblcaso. K atH —I TMMt On_ Shamktn. Fa. KaM PHs. Co.. latk * Hanter ata., Omaha. " ~D« Roll TIckela. 161 Pearl at.. N. Y. C, TIGHTS. *. Well. 78 WooatCT rt., K. Y. Cltr. TOY BALLOONS. Sfrgman Well. 7S Wooater et.. N. Y. City, Ncwmni .Mfg. Co., 641 Woodland are., Cle»e- laod. O. Stirjocfc-Todd Co.. f2t N. 8th at.. HU Umla. i£o. i».IK RowcTjr, New YHk OUr. iisalfi llmiw, 272 E. Haitaa, Ch'sau TRUNKS^ trmt tt Bag'^SDkt 'iai CMMMi tTe.. PMlafciiifcla, Pa. B. Bi;.* H. Ti OawtMd. O. T.. film Exch.. 1401-5 Uxniat at.. Ui*w Wklteinlll^ Kr.: Kaw Orteaaa. it* B. van anrte^' M» Mooadaock Blk.. Cblraco. tawannle Film SerTlce. 198 Lake at.. ClUcaco: EraoaTllle, Ind.; Mempbla. Tena.; Omaha K«b.: Salt Lake Citr; UlnoeapoUa. Mloo.: Portland. Ore.; Moatreal, Que., Caa.; Wlnni- pet. Man.. Can. '•Ste*!**!: li" * C*.. S«I aavcriar at. OcTclaBd, O. T I«I * Ctt.. M E. MB at.. IMaii^Ha. Va.; ^Claclaintl. O. , " " ■ VMSttrlUir Co.. 221 E. S3d at., M. S. Cttr- S. UMik- «( Market at.. FttUadclpM^^ nir SOUVENIRS. H. C. Wood * Cb.. IIS WUih- am.. OMa^aL SPECTACLES AND EYE-GLASSES Low-Pricod. BIa«er Broa.. 82 Bowciy. Xe«r York CItj. ■nvM xne. Ob.. RcArie 81^ CMnaik SPIRIT GUM. ■ M. Stela Coouvile 0»., 1392 frwar. X. T. C. STAGE HARDWARE. 4. K. Clrnrer. 247 Sallna at.. Sjrrarnae. N. Y. STAGE LIGHTING APPLIANCES New York CWy, STEREOSCOPIC VIKWi^ j^M wyl gt ewwuram Oa,. 300 STth at„ CHi^ STREET MEN'S SUPPLIBE, Cbr. Tnnre h Ool. tM Lii^ 'aia>_- K.. OontoD * Jfoirtaaa, Clere- rraneia 1778 Poat/Sa MMdx:^. Cal. MMH K,..]MtaaB. CU- m Wi-m O^Smlth Tnr Imp. Oa^v m m. «h OVtL O. Hi^idar Noreltr jT*. Q*. BT «aSt " - - Xew York Cllx. I«rln Broa.. Terra Bante. lod. Neiraan Mffc. Co., «4I Woodlaod are land. O. Supply Ot>.. 270 W. 39th at.. N. Y. C. J. F. Powe4l. WankesaB. ID. - Wrroek^Todd Co.. «4 N. 8th at.. St. Loala. Mo. g. ilftn w Co.. 220 MadtKon at.. Cbleaco. 111. g^ar .tetia.. 82 Bowciy. New York City. jWntJirc. Co.. 128 Fraakltn at.. Oblcagut tU. .wWaaii Bartala Honae, 2T2 B. Madlano. Cb'ro ■aiy. Wrl a l iaaai.. 943 B. Madlaoa. Cblcaico. mgn*^ Cau SM K. Sladlaeo. Cblcaso. T«M * Ob.. MB Pnkart at.. PhUadrlphU. Pa. TAUCIMO #ieTUilK' MACHINES. •nnrtM Ots. lit K-9Mli'ft.. Nnr IMc Otr. TATTOOING SUPPtlBS. Mwv B. BBMn. 1221 aiartvt at.. St. ImIb, JIo. TENTS. Baker A Lpekarood. Tlh Mi WjaadBMa ata.. Kaaaaa City. Mo. •.. rolnmhna Teat ft Awm. Ok-.flalMBkML' O. rarale-aondh. Oa>.,. .Bir> Brtma*'.at. Kan- _aaa Oty, Mo. nmishertr BroB.' TVnt Cl».. lOO S. Main at.. St. Lool*. Mo. C. Goaa * Co.. Detroit. Ulrh. D. M. Kerr Mf«. Co.. 1007 W. Madhton. Cbl- oairo. W. n. LuahhauEb. Corlnston, Kt. Mnrmr * Co.. loe.. 810 Mertdiaa b«.. Chtraita. Tkoraaoti 4b VaaUnea'. »U B.-1^M[I. Wailnnatl. Tent * ABB. C8w SSAfilL-BliBUlMa. . CUcacB, III. ... . THJU^TRICAL 'JWSTUMBS . - AND Kanoeberc RooflBc A fani8t IB '_ THEATRICAL COSTUMES. A. Fupicrr. 621 Wnlniit at., St. tooli. M». THEATRICAL LUMBER. Joha QUIrapte tnmtoer Ok, LoBber aad 8ewa(« at.,' 31. T. CMy. ... TniBk Co.. 4tl WooA. Pltta- ""^ TURNSTILES. (■olalaaBv) and Ciia OaatroUaB ^W—lllBa H. Vm^^l, Strawn Ride-. Cttmiaai. O. UNIFORMS. IMiaaHB Braa. * Oaw.- MH Ui, «Hi at.. Orccn- ^p.. in. ' WaaBila Uoirona Co.. 314 Clark at.. Chicago. VAUDEVILLE AGENCIES. Paelflp Couat Amiia.<BicBt OK, AamlcaB Baaic Bldg.. Seattle. Wa«k. • Ted Sparka Theatrical Eaakn—i, Onrtinr Bid*.. Kanaas Citr. -Mo. WATCHES. K.'Share Co.. 220 Madlaoa at.. Chtcafo.' ■tagcr Bra., 82 Bowery. X«w York City. WIG& Make-Vp and Tricot' Maaka. Percy Bwlnt; Supply Boose. Decatnr. 111. WILD ANIMAL DEALERS, rirtnam'a Pet ami Wild Animal Store. 40< ^\a9bInKton at.. BolTalo. N. Y. Looia Rnbe, 248 Gnuid at.. Kew York. WIRE WORKERS' SUPPLIE& Kraeh. Oeotsc A.. 100 Rteodililp at.. Prorl dCIM^ S. L T. ivxatt. 41 Mardi Gras Pennants! BSW OBLEAire. LA. XOBIIS, AIJL FEX8AC0IA, FLA. MATCHTZ, JOBH. TAXPA. FLA. C|«^^^_^l| We hare In atock ready ^^BEBBV* for prompt ahlpment BB^^S^W Pcnnanta In the olBcla] ^BCfSUE colors for the abore celo- bratioDa. Tbeae Fennaot* wlU be tbe beat aellen and money makciB at tke abore eUiaa. Ob akact notice -wa maka a a a at a l deaifna. Oa aatolttlBa your own deatga. wa wfll fire tbe exdiulTe. We alao eairy a complete line of Camiral and Mar- d|.Cra9 NoTdtlea; alao Onnfettl. Dniteta. Slap- perm, Wblpa. Canea. Blow- onta. Fty Pana, Balloooa. Rnblwr Cooda. 'Bead and China KoTCItles. RUDOLPH BROS.. StO 8. Fifth St.. PHILADELPHIA. FA. AT UBERTY BEAUBI0N1LPQ!QE& PiTo la aomber: 2 rtdlas does. Tka bast taalBr cd tronpe of ponlea In vaodeTlUe. Maa aaeaa aad agenta take notice. Addreaa WM. X. BHELUr. 8tt W. Fajatta Bt.. BaMmaaB. MA Row beata. aoda ffloatala. aad Apply at oaee to J, Mo. i. Atlaata, Oa. A Good Chance for an Active Botiness Man with aome capita), to take charg e of well ea - tablUbed Scenic Stodlo. Address BCEHIO BTV- SIO. eara The BUlboart. d a eia a ati, O. Wanted-Vaudeville Acts at OEM THRATUBL Address Canton. Ulas. FOX BALE —C^ompIetF morlng picture ontilt: 200 foldln;t opora cbalia, one new Power ma- chine with motor attacbmest. one new rectifier, one anto piano, complete settlns of acenery for large Mace. 30 wooden benches, three Sie ez- llngolidieni. six dcetrlc fana. one Victor phoa- FOB SUE—One Ooadanaaa Ferrta Wheel. 4-h p. Ohio Gaaollae EBfiBC, la Btat-clasa condition; nsrd two yeara: one S-h-p. Oeneral Else. Motor, with belt and policy attacbmenta; one 12x18x8- n. aide nan. oil top Tent, ased two weekai set of acenery. complete for mualeal comedy; 34 complete chorus coatnmea; one apot light and color ecrecta; bin trnnk: one painted drop; will acU aa a wkola ar aeparate; atorcd near Pitts- THE LONDON MUSIC HALL la tb* laeaBaM argae of ▼andeTme ArtMa tbroogboot tbe worid. AaMtleaaa etatttaa la Xa* don wni And a friendly welcome at 14 Leicester Street, W. C. NEW TOBK OFTICK. 88 W. Twenty-flfth Street: Telpphonp. I7T2 STadlaon Square. LOOK HEHE Food Show We want the future dates of your Food Show to pabUBh 1 can BavBrage and Food JoonuU wlUt OaniBlBij>'a aama. . . wlah e and addreaa and aneh newa «t ] I thatron KOoSavUI. «• aaslit^^tev?youT*nan?an?iuSSxM * DECORATORS Bootta dBcomtorB are In danMad. TlM Tood Show Kzhlbltlona In ISIO BTB solas to bo held In all parta of the Unltad Stataa. Keep posted by faadlBV tka AaMBtam Baverace and Food Joanaal. - EXHIBITORS If yon want to raaoh the exblbltora wbo make It their busineaa to place their products In ezposltlonB, advertlae In the Americah Bbtmbcb and Food JonmaL THE BEVERAGE & FOOD PUa CO. $ YOU can SAVE- YOUR MAGAZINE $ OMR UMWIgCKOKtrfro 3IG 4 COMBIHATIOW OmM WILL ENABLE YOU TO DO SO IST diiBt'ci Am ^ JenJid oi fci i The BiUlKMurd Rsview of Reviews McQare^* Maganne Eaeh and even obb of than I tat I Here's Our BIG FOUR OFFER Wenwit'a HofliM£Companlen MoClura'aMagaelae - - $1Q.OO Actual Value Our Prieu— 3.S0 I 1 80 I 1.80 ) ) All For ONE YEAR I-IE3^ you have an unbeatable combine of literature, indndiDg * The Billboard, your fsvorite newspaper, the Review of Reviews, the acknowledged authority on all mattos of national and intema- tional import; the Woman's Home Companion, tbe foremost poiodical devoted to tbe interest of womankind. On September 20tb, "woman's Home Companion" assumed its final r^ular price of S1.50. The Isiger and bettCT magazine and the increase in jHioe have been indocsed during tbe past year both by old friends and by over one hundred and fifty thousand new readers. And McQure s, tbe brightest and sm^piest of the "fact and fiction" mafflrines. This matchlcas offer is msde possible by reason of our speosU aboit time sgreement with tbe pubbshera. solid worth snd steifiog merit it csnnot be sur- passed. Your acceptance assures you of msxinuim magazine value lor the fewest dollars. REMIT TODAY If alreaitw a aubacriber to any of tbe "BIO FOXTa,' tion will DO eztended me year from prMent eipirttion data. Ifydu wMkaar of ttB iBiMriBii tB s» uT^amatmUmmm, IniHiiiiiB REMIT TODAY jouraubactip- THE BILLBOARD Pim.€(I.B41C ElMSt., O.