Billboard advertising (Apr 1910)

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APRIL 23, 1910. r n 1 llboar <1 ALICE TEDDY Tb« roller ikmtlu wonder ot the world, a real ItT* elBiM- man b*ir. Alle* akatM Ilk* •07 lad/ or (CsUainan. aiid doM woodertal trtcka oa •katra. Boilii« and wraatlloc rxblblttona: la taomaa In latcl- llceoc*. A DOTcl tDtertalD- iDCDt. ■oowtblBC entirely oat- aM» oC tko ordlaatT. Tba Urt lrt BHiaetlM for rlokt ZDs* ORGANS For Caronaela and Skatlac Blaka. Uan- A. BSXVX. SSO W. 14th St., S»w A rULL NEW LINE Of POST CARDS AND PENNY ARCADE SUPPLIES ..I cvcf. *U-v-.rl...n At i..*.-t rr.-c- »»■*••' ..rt»» iirtti .« ihc I >- thai alw .liilct* *-ur •■rJ.r'.. v"M»p*rle- l*r<'»«|*l -.hti'tHc.*!- All t;.-^!* tMi^f-tntvfJ Wr.t J -r ^tjl.-i .111.! IV-.i I i-I EXHIBIT SUPPLY CO. 35a-36« OtAHOOBN STRttT CMlCAOO Ibvelties, Fancy Goods and Jewelry FOB MOVlNfi PICTUBE SHOWS. , Mas. TUkw MMm Wockara, lUB OMcr Men aBd Jcwdcia. •tc. lhaa aar attar catalago* iaaaed. Bnry- tunc saw ia teal NoTdUca. Camlral Oooda. Jemrr, Watelw*. SIlTenrua, Cntlerr. Optical Oooda, etc. By aatlafylsx na that yoQ arc a legttlraate dealer. a> we want to ke«p thta twok oat at tbe conauBera* bacda. and aendlns In yoor perma- neat addreai, we wlU b« pleaaed to aend raa tbia book (nc tadte U t»4a7.. Xa> caa fct tba Cnataal. T9m u BSU, ni., IS-lft-lT. IMO. OBOHOB Taia«T.ini. 8«ey. Attraatiaaa. GAS MANTLES BKIOHT UGHT »4.T3 per hnndred; J3.75 per hosdivd: »«.73 per bond r ed. Shipped to any part of the coantrr. S?? TOUE UOBT amrVT OO., Xfm.. it K*tb St.. PUtaMfUa. Pa., V. B. A. WANTED To complete TIaaey'a Band with Greater Nof^ rla A Bo we Sbowi. REAL CIRCtTS MUSICIANS: cornet, baritone, bi>i and trombone. Addreaa <X S, XnniET, Caatm City, Xj., April U; Ml LoaisTlll*, M-U.M. PHOTOS l<» 8»»8H. «2.W per 100. ■ • "- ~ * •* roat Carda, »2,B0 per 100. 1 any ptMtoerapb. Sample doien et a, ha awlea aad catalm* tor — OO. WAHTZD, 70B THS BLOHOIV- IBOW, Moat be able to join on wire. Ticket* It known. Bootnette wltii apcclalty; wofnan for jBTcnUa weatcra lead with apeclalty. 2-cnr abow; narcr elueaa year ronnd; one nlsbt atanda, ander eao- eaa. Uallnlted eosaseiMnt to ilnt aaTtlae N* taacy aalarlee. MaaldaBa wflM Jmamt, b. aai •.; conet or dariaaat. * — lla: troabooa, b. aad o.; trap dn doaed witheat Bottee. It yea have written, write anln. Addreea LZO BIAHSZV, Boat*: OalllaaeUla. Tea.. April U; St. Joe, M; Hor- •eaa, M; w'-r*'**- ni Biidaepert, St; Oiaham, M; JaehaberB, SO; GiaadSaU. May i. AT LIBERTY Trap Drummer, Tuba, Slide Trombone and Baritone Fugren (eoloied), for travel- ing. Can play Vaudeville or (Sicus. Drummer and oaritone can thwfala in oiv cbestra. Address Bishop WhKmon^ 23 S. Sixth Street, Ft. Smith, Arlc s 5.O0 Per Carat » «■« M that *r>M •! W ' > O U 1 r arm SfM^tit Wh,t* -lMcb ■ mmmd. Ii •» ilM i ■ ill/ M kM4 Ifl* c.o.a WM. many. WANTED A 6000 BEACH AnRAGTION I hate a ceatrallr located place «a Korth Beach. A. KO^WAV. HB Mk Aee., L. L City. B. T. Wanted—Good Talker! To make openlo^ for Deoers Dos and ^117 Sttow. with tbe J. Fnok Hmtcb Sbom. openlac Tuiicumtii*. All.. April 3(J. Addrtiss New Al' buj, IdJ., until A^rli 24. CARS FOR SALE! Two ao-tt. Bacsase Cara; one as-tt. Combina- tion Car; one 80-ft. Bound Top with SO-ft. m. p.; one 40i«0-ft. Tent. Addrcaa t. J. " aw<tw Paaa Aea., Pittabaz^ Pa. For Salo—Moving fieturo Thoatro In SouUera Ohio diy of 40.000. BatabUated over S years. Sunday aoowa allowed. Kvery- Uuns dnit-claia. Uamer leaTlac cit y.. W ill aeU at a aacrUce. Addrcaa MViHd txdVUli 0P> MkXUVU.Y. ease BUlboaid. Ciartaaati. O. When In New York, VhR C. SCHULZ'S RESTAURANT Table de Bote IHnaar SOc 124 Weat Sttli St^ between 7tb Ave. aad B'way. MfaBtid-Ganiiiral Gonipaoies! Pa., BlicBien'a Camleal; Jane JtM. >i. McCBKAKX, Soath dates pcefctted. abaroa, t%. «;et rid of tbe old Jnak; set tba new ooe. Uaka It joimvix. Coat about at to make. Will so aaywuvre. S<-ua 75c for toU laConaatlo^ XliB 1I&W 1I>£A, luia w. ~ IB WaaUastoB Park. ^ a. eau.uiw. SOOTS 00., ^iahisaa Ctty. lad. HUTTON-BAILEY STOCK CO. (mnSB OABVAS). Want aetora u aU Unce wbo do apecialtlea or doable la band. State loweat aalary aad par- tlcolaiB In Orat letter. Tbia coaaiiaBy la IB Ita UOUt week wlUwot doalnc. AdMM ~ Green, Ky.. week atartlnc AprU IT hLy., week atartins April 33, WABTED—To book attractlooa of all klnda for third annual meet of tbe Cape Oiraideau County Home Comera' Aaan, at Jaekaon, Mo., Aus. 3V- 2T-28, lltlO. Will make aabataaUal cuaraatee to Otat-claaa eatalral camaaay. W e al waya baw tt a ^ aoSy. .llhiiT M. «tIM&. (ood Dramatic Bbow. with tent, WABTED—For BlUta Boocbton'a Oierlaod week ot Ausuat IS; Fair Werk. Show to Show. Canvanmen, P o a e Canraaman and Cook, op-town; opera hou«« bcrnf^J, Show can do I Small wtitoti show; week atanda. Snap for rlckt a biK binicfu. Writ? A. r. RXm, Howird, I I.^-'rrst Or.t letter. No wlrr-s. BILUS Htenley Rpller Skates Henley Raciii^ Skates XazL BOtrOHTON, Cn:oiterU3. I=d. BOND FOR CHALLENGES TiM nilboard will m«i print ehailMigM. •Ithar In Its n«w« or advertising eolumns, unless suitable bond or forfait tor appearance Is named and proof of the :t)f amount aeeempanloa ahallanga. THE BILLiOJUID PUB^ OO. br ipeed akatera ercTywhere, and are aleo for IndlTldnal oae, where the flneat maipMa akate la tba ouxket la FOEjO eOODS Bead far Skate 0„ OOdal Foio Oalda. MoCHENLEr, The New Balto. Flyer Write for owr Rink Managers' Sample Pair PropositioiL. THE SKATE WITHOUT ARIVET Balto. Skate Mfii..Go. Baltimore. lU. tiSvfacilU OVER 1.000 IN USE. Slaes. ; Compaalea. Daaea Bnllden. eietyabace. ^ «■ Ibe only correct prtnelpla. QoataaMed to be tba BEST machine witb wblch te p to d ae e aa eeen. aaxwlb aurface oo any kind of wood floor, old or new. bard or aoft. Will anrfac from 5,000 to 7.000 aq. ft., once orcr la 8 boms. Two or fear times orer wUI make It. t aaS laagL Send for onr FREE TBBb ; ' X. L I03-10S a: Oaaal Professional Roller Skaters' •re ASSOOATION ban a natibiS a^ta efltr bkatlM la iddTaea All the Stars of the Skatmg WfNrld Miss MINNIE CUMBDNGS A eri ■"■•^ ^ ^^1. MlbXSll^SNS! JACK FOTOH A aCCSIK FIMMH TOYUIND DAnmr co^Ainnr lamb TUX JUVUILX WOBSXB, In Artlatle and Oraeefal Paaey aad Tttck Skatlsc, preeentlnc maay new. edstaal feata. AddrM. RICHABOSOH SKATB CO.. 501 WaUa Bt. CtLl<a<i>, m. H. A.SIMMO^ Gieataat Uvlac eznoaeBt ot tbe ait o( Pattaai»- Saparlor Arttatle Trtefc aad Flcoi* Skatlac —A*, aoalahtna Stltt SkaUac—Manalou Skatlaa oa joy *!f!SL The ealy laal FANCT aKATUTo aPB- MISS AOEUIDE E D'VORAK VAN nANK of n-lw. Toe Orol. Bkali n^Btra. Ooaet oif Death o. t.lBch . Hiab aad Broad Jamplac. Hew aaJ a i »u <ala Spaelaltlaa on BoUaia. Paniahlaa mr otb ~ r'nT*-. Blaka aad YaaderUlaa ■iie. IMiaaa. SB K. WiaM.itaa BEBTHA DOTJD MAOX The Oa tbe comedy. Act aclslBal Beaatlfnlly eeatamad. State St.. Seam Talla, M. crtstaal Aaaa Held jif l a i SbaSa v. reatBlBc Back aad Wlas aad aS T. THE TTATtRAWa FtaeeatlBC tbak lataat aanaa R I N K L A N D WKb Special 8 f T- ON THE mTBBrBBATB OlBOOIg MISS aRACIE AYES QOBKB or TBM Hiea BOf.T.BBB, WeetaHM bar Olaak S wtth • la. wbeela. dotaa •-■-V -xA isaesns tiuTiUB ui-nupioaF smBi 'WhjaotgBtfliebertr SOSKAN a Studios. Chleaiio. Mala Oflle*, LAHDIS CO..twofraatsea 4I7*4IO S. diatom St. Bit. 1875. tn><