Billboard advertising (Apr 1910)

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10 Ttie Billboard APRIL 90, 1910,. BROOKLYN, N. Y. A New Dramatic Play and a Vaud«< ch Played for First Tim* in Brooklyn. Her Son, a neir pls7 of Ufe «s It U to-itj, written bj ChirlM Bradler. w»s presented for tbe Orvt time on any sta£e. at the Maieatic ThMtie. MomUr, April 18, ud made a decUled Ut. Tbe emit Indmlea Uiois lUiwInlph. Baatxlo* Irwin, Catherine Emmett. KaxcazUm Tjriwit, WmUm B. Hatck. Ban MeAUMit^ J««h,&n(- ^ MK Ut, nd wm ao ^e A jtf^Tfiy Tanaerflle baadUiiar. Marsaz«t awyiin in Tbe Awakenlns of Helena Blehle, U booked for Tel'^'s Broadway, weak at Uar 2. KjTle Bellew, In Tbe Builder of Brldsei. la the attractloa at the Hontaok this week. Manager Charles Daniels reports a Terr (ae- eesafnl seasoo at the Casino Tbcmtr*. Three Keatons, Ini _ extra attraction at the Star last a strong drawing card. Uorrls Campbell's Where There's a Wni, which U btUed as the fastest thins (otns, ■alaed a creat deal at newspaper notoriety kcce last we^ -cnacd to aa attieapt to so^ press tbe play at tka Ifaatai* T>i«Hs. In- cMentsny this —' Tbe bm at Peity a.-wmiama* Orpbcom last week was: Lew Dockstader, Photo Shop. Ifta. Era Fay. OrUE. Berlin Uadcapa. Harrey-De Vara THo. BeDe Blandie, and "Wins and Hasssa. Tlie bin at Percy O. wmiams' Oreenpolnt Theatre last wcok was: Carrie De Mar. Tbe Bsthine Girls, TtaToQo. Temple Qnartet. Nsm ba T^oope, Bohy Raymond and Kelly and BeiM. At tbe Wbite Horse TarerD Is being pre- sented St the Percy G. WUllams' Crescent Ibe- atre thlK week, by tlie stock company. Hie bill at the Fu'.ton last week was: The Hold Up, Bice and Coben. CoUlos a nd H art. Post and RnsselT, the Three Dnmonda, Hm aad SylTiany, Searle Allen and Compaar, and Harris and Delton Brothers. GEO. H. HAKTa The Glrard Arenae Theatre closed its dra- matic BeasOD April 23. The surreyorH are Tery busy at the Janctloa Of 62d and Market streets, lajlti£ cot the Sroonds for the erecUoa of the new theatre Wklcb Messrs. NLxoq and ^Ummerman are put- ting op. The house Is to hare a capacity of 3.00a Mr. Fred G. Nlxon-MrdUneer wiU be manager. Tbe Ul>ert7, wlUdi Is now playing TaodeTllle and plctnres, win close tta doors within the next (aw daya and will then be torn down, to lor a mach larger bolldlng. Jadstaa tnm tha nmaber ot TandevUle pea- la tbla dty. tbe proapecU tor tbe lom- watk looks Tery good. Many good acta are xeeeMag fan aommer engagements. Tbe tatker of Ed. Manny. «t the team ot Flaaxd and Haanr. died iiWcalj oa AprU IS. at his hooie la Knr Xtek. Death was due to apoplexy. Mr.'Akat'was M yois oC age. and leaTca a wtfa aa~ and was -bslwid, hr an. : Mr. Homd li. rUt. Daa> Patk,- BiidBCtaar X. X, cans tMa VMk. ~ ~ this dtji has anaooncsd that ha has a aonber of aew iaportatloos that he has ready foe the aaiact. Mr. Bcadsabns's film are of the aU ot the well as some of Min i t l al ngly lew. JIa Ben. the gcald ttaMSvaaa. was a Billboard caller BALTiMORE, Ma Plarformance Financial and. Artistic Success. PHILADELPHIA. PA. Several Houses Preparing to Wind up The atmosphere In the Qoaker City has , cleared somewhat this week. The strike which I has been a menace to both tbe baslcesa and amnsement Interests, has at last been settled, and the men are fast resnmlng their old stands on tbe front and back platforms of Philadel- phia's somewhst antiquated street cars. It Is somewhat snrprlalag to note the difference In UaTd. although the optimist said tbe strike dU aa iataftSB. One has only to clsnce at the a few days ago were running In. Owing to the fact that sereral attracUoDS had canceled their engagements, Tanderille and moring plctnres hare been presented at tlie Academy of Mnslc to SU In the time ontll tlie warmer - weather makes indoor amosementa un- pleasant. The weather has been tienellclal as tbe attendance bas been enonnoda aid.bas more than tilled the capacity ot tbe'hooai AlUioogh there hare been mamr formances glren in' this dty -'ft and other poipoaea in whic h taotaiiaaal acton haaa paatfalaaSsd^ ~ Uw drat haasftt perfoesaance k ':'MEK^«K"(ki''ac(v waa gtren at Pod's opswriTiMi; 'My* a. Tile pafor m snee bad attracted eooaldenhle attention and conxplcnons smong the large as- semblsjte were people of promloMxce and fash- ion. The features of tbe matinee were: One act of The Commatera. which was playing at the theatre for the week. The Paint and Pow- der Club gare some soogs and di nr es from tbelr recent prodnctlon of Tlie BeQe of New York. > One act from Dlvorccos, by the Page Stock Company, from the Andltorlnm Theatre. From tbe Maryland Theatre came Hyams and Mcln- tyre, Al. JoIkxi, Marlon Garsoo, Chas. L. netcher, tbe Three Hsnlnns, Conroy, Lemalre Sol's boys will be heard from before tbe season Is orer. Miss Helene Wilson, a protece of Daniel Frohman. has been engaged by Manager Loren- berg for the Albee Stock Co., which opens May 2. Stage Director Bayman la hard at work with the artlsta and «ipaa"tCT aaoa tka •■■taaMBt for tha Scat wmTb plsr^ Tks Waataa'di-.TIr. gin la. Amoag the pIsTS mer seasoa of the Albae Stack Oa. Heldelbcic. GMs. The Biac times In opera compaolea, and Is now stndylur for grand opera. The summer season of stock prodactlooi, on- der the direction of Lindsay Morlsoo. the pres- ent manager ot tbe American Mnalc Hall, baa been abandooed, and In Ita atead the aaaie high claaa TaaderUle wlU pn*aU daring tha m montha. aad ae dsa>|- Ikailiuli tJea. tka, day araalng. Mar S. - Ifr. kaa aaeand my altncU GnataTO which _ _ _ ■tatss that mr altncMre mnilr. Andre Ma- wm uaaw Mr. Btrabe. With two ytrj dalaty glrla and a star cboraa ttat woald sake a prot^saloaal abow look twice. ot tke Chaolbal Isles made Its lal. tial haw at the Shabert Theatra. April u, by eC T Vrhnnl HT. and It Is needles* to^aeatlaa Oat tka biass waa packed. Kok 1. at tha B a pt e . mt a rehearing In the ' Adttrtlslac COapaay a dsrisfoa written hv nphdd the TaUdltr bUlboarda In St. a( this ordiaance waa at> Am there la a disaentlnit any he lUed to tranafer this _ _ 'to the qaiet that pie- valM Ikr tha paat tnr months prsnilata to be St a at a i than la paat yeara, and the openings, -.aMeh are scheduled to take place oa May 19. *«m be Tialons of beaoty snd gratifJrIaK to tbe ' area of the most skeptical. At tbe tlieatrcs. this week there were not many cbangee. At the GitUk The Olrl la Waiting is ■"•""r its flrst bid for (stot with the QuUcerltes, and seems to sccompUah tlie porpoae easOy, wUle Tbe Uldalgbt Sons Is mo- nlng a close second at tbe I^rlc on Its first presentation here. Tbe Girl with the Wboop- Ing Coogh is stm whooping at the Cbestttnt Street Opera Honse, hot will make her last whoop on Saturday night. Marie Tempest, in Penelope, at the Broad; Tbe Serrant In the Hoose, at the Walnut; Mary Manneting in A Man's World, st the Adelpbl; Bright Eyes, st the Porrest: In Old Kentucky, st tbe Grand: Eugene Blair and Wm, Insersoll, In Tbe Iroo Master, at the Glrard. and the Orpheum Players In The Battle, at tbe Chestnut Street Theatre, comprise as s who!e aH of the attractloas play, ing at the legitimate booses, while tbe bur- lesque and T-snderille booses are still open. Pnslness hss dropped off somewhst In tbe past f^ days, owing, no doobt to the effect of the K.Jiw warm days. ' Keith's, the hoose of noTeltiea and InnoTa- tloiis, sprang a new one on Its patrons this week. Mrs. Pickett, widow ot Msjor General Pickett, Is appearing at each performance and reciting notable Incidents sorrooodlng tlie Gen- eral's famous charge at Gettyslmrg. oa Jaly S. I8U. This was quite an l uau » all a u to the oanal line of attractloas at this theatre, and w»8 recelTed with plaoH. Sereral mffltaiy achednled to appear mcnt this Vedlar la tba Otadt Osact last anit hrn nght aa Korc^^ 18. t^ TboaMS 8. Keen and William S. Smith, condnetlag Iba Iicatngton Moring Plctnre Thea- tre at 314 West I«ztngton street, sgalnst Miles Bnthna. a corporatloD. and tbe Motloo Pic- ture Company of New York, to rt^straia tliem &om dlacontlmxlng a motion picture serriee. Tile Inmates from the Uorbe for Crippled Children were entertained at the Maryland The- atre last sreek. by James L. Keman. AppUcatloa has been made for permission to begin work on tbe new theatre to lie erected on Park arenoe. It twin be three stories high and wfU cost glOO.OOO. Charles Whitehorst wm ba BuaacK or tbe social ii re s t lg a and tMhIoeahle U Mlaa AdeU Ladlew. a danghter of OU. S. rndlow, oC Cl n e f a na tl. sad la'a as f>ld and arlatanatle family. nie is ao sUsag e i to Oa sodal eooUngent in Baltimore and la doaely related to aereral fsmnies of Mrb anclsl standing in tida city. Miss T.ndlow be<^me acaoalnted* with- Miss Pressler In PtillsdelDMa. recently, and has bad her poslHoo for ahont two we«ka. She was formerTy with Oscsr Hsmmers*eln. In nnier to conrln'^ tbe nnhllc that TflMe's Nightmare waa a clean and wholei^me play. Miss M^rle I>re«"ler extended Inrlt'^tion* to all the clergymen In Baltlmfrrc to ^t^end her o*r- fnnn»nce. A r~e^t m»ny sceptrvl. IncIu'lInT Catholics and Pmt-sfntit. MMs n-emVr wtll s^etd a w**k In Wssfa'nctSB and aor week In ?^!*^>?S gw« (0,~SMr Task for an PROVIDENCE, R. I. Five Huif're^ Newsboya Enlartalned at Ldeal Theatre. Work Postpened Wnrtre MI ea April ML iHlfe a NMac «■. m» XTth with dowatawB — _ , _ The O. T. CkawfOaa Am u s i a i a u t Oa. base op- ened a Sana at ofleea down town thia week, and win I—latiHI/ start oa their idan of wmttMt,g aew saotlsB pletare and TaodeTille tbe- atrca thronghoat the dty. '• Mr. Etany TTallaee. manager of tbe Grand Opera Hoose here, opened bis tbestre this week. glTlng tbe pictures ot RooaeTelt In Africa, and conttDoooa ▼aodeslUe. fbr ooe week only. Im' ?ni''iyuJ!f^ii?*^ ''? ys w ' ll^t?* -tS^ aa lbs M to ifeM OcMir Jobany Tooog. playing tbe Centtny Tbcatre here In The Money and the Girl, entertained both the St. Loata and Chicago National I«agae baseban dnba Monday night. Manager Patrick Short, at whose ioTitatlon they came, suted that he acknowledged the rooting qualities of Mr. Toong, and desired to please bim. And he did. The New Princess Tteatre opening haa been aet back, and the handsome theatre of Dan Flabell's wni open aboat the first of Septem- ber, playing Sbnbert attracUooa. The bad weather of the winter baa made the opening imooaslMe this spring. Mr. Frsnk Damroscb. brother of Walter Dam- roscb. of New York, will lecture here oo April 20. to the students, music teachers and those moat Intciceted la mnstc. The aahject of his IielMa.Js>-Sba>\Vtea Moalcal Education, and Is M'b•'aB^S■lle'sad comollmentary. .- WILL J. FABLET. BOSTON, MASS. in JBoMMi^-" 'Thw'Mayiar .-.y.): jP jpipe « ed as a Theatre Center. The theatrical folks are not taking rrry kindly to the bill to glre tbe mayor Jurisdiction oTer the llcenalng of theatrical performances Independent of the police commlsalooer, and they so Informed the House Committee on Rules. Jo'lge Brsckett. for tbe tbestres, told tbe committee the present Isw bad worked well, while the new hi'l leares the licenses at the mercy of one Indleldnal withoot Tedfeaa. Tlie agitation over obscene pictures reached tbe Masssrhnsetts Senate In Tlolent form and It came abent orer a little soorenlr that Seaa. tor Mahnoey. of Hampden, declared had been diatrlboted la a Boaton theatre. It hi elalaied the soorenlr In qnestlon. which was highly la. deeeot, sras passed oat at a local theatre, and that soa waa handed to Scaatar Maboaiy br a maa present. The maaagn at tba-tbeatfe-'da-. dared t hat aotMa g of the k laf " bK^a fraa BSvlag iilcluia Show la ~ Thmaday, an day Isas, mmmj atteaded. Tbers sre ao ^vaad: ae dlvlajr ot.poalacs Is TeiHie] joUns Sirser. Saraol Boys a Belae DaTtaa^-i Sic Han Uls week, li tke I>derer. the waU-kaowB the Both actors who play the lawyer In The TUrd UeSMa. the Caatle Sgnare Theatre Coaapaay. Breeaa created tbe part laat aaaaaa, been saceeeded by James ScelCT. James K. Beckett wtU tbattly be an Majestic Theatre la Bcoacalia. tble Is to be a te a Btlti wedding will take placs at St. Chnrch la Loodon. "Tea It Is oalte , said Ulaa Genre wtien asked aboat tha rcpart. pnbUabed In New Tork a abort time agow I shall be on tbe stage for ooe seaaoa after my marriage, to All an engagement already made, then latep leU io. I. dao't cars to caa- SllTcr Biar Is aHiacllW live "'aadlWH te this house. Tlie Poor Fords, who appeared at the Mary Andeisoo, week of April IT, made a tremen- dooa bit, altboafti they were not the headllner they well deserred the place. Tbe Forda ar» Tery popolar with tbe Loulsrllle audiences sl- ways wlaalag praise when bere. Tbe hig bill eoaalstad at Ceatare acta Inclndlng Tbe Daocinr CaiahraL a bte bit; Howard'a Musical Sbet- lands. As ab&blt. -TbONSt (< Iba I posed of Bea in " " Arie DagweU. Th Heather and tha .-.m, ^^-. -^ - ■ Tin Maaonle opened tM'Jw^aaikj^iiMh .Vie Bober-BIaoden Stock = r Madame Sana-Gene a boose waa crosrded. Miss Prsnces Starr win appear at L_ for three nights, beginning AprO^SS. peara In The Easiest Way. A new set was tried oat st ooe of the tocsl TSDderllle booses last week, wblcb prored to be a snecesa. It waa called Teddy In the JongTe. Bobt. W. Polly, wtio playa the part of Teddy la an expert rifle and pistol shot. Jene P. Xhoopsoa. who plays tbe part as —^ Is the bit of the act. iaa> b -'Uona. tigers, a _ . are naed la tha act. V.'**,?^*? •* brid tbe Mseanley'a the last half of tl» The Wlanlair Mln:«ai at tbe A« of April 17. It iB-aae,>«r tbe laqwt aitf bM mnsiral cooadlca ersr sasa at say a( tbo IscbI plsrhoose*. The Kentneky Belles, which opened aa en- gagement st tbe Backlackaa last week, waa ope of^tta mi^ig^iigwi^-j ted at tbla excellent' eMaMtbe^'fl) Opn. , ,■- • - - ■ 7 ^ - Fred Irwla^ 'MklMtlce wse'at' week of Aptn XT. 1b0-Blas«d to Ms' all week. tba larsast autkn picture theat-e la. atlll eoatlaaes to do a bi< It Is Iba sair todrpeodcnt booae la Aprt ». fkr a tw o dawP.-ii»ar.; AUTHUB T. SH ALBANY. N. Y. Manager of Empire Theetre Re-en>' Kaiucer J. U.. Rhodes, of the Empire Thea- tre, will again represent tbe Co'umbta Amnse- ment Comoany In tbla city, daring the aeaaim 1910-11. His bosae and policy have been Tery saceesafnl In tbe naat. A Terr snecessfnl winter snd spring seaaoa nt Taadarllle bas been the lot of Piectar'a. Al- fcaar theatre, under the able awaaipaa«t„e( Grahaa. wbo (kr a aaiMv <