Billboard advertising (Apr 1910)

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APRIL 23, 1910. Ttie Billboard 16 LONDON Acton C>inbiiie To Make Annual Shakespeate Festival a Success. Fiohman Pioduced Alias jinuny _ ^ If I It a* ilwvB tan • MMStai «aadcr to whr Aacrlmu pay ■» mach TascratJaa to ttft OCBOtT Of Irrlnc whll« EOea Tmy f»- «■!««■ eoiatunt<T»lT lo little ittestloo tma IkML IB Bnclud. Ulm Tfeny (tood qaite u klffh. tf oot >>ls>>rr. In tbe •ffcetlou of tlw goUle ma Itrlnc Umacir did, and to this day. ate li jB«t tbe idol aba alwaya was. It doean't taM M whether abe (otxeti bcr Uaea or not. ber ■aaae 00I7 baa to be anooonced on a bDl for tbe hooaa to be packed. Ineldentallr I mlgbt alae HMOttoa tbat the la coins to par a Tldt to Aarriea In tbe antnmn, whta abe wUl glra a ■ertee of "eonreiencea" on tbe berolnca of Bbatcapeaie. Her Tiewa on tUa aabjeet an of the mnat orictnaJ order. One of tbem la tkat the poet't heroines were In no aenae "womaBly women." Taklnc Boaallod. Portia and TIala. (or Instances, abe polnta oat how eaeb of them were ready and wlUlnc to adopt tbe maaace and ceatBBC of nwa at the Oist opportnaltjr. and sacceeded tn deeelrlnc an aroand thaa. Bat to retnra to Bis Majestr's Tlteatrs. w* had a new aecood Meny Wife lo tbe petaoa oC VmOr Tree. She (are a ooat TlTaeioas aad esersetlc prrfonaaaee aad steps with (rest sue- ceaa Into tbe shoes of ber famous prcdeecssors, airs. Kendal and Winifred XIBC17. laeladed tn the cast also were other fanooa Sbikespearean actors In the persons of William HaTlland as Dr. Cains; Lya Hardtnc. aa Ford, and Besry AlBlcy aa Itetoa. lOaa Kate PbUUps alao bad a stcat aoeean aa MIstiiss Qatekly. The ted ttrsosk wlih I lagnacalstlsa k«n bcca tta xala all tka I i C bt ss r wm ks ■laywl t win laat «*• waa^ — Hpeaklm of tUa fcatlral carrtea ooe astor- ally to the Matleaal Tbaatra project, whkb U OQce more receleltts sreat atteatloa bate. Tbe conaaetlaii la not* ohrTioss to aoat at as bm beeaose w« beUera that wbHa aa aaiataat the- atre can earrr oat tbe work of the daaa of the rcetlTsl. a NaUoaa] Theatre la quite saperHo. ooa. A* I hare menttOBed before, the lAea la to ralM fiSOO.OOO to baUd and csdow tbla Instl- tntloB. Apart from £70.000 promlatd by aa anoaroooa dooor—said to be tbe Doebcaa of Mariboroosh—the commlttK seen as yet 10 kata asOactad ytr Uttle toward the balf bU- ladadlac tf^fffg wtA adraassa of ~ _ Ma oaa aaa dsay that thia aatloMl u HV •■• eoDld wUk f»r. It caoMa tnm tka pntMsloa tlaslf. It k booad t» pay tta a*B war •sally, sad It is raa by tbaaa wka hava apeat their Ilvsa oa the ataca. I Olak It la aora than doohtfal whether aay alasllar body eoald be fooad who eoold attain so siaat piactleal naalta. Tksy bara tha asaoar. tte talsBt aad tha theatre. Why. thaa, Aaold aay •aa wociT aboot ralstas a (laat aoa at aaoay ■ptrtillir In Ibiaa kart tlnta la EnglaaA— la aadaw a thaatra whiek woold aoC aaly add •■a Beta to Lsodoa'a aaaacaaaarlly larse aoss- ba at thaatia, bat eaold nat aAlata aaythlDC tban can aot ba dona better at the ptaasnt tlaet Bat. there the mora or less Utsraiy colt who were respooalble for tbe Idea cllnc to It with dea- peratloo—althonch It has not aroused any la- ■ » ■•■ wartk apeaMn« aboot fiaa tfea pohUe— and w« m$t h» imiilil I* siw tt apt I '*,i2r'mii!i&_ cMaB «bSB asiM vaeOcai aMmT^ Usn WM t» pttiintli sUm eeatlaalav te da aa^ onb amptr. ma. «a thia paint, la aayar "Ta atart a MatMal Ba tkat paaple don't waat to aaa^' l acUsn at Bka k a sp a ai a a a itaya auaMV calcnlatad ta asaka — kat»Ma«era at taisc. If tha National lhaatra erer bopca to foUl laalon. It anat bs popolar la the «C tka waat, m tt wm aat asist •r a Allaa Jinny ▼alaaUaa laat OinM«r. Ona at kla akiaela In taaid Dn Haarisr, ana at BURLESiaUjE NEWS THE WORLD OP BURLESQUE. a c e oi r ed to the Say dorlac their r, m It AN INTERESTING GROUP OF WELL-KNOWN PEOPLE. PARIS Something About La Conscrite. The Scala Revue—The Bouffes Parisieiu* New Play — Summer tlSB Una. Qcttlac waiat weather. Jfsasseia wtik 1 . wkich thcr opcet to keep golttf an srs pnttliis fancy ~ 1 14, Taken npeclally for Tbr Billboard by A. S: Piers. SUS Pbotocrapher, LoolSTllle Herald. SydD»r Wlr». special reorwnlatlTe of Tbe BDlboard: E. W. Chlpman. mgr. Hortlc * Sea- mon'a Ginger GlrU Oo. "Hobo" Doncberty, sparrlnx partner of Ad. Wolsaat. T. B, Jones, mcT. (or Ad. \Tnlca9t. A<l. Wolnst. Tubtwclsbt champion of the world. Bacry H. Beddes, at tbe Ucnr llaidcas (Western Wheel) aad Jack McNamaia. bnslnrsi maaaasr tar E» Wljgaag «haj>ay. tha akaiw wMek aaaanOy laat aB Ma i«inny. wiSiSakst ataL. JESSIE BATEMAN la MNrt that tbe bassaxe car waa practically dcatnyed before tbe alarm was stTcn. and It la eren aald that the fire waa fltst noticed by people oa tbe track, who fliat called the at- tention of the train crew to the caaflasratlao. By the time that the bomlnx ear waa de- tached from tbe other portloa of the train. It was totally eonsomcd. aad aa tbare waa aa wa- ter at band, or atlMr means of dshtlac the Are, all a t t e ai p ta to aa«a tbe car were traltlcaa. Tbe Btabaa at tka caopaay. betk pttaelpala aad itaH, waw yt to >wt '"^^ ijif^^ (Iris lost their eattr* aeaaaa'a aavlao. Hmmy Beam, ahead of Whallca ft Martell's Kentncky Belles, siso lost bla tmnk. which contained, all of bis DOOey aad many objects and prised eoa- Tenlrs. Indadlnc his late wlfe'a Jewelry. It seems ai tboaiih some preeaatloos cooId be made by tbe rallwaya to cope with sach bappenlaics. and aome Are Ocbtlnc appliance I of aooie kind shoald be carried by eray paa- ' sencer train oa the read. Tba abow opened at , People'a, OnelaMtl. en Snaday. IT. ndac aeea- ' cry aad aoca at _ _ _ at the Day. aaS aC tkna wfea laat snpXy m tbe train fli*. la aa followa: Octtrada Bayca, I«r- ry McCala. Bany taatar M as on . John Wil- liams. Joha Waat, Ida S li iu saa Barray Broska. Mania Raoada. Maddlaa SoUlTaa. TMdy Staaisy. Msnle Qaik. Bahelle Mack. Aaale Waltmaa. MUlie Vayetta, IVxesee Intas, Ita- sla Beward. ley TM, Bntk SaUlraa. Aaaa Pmpp. Paaltaa VnU Matilda Walff, DorU Cbcr- le, Blaaehe Olbaen aad Hay Wallaea. Tba ma»- ■Rer. Bart Keadrick: tha l i aS li. , ItwS B. Rounds: tha carpcalsR wardrobe mlatrass, their bcIonslBda. Oaa af tha ml hita with Bartis a Seaawn'a PtDlia aC Haw Tafk and rmOa, H tha ' and Is a popular theatrical • etu Shctwaad, alao at the ba_an aMat at Mt. aa I waa aach aoipilMa at tht azedlent w«A dona far .Ada Aran in Ida BBataan*a part with The rsHlaa afKew T«tk aad Parla. Ada waa a chartstsT with tka Aow ontB Mian Emerson daaed Cor a waefc ac aa wiMa Ska was (Iren Ft«d Irwla care his people with the Kew Majesties a half holiday 00 Ttiarsday last at Cloclnnatt It was s scorchinx hot day. snd the oc«aaloa of the bUr openl&s same between Chicago and Clnclooatl. A taUy-bo was ob* talned. and most of the BMmbcn of tha com- pany went to the came. QnB.lhW IBM Ban- sett and aereral otbeis apnt fha alMBMM ac the tamoQS Clnrlnnstl Zoo^ Ad«ata aad maaaccia Tisltlac tieoIseUle ~ ~ ~ ' Bcowtt. mansirtan editor of ■a. a ad ana o f ^ hsatM- day" to a taal adranc* at tha Ttaaa asa naser far a laaBr (Sad at s tj. There see seTeral other wry (eolsl newspa- pcnaea la Loalsrllle. amooic the latter belnc Tool Waltsce. dramatic e_tor. Coarter; Doaeaa Clark, dramatic editor. Herald: Gcorae Dodley. alaa of the Batald aad laat. hot not least. John A. BaM. dramatic editor. LaalsTllle Tlmcn. that her hashsad haa far taken sn aeetaloa to ber. Mnch woRlsd. tha CatlntMao matron hastens to the home of the conrtesan, Myrrfalne. and aska tor adelee. She aeu It. She U atatloaad haek of a cnrtaln by Myrrblne, who laO* watch deTelopmeota, and from them T to regain her ba^band'a alfectleaa. Scarcely bas mhe bidden beisalf When Phaan. the hoaband. enters. Then commeacea a aeeae which fllla Xaotbo with a Jealousy she csa not control. She wishes to be rereased on ber nn- fslthfnl hoaband and In tbe wont poaalble naa- ner. She seeks to be nnfalthfal to bim, thna setting an "eye for an eye** Teoyeance. Bat . abe Is nnsnccessfol—though certainly tbe fallore Is not ber fsnlt—snd in tbe end she and ber husband, the penitent Pbaoo, are reonlted. The piece la one of tboae passionate affairs which one baa come to associate with Parla Jnat as a peach la associated with a peachtree. There Is mnch which woold not stand tbe light of a stsiee censor, sboold there exist one 1b the United States, bat It was mit made for Yan- kees. Blchepln wrote tor Parlalena. He didn't cren bare the prorlnclal Preach In mind. Tbere- fcee. there la no kick comlns. HIa public Ilkea the piece. The rest of tbe world can go banc. I« Jeans Bsmme Candlde. Is the name of tha other halt aC tha km at tba r ~ Tha Btoir IB n T It la: Casten Is enlaced to Ma^lilehw. a yonng girl, fan of lifh aad fbn aa aay yoonc sirl oosht to ba. Bvt Oaston baa a Orlend. 1.0 Breantiafa, ana aC thaaa Aapa alwaya g/tw- tag adrtee to athar paapw thonrt with Jnst anfllclant totoingsnra nat to taka any af hla adTlca WmmU. Ba trila OastM that Made- l«lae wia Mte • jSHIr. thaachtlcaa wlto. aad thooKh ha lm a.ja> irftt nB^Ma haart| >• Eransellaab' a ttmM MHB SM. • aMSMM «C the Cooaertatatr. aaS wm'nuqr ialliin-1»- position, wm be Jast tha wM» •» OaatM, aa« ao teHa him. Acaia thn aaaMMM-ionlb ■abw (ood. Ha papa tha niiaatUn to T ™ni'*1 l Bt[. la accepted, and tiMr md. Of B»niM^ tbsr as unhappy aa a eat aad doc tied tg ihili laila and banc orer a dothes-Hae to talk It airar.. Uedelelne In the meantime marriea—and nto a dirorce. Her mairiage tias been of tbe puina earlety. lAter abe aod Gaatoa meet. Tbcr acree tbat they both bare been (Ools—Gaaton (or harlnc tbe encasement broken off. Made- leine for marryinc oot of aplte a man' aba didn't lore. In the end they marry aod Ilea happily erer after. I sup pose. As wlU be seen, tbe play te qnlle Ilcht. tboasta there Is mnch fan In It. besides moce or less wisdom, it. P. Mortter Is tbe satbor of It. Like Xantho. It la la two acta, tbooch la prsaa. Tha critics, thongk aot tkcowlas tta one 11^ laiMpc*«; • I " Last week I scrlte ss Jnst been lA nrnTB OiMPUIUJC Of tha Theati* Am Capndaea.