Billboard advertising (Apr 1910)

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44 Tlie Billboard viyiA ooonini yim^ •Otr »OH«r wjMi K to tkdr pamta w«n tar tbem. bat.faa m on tlw tamt, aad iMuuvM UVHK n wean tOMg mt^Jim an — — w» iiiii^i, -xaM-*: aii'ctebt tar tbem. bat.faa an on tlw ataaa, aad^oa can not do tUagt «talek oUwr gttia on." I tblnk KHiie one once called ICaiida A.i.m« "The Uttle Nan on the StSEC." Beallx. tbat la true ;oaT boon are different from tbe nat of tbe world, bat —— — —"— •■ almost aa . cooTent. • It no salary'. , Wbat is true of the older people Is btco mote .tme of the cliIldreD. Only tbe children of tbe pend en tbelr tMUxmT^ ^r^-^^ SnoetlnMa a cbOd li" nlitaliaifl lifh a ii^^aa ■ ttaroogb aa agency. Tbta'ADd max ^^S^ poor or lower mlddta-dan BaiMtZ^naonattr tbej; are placed In tbe care of aoo oC ttataSia la the company. Tbe cbDd la iauacdlaMr mate '^«* tha wiSdS t.„\ "f ''■?"iv l>"P««' e«ie for her ba£ nalla. and aU the Tarlons thlnss which aStJ make np tbe bydenlc reBlme reipured by a ggy. «?«ard for oiie-s health. Their diet U MJUMM aad they can sleep from twelve a. m. ■I^m ton p. m.. If they require It. Cabbas* Fatcb. then b a ftmlly of seycn chfld- rn -aiia a mother. Tbe fatber Is an Invalid, me jJIMren'a ar.-a nan ftoa flmr to nineteen: neither parent vaa Ml iha ■laiai 1 faave known two of the older « W»%MiJ agjte ftS^ they haTlng been miinqiiin iif Ini oomnaiv for that length of timet. w«i»ipBay ror The youoKer children were babies at the time I Joined this company. TMnk what the salary Che.older glrla sent home meant to that mother left with practically three babies on her haads.' Suppose the mother bad been able to leave Uie babl» and gone out to work. She might have Mmed aa mneb aa seven dollars a week. Or. If tta <dder stela bad attempted to earn a Uvlng JU?*' BO«en dve doUus .^-s— .hara meant leaving the children ■ 2- .LS^'^.^i'ff"!'*- .4H5'^ ''»'^1»« hoot*. Bay DUB eiait:<t».alx,. Xbn- mold probably have been dlQ«a«:j«» iplavftt'-^ NewTork •treetai wbSTtR* aiaStlSSi^'^w .^Sb higher and mare-cnltored tkas ttat'oC a dramatic company? On. the resoiuccs-whlA tber coaM commmd they would be leqolred to live In a- cheap nat In an Inferior netghborbaad. It woold ?°««n^foor people working eight bonis a day Itt order to,earn 922.00 a week. Uebler * Co. My the baby, aged four years, twenty-are dol- IS" "Jfwk, for which be. speaks two lines. In Sl!r**^*I ^OMii't er™ walk, bat la carried rtoM^^Tet these people say tbb child most not ..i^^-^'^^^'^Py I* altosethtT. wen paid. ZSb ^ liT:^ ggbed. . and nnder their ■ ■imtt^.ean. Bat-abe also reSelres a aalsiy :te<^Wtte acn ehlUren. .. ; «i3S2!^^-Sa5* *^ ^ oJSSt&^'^!"**^**»«««'. ' • ''^S*^ *oa>a of .than coaidTaea tbe^amoaat of ^{£r^ these-.tou win from and £a« S Xfa Ma membera of the company. thaBBMSH .Immilsrs they engender. EveoT tbe AabMsM mis woold make an effort to respond to -tbe love and trust of one of these Uttleooa. ^TL"."- ' latended to brleSy exonss altboagfa I feel I could. I wax so M^mTm tbe Interference who sboold look WIrti' mMui tatj act once In sneh a matter. • ;■ ■ . Slacerplv. ■■' . ■ - Nimf Ydmc THMj^nui^ ' ^ to tbe lady patnna oC thr haoM; ^Tha ataga wtUnc waa gotgeona. BUly a. CUflbrd, in bla new goigli laat and aocka, looked like tha .MBh UdL BUr had a haid time' ot It ttytw to set the audience.--to'alas Us choma sens. Aa hard as be tried,- they would not sing "Obi Obi Otal" so Bill went off^ "Oht Oh! Obl" Clark and Hamilton were beld over from last week, still proved an enonnoos hit, and responded to several curtain calls. .. .Fields.and Lewis. In A Mlsety of a Hansom Cab, kept tbe audience In a roar. I tblnk AI. Fields bas lost bis voice ot else licwls found It. Next to cloalns, they beU tbair own, taklns three encORS. Cordna and Mand, eqoUlbrlsts eztnmdlnaiy, ptcsentad some novel feats on tbe win. Ttif went Ms. Pictures closed tbe aboir. _ .'.r;'' - COLONIAI. .XHBATRB. Ur. Henry B. Olser pnaented a one-act play, by Clay U. Giaen, entitled Over a Welsh Kare- blt. iMiili a tr Wnk'B. Hack, who portrayn tha chancter nf Dade Olck. JlE, Dlzer Imper- Booatea DMa- Xan. Ur. msaj noetvad «alte #•'.««. tbe bin, enter- —t.lMthoat a doDbt the bii..—Ai55S5r£S£^":':^.3^^ " Snlsb. She tass sacb a ^— Unde _ . . lira. after argolog the mattir, tbajr ddtt Intn who has tbe best son. ' In the mrantlmt. all thtongb the act. nnde Ttan la ciwtlin a nre- btt. Finally they are so Intciestcd tbat be for- S«ts about It and the rareUt la apotled,' wbteb created a- big laugh and a tnmnltnODB lomid ot spplaoae followed. Several eartain calla were D«^e8sary to subdue the- appiedatloa of the CoIODlal patrons. The Msrveloos Fsys appeared at tbe Colo- Dlal for the first time this season, la their -won- dertol work of Thanmsturgy. Mlsa Flay held the stsge (or over twenty-ave mlnntes, answer- ing different qhestlons; and the'audience were all amazed. The act kept tbem guessing and wondering how It could . be done. The Fays convinced all of their popnlarlty.- Maode Raymond ottered a budget i of new. up-to-date material, which absolutely - proved that Miss Rsymond la -vccntHe In every re- spect, and certainly won taror with the aud- ience at once. Ulss Baymond, at tbe mat- inee, made such a hit that she sinned ,On ■bow and had to respond agala' aad agll^ttfi her entire, repertoire was exhaoated. - ' / The Dixie Serenaders, a ttiMQe "of cduied entertainers, comprised of four men, and two pretty Creole girls, opened the abOW.' ad bad' the audience with tbem rlgbi. tht atert. Tbe singing and dancing dered were very-- pleasing. •tlSB ■ Ballo' Blanebe, in her wdl Ubed. cnedaUy.tba Saai her. Mot. Xao^.Tso^ alao tb* Jamm T. ■OBO. - Tbe qwelal aceacQr. p: of aoytlaa laada and effeci Har ihaiplni. dfart dl wMcb helps, her a great «Mt-lB-.^ Mt.: ~' T> AM'.alMlBn flna Snyder aad Boeklar. appeared' asaia In " before. . ITwiftlmfig tta aat waa a ale ■Tba Wt of tbe bill. Monday afternoon., -waa tte one-act playlet,' The Operator, by I^ter Cumbers and Alice Weeks. The railroad trsln effects could hare been better. The set proved a success, and responded to seven curtain calls Mr. liyster shoold talk a little plainer In the opening of the act. Fred W- Bowets opened after the Internist "'on- to a noisy house, but It did not take long tm Bowers hsd tbem going, and with his special settings- the songs he sang went big. especlaUy Tba Ugfat of the SOvetr Moon. Bowers does certainly show his sppredatloo for tha ap- plause he gets. ^Mtaa Amelia Bingbam. with a cast of nine people, presented her own Ideas. Blir Moments ofOreat Plays. After sn ovation -which lasted aareral mlnntes. Miss Bingham pteseoted Ma- ■—n Bans Cene. La Tosca. A School-for Hns- naan. an of which were preeented In a Stst- ejMB manner, with the aasiatance of her cast. Miss Bingbam appcand. A-a~fendaann-JUb> bhie gown, -wbleh arna a ■tmnai_ imM rn^SS witty quite a bit.- alaa-'the ated.woeh.-Ianstater. : Oillt~Iuid> qolte a'^tlme trying to get tbe. oraocea tbiowtt from tbe gallery .onto tbe fork be bdd In •his month, bat Anally be made good, and, oh. wbat a spUsb. Exposltloa Four. Alexander Brothers 'and Brady, musical experts, are wltbont a doubt one of tbe best musical sets seen at this house In some time. The colored comedians' comedy Is very good, snd It Is not overdone aa often the case Is In tbelr line of work. 'Some very good selections were rendered, snd the singing nnmbers were line. Hie act is dressed very swell, and the different changes In costumes were gorgeous, espedany the Dear Old Moon- Ugbt nimiber. . The act went very big. . Oansb Slaten, aeaaatlODal acrobatte pcrfocm- era. abowad aana mamlaBa tanta In IMa Una af work, dartvthn-ifeMK*'Sbn act^was -wdl n- eelved. HAMMEBSTEIN'S 'VICTOBIA. Rio opened the show with a clever ring act, which pleased. McDevitt and Kelly, tbose sweet singers and dancers, abowed aome splendid work, aad were well received, capedal^ the dUCatant valka wbleh were Intiodoeed .while dandng. 'Ward. XIan aaA.Wiid^ tm llia.Twfm flats. ited a good Una of talk latest hits of tbe day. 'Winard Hfmnia. la' >1lBdai*a Flata. aaslatad by Miss Edith Caatad. acorn to atffl hM forth their preattoe with tta Ttetaria' andlenea. Xr. SImms* bowe a qn e on dUfetcnt typea of cboraa girls was vieir fnnny. Tba act. went Ug. eloa- ing the fltat half of the bD. Following the intermission. Stsnley sod Mor- ris. tbcm« snappy entertslners, sppesred. Mi^s 3IorrlB appears alone, singing from copy, while staging she Is Intemipted by s water boy. who is serving water throngh tbe andlence. After some cross-fire tslk, tbe water boy takes the stage, wblcb was qalte a snrprlae. Stanley spsnng on the crowd Xjsddle Cliff Imperson- ations, wblcb received quite a ronnd of ap^ planae, as it was one of the beat impersona- tions Mr. Stanlry olCarad. "iflaa Ibrtla sang Too'll Come Back with an irwHant TDlea. Tbe act went Tcty well. '^-^ . ..... NOTOETOw^^ERaiSERS We find it necessary to again announce that adveitisemenls intended for pablicatioa in The Billboatd of succeeding issues most reach the puMicatibn ctfcM Brtt toar jha =10 the dale of issue. THE ffliJBOARD PUBLISHING CO. _ Tbe ai hit, - . . 2 l/ew DoAatader iccclvad 4|MH|e> ovation Be opened srltb tbe popular ■im^Kma Mom lag After tbe Night Before., -'after .which ^be offend a monologue of some. bright material, which' was right np to the local tlmca. aad was well received. Tbe Qnartette eral sood mml encocea. Tbe net gray tuxedos. KEITH AND PROCTOB'S. FITIH ATBNtlE. The Robert Demont Troupe opened the "bow. and cerulnly deserved a better position. Tbelr aenibatle abauidlty. Hotel Turnover, seemed to please Immensely, especlslly the closing ot the act. which brought outbursts of applsore snd langbto^—one of the boys spinning like a pinwheel on one knee, while his partners did some great tombllng. Boby Baymond snd Co.. In Street Urchins at the Amateur Contest, beld tbelr own, but had a -bard time dancing tbelr favor to tbp audience, as the prerioos act constated tfome- whst of tbe ssme nsture, but their work wss weD appreciated. jamea Ddan sod Ids Lenhsrr presented their newest Isugh-msker, Nearly a Mind Reader. 1 might say It Is a burlesque on Hie Fays. Tbe set wss well received. John Neff snd Carrie Star. In their musical olfellag. proved themselves to be versatile en- tcrtalaeta. and went very big. W. C Fields, the funny juggler, kept the audience la a roar from tbe time be stepped oo the stage till be tripped off with the cigar boxes.. In bis incomparable offering. Iteno Franklin and Burt Gn>en proved their offerlog was beyond a donbt tbe bit of tbe bin. Miss Franklin Introduced several new nnmbers In tbe act, her latest success. Tclala of a Chorus Lady, and It went like wllddre. She also sang I've Got tbe Mumps, and poor Bart had to sit st the pisno with a Mg boll on his neck, and a bandage wound reond It. He looked like a cripple. «r lather like the fel- low wltfa a B|iC-aeefc tbat -want to aee the bal- loon aai I iMm "ThiiT ia»poni«d-tn arreral cur- tain llnrtai^the'^bSnb West' to' doalng. wm Bagera, with Ma bron- Ao. (Proved hia. sfcOI as a lane thtowar. and ^« -woaderfnl exhibition of Oe cosrboys' SPECIAli NOTES. ..TambI .Victoria, hsving Just returned from " " side, opens on the Orphenm Clrcnlt .CttF..Apra IT.. Witt a.trpnk fnU ot k' !sakt ,«iavi»;<aB 'ttt. tha Ooaat. The Stanton Brotbera bad to cancel aU their booking, owlns to the Illness of tbelr mother. Mr. Staatoa. tbe fatber; has beer telegraphed .for, and left Cbleaso Immediately, to coaw tb New Task, aa lUai jMaitan la nan low, while thia la galas I* ■Billy Hnehn formerly Moaicsl Huehn, Is IdentUed with the Tsndevine deiiartment of Tbe Binboard. Kew Zarfc aOee.. Be wlU he glad to hear tNm .aa Ui MMia and aasod- atea. Aay aewtf Itcma wlll BMlF 'he neelred. SOUVENIRS NoT«ltlea mud Spsdaltlea ior Fata*. Carnivals. Nlckelodeooas notwa Showa and etc We carry a Tary la^e assorted stock and can maka selections from SZ.OO to $20.00 per ^ross or yon can select froai tha cat* lo^ne at any avera|ta-e<Ml 'to Mlt year purpose. . _ isnt of kalte ■■aid KBhaa want ot the Mlaalsilnit Rlrsr. Om pclaaa are ahaa lBt a h r rock bottom. 'Wo alaa aanrs fUI Itao or Ptreetmea'a Oooda. Oand- Tat iCaTalllaa and goods for falm. Wo are the cUcat B U ae Uu sn'a ani>ply bonaa la tba Halted ■tataa and ban thsnmnda ot satlsflsd mat am ii s; wa can aatlal^ yon and wantyov hnslaaaa. Or- day aa lacolia^ COE. YQNGE A. CO.. NiBlk -mmM hmmm Av*« - ST. LODIS. c H 100 5-ct. Packages, 75 cts. G Jnat' tba thins Oar Caady Whcde, .'W-U Ban Oamaai Babj. Backs, Pni np es- ■ M padally Cor Fhln, -Caralvals. Orders N tar IS bona aoly. VSOORAX XFO. OQu' Baz at. Wabawfcan, If, J. KOaXT-IUXBBS New, the Uasle Typo, «100: «:itiit only $10. Magic iysi>d, il: new ip.MbI* Portone Pspcrs, 2ac per 100. Mew Invl«!:>le Pboioa, 3Se per lUO. 1910 Boroscopea. $2.00 per lOOC Sand f«r illustrated clrcoIaiB at SMT- " " ttrller'a suppIJes. T. A9 Bomervilla. Mass, FOUNTAIN PEMS and 'Fending Cards. Hake |B0 weekly and ex- penaes hsnrfllng tbem. Tina aids lla e fo r abow Ofople. sxents. snd dmmmeea. wy I'l'y VOT- BtTX Oa. MI Baaana - - — Don't Gc^t^^a Etaiilw If joa want tP aonaader suaey la execblUnt electric bUla, BCT If yon are 00 tha JOB for all there is In it, TALK TO MB. Ask abont my Fllckerleas M. P, mschlne, 4,000 e, p. src 1 s m p a. BI.BCIBA Pink L.sbal spot hanst faaa, too cablea. le colored sooo nne a ' - ment Slldaa. aad all klada aC aiP> pBea. WlMn-W nuca Cat*BH No. 16. J.I IttUEM. lEW TORI. LIGHTS! PRIMO Show Lights Tba latert and eireuaes, aU 1 ahowB, camiTal aioog and atieet —^rbouaands in uae with tbe best ahowa. etc. in the country—Perfect lights for vafioua prices that -will suit e-veryoae. Write at once far new eatalogua, now ready. PRIMO LIGHTS H«wa flta bI — a nil lapatati o o WINDHORST: A. CO., ttt^.M^.^ttiWMalkv ■ tin -b«w« -Mihi. la the (act that wa an OPERA CHAIRS In America. Baaattfal deatna. perfect 00a- stroetkm. aoperb Bnlsa aad 3or prlrea ate an higher than those asked by corapetllora tag iK; terlor chairs. Wa have been 8b years at-tt mt wa know how to mak* •>-*ra chairs. .2.000 VENEER CHAIRS alsraya la atoek fcr t-maedlata ablpaeat (a* aaa in liSTlBg Picture Tbaaiiaa. It la battw ts ha anra than to be sort, aad Is hnrlSB tam an yon ars EUBB. Wrlta aad ha caanaead. IMPERIAL SEATING CO.. 1347 State Street. CHICAGO Motiia li6ty[8S ■ or- JACK JonnoB BUly Paake Temny Saras JAICES J. JXIT&IBS Stanley Katahsl Tom Bhaikay Kid Haman 7oa Oana Onaasr Kslr Jea Palmar Tonng Oorhstt Tsixy XoOorara Kid Bharkay Touug Doiity nJLXK OOTOR. OBO, KAOZZnORJQOT ZK TBZIB OHAXPIOBBHIP OOXTZITB. Writ<> (or low rental tams. mcHiciin FiciHT picture co. SI CtapkS*^ .. .CHICAOO. ILL. Take-up Troublini Terminated Bzcbaogts, BzhlMtan and M. P. Opsratora afll do web to eomanaicata with aa NOVT. WOODWORTH & CO.. 907 WelU Street, Chicago, ID. WANTED TO BUT Spiral Tower OlT« fall descrlntloD and lowest nrica ta Bnt letter. E, B. 1CATTHBW8, Lake City, Klnn. tt ion aaa tt is Xhe Bnihaaid. taB tiaa aa.