Billboard advertising (Apr 1910)

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APRIL 23, 1910. Xlie Dill board 17 FILM CLEARING HOUSE •Cad Laanmle Discusses Objects and Purposes of the Motion Pic- ture JDistributiog. and Sales Company. Cblcaim, Ai —It WW •nt saw* , AorU 1 QDite •« mm a la.—(Spfclal to n* BUIboud) •vMnt froB tb* tim* when lb* ftraaUM •( th* afMMa Ple- BMT It Bar aMMIr 'te Md tbat tbcM an Hr «(. BNataMl mo wke sot aalr IMt lEfr 4* M» Mt. tk« a«fMUc» «( lb»:MW M Mjiy. > «!t:l| l M r •»pw.t>» epia- tMlM tktw to a |*ir ■fiwii r i. aa« that IMi Mgaaliatlsa la qoMlloo to la aetiiaUlr 'MWa 'aa uMlrary ud dlctalcrial In parpoM a> H-aar WMalM comMo* la the boslDMi. Of t caw>b It to to Iw •zpeetnl la *l«w or ttn caadlugaa wbkb ul«t la th« M4a7> that aar sew mofaneat waold kav* to pn>w Ita worta and elcailj czplala Its latcat brfora It woold ba accrpted lo saacral tr tta* awo wboaa Saeal lim are cndancfRd br a falac mofa. Tbcra la a rraion why tba Ifo- tloo Pletora XHatrlbotlns and Sairt Compaor to Dol folded la lb* arma of tba amalsamatad lo- dapaadrat aim laurcata. In the Brat place, then la ao tma eoacaotrattoa of latrmta la thli factloa: aad la tba aacond place, the aro- iDtlon of tba Olm boUncaa baa beca ponetaalcd bj anrta a aobtla aarica of aobtarfnffca aa mar well make tbeoa of a dlaecnlac frame of mind hMfd wpII tb** dlclnm. **Z>ook well before 70a leap." Oa tbe otber band, tba aaw rampant U tba (oocaplloa of maa wboaa lategrlty and fartlooal lojalty baa op to oow beeo abore re- proMb. and who wttb Iba aaw moTemrnt come oat tote tba opao to ahew tbdr band to tba playera la tbe saoia. It la oot to be expected tbat Ibe7 baTa dlrolced tbe Inner oecrrta of dwtr bsaloeaa atroclnrr, bol they do ezpreea a wlUlogaeaa la worda aod aclloaa to graat tbe prlTlI*(* or tbe elooaat aemtlnr aad a'. aMtiae aiplaaattoa of tba potata at laaoa to tfeHa'-Wko enter aar fietl a c or akaptidsm. -no liaaclrtag «f tbo aow coaaaay baa aot .Oa WMfe aC a BiMat. It baa aot baaa ' ~ ' I a ■■■aw baatjr, aor baa It beaa to tfea aaa who a«t ta bt toa t ar art oMMapt to (otot iMkBit wHai vWr^ oa Ilh aalair br fbolF attoriar molNas. Alan. It moat ba aekaawtodgad tbat It to oot poralr a pbllanlbroptc laatltattoa. Inrldeotal pnSt la tndoobttdly oaa of Iti aklNtlTa polata. aad socb proflta are aattalpatod. Howaeor, It «a aro to uke tba woaS o( W. Carl liooaate. a maa of aauMlahod aad aalapeaebabto rtpo- taHaa. tba aaw coapaar waa prtawiOr coa- ealMd far tba pMpu aa ot pee t a tU ao aadlta op- ocatlto Blaaa baro baaa ootlloed In aceerdaBca arltb tbfa poller. Ur. Laemmle to practlcallr oekaawtodioa aa tba tedlvMaal malootay ot tba aim tactloo claaard aa lodepeedaat. Ha baa marb at atake. HIa tanatnaato ta tba ba«lnr«a are mitrrtatlr lanrr. Ha oceaplas a oahotaaHal poalHoa la the bnalaaaa world. Ba baa a boat of followera. Tbao, tao, tba aeo wbo are la with blm aa tbo daol are aa bo. aad It dnno't aeem plaoatbto tbat tbair lacaat morr btm not bean oiade witb tbo boat totercata a( th<- rntirti trade la latad. Howf»rr. deaplta all tbat may be. aod to. ■aid iim bikI con tbe peopoaltloa, there afa morr tbao ■ f^w of tba mamifartmera, «- rhicirn and mea who coatrmplata the fioettoa of elm rirtortea. who franklT admit that tbera l> ■ TFii between tbetr aaderatandlnjr aod tbe Molinn Plctorr Dlatrtbatlns Companr'a de- atma. Mr. Laemmle. la aa Interview, aald Iblnca wblrh may throw aome lUht on tbe anb- Cct. aod wbleb are anra to ba ot laterrat at ■It Tba ttnt of Mr. Laemmlr'a worda aa epoken to a rrnrearotatlTe of Tbe Billboard laat week, at Uo Chlcaco beadqairteni were tbat: _no UaHaa rtclor* Natribntlac aod Salea oiamaota awiloa pie tana. . It win eoMTfltoo tbaoo oalea aad aM .'M- dentally nlmlnli* lomeo by tbo aparatlw at a complete rredlt borean. It will bamlle aannlemeatary adeerttatac far Ita maanfarlnrrra aod will Iwne for tbem ayo- onaia and prrtlDent bellatlaa la tba tiada .la feneral. Krrrr meipN-r of tba coawaay to idoa a a w » ber of the AlllaMre. Tba meaabaia of tbe A1lta«(«> will racelTo lla 'Mtoat aapport la a rabatantlal nanoer. Tba otaoa of the fllaM will br Impmead by the gcMhat a coMmlttro coanward of alt Iba aiaa> ■flMllSlwa.» tho Ralea Canmaay wm paoa oa an fltiBo !■ fonloarttaB wllb tbe oSkrra of the rompaoy befora they are pat oa tba open market. Tbe exrbanae* mnat. In orderlmr from the enmpany. anrrlfy what fliraa dralred ao that the coranatiy can play no farorltea. The ndlreni of th" company are Carl I.aem. mle, prealdent; A. Reaarl. rtee-iireatdent: Cbaa. O. naamiDa. ireaanrrr: and T. D. Ooebraoe, aerrelary. Tba fktllawlna maanfartorrm ore now mambera aftta nrcaniiaiinn aadjtur. Mwlp w ap nt lg JaSK'^ecK;?' "• MfNrae.i^ awin a; and the Imp. S, Tn healn with, thr«e maaafactiirera were gntT' antced hy the enmeany aa tnany nalwi aa they ti"<1 rratilarly nt the time they entered upon their rnrrenl ayreemrat. Anyone la now wricome to make application lor admlnlon tn the company hot after AO day* ■jw memhera will only be admitted 00 a majot^ ity Totea of tho mannfactiirera and tbe appll- eaat moat be a member of the alliance. Tbe exchancea will be protected by tbe pro- *blch aaya (hat their contract may only be cancolled by a majority tote of tho oanofac- tnrera and lOr Jnut caoae. eJ".*?? of the oxchanae cancelltnR orrtera ■y-Spala SIma the compaajr moat bo aotllksl •* IMa dMtoa two woaka ta adraata oa Aowr- I aa im- Tba company will bora to do with tba entire oatpat ot tba maaofaetarera It lapcaoeato. but tboio Baaafactareia bae^ aa open aurkot and baro ao reatrletlona placed oa aoblecta of tbe followlac aatnrea: aereotiae. commercial, ladns- trtol aad prUe flshla. Tbo compaoy will porehaae tbe lllm frain tbe taaanfactiircra at tbe rate ot S centa a foot and wUI ocU It at tba rate of 10 canta a foot. Tbo aboro raadom reiaarka may bo oaed (sp- plamaataiy la tbo otataoMat laoaid by Carl taimaia at tbo tlM tba aaw eomfv was Stat - - - " " atiadaead pabUely, aad may bo ot aaalst- te ^HataiiiBlac tbo aeopo ut Ita arowed to aa ODcstlaa bat tbat Hr. Laanaile la alaea(o,ia bto bdlef tbat the aow T^re"!* of wblcb aa U a promliient part will do mocb to hatter tba general coadltlons amoos tba maoti- factatatn. axcbaagao aad azblbltoia. IMPERIAL INDEPENDENT One of the Biggest Individual Bikers of Films Sunendeis License and to Elnter Field for the ol Motian Fidnie Filnt New Tork. April It. C% « € lal to Tbe BUI- board)—For a month or laaro It bas been ram ored that Stelner would soon leare the rankn of the Ueeoacd exctianseii, atart to manafactorv for hliffoalf. aad handle aa ladcpcadcat Blm 1Mb tba bnwr dielas at tha eo m i s a tfOiHoat alofj. «ao ahow that "Bin" and tbe maaafaetnrcis bare been la secret acaaloo for aeveral weeka re- f ontlos a ccrtola Porta Bicaa acrrico tbat tbe laqwilal was aenrtliut oat. Iha detaUa are moocar, bat an Matit ta ka as SNIa«a» ■ Tba Impeitol l aei l o t d aa a r d» ttaa Parto BIcol They bol to wd ttto torlMry woo aot lo- ciui]c<i In tbo raiaala Ogcapaoy acraeoeat and brace, failed to aetlCy tb«Bi of tbe aerrlcc. Certain news alwoya rcaebea tho Patcnta Com- pany'a channel, and aooo Stelner was la exec- atlre aessloa. Tb* reaolt waa that Stelaer was aoed flOO for acrrlaK aao tbaatrtt bat It LUBIN MANUFACTURING PLANT. the Flhn Service Auocladoo. Tbe Taakeo FTlja Compsny expects to make its Hist relaaso la a tew weeka. Much apecoIatloQ bas bean oeriiVwiad la mmr- lag plctore elides ivzanlli>s tbe pcoloncol stay la New Xorfc ot WUUan B. Swanaoo. aectotary ct tho Natlflool ladapaadoat MotIoc Pletaia "Porfaet , taelarlaK Company la Phlladi to the aioai ospiaBiiata adJaeUra ta apply to tho aaw ploat ot tha way la rhlladcIpMa. a cat of wbleb to aira abowa, Mr it clpa axperleaca tbat dalea ba«k to tho taceptlsn at tho Botlaa pic la Jlaaa- naalt oi hot alose la Mr. S. Labia, ooo of tbe pBoaaofa of BOtloa ptetaiaa. adiaaecd bto awa Haaa bat a Arm of arrliKecta aided by a aUlf ot pbotacopb oip a its sad taottoa p l c t ota aiahaas de- eeiopt d aad amplloed tbos* plana. No expense boa bcaa apored where aa pa a dltara wooM add, bowvrer all<htly. to tbe reaoltlns perfection, and It woold appear to bo Impooolbla to luiiitora npoo Iba plant. Tbe atodlo U a bnca atractare ot brick, ateel aad (laaa. oaly tba rear wall sad tea feet on each sMa belnc brtel^ work. la tbto saco aio lbs ttofo at diaaahn loooM, the adtoao af the dlrectaia aad ot an I ot any tbaotro. la fnat at tho orlib leot aad thno taktog _ "a lallibad trol ■loaa doors In . jaa doors weigh . a law piOTtdO I or uitoae iho or cat toi for rola If I hoot aa?*tala^tlfa b«8dJ^Bar% aMd tSr 1 At either oad to a ban door Ibiiiih « oeouaa aso. ia addlUoa. two poaoto at tho tNBt ON ~ tba wortd, each belna 2S\i by St foot, gtvlag aa opaato atrarol toos apleca Est nay bo opanad aad cloaad by Aa lataraatlns aad onlQaa ayatcm oC beatlac wlu pioi. at tho aoB'a raya. beaUa* opoa tba bega area ot glass win ho ' ffilif T^^t^^!^-^^^ *^ !^ of . _ Batwaea tbe stndio oad tha fOetaiT heating aad power plant aad a garage for Iba ot toorlac cars. 1— 3^rir.'*Ht' ^L!5* ^ondlaga. • flTO atstr atiaetai*. arm haaa tha asNatlaa aad aeeaaat- i5£»Ilf7^•.t^5J!^*.'■?l'*^..''*~ '^l^ deM*tmaat wbUa tba two atory balMlag la tba fora- !C5!L'^_^^I2.'*2J" IS* K**"''- TWa la aS> teat loBg aad «0 wide aad to ao atraagad that Jf.^?T!?IL^.'" l?li!?*"i"f !» ablpplBg dcpaitaicnt Ibnmgb oU tho rarloaa proeoaota !£.Snr^ii 1. -.^ pbT/atlac oil nnneceaaaty delay la handllog. Tba boUdlng U nu- j*"*"/ where Ught U araaled and seemlscly ample prorlatoa has beea nuda for tbe CSS^lB ttilto aSSStimS!' daat aad Sitt oooB ta AU told. aaaor dMMat ta ha tha aalattlatid alaoat I aralow. .JSf-*^"^K!*.embody the artlclea of waoarat tan la. a Bwi* cooclsa fuoaer tbo which wm ba ta tba LUBIN jiltUUSI AaaooBcaiaeato by tba Labia _ loAinaaUoa tbat aacoc tbo aoaa-to4is-i«l<ased sabjects are. Wbea Tbe Cat'o Aoroy, a eoaaedy Blm, to be rdeaacd April IS: Tba Angel of pawaoo'a Claim, a child atory, April 21; and IndUn Blood, Western drama. April 38. A apeelal auhjeet appropriate to tbe day wOl ba releaaed May SO, (Dacotatloo Day). One of the laet ot tbo Mtasaa aada br a aertloQ of the Lubia Matk Ommv ~aB Its aouaera trip la trt Cov April SL 'It'la called A. Oblld ot tba Sea. BDIS ON N OTES. . Praspectlre ralaaoca by tbo Edlsou Company Inclnde A Caaa of Identity, a dotectlra alary. April IB; Tbo Mtoor aod Camllle. a Western eom«<ly. April SS: Beady la a Minnte. comedy, April SS; Bleboid naitllaa Darto' Gallcgber. a dramatiaailoa of bto well kaoam oowspsper atory. April M. aad A Torkabit* Srhool. adapt- ed from a portico of KleboUa Mlehatby, by Charles Dickeaa. April SB. -i* ' Tbe aecood of the Ediaoa grand opera ear- lea arlll ho Tbe Cigarette Maker «f Serine, n-ilh Mile. IHar Morin In tho role ot Carmen. The n'loaac date la May S. A feature comody subject aooa to bo releaaed la Tba Saaalor aad tho JjJ^^'jJ^ ** ^' later deeeloped tbat the aerrlce coTered a complete circuit. .\notber w nloo aiH]—wrll. **Blir* aaya hv'» oot glrlng hla erhibltora tbe Ucenaed aerrlces at any ot hla tlirve excbancn. Tho ibUovlnc: letter from stelaer Is the oal.T ^ - tbto aaddeb ebaago of Apra IS, laio. ^ ^ nctaaa Mlaata Oaapaay. M ruikAaaaaa. »w JraScfty! i lanmol , by aottflco yoQ that it bss tbto day withdraara as a M e e ase e of yoar compoay, la tiipact to all ot tba tbrea odtoea at TNp. Washl<iiCtsa. ID, <X. oad tbla city. Tbl* eooapoar hi ntu aor. I r iadiaiaacb and all tbe llceaseo tahMl U feaa hllitsdMS recelred from yoar coaipoav. Bespect rally yours, niPEBIAL nut EXCHAItOE. It la Interrstlng to note that tba Imperial : Film K'xctaange cUlm to hare tecelred a can- cellalloo of tbetr llc\'n^e fi»ni 80 Fifth areone aboot two boon* sf:er tbe Stelner aarrender waa uld to bare been rrrelred by tbe Patents Company. Ftoon one of the persooa beat latcracd oa tbe itcena-Hl maanfactmasr dtlaca It. .«aa Blaaarrt that tbe Porta Biea aMr ataa tha mt» mmm of tba niptnra. Oa the other haad. fMa tbe ladapendaato. It was Isotaed that ^BUT bad almost decided to tshe this aore aeroral wreks sgo: tbat as sooa as ba bsd aatactalaed tbe Idea of maaotaetiirtaa nader tbe aane ot tbe Taakee FIba Compaay. be aras swaro tbat bla rclaiioos wllb tb* Patrats Company must reaw. The Porton Blcan loetd-JOt ouiy bare hastened his <Iecisloa. Drrelopmeats of s moet itrsi-illng narare are looke>l forward to, aa "nill" aeema tacUacd to strongly resent the Idea that It waa tha Vatoata Oompaoy vbo did tbe "nirrenderlai,** aad to laeliaed to do aoaw "tbowlag op." OC atonai amtaaa' On Satnidoy Mr. Swonsoo diapelled the clood of myatcry by a formal aiuoancemcnt of tbo coming orer lata the Independent ranka ot WlUlam A. Stelner. of the Imperial FUa - ctiaDjce, witii all Ita braocfaea and ' lorlti^ plant, from wblch he will leatt two reela of film per week. Aondlng to Bill Swaosoo. Stelaer to said t» hare ottered. In part: "I bare bad tbto BWra In coatemplatloa for aome tloia, hot baro fo- fralaed from mablag aay aaasmesaoat aatn I had tboroaghly par fee ted oiy Blaaa. I aoaw lato tba tadapoadeat raaka with thoroaSUy oaalBpad Bla ezebaageo aad with a aaaafae. taalBB pisat se<.aad to none la tho rooatiy. I aa also awsra of otber Tery Importsnt changes tbat will take place la tbe Pateata Compaay betbre a greart wbUe ao. taklag time by tbe forelock. I hare made tbe more that I think will be rastly for the betterment of William A. Sielni-!- and ttie Imperial Flhn Exchange." Ia making the atmre aimoaocemenl. Mr. Swanaoo Tery nalrely aald: "My atay la Jlew York la not -ner yet. an-l It may be before I get re;idy to depart for the Wtat that 1 will bara fartter anaoancements to aako that will ba folly aa otartling as tbo asaia a a* Jth - Stelaer to tbo (oaks of tbe XatMM iMItMMK Morlac Plet aro AllUnce." , LANaPbRD^FLYNN BATTLB' MO* TURED. Chicago, April 16—(Special to Tbe Billboard) — The great ring battle which recently took place between I-aogford and Flynn la CaUtar- nla, la accnratdy reprodnced by the morlng ple- torea which are now oa eihlbltloo. Laat weak In Chicago Mr. B. B. Clementa, who la repTO. ■entltig the Sid Hester Interests, gare a prlrato exhlblttoa to tbo aan ot tbo preao who aao_aad aU acetalaaa tta aght to ho ooo oC tho bald and moat rcoltoBa mr hod rear seaa a^etod. Tbo flght Itoalf was aaa <d tha amtot ta Iha btoMoy ot tba game aad aa aapl et ad by the caaaia abows oaa ot tba UeoUsat eeatasis that hoc OTor bean oabmlttod to tha aoaloc plrtnro pobllr. Tba photography to aot oaly ncallaat, bot tba anbject maHer baa bean troatad la aacb a maoaer that the latarast at tha battto to ae- caatiMtcd by tbe rartotu fraturra whic h h ayo boen loeotporaled. Ttie pletorea. aa abowa to CIdeago. ware practlcmlly fllrknleaa. Ftoaa too pdat where tha men are seen In their raspoc- Ure anarters. thronxb tlie exeltlog momenta ot of tbe hottla and op to tbe laat moment whea nynn U aeen after tha knock-oat. In tba caia of attending pbyaielons. t hay a ia wplat a. with Intrreat and aetioa. Hr. ttag la tbto tar rtwry iai5te*Sat*^'lH?SiiI l»~thag;sablarto to ana hattar ttaa whoa thoy waro Bist on tho aatfeat, aad that titooa nblbltoio who bora alioady taa tha pictarta hare oao aad an aodo food «o tholr larratacat sad sro taoktaa tar Biors of tba ssBM kind. lacldeatally. Ur. Claa- eats blots that ba and tbe organlaatlna with wblcb ba to aOnisted hsre •ometbing h>c sod aaw ap their alearcs which they wUI briag lato tta aaa wha t^atBaaritolht I Md tm thaao.sob PITT8BURO CALCIUM LOSES. Jndge Rnakrl. of the Dsnphln Connty Coart. PIttabDnr. banded down on ODloloa la tbo roar of tbe PIttabnnr Calclnm Light and PUm Ool. agataat tbe renneylranta Stale Flactory Inspec- tor to prerent him from enforcing a law ra- reotly passed br the Pemisylesnla State I*g- lalatnre miolrlng fonr feet sliJea In all raoT- lag pletorf tbealre*. Ia hla oplaloa ladgo Knokel aastalos tbe cnnalltntlooallty Ot tha set. Tbe Plttaborg Calclnm Compaay baa ioatncted Its altoraeys lo appeal Iha caaa ta tho BUto B opremo Coort. LATE E88ANAY SUBJKCTS. C- M. Anderaoa, Western prodoear fnr tbe Bssanar Company, and plelora crew, ofo aow located on a ranch aNir O rt j a a . Cnllk. they ahall contlnae Tba BasaaoT nn'di aoeaera tba ftdtoalaK ■ad tho Prtaeber aad —— Anrn 16: A Wtoa «mr aad Ma WhoM a. Wow. Apetl SA; Anrn SS: Hat IMr ' taro April ST; ' .. RooscvsLT ne- TURES. Kaw York. Ann 18 fllpeetol Napalrh to Tha BflTbootdl.—Tho ta arpcadtat anrlng nlrtureo ot BT.piaabtrut ^ n oasii n Wa taoeat trip tbtttwhtte AftWaa JaagVa weto wafBSBMd at. tha AaatlcaB * Bade Ran oa Batvdoy aaA ttaiv. Jt» Bla> ra iaa Aaw ploialy H a —sasM o t aad l tt ajb a^ twoaa Iha V& ptcoldratTa patt^ aad tha aa l Ba i a ot tho jBBllai ' le aMkloB Weotcfs uh t B Mfc rao tar ta* los* or a^ aa- ■laK latoaarat Tha .Saf Mm ESSANAVS LEADING LADY. It l« anniMinced br the Essanay C&. that MIsB Msrtba Spier has cntrarted for the som- mer months t" plar leading ro'es In Essansy ptoliirtioas. Blao Staler waa a member of tho maaay at t^ Stow IN NEW FIELD. Toronto. Caa.. Af>rn la.—John J. Brlflhi. bead of a rlrenit «t •mall tIm* theatres In Caaada. wHl enter th* fllti mannfartmlaa bori rtopotatlooa for tbto step aia aair woll