Billboard advertising (Apr 1910)

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16 Ttie Blllboai-cl AMUSEMENT PARKSi BUSY OHIO VALLEY EXPOSITION Amusemoit ResQits East and West—^Preparations for the ConuDg Outline of Event That Will Take Place in Cincinnati—Notes of Summer and Items of-News Interest. NeMUiw earn t» tto -felHa of tha BacT' Bliih CItr. Uw tantr ipot oC MnaoBCBt puk tn th» vdM. . Xcais aso tbls apot wu aelecM far tlie ^tama oC a dcToot lover of the bcaatUoI. dcslrinc •tliat perfect commimlo& -with natme,- obtainable 4al7 with tbe actual aasoclatlou of thlnsa grow- to iug and llrlsff. sqolirala ■iMl bears, bunnies and Mglfn, -^^l^eoa and poales bare tlieir bomes amid tbe 41owerB and treis and abnilibery of tbese .jfroojHls. It became a Mecca for the KUdlca. an actual paraJlaa Ck: " It the baa aliraTa baan a mooM qinatlon and ___jblBC ammamint («c tlum tieniaa ooe of tba cblet alma In tlia early Ufa at th* Oardcna Oor lira. EUtcIi-LMis. Soon tbe parents loosed to fo and tmvar aaald tb» beantlea of tbU Imal apot. Tben did tbe talented and glftpd b'<ste<a devlae plans to entertain tbe "gronm folks" tboncb always prorldloff for ber beloved Tykes. For ten years .bas tbe EUtcb-Long Stock Company been addloe to Ita lantals each sum- mer seaxflD, prodoelny t>a ,llift la dfan» ^and comedy. beadL'd by ^"HtMIt" f^fffl flC tte-'-BCil- Uant tbeatilcal world. v, ; • J . ■ ■ * ▲tttactla^ aftat a ttwwt toii ■ tm- . ■aaed of an arena. bnUt of cooeccta and ateel at a coat off two hundred thousand dollars, where will ba alTca tba Uarlne Battle Spsctacla of The - - - Maitlmae. tba great- But In spite of tbe half-mDIlon people who Tialted this park last summer—with more ex- pected this year—the lore for the ehUdten and the d»>re for their pleasure is a paramount part of tbe dally Ufa and. plana of Mrs. BUteb- fcoos and one day each week l»,aiT«a orar to -tbam exelnalrclr and thair plaaauna and .cod- taata peiaonal^ snparrlaed V tUa ' **I(atiire- *las lady wbdHras ia »a Oodana i€-M ■nviiouis PA MAY 1, ne openlns date of Lanadowna rarfc, ■t. Loola. bas been set for May I. This Is two earlier than first anticipated, bat owInK at tba to nod weather the improrements have been ■aoa earlier. Ererythlnc will be almost new. rldlnc derlces, etc. At the meeUns Id of Directors this week It was that the Injniictlon suit of three ntntMiini; sfslost the park, waa ttala thmnn oat of court. Thia baa cauacd lashllity of tba manaccment In tba past kv maar bte attnetloiia, bat.aa tba prir- > «t aallmy Smb la aair allowed, mnch bosl- .'«riD bt dona at "Tbe Cooty Uand of HMf this aiuamer. ITS FIRST PARK. IVbshlnstaa. Ind.. win soon have Ita flrat ■Hden park. Tbe ^ty council purchased a plot et land last December for a city park and James W. Ramsey, councilman and chairman of the psrk committee, appointed by Mayor J. W. Me<^rty. say a that work will be started on park as noon as poealble. Tbe location of ■the park Is In such a posltloa that a larf^ artUclal lake can lie built. The Wa.thlnRton Street Railway Comimuy tiaa atflrtwl ttif work Of axtendlns a Une to tbe new park. An Intcr- Otbaa Una wiU be constructed thrmieh Sooth- year which will connect Wasblnston. Columbus. O.. April 18.—Olcntansy Park opened yesterday. Considerable improTementa luive been made and such addiOantf amusement devices hare been bnUt aa the Deatmetloa of Johnstown and Dear Old Coney Inland. An elaborate pncwB «•> ansnted te tbe epa a las day. ^be perk theatre wHI opaa wltk woSafllle *''!ftiSf'aM— city. MO.. AprU IS.—J. 'H. »a«ar. <• icaMeat ot Keaaaa City, bas pmcliaaid fioa .tk* TtMt Park Cbeidt and Bealty Co., Rw -aaft *iiA^':benb bat it la to be operated la coa- wMb tbe drcnifa parka In Mempbia. Leola and LoaJarllle, Ky. Walter Haffer- -kaaw is to be aaaMaod manager and secretair ~ ' r. Mr. Halteckaaap was associated late cSbI. ■■•■'■wootL-:-- Park. Kansas City, Mo.. Nature's .am baaatlfnl open-air resort la to open with *..>|g.. leui llli. Msy 22. Falrmount Park, the ; pMt la the woods ss it has been called, has . alwaya been a farorlte for all outdoor Cather- ines, picnics, etc., and one could always be sure ot a breath of pure fresh air on Koing to Talimonnt. It la aboat aerea miles from tbe aC the ellgr, a aa ae> TUa- aaeaoB nunumt,^ la^aMltta to Ita Matare'a bcaotlaa. ia to be a haadaoM aawai meat perk. Mr. Grabam Bae4y baa leased IUt. moont and is pnttlnc a crest desl ot money into maklog It attractlre and the park will cater - to a ' high-class patronage this summer. Mr. Tsate will ssanme the duties ot amuse- ment manager again this season. There la in addition to tbe beach, popular dancing parUIon and tbe flanre elgiit, raUway. etc. Falnaaat' Alk . MM. 1 bare the most sncoi ' year of Its history. KOEPKE SECUR ES PARIC. Tbe BeUerUle Park, Algiers, La., Just actosa tbe Mississippi River from New Orleans, wUI be taken over by Mr. William Koepfce and Brother, Robert H. Koepke. who have leased It for this season. 19U). The park will open May 1. with vaudeville, moving plctnres and band concerts, which will be booked by tbe Koepke Circuit, wiiose offices are at O0S6 Annunciation street. New Orleans, La. WHEELING PARK CHANQES HANDS. Wheeling, W. Ta.,' AprU IS.—Messrs. James Freeman, D. D. Parks and J. A. Moore, of Martin's Ferry, O., have leased for the sum- mer. Wheeling Park. . from the owners, the City and-Blm> Qrore Railway Co.. oC. tiiat el^. th«-park, waa coadaetaC, bp.-.Me Laat BLAKER IN CHARQB. The new Hippodrome at WUwood. N. J.. wlU be umler tiie mahagemeht of Gllbart H. Blakar and will be ready to open In the middle of June. U. Body HeUer. of Philadelphia, will book th* attractions. Blaker's Theatre win be occupied by a stock company. The Ulppodrome will be imder cover and will be able to play some big circns and hlgh-dtrlng acts. ABERDEEN' S PAR K SEASON. Abeideee. 8. b., April IS.—Taeoma Park, Aberdaen'a summer resort, loested shoot ten -miles esst of the city oa the Great Northern Railway, will open Ita tbird seHKOn, June 28. closing Jaly 9. H. L. Walker ban booked the Doagharty Stock Company for th*. open-alr tbea tre. An almhip and nevcral boibU concetialoDa have also been booked. J. 11. Pond Is secre- tary. PITTSBURG'S BIG OUTINQ. Airsngementa for Western Peutaylsaaia'a aa* nual "Irish Day," ithlcb will be atwacTed June IS, imder the ausplcca of tbe Ancient Order of Hibernians, were launched at a special meet- ing of tbe execntlTe officers of Allegnaajr .Ooaaty held isst week. Kennywood Perk tuM again been selected fUr tbe ceanlon. Laat jaarlS.. ^ * — OPENS MAY 29. Zanesviile, o., April 10. —Mozahala Park, a suburbar resort, will open Msy 28. No tea- tnre attraction for that rate. Sleren-plece band and orcljestra bas been engaged by Manager C. W. Smltley. Vanderille, If worked, will be aaa!>a*_t>feafh. tba a H BeoklaKTBeBaat of BENjpiT row .p KiiFqiiiiiiiti; DubaqDe, la., April 11.—Two benefit per. focmances were gtren at Onion Park, Dnbnqoe, la., AprU 10, for the performers who lost er- *^lp^ dtatwged.the BUoa QPiW S MA Y Kaaiaa City. Uo.. Aiwil IS.—Falrmonnt Park opeaa for the aeaaon. May 22. Qrahsm Reedy la.lha l i w ea oC tbe park, and Tboa. L, Taafe la tto awDiser. PARK NOTES. WASHINGTON AMUSEMENTieOU- PANY OPENING. . ne Washington Amtueoient Company opened In Water Valley. MIsa., AprU 18, with the fol- lowing llne-np: J. George Loos, mechanical show; The Leea, Dare and Myrtle: CoHlsenm, Cromwell's Old PIsntatlnn. Ermine Johnaon'a Electric Theatre, Bay Philips' Orasy House, vsndeTllIe show, riding gallerica and a good line of concessions, (^done, lesping the gap. Is the free attraction. B. W. Cromwell, ad- rance and contracting agent. O. T. Waablng- toB la adTertlalag and tranapcftatioa maa, B. Interest to Showmen and Concessionaires. Tlie largest ezposltloa crer held la tbe Ohio Valley for the purpose of exploiting tbe re- aoorcea and piodoeu of the Sooth, as well as the Ohio Vslley, will be held In Cinclnimtl, from Augost 39 to September 26, on a solid dnan- dal fooUng by the subscription ot S300,000, indtrlduslly given by merchsnu, manufactur- ers and busloeaa men of Cincinnati. ThIa gaa- rantee fund will reach (SOO.OOO. Tbrougb the eSorU o( Nicholas Longwortb. Ex-presldunt Theodore Roosevelt, on bis return, will place on exhibit, some of bis African tro- |)hiea. Tropbiea will be the chief feature of the display to be made by the U. S. Ooverament. It U expected that tbe Government display will oeeony a fuU flooc la ooe of tbe czpoaltlon boilalaga, Moalcal circles will be latareetad te taata of the big operatic produetloa, which will be a teatore of the big featlraL Signor Pletro Flo- rldla, the composer bas written tbe mnsle for tbe production. Neeotlations with a number of the best known singers oo this continent are already on. The chorus will be recruited from the music shools and colleges of Cincinnati, to- getiier with the large festival and oratorio so- cieties, Behearsals inll begin aoon. Tbe Committee on Historic Relics ot the Ohio Valley has been accompllabing resulta. Tbry bare gathered the data and secured the plana concerning tbe first ateamboat that ever navi- gated the Ohio River. This host was Isunched at Pittsburg In 1810- Jnat ooe hundred years ai:o. Tbe name of this vessel waa tbe New Orleans, and It Is plaimed to reproduce her for tbe Eipoaltlon, giving her the place of bonor in tbe big river pageant that la to be held In connection with the. Exposition. A model dslry wlU be InstsUed, in which ten of the Onest milch cows obtainable, quartered in a ssnltary booth, attended by dslry men In wblte duck. mud even mUkcd by electricity twice arUl be qoarteied. Ta. cany oat tbe " anhjccted >aa- the Utm of the idea, tbe mUk wlU be anhj the vatioaa pnieasaea of •tetlliaatloa, ■fta^m- aad eattUoaUto.. Attar thU the iMtrvp *• teta fash. inaomndt aa iOtadaaatl ia the eiadle e( pio- feaaicoal baatball. It la bat aataral that tbe d U e etasa of the Ohio Valley Exposition shonld daolde to bare a Iilstorlcsl bsseball display. Aognat Herrmann, pnaldent of the Beds, bsa chaige of thia featuie, and has enlisted the aerrlcee of Old plsycrs and fans In getting the desired relics and other exhibits of Interest to baseball patrons. Tbe collection Is already large and Interesting, and with the aid of George Wright, abortatop of tbe " 'OB" Beda; 4J. Spalding. AI. Beach. Harry Ellsrd and other noted baaeball men. Mr. Herrmann expeeta to bare a complete display ot baseball material as one ot the big festnres of the expoellloo. What probably wiU be the moat extensive aUaiatnre Armsds ever sssembled outside of the Kaej Department at Washlitgtoo, wUl ba ahown. g^uraagamnt jritt ttaTOitftaS. Bt^jar Ksvy moSala ot aaeal vaaMla eiar rtwrn at. aa expo- iitlaa WlU be aeemed. Tha'titt Udaita modele of pfietleelly amy type at war tcmI aow la '— la the aeTT, aa wan atfeial that M tba pag^la Mp.aatblBg er a Map eg tto. ajaagTOUa aaa^ g th. m gaaa aaoaia lae ■mjusku vea- The United Slates Wiv Department haa no- tlfled tbe dlrectora ot the Ohio Valley Exposi- tion that it will send a topographical model of the Panama Canal and of tbe canal soae as port of ita exhibit to the expoaltion. BveiT detail of the canal will be ahown, including tbe varioua locks sod dams, scaled reproduc- tion of tbe large cuta that are necesaary for the completion of tbe work; reproductions of the cities tnd forUflcatlons of the Panama and Colon at ulther end of the canal, and other details which will give the apcctstor a bird's- eye view of the entire work as It will appear when completed. Mnmerons demands are being made on the directors for space on which to erect actual working exhibits of various Industries ot the Booth and tbe Oblo Valley, The most unique of thaee ozhlbltB ta peopoaad by a Cincinnati maaafketanr of cboeoletea. who will instsll a plant at wbleta aball be alwwn bow tbe highest ciaaa Of confection Is produced, from the time It la brooght Into the fselory In the shape of large cakes of milk chocolate until It Is wrapped, boxed and ready to be delivered. In cooaeetlon with tbia dlaplay there Is promised a woTldag exUblt ot hew chocolate la produced ftom the eoepa bsaa, eae ot the largest cho. colate maaafaetarlaB tnaa in the East baring made sppUeattaa tor thIa pririlcge. There ia a oonrletloB among the textile man- nfaclatera that tlielr gooda hare not been ant- Udently exploited In this aectlon during the past —that Ibe Oblo Valley goes much farlber and does not fsre aa well In securing textiles ss It might do If It took advantage ot the Induatriea lying practically at Us doors. For that rea- aon tbe Southern textile manufactorera are anxlooa to mske an extraordinary dlaplay of their products, which. In every way, at lesst equal to those of other aectloni of the country farther removed from the Ohio Vslley. The dlaplay of textiles ftom the Sooth will be m- lected by a special eommlttec, lepreeentlng the Terloaa rallrsada of the Sontb. end made up of experta who win take ereiy ooportonlty ot maktag 'thla tMtaia eae that will ba a credit to the tazine ladaatir et America In general, and tbe Boathoa maaafaetaren la partlenlar. The Smltbsoolaa Instilnte at Wsshlnaton, haa requested - to dlrectora of the Oblo Valley Ex- position, to lead their co-operation in assembling an exhibit ot relica end other featurea of the mound bulldets. the prehistoric race that In- habited this ralley thooaanda of yeara ago. It baa been auggested by the Instltnte that the expoeltlon secure displaya from the mounds for exhibition porpoaes, stter which tbe Instltnte wBI make a rcpllea of tba exhibit to btcome a SMtwa et the ~ ttoa. Tbe anggeetloa has bcca tai apoa by the expoalt l aa direetota. aad hlblt nndoobtcdly will be one' of " and most interesting In that L to relies of the Ohio Valley. Thus when we review tba many feattnea, both hlstorlcslly educational and Indiutrlally educational, one cannot fall to see the proper, tlooa ot the great undertaking. Although, not yet definitely decided upon, the amusement side of the festival will be by no meana neglected. Aa manager ot thta dlrlslon, they bare aecnred tba "peer at tbam ell" ia tbe pereoa of Claude Baaaa. With a maa ot bia abUlly, la charge, DOihiag bat a accH a ia te be entlelpalad. He baa already atatted work. aad.aothlaB bat tba beat Of eatiataliimeat aad aaaaaaieat attne- tlooa will be aecaied. ' Tbe rartooa dtaplaye and attraetiooa win eoe* er a large emoont ot territory in the heart of tbe city, maklog oae of both tbe Oblo BlTer and the Miami CaaaL Berea t eea atataa hare already partidpaM -'.Urn- aMUn"- aad ' the' " ' ' ■ ' at thIa Sooth win be' eafr I expoaltiaB.- ATTRACTIONS FOR CIRCUIT FAIRS . The awetlng of the eecietarlea of tba Tir- gInia-Oarollna-GeorgIa Fair Asaocletiea held at the Ponce de Leoo Hotel, Boanoke, Va., to maet repraaentatlves of amusement eoterpilaes, etc., adjourned without making any contrasu. It was foond tbst the Idea ot having tba tame attraetiooa at each fair and thua oSering the entertainment canceasloners raluahle contracts and the asaoclatlon Iwtter flgims for the coo- eesalons and free attractlona could not be adopted. In aooM dtlea tbe ettendance would be twice as large aa la othcn and each fair haa lu local eoadltloae. ee that diffetaat kinda of sttractloaa are lanad. ' Tba dlteetan nf lha ■naaWla Tjli tloB will doee eoaitacla aaM^^ wlS agents, oriatan and othan. Aa .acllTa. pelga of advertlaing artll be commeaM at. oace ai^ tba tblr et MIO wUI^ dowa.« OH BIO LOU ISIAN A FAIR. For the past fear aeaaoos, tbe Dixie Pair, held at RltMlaod. La., has enjoyed the appella- tion: "The best fair la Korlhero LooUlana." aad If pr ea in t ladlcatloaa comt for anything It will claiB tut Utio tar the next season. Wa fair haa aa escenent aoatoot grand- alaad that a41l Mat UjOn people, a balf-mlle race-tiack. MB . taet ^ aplaltBrer hall, lOO-fhet ponltiy ahawfMi,; ifFglaHaa. 80 cattle paaa. MO feet of i Datwa l aB baetha. aad laige display ball and many. other t eat at ea apace wOl aet permit us to enumerate aapara t ety. The s>«Mda are the finest In tbe nortbaca part at the aUle. and this year the fair aaaeeletmi hapM ta bieefc all previous records. BaUfOad (ilMHM ate' excellent, end this fair la ao alMatM^ la dnw Immeiae crowda. ~ OHIO E AGLE S MEET. Tba atata meeting of tite Fratenal Order of Baglea wlU be held In CbUIIcotha, O.. the week of June IS-IB. A majority ot the series throughout the state are making arrangemeota to come In a body and compete tor the prises that baf* bcea bong op by tbe local committee ~ by the graad acria ot the United Sutca. of tbe city la chairman ot the mcet- thaBMBd: dollaia bare alreedy beta tewaMa tbe entertainment ot tbIa Dm aacreta^ of the ealertala*' BaM. dL Ahsaatir.«( OUI> Tbe mayor laf.. ■ Fwa aa o a Mlb ad PAIR GROU NDS D ESTROYED. In s fire at Mlddletowa. Pa., that wreaked azSO.OOO damages to property the fair granods were completely swept, and every bolldlng «n tbe graunda waa deatroyad. This was the most dlsaatrous Ore In the hlatory of the town. Only through heroic work of MIddletown and HaiTiabnrg Oremaa and tbe nse ot dynamite waa _ A meetlog waa bald at tba coort house, Stateshoro. Ga., Saturday. April 9, where tbe matter ot holding a fair In Bnllocb County was diaeaased. Tbe county la ooe of the moat pro- ItSe anienltnral coaatlce la tbe atate aad tbeie law>Mbt that Maa aaa ashlMK caa ha iOt« <eaaty flr.^:-- ■ r^^ r^X:-^':' ■ - ; BiQ' KMir^i^^i^^ : Mr, B. P. AtnatrcBf, aecretair ot tbe big Deflanee County Fair to be tield at HlekaTlUe, O., August SO'September 2, promisee to be the greatest fair ever held In that aectlon. Interest on the part of eriklbltors shown last season, indlcatea that the coming event will eclipse all prerioaa fairs held In BlcksrUle. NEW FAIR AT COLUMBUS. Oelombns. O., April 10.-The Arch City U to bare another fair tbls year. The Franklin Ooonty Fair Co. has leased tbe grand elreolt tnck and park groiuda, cooalatlag of 100 acrea. for the event, Tbe fair wilT be open night and day. .Tbe dataa will ba Angnst B. !«. » aad- ta.' 'A taca maetlag wtti hi held