Billboard advertising (Apr 1910)

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Ttie Btllboarcl APRIL ao^ i»ia A NEW AMERICAN FARCE The Lady fiom Jack's Pioduced at AlleatowD, Pa.—Play is Similar to -Jack's*--styled-an Amsrican . Ik four acts, waa Kiren Ita premiere DRacntstlaa at tbe Lorrlc Tbeatre, AUeutown. Pa^ liatoidar erealns, April 16, to a good- ■Ind ' andlCDce. It yerj modi naemblc* The ; Girl ^rom Beetor*! and -. aUo baa a leiiiblaiiee of Boae Stahl'a Glioma Ladjr. The piece be- loDss to that achool of shows of which - the paWe Is fnllj aware what they arc laTlns . OOWB thdr mooej for when patzoolzliv aocb an . CBtcrtaiament. Panl M. Pottir, the aatbor, few ban Tcty proUde In bla fonner wzltlnEii oA tfels wt&.V» •Oarta aeea dcMtaad to canble wietr ea iloon cnaya tba Almonte. DlTtns Teana, of tba whose paicBta are prapcIetacB - oC xar's educated antniala Shaiiac her la Or. Stayrcaant De Vnosb wltk t wfUi the piece needs tt'lm ttHHr a aalacloos farce. llortoB'Sdtea 'prored Umsrlf capable while Sam Cbllina also sbarrd baiors. Tb^ are •ereral sood altnatlona In the show. Thomas. W. Byley, of Floredora repataUon. Is sponsor fur the show. It played HarrlBbnrtc. Ps.. with Wssblnston, D. C, and PblladelpbU. Pa., to tiiUmt. It's quite certain that the an fhwniar with Bobenlav Eba IjMr Roa Jack's. maA In tbe —llfrr towBi; TUB CABT. Jtaiqr Almonte, the Lady nam .Jack'* . Btaj i eaa nt Dc Tj B. Koore Iten Gnnalnc Blossom, his friend, >••>•. Blllie UootcomeiT IMcto Oe Tynne. hla wife Grace Goodhall Wtaa. farr Swedish maid Dorothea Sadller .IMly RlbUe, friend of Dn:cle...TloIet -Seaton Pelcr Jolex. ancle of Stnyresant. .WUton Taylor Fred, a German waiter Sam n^li ti^y Toas Belshaazar, father of Jenny....r John Daly .Hnrpby Hadame BeUiazsar. her mother UlUn Diz The BelahaBar Children— ' Minnie .....Zyllabh Shannon OUrenr* - .....Edith Mendoca 1 IfcGIaty. the Bdahanar maid • *>...........BOle Lawrence laa, a masmetadn .Abbott Adama 1 ar TIrclnta........;.AIlen Ftweett New Kll Hib Ticket Speculators Albany. N. T.. April 23 (Special to-The BlU- tioard).—AssemMyman Hoey has Intmdnced a bin to recniate the sale of theatre tickets on the streets of New York City. The bin pots license for ticket vending np so hi^b tbat It would practically put the trafflc oot of boai- ness. Uceoslne Is to l>e by- the aiayor upon ^PVment of a fee-of <S00 for the flirt- rear and •800 anniully for eacb renetral. Appllcanta mnst be citlaens of the United States who bare resided wftMn the State for five years. The Vayor grants the license oo proof that the appUeaiit is a pecson at jpioa moral character. .'^jUlcr waltiair Cnr bla answer aince Msreb 3u - ■Met WlBtknv Ctaaatar, asniioaaln clubman V^a^ 4^ra1lMl.-vfen';AaiaidtaAa -piaHlnrt to KOd ber anawer to Ui ■fspsMI aa^laiB'.lK. It came In this cable aeSMCs toaai^ndK ad- dresaed to Chanler. • '■."' ■ ' "I will accept yonr pnpoaltlat'«■' coBdItloo It happen on my return to Kew Yock next sea- son." . ^ tbteOanl^aent tbetoltoartaB awir: ■ "v.: liiUnKtoD. aiia^'-''^1latif ' Bbsnnon vksa decided npan':aa''«Baiiiv aad dadns dateo . ar Hs Tartona attncMoaa. ' Bla Baidcer's Child ' Company- win dose April 30. His under canras oatllt. named Shannon Bro«.' Ble Tent Bhoir. oocns In Ladlnston. Mich.. Uay 21. Mrs. Harry Shannon and Miss Hsxel Shannon wtU spend their'summer In lAidln^on. after cIoalnK their nndeVnie tour with Shannon's OriKiial Four. May 8. The tour wlU be resumed In September. CHANGE OF MANAGEMENT. Carthase. Mo.. April 2?».—Chas. If. Turner has leased the Grand Opera Bocae, this dty, for tke -eomlD^ aeasoo. and win-alio manace It. S. Brlsbsm, of Kanaas City, has been the lessee heretofore, snd Archie Blnicham baa been mas. ager. Mr. Turner Is eootemplatlBir twii^ Tanderllle, cbaajtins once a week. Tha'Inle Alrdame is ladDdaa la tb.' ~ Col. Carroll, of CarcoUtoa Ut. Johnaon, a Partridge, hotal S'-ctetarles of Lord Tomnoildy Hod. Hasblmura Tea...* Of the Mnstcal Birdie de r' at Bildceborl.. *.«......Abbott Adams ,...Wm. W. Black Joe Ooffman Niw^m^^ PtTTSBURG. bare raWHOK Hia ptopoa e d encaiesneiit iC. tk* Hew Theatre CnoniaBy Id P lttaliu r^^Mfc. ■■::l>aTis. nunaffrr. at. the NIzon Tbeatre. atiMC^JPat a renertnfre of Sbakeapearian and ACTORS' FUND BENEFITS Quera City Does Not Make as Good Showing as Other Cities—St. - Cincinnati did not contribute .aa.llberaUy aa the cause deacrred for the audience on band to wltnesa the performance of Tolunteera for toe Actors* Fund beoeflt was not of Tery large proportioss. The show was glren at Ihe Grand Opera House, Thursday afternoon, April 31. The entertalnmrnt was opened with The Boys In Blue, followed by Sam Stem, Kolllna and hla Baalo Giila, tbe third act (tem Anaaa Lupin JACK OKVKRkAUX Apprarlog In Tbe Spendthrift. Theatrical Manager Helps Performar FkUaddpUa. Pa., A»ril SSl In Toar paper to' this eSket: Wbilc wgrUac at the Cohnla] Tbeatre. Philadelphia. I met with an aeddCBt to av arm and had to be tafcca to tb* boapltal.' Tks manager, Mr, Wolf, not only ■air that I aot tbe b?st treatment, bnt also paid ne a ftdl week'a aalary. I UiUik a manager tbat will do this Is worthy of mention, and i would be rerr Badl phased If joa would insert a Uttle Dotlea abeot it I ecpact to (o to work in a week. -: .^'Sfi,}:;'yp^'^^^\[.Ttmm respectfnlly, Negroes of Virginia Building A^^T^ It bas been tnooaoeed tbat Rlcbmond, Ta., negroes will sooo erect, st s cost of 130.000. probably tbe ooly theatre owned by negroee la tbe Boatb. Tbe plan originated witb tb« atop- eyed element among tbe colored people. For some time Ihe negroes ba«« csataaaplatad tbia more. ThODgb tbeta. an.-Mi^M SMP tw Be- groes In the tbeatrca feanw ntr'aM'MiMlMd to sit In tbe gallcTlea. ■ Tbe seating capacity of the theatre Is to be aboat 1,000 peraoas. It will alto bare box« Kobert Knmy. antstant tnana«er aad W. Btaete.-aleetriciaa of the Grand Opera " , abroad tana aaw Tart Rarry Tempest. JUid_Sunsblne T^Io, Bamardl, Dodtl. Oeorge Mann, J. i'almer Oolliaa and Bert MUbum. Tbe use of tbe Grand Opera Hooae was dooatrd and the orchestra, under Cbaa. Melber alio TolDoteered. Kd. Kelly was ataga manager, asd John Tbelaea, aaatac a( AT ST. LOUIS. Four hours were TOlnnteer acu had "goae «a" at Paad bcneflt performance, given at tha < Theatre, April 30. The audience waa oae, ditto In the matter of receipt^ reached a total of nearly (2.000. Included In the list of volunieers was Fran- cea Starr, who Instesd of putting on an act from Tbe Easiest Way, beadtKl the cootlDgeat of flon-er girla. and with the aaslatance of ber sister. Mrs. Lena Cladwell and a bandaome ar- ray of young society Isdies, succeeded in rata- log nearly 1150 for the exchequer of .tbe foad. TTie compaoy from tbe Imperial Theatlo third act tnm A I«ekx Star. The Baraoaioaa Quartet, ia a b u d ge t of awlodles. and John B. Toaac and Oompaay, In the entire aeeoad act fkaai The Money and tbe Girt, BALTIMOBE IN LINE. The Baltimore Actors' Fund benedt perfOm- aace waa glrea at Pbrf a Oiwra ^' ' gj^ ^'^gjl giTca I^ISalllawaa Mat tkia la tha SMt la which the actar waa fke bcaeMaiT. MIKXBAPOUS, TOO. btac*t Cor A large andleace attended tbe the Actoea' Faad. glren April 91. at roaalitaa Opera House. AttraetU the kcal plajiaaata participated. . Tbe bin presented at tbe NUoo Tfceatre, PlttaborK, Pa., for tlie Iienrflt of tbe Fair Fund, waa one of tlie moat brilliant ever Barry Darla said: "If tbat bill wet< In a regular TaodeTlUe tbeatre it tbe aaaaager $30,000." tka The Ongjud^; . ^-'-'-RLittle Eva iU jMM liiii IMCB a great deal aC caali -ttaaartaat AmmUcm coaccnias wha an •flcat ~U»a» mm" at Oade ThsIs Caaw. I dcahc, tktoegh yoor ralaabla . . which la now considered the world's greatast amusement suthority, to state tbe true atoty as told tbe writer. Tbe original Little Bra of Uncle Tom's Cabla realdes In Cambridge, Mass., bale aod hearty at the age of 82. Mrs. Cordelia McDonald, who claims tbe hooor of baring created the wlascme Uttle ben>lDe of Mrs. Btowe's ixiok, la aa oa- uanally attractlre woman for her age. Mrs. McDoosld begin ber stage csreer at the age of four and retired wbeo ahe waa twelre. "My father first produced Cnde Tom's Cab- In," ssid she. "Be wss tbe msnager of tbe Trof Mnseum, TToy. N. T., and stsg'd the pro- doctioa himself, t>layisg tbe part of St. Clalr. Tha teat at the cast caaslalcd a( aar faasilj aad at tha Troy Thsatre^ Is Ihoaa daya. "Father thca decided to take tha on the road la bia repellolie. We mat. la Maw York and tbero gude a recaed fhr l aaa iiall it ap|>earancea, playlas Oi piiHiiaiaaiia-aad aat wearing our wclcoBe oat' crca tfeeo. Wo played la Boston and eneoaaterrd an oppotltlaB prodnctlon st tbe old Boston Mnseum. "We next went Sootti, sppeartng at Balti- more and Wasblngton, snd then went to 8t. Louis. In neither of the three cities, which were strongly pto-slaTery, did wo meet with any diacoartesles. Our sodlences paaard over oar reflections on slarery wHh s shrug of their shooldrrs. and came to ore our performance to langh snd cry and they did botb, oven in the hot-blooded Soatb. "With tbe starting of -war Ulk, bowerer, my fstber flaally drcppsd Uaclo Tom'i-Oabla frooi his Hit at playa. "Uaat aeatF a rti aw aT tbe preaaot day note who bar* loachad Hm top round af tha ladder of faMa caB aawtiaa ar. alhst inca their start la it^Jljajw aarlw c Hi* Mia ttf moot child parte aa dIacHhad {a BaartM.aae^Hr. Stowe'a nuDOOS wotki ■' aAlCh ttglttMmb*' 'ftS^ itigfd ortf forty years as*;lB'sHHvAMii.iai- hesrty today and oaa of tha ;«<sk-«C^la» oOrs diawlic caidi.*',-; . ' ■- ■ A NOI tY H UMOR. A rumor tbat will not dowa, amooi theat- rical people. Is that before loog, J. Barnard Dyllyn, tha character alnalng comedian, well known aa tbe orislnal Alkali Iks la Ray's A not Old Tlaw, will h K Oaii lha