Billboard advertising (Apr 1910)

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APRIL 30, 19ia Xti« 0111 board NEW YORK VAUDEVILLE A Liit of the Ginent Variety Bills Being Pieiented In the Principal Vaudeville HAMMKBRWIPa' Mind Barnaad, tlW;,«Mn MtpoDd to Mcara afttr-:*!!! 4tr In the SaokMr.** •"'■{■'y MiMB. baTtns added a bricht MMtonw flU MM*. B«rt waa raqonted to alac bla oM- tiaa btt^oMjr. after wbleb be t««elT(d a ^TSI^'mhNrtr'^bMil' Bora aod OUIi, la ^taadaatloa Dir. wer* vltboat a doobt ooa of ISaMnMt hti*, iDtrodaelns mamm mj Bood SiSt -'-ir'-ir and daadnc. Ulllan Qoaoe, iTBiny Uttle. and TtafXaRUwd. «»■ Sabcd moat of the lavfe* MW^'Mt W>tt Stir «»«d7. Tbe a« td* tto kMMn aa be- ■": bit. 4i > a iat t » r ala«las. waa writ lacalmd. taklas OK*r Lorraloe. "Tbe Prol»«n VIoIlotaf." with aprcUl ilrop. w«i aoeh a hit he pUrMi rrery- tblos he bad. ttwo bad to apolocUe to the aod- tcnc*. ■DBoaarlnc hr had nothlns elae to otter, liartoa not tebtaraed any mocv. BiDoa. ninna and Blnoa were Terr rood and fNdaccd'eoiiie vrrr funnr atnnta. Iiealdea ■ (ow oraalcal niinib^ra. Altldi- Capltalne. p>eaa»d. Bid Baxter, oo the wire, ilonf aomo Terr dlfllcult feau and waa well recelTed. - Tbe Bam Langford aod Jin nrno ptctoiea of tMr-lata a«bt cloaed a gitat UIl. COIANIAX. XHBATBiB. WlUlam B. Thompaoo and hta plarera !o frida aC tba Beglmeot, dlapUyed bla TefmatlllW fwtata a Vatber .. vm cam; y^.; • • ,!nt- W*'B». At plol lelataa ta bla aaa Mac ta tba ar- ■r, baelaf bcea dlarbarcid tar haviag atniA tka attaeaak He coaaea baiaa to Ua fblher. «fea ivaa brarlac wbat bla aaa baa doaa. acdar* Mm la leave boaae aoTer la telais acala. Tbe ■elber hrariag ikla, pleada witb bla falbcr to flTe biB eae aiece cbaaee. bat be decllaee. The Botber tbreateaa to leaTO with the aoa. which Bikee tbe falber wIM wItb anscr. Fl- aallr the aoo la called iMcb to tbe booae, and aa hr eotcn ibe father eBte a cee bin aad all la forclTrn. Tbr act leeelTCd Ato cwtala calla. Blllr Van and the Beanmoot Biattta acatad kearllr. eapeclallr the Ol*r Boooct aaHbir. Ika act hai a (ood line of comedy, aad cattaialy waa tbe lauahlng hit of the bill. Irene Franklin, wllh Ron <3reen at tbe pinao, waa the aame hit aa errr, b«lB( eoBpellrd by tbe audience to nine Bed Bead, after alB(lng all BVBbeta pieTloaaly. TIelerte Poar, In a seat ataclas act, ap- petrlan aa four Broadway awella. icodeied a nice llae of rocal eelectlooa. tbe harmoar be- ing excellent. The act aboold be kept ^vxf. Uaod Bochea'a Mooker Mnetc Ball prored a bla aDcceaa, aa It la away froca all other ani- mal acta Id Ibta line. Bepieaentlna the tnVt (ceoe In a made ball. Tta.: a fall orcbeatra. the card bo.m. propertr men and a trapeae artl»t. The monkey that Iradl the orcheatra had the asdieoee roarlns wllh laaghler at tbe foaoy capara be cut with the baloo. aielTlUe and ninlna bare added a new line of BMlerlal In the line of comedy. Tbe aong aiy OM Maa Is nasebalt Mad waa a bl« help to tbe act, llaUla aad Bart, ta Tka hae* a aatqaa war a( batle at«8la,'aad applaaaa. ' La Titeemb, ' ... cloalac tbe nbow. acatad Mt. Aa alectHcal •^ ibrta arrta oa c e ll iat. ' ~ ■ --Mai .at - .Aiinno*ii'';sinio'BA£ik ti«7Va~ta AaMriea'a |w« fc a a aniat. Mh IM Ma appaataaea, waa BiecM arltb a .'applaaaa. The fttUowtag tepertolio of nare taadeiedi Tbe Lady of Uyatery. Boaey- BMaa In Jane Time, Tbe Daya of U»« A(o. aad Tbat Bpanlah-Anerlcan Rat. Tbe latter plWfd' to be a decided bit aa BOoeroaa en- aaien were rerelTed. Flaally, to aabdne the applanar rvcclrrd, Ur. Kltlaae remored bte wis. wblcb Miile the aodleaca roar. Attar laklaa many bowa. a aneecb waa called for, and com- Intc to tba taotlkbta,. .ba aada a tew Teiaailn, tbaaklw, llw> alli^tw•.^flv IMr Mad awiA«l»> tiaa. Tba eaataMaa tratf Mm aUialiMk aaatf |b . aaau IIbm."- - ■ ried KIbUi. tka AaMrieaa toiMtM. Bvat to dnalaB tbe bill, bad bla andlaaea with Mm TiCbt tran the atart. rotlowlos tba Star Meiit, It tava Mm a «oad opealBi. by aajrlmi that tbtawB alwaya end la a flcbt, wMA created a .Mrwwh, Mlblo bad a toed Una of atorlea. M^iwirt tbe mtrd la.baMor ti«B atart to an- ' Mk Attar taklaa faor bawa tor aa aacaro, be ' aata' aa Imperanoatlaa at nr. COak laavlmt tka Aawrlcaa peoplo.' Ra walktd ta tka caal«r at tbe ataite. etopped for a oMMet, tbee na off, dolna a -Maratboa. The Star Boot, wllh Taylor nraBTtUe, ef- fere<1 a aood example of the traalltalte aame. and waa well demmatraled. OranTlIle, aa Joe Ooplln, la the wbola act. Snrronndrd with a companr of (ood people, tbe akatcb weat Trty ■Mb. .-_ . - Ftelda and LairK'kaU aa erer. OaTe'a awaa h he caa waiUa. maa TMat Mcaimioa time la vaadarUle, alaflh» aba win kaeo to lapcova la kar taa of aa Ika ataga ieaa not beip aw. W Mlatat< af tka apot ll«ht. Ifaaiay WItb tba aa- Idt. ' . . by Ita^ aad tka whala act aad aenaatlonil attraetlaa. ▼lolloakr reeelTcd hia ahaio ef apphraae. Tba beet thlnK- In tbe act waa tbe playlnc of tba Tlotlo and piano almoltaneooalr. The Water Melao Tmat, cooaiatloc of two men and tare women, did Tcrr well In tlielr alBftnc and dasdax Bnmben. Tbe comedr waa sood and eleaol. Jertjr laatocd llTinii' Maitaai iwa' - a Id " " The bin Ihia week waa beaded kr lha itaaaar Opera Oompany, a alniclnic orcaBlaM|M.aMptla- ina over fifty peraoa*, whlcb NEW. YORK CHATTER Short, Crispy News Items Gathered Along Broadway Pertaining to- Vaudevillians—Their Plans and Intentions for the Summer Season Banier Gllmore. nader tbe maaaaement of stair A BaTlln. haa jnat retorned after betas oot with tlio Dublin Dan Co. He la cooalderlns acTerai offers In Taoderllle. Mr. OUmore Is Terr boar inat at preaent aettllns np tbe af- faire U bla brotber-la-law. Dr. Leas, of PhU- adelpUae .katMa^kMn aa atawad «aik.< tbe Uedieiaa iili; vkaipaaMd amr a a«o. Tbe IMted BeaklH tkSrQMSSia non tbeaties. la ataMMB. already belaa baakad, alBktlBalL Araasr ' ' km a ekala ° ac . aaa fMM Tadtaaa to Stova Harrr Marlon Is now manaclns tbe Sf Aloley Xbealre. at HcKlnler Bqaaic. He la soiac to eoea bla ewa booaa la Leas lalaaL K. - X.. Tka Lery FBoilly bare retoraed after ilvlas tea weeka on tba PeBnaylTaala aad XBiylaad drralta. and opeaad oa trailed tiaa tbb week, la October they e*ea «a tka lanivBa aad Coo- eldtne time for tbe •ULUVAN A OONSiOINVt •PRItCO OFFICE. Loeatad la Ai f., W. 1- K..-,.. aulstants. accoea from well known crand opcraa. inclndlox Lucia dl Lamniermoor. La Fona del Ocstlao. II TrOTsIore and o bers. AmOos tbe prlaelpel alnxere were Mtaa Battle DIaaaat. Blaa Aaaa Loiena. Mazcell BceeMlal. O iae j i BavMibarf, Bttore Campana aad Aliiaail t fc ra a . A larv^ cboraa leada able aa lat a aee . Mlaa VMet BeMUIaB. who waa receatly Mea- IMed witk The Toaas Ttark Oompany, la^a new- aeaar ta Taaderllle. Her dainty. cbUd-Ukr initaoaalltj and cbaimint rolcv made her a pop- idar faTorlte; Joaephlne Sabel baa lost retnmed trea aa extended Earopean ensasTment: Bar- deen, tbe tsaadenlf kins and Jail breaker, eon- nuem all locka, boi a, ban, or atraltjacketa which are used to rralraln him: Tboae Three Fel- lers. Borkbart. Sharkey and OrMrr. r«vlre<t a warn welcome; Eddie Olrard and Jemle Gard- ner. In Dooly and the Idol, hare a fantaatlcalLy humorous aklt. Maille Keeoe and Uompaur also preerotcd a hamorons aklt,. oatttled Her Flnt OlTsTCe Caae. while Oallaade»,i.>:-.iedl l ir In clay, completed.the bill, BRONX TBBATRS. Jesar L. Laaky's bincst au c c eae , Tlw Pbetn Shop, beaded the MIU ne Phato Sbap,eaa:iBiiea to atreat atleaitaa aa a meat Mceptloaal act. Twenty pcetty slrla. In attraetlve ceetnaee. ^arp paedaalBaat. and tbe art la a-ased In tba cbai^ actwiatte Laaky nanBrr. Oomnlr la oae o< tbe .iapoMant elemeats of this tsMold mnakal pt«- dnetloa. W. C. Flelda. the eccentric tnmp jnc- sler. who raaka aa a comedlaB of the first dan, beehlrs betas oor of tbe moat popular JtiKflera In TanderlUe, was aio-her bis feature. The In- imitable and tasenkm* llltle Londoner. Laddk- <:|lff. returned with bla fttnn.T syratlooa. rlra- ctoua ahandnn and comical facial exprra>lnn* to aiuusa tbe residents of tbe Bronx. Wllbnr Mack and NelU Walker, the reflnod cnfcrt^livn.. In their brcear and cefre*hl<i« aklt. and Cbaclce Leon^ird Flelener, the lmtNfn«>n«tor. la a nu-rle* of character sindlce, Tarylns from Charica Dlck- cna to promlarnt iieoplc of the prceent day. were BUI, N. I., broke his knee-cap. and la now coaflaed to hla l>ed at tbe St. Janee BoteL New Terk CItr- Ocoita Xalaa, the "orlslaal aoMklBg Datch- aaa." kaa atil eod ta Xew Teck after a eafy ancceaatlB.' eieaaa, aad la now aroand town booklns op aoae tlBM far tbe anmmer parka. sues Anna Brown, Bo ok la s OtStea. |» tary In the Empire Tkaatio Balldlns. "the Pied. St. Oaaa aad Oai. Jaat ■ eat a taad from » a« l aad. aio puykw tkrao waeka aa tka Ben- nett tlae. opcalns at Baalltoa. with Ottawa aad Moatrcal to foDow. Will Dockray haa iost retnmed from Charles- ton. S. C. baelas^aycd tba latatatalo tiaae. alao tba Oipke«a..Ba kaa keaa awar turn Maw Teife oTcv eaa >«eew : . Resaa and Mack, atiet--IWlaK off for twetre week*, owtns to MT.. XatfCa nneaa. hare re- tnraed to the footllBkta acaia. spenlas at the Majeatte. taae 1. ate S. «; aad tateadta alar ~ «C aaa ''' Lew Dockatader, who ta playlns a few art ak a for Percy Wllllama. will be wllh Martta Be^ fnr ooe year. Ben Barrla la dolns tbe boek- tnsa. Needbam aad Wood bare an entirety new art, cooslatlns of Irish idaslns and danrlns. aod bare seemed park baoklBga for the aoBBMr. **tho waadartaa - ■•eM-vt.-a.. m*-^ n at tka Mir Ka tl kbii a -jad Bnrrla bare soae to their snm- Bor kaM .ad-^Bnaapee Lake, where tbcj wOl raatlcata.-aif-tka aaamer n oatb a . way O a a ta a aaaaa la Ai li adaaB. tUa week, atltk AUraBc CMy ta fallav. l aa ff al oT Ttetiy and Atwood opened at Mew Orleaaa laat oewaat o( Mih At* rood becooilBKai^ ao Tbaiy pimd tta Haa week, ___ „ wood becooilBB aiak. ... alooe. Mr. Ataaad lataM regain U hedtt^ k«t fa Ifea Iwnedlet. Ben ShleUa kaa Plratfa. aod lyrtaa are h^ »M SkMda aad Staalar Mnr- pby: moslc by Freak Oallakaa. Ike akow epeaetf at Partaa'a Tkeam, BrooklyB, April SS. Adna aad Onhl. mnakal comedy company, opeoadatWOBd crUndPa rk. Wichlu, Kan., tar fifteen weeks, commenclnc May 21. Tbe Solly Family will produce a new act neat aeaaon. They bare been worklns oa tba Dattad time since last ADcmt. Bardean. tbe Bandcolt Kins, ia playlw ■ lOT data at Oa Plaaa Theatre, New Xeek. Mast naek at Bealaa. ■laeta Baica win appear shortly In a new BOBototae by Jack Gormao. eatlUed Tbe Olrl turn Fifth ATenne. John J. Jacket and hla atalt of pretty type- wrltera, are bnay these daya notlos acta for tlie anmmer parka. Maxwell and Dndley open In Peoria Mar Sl OQ tba Chnrcblll time, with 8b1II*8« aad O^S diao to follow. , Dalar Harcoart baa haca hoakad ta attaMttta tia Miutt «i.i. MMr at tka QmSJSSSSR TM BeF IL Jock McKar Mm kaea im Circuit tm Beat ■ .dsaa,.at- tteeMk. Ta- trtlk tka feat af tka drcalt to fM- "Patter" Toa Wllaoo. lost retorned afti* playlns a ten weeks' tear on tbe Keith tnreait. ITarTT LeClalr opena In Chlraso at tbe ! Theatre, harlns l>eeD booked for tear weriHb Tbe Daleya, roller akatera. open at Brracoaa thia week, witk Kaltk'a, Boaton, to follow. Marroa and Belaa are tMnklns of taking oat a minstrel abow tbla anmmer on the parkfib Tbe Great Calredo. wire act. haa Jai- twentr-Bee weeka of tbe Orpbeaa Uae^ AL Oeteaaa, LUIIaa Skaa'a- kaakaadk IMM ■ ■ sew BBaelaBae ht lack Oaraaa. Friend and Downlas aalled for Gnsland April 13 on the S. 8. Manretanla. Harrr LeClalr haa beea booked aoUd hr thv Marcus loew Amnaa. Oa. , Jsmes Madison baa wiHIaB • .aatr- BHBNIBBP tor Uw Ooekatader. . NKW HALL FOR ARKNDTtVILLl; Soolb Mooataia Orance will bnlld aa Ideal town hall at the place of ArendtsTllle. Adams tJoiratr. Pa., at sa early dale. Tbe rrsnlar Iowa ball In which the mcetloss bare been held of Ibis orsaolaatloD baa be^me too small and necessitates the bonulna of a new place. AtandtarlUc Is a abort dl!<taQce fnxa BalUaoea^ Md.. aad can be include,! Id sn IthMtaor as CSarllale, Oettysburc aud rtuniliinhiair • •TAM IMPLOYEV BALL. Brie, Pa., April Hk—Tbe stase employes o( tbe Tsrlooa tbeatiea la Erie, tncludlns tbe Ma-'' Jestlc. Colonial, Park and Alpha Theatres, and their sursts, made merry at the aecood anaoal ball sItco br Local K& 113. I. A. T. 8. ■. At tbe dsae a( the rarleae Baitkiaaaiia tka dancera ^^^'^^^j^jj^ ^''^aSa&ESiaS'^'"'' ^ boor. ■RANKN JOINS STERN. J*tC T. Braaen has lust sppolnted Jos. W. Stem snd Compsny excloslre selllns asenta for his eaiiloiaie of popular aonsa. Mr. Branea'a office 1h tocatfKl la tbe Mark Stem Bolldlaff* Some of bla winners are Parlslaa — " — I biTe My Wife, hot Ok! ~ lie the Way. MARY MANNmiNa DiyOROWX TNB AnnAi. LA Foinra. The Aerial La Ports. Joe and Tom. hare oae of the dcTrrest acrobstlca la TanderU'e. ney recently ^ayed aa easasenent at tbe Fulton Theatre.' Btwiklra. where ther rccrtred a grtat aa a a at af fbrarahle aaaacat. Th«r win aaO tar, Oiiaaay the eorir part af Mar. to pta^ a