Billboard advertising (Apr 1910)

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APRIL 23, ma T ti <e 0111 b o a r d Nofris & RmNt at P RCUS O PENINGS •tElReno. I* ROWB OPKNINtf -AT EVAN8VIU.E.' Between S.OOO <sd 10.000 people wcM prewiit at the opealac a( tbe Noitl* * Barn Cbcin at EranaTlUe. IiiiUaaa. Fi M ay. Attt IB. Dew'te the iaelcMWX «(. tk» f«lpi|HW-« Mranc catb- et«d t» wftaew th« l —auf W — •C'llw Marrla A Baw« aeeaoD. nie abow wlntarcd at Braiw- •nie^ where all pre|>aratJoaa tor a iwOplUoua •pcnlv bare been carried on for the ptat MTcnl aoBlka. New and beantirol parapbemalia ba< bees added, maklns tbe abow one or tbe moat attraetlTe that will be on tbe road tbla icaaou. BaMevdlDf an ovrrtnrv by a band of fifty plecva. dl»pUy Number 1. an Inlroductory pa- geant fOTrCBstlDff tbe reatorea. abowins the per- (on&ers and Ibe exblblta, announced that ibe araaon waa on. A pletureaque e<|uea:rlaa uorelty by a troupe of ^ntlemen rldera care two dla- tinct iDDoratiooa ealltled Tbe Cbarse of tbe Black Hnaaara. aad Tbe Oatbcrlac ti tbe Oar- landi. StatoaiT mnvdiictlooii of tbe mattcni ■ad sladlatoclal cmaplas* abowlnc lb* perfec- llga at phyaleal maobooil wire rlrea by lb<e ValtN Troope. Tbla act beid the entlro atieo- tlaa of Ibe audience, aod waa pccacated oa tb-- Id dlaplay Nomber 3. tbe naaterly ez- UWtlao tntndaeliic trmlDcd alnkuts gtrea by Cbria. Zcia la rins Nmbor L wbll* a troupe of ShetUnd puolra perforaied In ting Nomber 2. While tbeae two acta were app<-ar- las la Ibe rinca. Hlmm UUUn Van Aiken exhib- ited brr tnlaed pics oa the atage. Dlaplay NomtxT 4 consisted of athletic performancea. Tauliluc. bljtb and mnning dlatanee Jnmplng. etc. were Ibe featam of tbla act. in wtaleb O'Bifca btaM.OM wwlilii of atbtetra. a Wtfc.pi^W, Miaa Maada Karl czMMtlaea of malattlaa aad fcata aa tbe ria««. Mile. Etbelea aad Mlaa Eteannre are two clerer traueaa atttata, ima. Ttr- aetta Clark eleeiriOed Ber aodteaee with an aerial act performed oa tbe awlaitlac ladder, aad Marjorle Albion acored la a Boaiaa ttas act. Display NumlMT 0 conalated of tbive apacial featniva: OJIm Norma LMT^nport. la rlny 2(HB> ber 1. care a line crfalbltion of horaemaaafcte; Mlaa Beasle Knnntx. In the optioAlte ring, dla- played remirktblt* rrare lo a plcturesqn** p<)u^i- trlan act. Tbe atasc In this display was occu- pied by the clowna la eot-op* aod "gro teavamefa." Mite Hortewe aad ~~ ~ ~ optaed IHvlar XMBbrr T witk • Mbltloit aa a allear wlr«. aataolabed all with Ihelr darlnc on an Inrlalble wire, Oraodall Prothere. with Ibeir Trfzle. elicited mocb ea;baalasni. Dlaplay Nomber 8 la a maatrrly esblbltloo of Raate-I'Me. appearlag aliaaltanroaaly In tbe rings and on the hippodrome track. Dlaplay Nnmber n conslata of the equlllbrlatlr marrela, Ellaka and Tola la Ring nnmber 1, and Oooia and H(M9. cuutortlonlMM. opposite. Oa tbe stage, the armhatle Waltona aire a great ez- hlbltloo. Stick Daren port and Mile. Norma open Dlaplar Number 10 la Blag Noaabcr 1. witb a aMUtal display nf i i|aaalilaali» la Iba at^ Mac Mte Bcaale KaoMa aad Wnntt OiMlan •bow pietarewjne poaea aa prdlgnw rtac b a taiil . Tbe clown aad Afajr aad Uailorle Alblos. th* aetlal teetb artlata. taako op Dlivlar Moai- ber II. Next appears UerritI Belew, la a delectable deoMaatralloa or boraetnanahlp. and Cbarlea G. Clark In animated poaea on galloping bocves. Dlaplay Nnmber 13 Is «l»eo entirely to tbe Bsker Troope of worW renowned bicycle rldera. They diserre their tlilp. Mr. A. M. Davenport, aomersanlt bareback eqoeatrlin. In Ring Number I. tbe downa on the atage. and Mr. Errrett Crandall. In tbe opnoalte ring, rampoae Dlaplar Nnmber 14. FaUowtaa tbla appear Bngb -Melnotte. In a al iPla y af balancing: tbe Imiwrlal Japanese Trm/t et acmbats, lb« Itoor tabikawa Brotbera. la akillfnl aerabatle laterpretalloaa, aad Haw- "*.„Melnotte. la aa ezpaatlloa of tiM ait af eqnIllbHnm. perforalag apon the daaclav ladder. Display Number IT waa glren entlrelr to Csptsln .Srbmefa company of 14 louarcs. They won a atom of apfuanae. The clowns wer.' alone In Dlaplry Nnmber 18. Tbe Fljlng !>>• Comaa and the Flying lloorea. In remarkabh' aerial frate. were tendered an oratloo. Mr. Cbariea Clark and his MnIr Hnrdle; Merritt ^l**;. ridlnit a mnle. and th? downa. made up tba sntli dlaplar. The ronclndlng display, Nnm- bar 21. ecBalsted of bippodroao tacea. t_ . J^***?? *arla« aod many, tbe aertal Ma Intrrptd aad draccM. tba eb>wna kept erery «■ aa aacaar.- tka acrahal*. atatae i Id an lb* Mi '^opeslag:" Pcai: j: W. Cbtk. Punch, ■agte and TentrlloqaM; ^btt JEMbB. tattooed taaader: "Peto," -worir* ■■alliat apanlab dan- cer; Lamar aad Siada, witb tbclr seoaatloaal oplom dea czpoame; Uac. ZaaelUa. Dlad-readct- snd fortaaa taller: tb« Bobcrtoa. la aa '.lak Eil i uit a l act; Priaee Cbnckeot Bala wairlair tAutmm^ aifm nrtacrapbjr atUM; tka Oreal Iloaraid. ftania topcraoaalor: lima. DaVon'a troopo of odncated dogs and tralacd cats, aojt Baxter Bayaolda* famona Ccorsla if Instrels, witb tbe foUowlDg: Baxter Beynotds. trom- bone: Chaa. Clark, corset; Artbnr Madlaon, comet: Leo. . Morrlaon. alto; Barry GrabAl. alto; Geo. Trissers. trombone: Nathan Stirman. tuba: Wbeeler Mltchom. bass dram: Rastnr Anderson, anare, and Beaale Anderaon, coon- abooter. Tbe doors to tbe bic abow opcocd pioaptlr at ooe o'clock aad tba pMtaaaMB.CMMMMiaB a little after tt " " - - - waa preocBtcd: India under tbe dtrectloo of B. Perl. ■Minace of I. vutr sitio. UNIQUE OPPOSITION Hagoibeck-Wallace and 101 Ranch Shows To Appear On Same Lot; Villwui Evta a F« It wonid be Impoaslble for closer to exist than that wtUcta baa derelopcA'at Inmboa. Ohio, where two ahowa ore to eablMt la Ibat cUj OB tba some date and on the name croud arltb aot cren as mncb as a fence betwcea tbem. The Baceabeck-Wallace Sbow baa kept Its roots verx macb aadar cover. Tha 101 Baneb did aot iiiitiH abr CMUet whm tbey arranged to play OolaaibBa oa VMuj, Attn S. aad tbe adrent of tbe Wallace Shows, which win be thereon tbe same day, waa a aor- prise. Tbe lot contract was made by tbe 101 Ranch llrat, and It bad the usual ahot-ont clause In It. but In this cs9« It «-aa Ineffectual, alsce tbe Nell estate bas been dirlded and a Eart of tbe circus lot Is controlled by a Nell > New York City. Tbe Hogenbeck-Wallace people made tbla dlacoreiT and now bare a contract alsaed br tba real owner of tbe portion tbegr an ta .aaa^ .Ska feaat et iabc a t» tbe Co- laaAaa «•■•»-la'ThM ai an a s - and tbe center oftbla atrset la tbe llae dlrldinc tbe two •bow lots, bot as tbe street vaA ricat at tbe lot there la no pbyaleal dirlslas of tbe fraaiid apparent. Showmen are making sll snrts of conjectnies as to the outcome bnt the opinion preralls that repreaentatlTCa of both ahowa will visit back and forth, that many rlsltlng show- men will be attracted to tbe unusual spectacle and that both will do a big bostneaa. Tbe Rlngllng Show Is also billed for Colum- bia fbr Mar W. bat It la aot eqaeted ibat tbelr of Aprn.'Kbeai two abows faelnj? each other with their I , - ■ - Irylllff to Thinl Avenue HAOBHBBOK^WATJaACK 101 RANCH 31 9 ooldo the other side In cordiality In tbe war of inrltlng tbe pubUc to tbe best show. Both Mr. Wallace and Mr. Barrey of the Bagenbeck-Wallace Show are pleaaed with tbelr prospects for business st Colamboa since tbey ore conlldeat tbe pRStlga of that show la great tniiMb tbsia Mr aar ftlBd of coaipeutloa arcs t» tfa lliaH aCJU&i Urn tba same dar aad tba same lot. Ska Ml fiiaeh U aot attenpUac anytblag beyond tbalr aesalar Knih.y bat a stoennoos ll^t Is betas coadactod at Oolamboa and all alooc tbe route between tbe Rtntflasa and tbe Wallace Sbow. It. M. Haney geaeral agent of tbe B. & W. Show la ataytng close to tbe printers, and being on excellent terms witb sU of tbe bosses >t tbe big sbow prlnttac booaea. be certainly con rnab oat tba printed aaimaat* tlon as fast aa it Is needed. April S», at Ootam bos will be an epocb marker In sbow blstoty. Mlaa : CAMPBELL BRO&' OPBNINa ,.T*e premiere enenlnc of "Ibat great Weatem show." Campbell Bros.' Great Oonaolldatert ftbowa, ocrarrrd at Bl. Reno. Okla., April P. 1»10. The weather waa Ideal, aad tba at- tanitance very satisfactory. Tbe show train left winterqnartera at Fair- bary. Neb.. April 8. making the lump of OO bWea to Bl Reao In S8 bonrs. Art Seeger. maa- dpr of tbe prlTllrge ear. fully prepared fbr Ma Ms >«» witb a car fall of good things to oat. seT«rrt>aafa af "sM ubt a" aad aU tba bet- » H»> b •( Mft Mbka. \S? atrttod at SI IISMw Tbrnaday algbt. ApHl T. and as asaa aa tbe cars nare spotted the borae atabltis BaaaMlb ■« coob-boaaa were unloaded aad takfM i* tha M. Aad early rrlday momlog saw aa eattraly new ontlay of goiTaa soaring In tba air all over a Hre-aere „»»tn«day, nromtply at 10 A, »f., "as adrer- ™ed," the drat parade of tbe season of 1010 •»» ttren,, and what looka to be frtmi all ap- Peerancea a rood abow year Inanctirsted. ■ -^w* b» W..»Tan, genial manaier of tbe aide SS'Sii?:''' !*bbll n, Wtlaoa and H. W. Dmlnn pajMHtatOen. eaterialned tbe mamlng crosrd MB *.IN *t*« ^ban r bad- atarted. Vpm tbe . DtSPLAT KO. 4. taawariadpal rldinc act—Bias Dalor mder: ring tara. Itaada Hoenn on tbe blppednoM Iracfc. In tba air. twos tbe seats and all orcr tbe teat offering alde-sputtlag antlea. beaded by Bd. Allen, principal, witb tbe following: Ed. Rounds, Herman Joseph. Buck Regvr, Oca. Murikby, Knrello. Banr Kenworthy. Paul James, Jerry Alton, Jim Klagcad*. Dan liobu. Kerry Miliar. AI. Sort. Mb Macales. "Shrimp" Nerllle, Roy Barnes, IW BlIlH, Red SweciMy and "EMckles" Erbo. DISPLAT MO. 6. Ring ooe—'Trlts" and "Ontbrle." a real comical elephant, assisted by tbe waiter, a trained pony. Ring two—**Annle," the dining elephant, witb "Babe," tbe pony waitress. BIppodrome track—Bank Linton and Ben Beck- ley'a cowboys in rone throwing contests and lariat twirling, (Inlsbtng witb a reprodnctloa of tba far westers "Pony Bsprcaa." DISPLAT KO. & Berre and nicks, novelty backward drops and eqolllbrlsis: BsdJIbara Satara^ Jap- aacse band-balancer; Otto Wsavie aad Date, band-balancers; - KnrHIo, paatomlmic table act: JIa rolllac globe and Jnggllng. DISPLAT NO. In which tbe dosrns. A number je wlU And a goodl Barteqnins. "Merry Am tanUsilata, etc.. give tbe tbelr Urea. smong whkb lly nnmber of Angnata. idrews." "■ Beollsana, paa- 'blacar* DISPLAT NO. 8. nu^ehaal Waadiw - Kettta' hr mm Delta Cbaa, Bamalt aad B. M. ■ " ~ - *Mnc Tlgbt-wlra acta bgr the Rene Faaally' of dec. ~' lly of «gw: ataaaw A Otto W««*ar aat .tlw Oaaclal to The EvaaarlBe. lad- AfrB a wbM* trawatir. at yaan aw. waa ibat tbroocii tbe bead at the Kenla aad Bow* grooada yea- tetrday aftamnsn at S 0'*dsck by Mia Jeania HaUr. waidiaba keener of tbe we Ing loen. Simpeoo died two hour* later, coofiaatd to bavlnc Bred the fatal abot. Simpson, wbo has a wife and two diUdren. was sccused by his slayer of baring repeatedly peeped tbnogb a hole In tbe woman's tent where they were dressing dnrlng tbe performsiKe. Ura. Malar flred. abe stated, at Slmpaoa's bead and thought ahe waa nslns a blank cart- ridge. Mrs. Malar said: "I was pot in charge of tbe women's drrsslng-roam aad aU day BC and while men betbeicd aa by pnalas tbe di»aala« tniwi teat. Sarcial oC tana whipped away and tkta mm that waa shot waa whipped away aansal tfaaca bat ha ner- alstcd la coatag back aad. aanaytos tba (Iris. Things were thrown at bim and be got angry and tore a bole in tbe lent so be coold see tbe girls dressing. In order to put on tbelr tights the girls have to strip and the tent is beid sacred by all connected with a circus. I Intended to frlgbten blm sway by firing a blank cartridge at him- Tbe clowns hare lit- tle pUtola filled witb blanks and I thonght I had picked np ooe of these." While the managers of tbe circns greatly de- plore tbe act and think that vadcr ao ceadltloa aboold Mrs. Malar have tsacd a l e iu l i e i. yet tbey kaow by ex p e tl eaea bosr amaaaty It la to BACK WITH THE TWO BILLS. PEARL KENNEDY KILLED. a Mabtr of Brotbera Wagon Shows, shot aad killed a yoimc farmer named Smith, at Selmer. Tenn.. Simday April 10. WhDe the sbow was stopping skuic tbe wsyslde to take dinner. Smith appeared In the csmp In a drunken condition and began rais- ing a row. Be made tbreata and left for bla borne nearby, only to return with a sbotgmi. Be opened lire on Kennedy without elfect, when the Islter broogbt him down with a shot la tba eye aad anoiber tbransb tbe body, Kennedy 'a bsoe aad rode to Oa«> Hp anhal In that placa by ralleaMan Caipeatrr. Oupeater shot blm twice, whra be Ml fnn hia horse, dying. Bis death a ttuii ed shortly after. W. T. Kennedy, brother of Rearl Ken- nedy, claims that after tbe aboollng. Peart ex- preastd his Intention of surrendering to tbe Corinth police. Another version of bis flight Is. that feartog violence from the people at Sel- mer. be attempted to escspe to Corinth. AU newspsper sccoonts of the trsgedy tbotoiatbly - ■■'-^ —e that (- the bind by the oOteer. and Is < shooting a Boonevtlle newspsper says: "Ken- nedy was altogether Jostlllrd In killing Smith, bnt the itrobablllly la that Carpenter waa too baody with bla gun In abootlog down Kennedy." It la a pievalling belief (and not wltboat cause) among circns people that Justice la never shown them, therefore 11 can eaally be nadctatood why Kennedy lied from tbe secae ot tba ahaatp Ins. I-«ari Kennedy was weU .liked b^ aO jrta. -- - kaa Wmm te.ttb djidr HONEST BlU. SHOW OiPmSi The Beneat Bm ISW nader Boat tBTorabIa Sa'S87*an%a>nt la new aad ap-to-data turn bwa ta piaBade. Tbe wagons, foarteea la ■aartar. at* dl roller besring, wbleb llsbleaa tka draft over the road. ~ Honest BlU, proprietor sod maiuser: Bewtna. tressnrrr; Y. M. Mitchell. cbM San: C B. Moreteoa. character and spec-' Mtles: Levi Aztl. equilibrist: Ed- Snyder, equestrian dltvctor: C. E- Brown, ventriloquist and comedian: Chas- Rsthbnm. pony bora: Jno. ~ boaa hmtler: Unrry Boilacswortb, : AntTy WTiItchpr. Andy ntn!»oa. prop^^rty OAlKNiR RCTUIMIS TO •POKANE. Tony Belnzman goes Bills' Show aaain tbla eighth year with the will alsa be wttb tba Hell bead wttb the TWO making bin jMiK. Relnzman itlaa. Mr. la the la the PONTIAC WANT S CIRCUS. A dtlsen of roatlic. III., writes Tbe Bni- boaid that tbe people of his town went a dr- ■a adda. &rt an aC lk» *awa that ban Oeneral Agent Baraee' the the condltloaa never wera aa gaod for bnslnesa ss St tbe ntaaa at time. Kr. Oaiaer has coa* at tbe pieaaat time, traded tba exhibltlaa In tbe principal BSftbwest. ROBBIN8' OPENING DATS. Frank A. Babbltta> . _ son at Jersey. Oty. H. J.. A p«n gr._ . tbOac ear. left Mnay CUr. Aptn IS. la cbarta ot eSm. ~' "One of otrr salesmen, while trans- acting business with a prominent New York theatrics] maoacer dnrlng a rehearsal, and no- ticing one of the actors come akipplnic like a school girl down the atairs on to the aUge and reciting a military piece, ventured to aak tbe manairer what part the actor ivpreaented. and waa Infortned that tbe actor was a Britlab major of -cavalry. 'I woaM aavcr haia kaswm It.* aald onr man. 'If yon bad aat tsM BM. wni make a froat of bla part atlth Mat ktad or settas: that la asC tka way a Brlttsh af- Becr waald fa ak-lba atiBr.' Tbe managet sareaaMcallr said: <Ppfhapa yen win show aa- bow be wonld come on tbe ftscer 'So oar salesman, wbo was bcm In India wh ile bla father vraa servinr as a Brttlah army auigeoa. and wbo knew well how a Brttlah nOlcer would act. sscentlrd tbe stairs, and descending slowly ss so Fld%rly man. with legs wide spart. as from constant riding, with a heavy tread, so real, that an onlooker would have Imaelned he beard tbe clanking nf the spurs. "That sir.* said he. 'is tbe way I have seen a British maior of cavalry act.' Tbe manager was so well pleased that he took onr salesman out to lunch, and «■ abaklns bis band good-bye. left ki Ma.