Billboard advertising (Apr 1910)

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T It fe^ f f f b o ^ dl APRIL 30, 1910.: ^ ^ ^libb<^ Idol and Tiie $pilfiK Un^i^^^^ Jieoovenns PaytoB' Geb Acadcnqr T- I ME unprecedented msh of I prodDctloiis goem CTerlastliisIr on. as I If it were a muuserlal Umtbai: an endeaTor to attain a nmnerleal iccard of New Tork p eifuiiu aneea. zatber tbu an attempt to purse the stace of the frlToIooa, tlie saUdona and tte wortMess. Never In tbe history of thia Dtt metropoUa hare ao many new playa been Offered In one year. Thoagta the dramatic aca- ■on la almost orer, there ia sttll an InHox of , na Tery type of prcxJoctlon which haa made nm-lO so memorable for short runs. W Mle there are a number which taye »nr- THed alaee the opening of the seaaon,- wher- • P>«y la prepared to close there are at least two ready to demand ^ m ublttaa. CBS 9tBXt WITH TBM '"" dalms credit fbr _ creation. Described aa a -^ wa bare bat to aatlelpala •■ OC that Tariety of cdoeatlgBal if It baa done nothing to '' ■^p. «t leaat amaaea. JVaieaka {hiratt playa tbe Icadlas nia. 11 Is b^ first appearance In New Tork at th* bead of ber own company, and bar pccmlcn was awaited with much Interest. As tbe TIetocia, whexe Miss Saratt made sncb a seaaatSaDsl bit tai TaodeTDIe. is not far remoycd tnm tbe Broadway house at wblcb abe anneua, there was small wander that th* opanliw i i—aii« mam». ahoQla be w ell attended. " jr"^^ .""i ^ Kmrdens of Wa PanI Anderson's coantiy home near New Panl and his friend. Eesgle Vsnder- TUp. are entertalnlae a week-end party Paol annonnces his eneagement to Lacy Tremont and ta renoonced by the lesions Irene. Enter upon tne scene alao Mra. Tremont her danghter Lo- and ber hnabanft. Albert, a fine specimen of ttebe^peeked aiwose. into this merry sroop coma tbe faaelnatlns Begins, the gtrl with the WBo^taK coogh. who pron«>t)T compUcates matters tj spreadlne her coocfa broadcaat. be- f" * " '"* with the males. Dr. Tate (Dallas Wei MO. aa onaoptalstlcsted medical stndent, who - 1» ^nyl ag to ssTe his flrst kiss for his wtfe- JilO. Wifc ta (ba fair Begins In Tain, finally - *j™S* >>.—*. j lytnhn np at the end of the —» w*^ * ■OMBM al attaA of tbe malady. ^". ^^ .y inmat COttpUeatlons too nnmeroos k 2 ^^"^ Peewm Instead I — -fyy*» w>n> «>e Jad been en- W SP*- »'» — " tb« sao-In-Uw oC Uarietta OHy's engragement In The Wblrlwind came to an end on Saturday night. Along with the aononncemeDt that she will go to Chicago to begin an engagement at the Grand Opera Honae. Chldigo, comes that o( tbe re tnm of DeWolf Hopper to Broadway oo AptU 28. Under the direction oC ' IlnM Aia*. DeWolt Hopper, wltb Laalw SHMiir, «BI (■■- aent A Uatlnca IdoL XBK aviTriKB. Charles Cherry, In B. H. Peple's nautical melodramatic comedy. Tbe Spitfire, gave bla flrst performance at tbe I^eenm. ftdlowlBg U a. IMaa. who dosed ber aeaaaa la Maw.Zatk IBB oner. An desator taaa B a ui ' tka baleoay to. the gallery floor. The seating, capacity la about seren hoodted, Indnding eight boxes. The architect la Mr. WlUiam Albert Bwaaey, tbe boIMar la Mr. Mkm McKcaftr. wMla the deeoratlw ku ktM. Mm Ir tt* laah Stodloa. umx vrotr. The first play which Mme. Nail- moaa oOetcd at tbe taaoaa. aaaed after tba ~ ~ ~MB'% Uttia KyolC Bba. Rita AHmera Mme. NasImeTa lUsi Aata Allmera .. .... Ulsa Ida Cooqoest Alfred Allmers Brandon Tynan Eyolf Master Oeotge Tobia The Bat-Wife Miss Oertmde Berkeley w«j<-^> Borgbelm Bobvt Balac* ' Ip 'iijiliiit to the brllUsaer tkMtic on tbe opening aOetinc. ■nca between ntc's wife aai the one aide, and the thiw tbe defence on the otbsr. SI for Tste nntn tbe beaoOfU bis iiisliiania Ui she taa«.«w«Mr coogb. . CAST OF CHARAC tba order of tbeir t» Bcggfe Tsaderrlip. bar Sim .... ,. Taleakn Siffatt Admiral Thomas Seyton. ber bnsband „ George Btcbard Mra. Jane Tremont. a bellerer In Woman's Bights Amelia StunmervlIIa Lacy Tremont. her dangbter .. Eleanor Gordou Auwrt Tremont, bndWDd. of Mrs. I^cmont. .. - -- .. .. .. ... ..' Cbaa P. Morrison Kxandge Murpby. senior member of Murphy A •A'M'eison Edarard Burton .. Jolm Harrsx CASTE AT.THB EUPIBE. ■ Itth d Bairymore gave her farewell MilbiBiaai 1 'At tbe EmpUe.on Saturday nJgbt. j^- tbls ■ n amaa n a la best X^OMShaaneL Tbe wf th-aumodar iatmtt ■■til ■! ■ *^ ■ - tfc - Hand XntOB The rerlTSI'oiC enp-and-^aneer school oC oppoctnollx to agala di^ror* tbe thtaty that it ia- impoaaHtle to itmbla aa all^tar east witbnt petty. Jealo^.axlatnc. Under tbe-able stage dlreetlsa of biaham Broame It la eaay to detcrmino wbetlier there la an Indleatloo. to work tor 'joints" or whether tbe. aetiic ia workiac tot Che_play. Altboogb. tba aciglBal Spitfire •« . ■ a • .. O. O. Herman ssier Uaeoln Flomar : aala.:. Baywstd Oina OadlcT Mnes ' ~ i Maycilffe Joe Larria. -»"'"g i Mr. Beasley. the ■< Migss. a at f ss t Valda Otrard Pony Aunt Maty Among aome of tbe ftatstea Is a Tiew of a millionaire's yscfat st ses a epectacnlar wreck during a storm In mid-ocean, and a Tlew of the foundered jacbt In the sands of >'ew Jer- sey, wbere tbe denooement of the comedy tafcee Haa Waldrow Band JjWHBMOLB- In her second WMk at the Aeadeiay. played In her repertaiie of OaraasB, She Writ- ing on the Wall. The Beeoad. Mn, T aag ee ia y and Camllle. THB WISBK. FAST. It Is eocsIdeTed oas oC the fsrUUe and abaolntd dty. . Tbe. exterior Is la Italian Benalaaaaee style, and the aldewalk is corered with sn omsoental canopy maaing the full width of the baUdlog. Tbe Tcetibale has floor and walla UttthfJ ia The IntCTior deeoratloB la In Lonla XTI. atyle, the predomlnatlos color being old rnas, wltb cold brooie dccotatkms. Drop cortalna, earpeta and npbolatcty are all old roae. Bide wan brackets. In Imltstlon of cat four, electric sanbanta la tbe most of the risible llgtatiog. the ■stons hdac deftly caaeealed.' Tboogta exccedlagly wHI acted br Maw. Kas- laaora. aopperted hj a capable cast, sa na- cany and wdrd atmoapbere was present throngb- oot tbe entire performance—doe most likely to tha latrodaetlca et tba stxaags rhsrarttr of tba "rat-wMie." :V!.;':»-=i:.-,-; V' Vme. Naslmora agala vM^'Mr'aaMnwa by a csariaeiaK dlvlay of teapcrsaient sad emo- tlOB. "Maw. NasiSMra Is always sctlag," aaya tbe Tines, ••yet aat tumty la act. aal wUh aU of bar body, bar fliaab-tar haai^. iHr eyes, ber Upa. Bmy least HtHa part aC tar otsaalaB seesu to ylcM ilasif ta.tta lMSis «C the bis- trlaale esposltlea. She la. ia. ahstc; a' great S lim s, oae who. thoath thsrn at* IMBI aiBsats fr W- lati n %i' *' f People who hara' aot' fi Eyolf, like people wbe bare read It, be in the dark about mucfa of its me there Is eeaiplcta Ulnmiaatloa of the - if aMs critic and mide mncb of s waa sincere la dlfilcult role. ' "Miss Ids Cu a g aes t. " aa his balf-sister, was ezcdlent. One of tbe best scted scenes was csirled by Miss Gertrode Berkeley who scted tlM Bat-Wife. Tbe gmesooie part srooses llt- tls sysipatby, bat it held the interest of the sadlears - tease. Mr. Robert T. Haines and Maater Ocorge Tobin tilled otber parte, tba lat- ter being sn appealing little figure in tbe role of a CTlppled child." na three acta of acenety ware rery bead' some, la gcaeral effect aa wen as ia' .detUL' la tact, crerythlng was done ta gttm UtHs. Sretf sa Istsfsstlac pw s ta lsllsa. . . Is now In its third week at the. Com- edy Tbestre. Eugene Brienx'a aew play hss been teceedad aa aoa of- lbs hlta of Ibo aaasoa. Mr. Irrias acts tta psrt aC tta hasd ot tta famUy. aod a SMBt petty. ■lOiiaK.'dsaiaeer-. ing brpocrtta H- wsaH ha-taal tK laudas. His cbisC Jv-ta -Ws aaaas •s.ta ataatlw AM ta tUs fa«t thst ot thsss sccsMe MiM la wMih sbc prerokea ahoats of laaghter. aad It will be seen thst tbo piece haa plenty of 'so' In It." This Is how an CTeoIng paper treated it. Aa tlie younc lorer. Rol>ert Dempster Is de- Iltbifnlly strslahtforward aod manly. Miss Fancbon Campbell, as s filghty yeoag wife; Ed- ward Heron, as Loin's wooid-bc bnabaod. and Riley Chambrrllo. as sn sTsridoos country Jus- tice, an part ot a capable east thst alao la- gjjjj tJiSoir. ^ThomM PeUMUy^lga ANNA HELD. In MLss Innocence, officially opened tbe City Theatre last week. Miss Held met with more then a cordial receptletu Repeated rortalo calls InteTTopted tba regular acbednlo o( the performance, and It was In tbe wee sms* boots or tbe momlag whee Ita SaUiraa sa< Knus shook bsnds with tte last at tta Bsay oa deck to eeagratnlste thca. Of MsBsgeT Itoniey felt p«M ap wttk. at the saccess of the opealag. r-'.-.- OLOA NBTHEBSOLE. Sapho. at the Academy ot Music, la manlteatly papalar. Jadgiag trea tta lacgs sad- leaces which, stteai each pei f if SMCSb . . fcy eral aew tOatarss hare been aMsd .staWVHa ti^rrlally la tta tat aM., Ia Iha'catalral sane aa Apacta daaes Is fs^ Wen* Hm m o p vk k hco. it at preaent at Flower tta Bis msay ft le a d s tars bfea ious ss to bis coodltloa. bat tta tboritles sUte tbst ta will ta aa CM tmim-. Dreamland la aboot a moatb. JIMMT BICE. Jimmy Rice, of the team of Rico and Preroat, piaaid away last week. Ucr waa one e( the beat kaewn TaudeTlUe acrabata TO Mile. Thamant De Swirskjr. who. Mile. Anna Parlowa. were tta farcrite aapOa of tbe famoas maitre de l>aUet. M. Iran Qaastine, of St. retembatg, and who rccmtlr spp e s w fl St tta MetropolllaB Opera noose, ron- templates (Or a few weeks rrerloqa to ber dr- pailai a for Bnrope, presenting a aketcb in raodcTlUc. portnying ber Greek. Orleoul sn^l other cba i ac t etl a tic dsaeea. In addltioo to tier piano soloo. Mile, de Bvlrsky was a popll ot rdlz MottI rw1u> (liirlnr the C^xirU-d rralme, roodocted at tbe MetropcIltsD Opera Bot:.e). aod to Mu- nich, with tbe srmpfaoay errbrstra, aba per- formed the Orelg Concerto under Moltl'a dlr*<^- tioo. thus denioostrstlng ber sptltude not oqI.t daass, tat ss a pisotst of Fred Thorapson's new summer abow. wblcb will appear atop tbe New Amster- Theatre, will todude imoag otber Tbomp- ■avtftiea, nn "Alt-Ameriraa" cfaorai. Tbl" wUI iodode tbe fairest creation of fem- „ _ that eadi slate and territory In the tWaa caa prorMe. Perry Heath says tta Phil- ipplaaa. bowercr, are tarred. , BOIIUND 1 BdliMlnd Breeae, tta leading aula rol« I Spcodtbrirt. li aaw fratawi ta ttatiri show. All ai ' '- —-■ thrift. wlU^ , who appeared in tta aist aight^ sC Tta taHd ta slariC tta . BUimnrB uauom. '<.Om of- tba moat ancceaafttl tiaaa at-ta.past.-twa.saMiasu Bisaallrt; Mta'-ltaihssa^ a i i tad - ta ' ta' 'ai,V'BM<: daetiaa <asL^,ltaa&»iilMliT» Is Mr. ,-aliwm.4t f»sai tta tat tas hose ' __ „ carrM aat^Ja^felS'siastail ras M dy la Paaana, which hii»-jHl.*tacd a long and aoeecssfal aeaaoa.-.