Billboard advertising (Apr 1910)

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18 Tlie Billboard APRIL 28, 1910. TENT SHOW NEWS ^ Baker Baket Baker •a J. W.].WIiiteley Buys the Property of Rhodus-Wluteley Shows, and Bwoiiiw SSI» Owaaer^-A .Hinf::. Show Bang Oiganizied. BafcerBakir Baker ^ IA Rare Bargain-Complete Dramatic Outfit | i» 60x120 Tent—Laige Portable Stage, Dressing Rooms, Sceneiy, i ^ Lii^tsjicket Box, Time Hundred Fddiog Chiun. Blue Seats for j E^tHundied. Kvwiythlng Compl«t»r fMO.0O. BETTER TAKE THIS IN A HURRY; C3Q ARIZONA FRANK'S ROSTER. Boater ot Arizona Frank's Wild West and Open-air VaodeTlUe Sbows: Frank A. KIndreil. proprietor and manager; J. R. DeVlney. business manager and aecretary; Bert Kindred, treaa- urer; "Goa" Smith, general ticket agent and director of amnxtements; A. F. Le Hoy, elec~ trtclan; Wm. AIcMlUen, cbandellfra; I. L. B«ed. reserved seats: H. Stapleton, stable boss; ••Chob" Miller, master of transportation; "Cbl- cago Bob" Allen, boss canTasman. elgbt asaist- ■nts; D. M. Taylor's concert band, ot ten pieces: Ii. O. De Witt, advance, four asalst- ■nts; "Happy" Kelly, banjolat, aad tun-maker Bsaoal: Tba Daytoos. Man aaA daaee. and Bssleal atttoU: Oteyeone ChHMr. fetaiMko bnst- vt Torn Hurta, fanc^ tUa IkM md tops tpla- ■ wHt eany 300 fast ot aide wall, one 4|jrtl> j| M h-pole^to j|^ ^SiHt'^alu" Xte^lwir'''^ JOHN t. warren; Thla season tbey bare organized a show of their own, which will be knon-n as the War- ren Bros.' Shows. Tbey will open the season ot 1010, Saturday, April 30, at QreenvlUe, Pa., tiielr home town, and play one-nlgbt stands throngh Peonarlvaaia and West Virslnla. Their ootat is mUmtr mnr ami cooipltto. P«ilwii —tMO< «f 8 Ikuk QAIui. di and Dntch comMUii, ualitcd by Lao Hotri . black-face comedian; Flo. La Qainlyn. flylns rln^s; Elasto, bonetesa wonder; Joe. litllslxcr. balancing, traps and Black-wire; Uisa Irene Howard, swing ladder perch; Eva and Vera Wcntzcl. alnsle and donhle trapt: the celebrated Aerial Howards, six In nnmber; Prof. Cam- pagnlDle's comet band; balloon ascension and parachate ]omp by Prof. Bobb. BUCKSKIN B EN'S WILD WEST. BocksklB Ban'* Wild Wait Oam and Pony >hoin baa atnad ia eontiact to pTay at Xbm Baata, lad., lha inak at Uar SS aa the (aatota attraetloii ot tba Q. A. B. Baeampaent. to be held there that wuA. ■ Iba ahow Is to be located right in the baart oC tba city. In the Coarthonse yard, as It waa impoaslble to place It on the streets on acceoot ot the alae. At tbe dose ot the Terre Hante engagement the ■how ]nmps back to Cambridge City and playa one afternoon and evening. Jumping from there to Flint, MIcb.. where it Joins the Herbert A Kline Shows for tbe season. Buckskin Ben's private car will arrive In Cambridge City about May 1. from Chicago, and after a few alterstlons will be resdy for tbe road. Tbe car coatalns six ataterooms. kitchen and dining room and sleeping accommo- datloDB for thirty-two people. In connection with the living car. a 80-faat baggage car will be carried for the show atnlT. NEW AMUSEMENT COMPANY. Among the tented showB DOir being gotten !nto readiness for the spproachlnlt snnuner season la a new one. known as Todd and Wrighfa Big City Showa, and owned by Aloe Todd, Jr., a yonng Cincinnati playwright and manager, and Lee Wright, a well-known Soatbem Indiana Bporlsmnn and showman. Mr. Todd recently closed the tonni of bla own play, Tba Town foort, which had an «ntfMt:MaM.a( tarenly two weeks, and ot tkaMd jMTIWinuI Comadr Company. COWBOY IN CRITICAL CONDITION sleal Jim KM, «M '«r the best-l otvboys aid Immio riders. Fnas BepteientatlTc Xoosg Bollalo Wild Wast HELP tUMK ¥nLIY. No msMer how small tbe contrlbntion yoa can alTord to give, dne credit will he given yon If bestowml In care of The Billboard, to help Snsle Wiley to llqulilnti- tin- dobtn Incnrred by the death of her bnsbsnd, William Wiley, who waa well known to tbe circus fraternity as free to give where aaslstsoce was needed, snd he wss liked by all the tronpera with whom he became acquainted. Hia widow baa worked baid to par bat debts aad .fat- afeaad to boy piup a HJ tor bcr act, aad la tadF .aaftains for tba aaifaiinsa tS Vtt», aa bar InHbud's death la maana. udUnapoUi^ ; OMUka aia In nmpatbir .with n a nw i M a i a lN«»,ad tta paa &aalan. a aa MBad la , aa*< ttis ^iviniy waMa*' wfea la aa ila ii s ta Ml^-aal of idH ai| gm jMii^ «k itajNMrty As aaads wUIa at watk an the laad. Mil _ mmya able to M is. tba iaatltotlon of thia.ftnd aad tker tba cause is a worthy ooa. oomBiBonomL' : WHITELEY BUYS INTEREST. ' 3. W. TTUteley baa porehaaed an the prop- arlT e< tiia Great Bhodoa-Whiteley Shows, and team now on will be sole owner of that aggre- aatlon. The show will be known this aaaaoa as tite Great Whiteley Sbows. New taats bave been porehsscd and several new wafsaa^ amoog them a bandaome ticket wairon. 7. B. Bhodos. the retiring member of tbe flrm. will engage actively In tbe stock busi- ness. These Interests last season prevented blm tram f(Mag the attention to -tba, dMaa btialneaa that be wonld like to. ao ha.isalM to dinoae oC all bia abow Inteiests. nia ia tba tbM saaaon tOr tba WARREN BROS. ORGANIZE SHOW. Ed. and W. J. Warren, who were associated with th(» rxmdop and Warren Shows Isst sea- son, bare Fcrerod tbeir connection with thst abow, having sold their loteresta to George W. _ wOd . far a munbrr of yi'nra principal rider with the Bnlfalo Bill Show. In III n critical condition and not exp1^ctcd to Ilvi'. He was stricken \rlth brain fever at Pan- es City. Okla. It waa Jim Kid who wcat to Paris. France, «nd Bnr*-cs«fnlly French man-kluing stallion. « «om «( mon ay for his backers. emeus RIDKR KILLED. James Fahey waa recently killed near New Albany. Ind- He attempted to l>oard a rapidly- moving train, bnt clipped and waa caught nnder tbe wheels. Pabey was a wcll known elms rider and has for yeara been (lolng a standing Bomsn ridlaa act. Ha waa on his way to Join the NoRtTZ BMia.CiMaa at (ha — death. . ' ■ Itfs ELKS HAVE CIRCUS. Rnntsvine, Ala.. April 8.—The Elks of Ilantsvllle had a circus all to thoronrlvos April 7. and tbey carried things along as tbey tboiiKbt they should l>e. The Haai; Shows were brought to Iluntsvllle for two performances for an Elk ben*-flt and the parade tbrongb the streets of tbe city was featured by members of the or- der. LOUISE AMBRODINE DEAD. laonlse Ambrodlne. tbe fat lady, who baa ap- I>eared In circus side showa and raosenras all over the cotmtry. died st her home In New York City. April e, of rhenmatlsm. She weighed dve bnndred pooods and was only four ttmt, tonr tail. Tbe deceased was 23 MM* MT FOREPAUaH-SBLU ,CHC|W NOTES Robert N. 'meman, Ned Alrord and Barry Graham, ot tbe Forepsngb-tMls Shows, were ia Charleston, W. Vs.. last week, making pie- paratlons for tbeir show, wbieb win be' io Charleeton. on April 30. IMHT BOSS CANVASMEN WANTED AT ONCE. •| BAXnt ft LOCKWOOD MFG. COMPAMTp KANSAS CITTp MO. QQ Raker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker 30 ums nEruTjiioi lien of (»EM tEHI GOSS' SHOW CANVAS 8'-"'' TENTS ciflcus FLAGS Waterproof Covers SE.10 'OR KEW CtTllOU tlO SECO>IO HIHD LIST ihe J. c. Goss CO. Tents BFEoui men os az& asw Jim m o. 0NS.HA1I9 TEXn SUBIlia TK» Tm c T da DATS TO BEDVOB BTOOX. miBIR JUR WHAT TOU WABT. COLUMBUS TENT & AWNINfi COMMNf. Circus Tents laAJtOV AXa> SMAXdU A£X. DMflOaiPTIOZfB. ICssnCMtUTsd W. H. LUSHBAUGH, Covlnoton. Ky. nooiiiD^uiiD mm roa halb. Hor*« and Pony Plumes ror Show Parades, Hons sad Vawr Arts, Ad- vertlainc purpows. etc. Send CMiarifi U0L UaiifBetiii«d by^lt. aOHAXMBM, MEoI mS^ npoUtaa An., Brooklyn, B. T. j WILLIAM BARTEL8 CO. MaMtaraaabfS and Wild aWmala ad arssr WaaUaalan St., Bnffala, V. T. eRODP OF FOUR LEOPARDS AND ONE PANTHER Trained to work totetber; alao Unas, yaong Psntheis, Blntoranc. Caaaowarlaa, Monka ya and otbn anlmala and bird*. WBMZ A XAUBJUI'- tXB, Sept B., Tardlajr, Baoks Co., Pa. WE HAVE FOR IXASE—CABS, SO tt. loog, f«r shipping scenery, automobiles, advsitce, bsgtaga, privilege, stock and merry-^o-roonda. Deatrahle for slHiw and cIrciiM conipaiiI.-K. Beaaonabl. rsl.s. THT. ARMS PALACT. HORSE CAR CO., 1220 Monadnock UUr. Chici^tj. 111. TENTS 80x100, SOxiao, S0x80, 80x60, SOxSO, 20x00 Mack, SOO camping tents and 2.000 ft. ot 10-tt. side wall. D. M. KERR MTO. CO.. lOOT W. Madiinn Rt.. fOM No. 280). Chlcaro. Lon» Dis- tance I' Moniuo £448. TENTS SHOW TENTS. BliACK TBNT8. OANDT TOPS. MKBUir-at>-BODNI> COVEB8. awl evemhlnc In eanras. Send for eatalotaa. MNHKmr IMS . TENT A AIRMI Ci. iMifl Irttt aUh Mmt • li. E. J.HAYDEN A, CO. SIDE-SHOW PAINTINGS •Myn, HvV BERNARD BRUSH CO. Rector Building, CHICAGO. Bz. Be. Mfalfht Baia Otaaaa Bmh. ft.TB saeb; t42.oo-f* tSSTManrii CMi mrtar Pasta, so lb. baKSMOl lb. «M:. moo. SUICIDE ATTEMPT FRUSTRATED Msy ColemaB, tattooed lady, an Inef bftaal attempt at anietda br taklBC caibOlle aaid. _ Tba visl. coDtafadas as plisb _ It UifesaAt dka.«fll Thomson ft Vandhreer KAnrAonnxBS or CIRCUS TENTS TENTS FOR RENT 81* Kajit Prari SC. CINCINNATI, O. Mohaimned ^^ilin. after a vandevtlle seaaon. Joined Clictu for the season. tba Hants A FOR SALE TWO BLACK BEARS Year old; healthy and eaally handled; one partly broke to woric First (125 gets them. Addisss 7. W. BEOOa, Xaaass Oltr, Vs. TEE FIHXST SEOW PAXHTIIIOB AT LOWEST ntlOES. TeU OS what yoa need aad w* wlU mato aad in. sat. Vsb, send LOWEST estimsto CIRCUS * JUOQLINQ APPARATUS, aaba, Ba|M.J»>_H«I*IHt! AastilSBs for Tsnls. TITE AU^XAITDEh' MrLBTTBir 00., M7 W. l.ombaxtl St., Baltlmara THE BUCKEYE TENT and AWNING CO. 210-212 W.ll Broad tliasi COLUMBUS, OHIO SideShowPaintiiigs SIEGMUND BOCK. T23 BliM Island Aim., Chl«af«« lltas FOR ALL PURPOSES THEBOLTE&WEYERCO. 8 MIcMdan Straat. CHICAOa - IIXINOIS TENTS! For all purposes, CIRCUS, Car- nivaL CaM Covws. Buy wbrn* COTTON STOWS and DUCK ii made. Freights saved two wagri. Designs perfect. Hand sewed. Saiiders4iloTer Tent Co., Rome, Ga. eiaa ma bazb, zjubs ob bxht—hsvs t I>oIlman'a, 0 ateel-wtacel tracka; one, 68-ft. com- bination; other, 00-ft. sleeper. Pass all Inapae- tion. Don't writs, come and aas cara. Notify me at Box 702, JaekaonrUle, Fla. PAT OBAF- PBZXE, Owner, SCENERY AND SHOW PAINTINGS