The billboard (Apr 1910)

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APRIL 30, 21 m Opening of With New Price of SHOWS ^^^16^ In- lb* adrntado prie* has bc«a t«dw«d tna Ottr ctau to twcatr-flT* eenti. -aad aecacelngly a tcr n moBdlDK chaDnl* tb^cbaracosr of fb« •MS la aoUCMbl*. Tbc pcrfonaan itotkad iaS tat ■ t»w iMTiUbto taltctin ^enured, m* to «!r af tferfr pla^. fli. "aaa n« eeatf aad so. Iti tj Janm tattMM. Art Borella and md Jaaka. tttj prrfom Bcw tricki tiiat Iwrp the aadlraw In roan of laaicbt«r. Tbt old womaa, abaUax wltti pilij, wboae tblo atUiv and faltcttac atC|> bare rlirlt^d tlw aTnpattajr of all. aad wfeoaa effarta to Bad a aalubic aeat aeoMd M be aTaUlac prerrd to bf Mac alber lhaa llmmr Batbrrfonl. Wbra falllac ta art tbe aaawcr •b« ripKta rrom an asozpacted vWtor bka •tuti Id pnnutt of htm. bar iklrta Ijtac aad brr ambrrlU w*tIsc la air. Tbia to aalr a <imp!r of tbe rxcdlrBl work uaae br a.salaxr o; ciatvDi. wblcb. la tba laccaoltr •< tMr work. ib« maonn ot pii atatettoa aad «>»■ taaO amitj of tbeir laosh-aaklaB (Mta.kap. MUm^K laaK. bera ratpaaaad .■■-oa-•pMBMM^a^: tHlr fW^ (ormaac*. Dliptaj No. & HUm Wlaato B a n a tJ aad Ulaa M117 Redlnl cablbit waadm af banbaek rldlitc la Rlas No. I. whlla la tba liaa cas* aa AMraa Itoa aad a toopard iiaptt t l i al y tMc boran aad ilipbaata. Jinap freo ptdaaw to ta tb> bark ] ot tbc aaeitac aabnal. aaaa<lta»M ttaroncb barainc boopa. agala orcr aMiacltoM aod bordlM with all tba ab ad to f aad 4ae!l- liT. araslaclr. of tiatoad da«a Iba act to ptaaratad *j Mr. Uw. Sav^ la Wtm' X Ml** Roae Beckrin ptttaaa aa tla kan tack or a avirur BaTtas ban* aftar tba aaaaar tbat baa plT«ai Mlaa t>ockrlII bar rrpatatloa aa a tia»T. I . Dtaplay lNo. T prcaesta Tba Tbn>e DaFomt* a rooac womaD aad two Uttl* cirla. Is an <>z .MMtloo M apalda-d«n aoobatlaa*. wblch to pla^aias. Tba Eaaa FamUy, od ToUlat SottOB, mm M vwlaslBC wtr«^: .Otopla] ai aard aad Mlaa Kellr. at«o oa ronias a id At Madowe Bnitbcn. la aa jcf*- No. 8 coaatoto of tba tba dim ttaa of Parrr PbUUpa aad r. OaMaar. to Bton Xaa. 1 aad S. taapacttralr. Ba Bla« S». S. a^Sc^ tins lidca aa Astatie rtiMaat. tbe tlrir jMna toiidln. Wta iknwb spaea. back «C bto arch n>- iba giaatcat afcm a laaaltlad lad- aad X. icaaaetladr. I a awtaclac {cd^ Oner* SBltb do tba awlnelas lad- Kcllr* pTcaeot a Tbe TbeUro Troope. la a . ilaaal art: Tbe Two Sam^a. HbM liatacd dom: HrnBan Dodak or pa l a r beara tbronsli tricks or mntUac. etc. JeasaMd'a laa aaUttrd (ram tba apaalac at tbc IPataa oC aaa o( ta a«dc« ta'tta paagiaa Ita jtoaapn. wbleb drtalart Hto la Hi* Tart^ aad_ matm It laMMiaalMa far'MM>:ta-MB* P*nf la tIaM far tta apaslBK. NdL 11. Cbariaa Marrclte la a baad- - act; Ida MIac« aad Elmer Qoartr. Caraaaa aad Tbe Oraat ataat*. cootor- Oanaca, acrobat and cootortloo- „^.-X». n. la Bias No. 1. Tbe Famooa S?^ *•» tbeIr azcallaaca bereod J£l-.''^!i.t5*** " aaeaaaary to latradaca SrJ tkatr taaatattoo. Tta berae* 52^,^ n * " ' " * Mooc to tbaiB. aad ar« SJJSSI. ^?*'f "«aadif hacaaa an batollfal beroBd iltoutolliia- wMla -.-AnMaa •taada of netUa aad vaMtm. praaaattd. Tbair work—pal all tta tat^Ma h.J!^^^,'^^ tojatbar. aa« »i« hiTe It. la &la« Na S. Tbe Cbaaat a tlwaK act iidj nwaber ot wblcb to Mtos Wclllal. «ta I" Partorawnca, aad tta other m»in(K.r of irhlrh la Mra. Charles Bwaaaay. wta aI»o rorti. crller ai>der the name ot Mlaa Wla- W* Bworofj. prratot a rUlac act la wWeh Mr._Conn-r» earrias tta two Mtos aa tta tack * kMMk dt tM kNM; lk «H* ta *mps wUI ta all elepbaata, alx 'thirty parade wacooa, locladlnc an an- a to wbidi tta Kaaoa Family code: two ten-piece baada, one nAa baad, .el(bt burleaqna glrla, two cbaiiota, drtrca by srooien, el|bt M niaa a T f iria; tofc aatoi al casea. two Armonr *&'A. HonaoM. Diapiar Xo. 13. CIS; Kaltarto Bna, - - tM ae- J a canylBB psnk act hrna Ma Ma- tccs. IMapUr No. !«. TTalaed Zebraa: Tta Mctodtoa, la a pletaio act on bleretaa; na and a trained pony ft, Taauroa. KOk n. Tta Keaaaid Bna.. to a att. la which assM teal dUI- li 4it«; na LaMoot fbaUy. pre- _ acxotatte- act atnty eit Mr. LaMaat. Hto to aaly anrpaiaad by ttat I wire totcr. Cbartoa Mandla. ~ ~ .dC AcMbato itaC ' - (aU li act "" op. Dtoplay No^ Id;. Mlaa Saroy aaAl aoaaatrtennea la Klnc No. 1; on tta - track HIn Aaaata Faber, with a beaatlfal wMto ArabUa becac. bItcs aa czblbluon of pa- reet taatolac aad aalmal toteUlcence tbat to far In adraace of most mrnase acts. Miss Coo- aeia rUes 00c of the moat beaatlfol sprclmraa tmm tta WalUce (tsblrs. Id Bla< No. 2. MI*« Jenks sad Carl Njsssrd perform a doobte meB- are act la aaddles. Mlaa Kelly ridca Cbeater> Seld on tta track and Mlaa Ida Mtoeo aod Cbas. Crooka tandle a coaple of trained atepper*. Display No. 17. Tbe Van Dlemsos is as troa-Jaw aerial act that baa l>r«D made one of tta plctnrea of tta p c ifwui ancc. and which baa cottsUerabto rerolrloc Jaw act. . . Chaa. Crooks. rldlar act aa a swiftly raaalac aaato: Tta Od moats, la a comedy akatlac act: Torn Hart. In a parody rldlns art, and Brcrctt Bart, lite wl«e. Tta hippodrome rscea follow and (bey Uke- wlae rooclode tbe bill. Tliry conilat ot all tta erento cotnmoa to an event ot this kli>d, tat *^ iM»LS^pib?*?na■r'mil 11* THE SIDE 8BOW. sUa abow la preaeotlac a asailiar oC ttat Mr. HoOBaa may wd ta ptoad oC. Bo departo fraa tta aaaal sirto of aide a scal alMbel perform- tody. thoto oowBlns fea- taie to fta idtaat. Mr. taato Monaaea. wta act- oally staadTcIcbt (Cet. four lacbea to talsbt and wlm aaeasorea ntoe feet trom Up to tip of bto BaccTS wbea bla arma are oataotetebed. Mr. MoUanen la a aatlre of Finland and la by trade a copper mloer. In blm Mr. Boirman baa a real find. Tbr giant Is well proportioned, InteUlcaat aad good natva«d. aad aa attractleo that, (or IM kind, haa protably oerer been cqoaUfd. LIST OP VISITORS. Joe Cilllii. Yoaac Daffalo Wild West: Walter F. DrlTcr, Uollrtl Staira Tent and Awnlac COi.; Dode Ftsk, clnrtu propetetoc; BIckeHn Boa, WUd Wot Sbow pcefitaMR^JfHta WIBeaw. ciiTQs air<-Dt. Arcb M. Itoaaltoa^'sf'tta'De^ aldsoQ tjthof[rar>b Co. Tta Bait<-Dbeck-W*llire Staw to preaeotlac a featore tbIa year wblch tbey carried laat year, bat wblcb to wiethy of mcatiaa. It eaoalato ot a atollSfm abow Bp toara aad «■ it are ex- IdUtsi^tto ^Aatek Lsdtoa.** tawv*n»<b from ~ta wataa waa baBt ta Mk WMno'o . Is my attzacttva In iiji—_lt Is; BARNUM AND BAILEY NOTES. Alfred Windier, tbirty-alx years oM. an oeio- tat of tta Patty naak TTpope, oraa (eoad dead la bla room 00 tta thtid door ot Xcl 9ai West Thirty-etsbtb atrect. New York City. FHdsy af- temooo- Qaa area ponrtac from two opea taa Jcta. Kathtec to abed lUht on tta affair waa tonsil la Wladler'a room. Tba elowa bond to atlll tebearalac. ScTcral new mnslral niimbcTs hare been added. It glrea promlaa of rlrallnc tta rlrcos concert baad. Cllire Benac I* still Willi tbe show. His trip Bbraad has been delayed bnt ta expecto to aau I0 the Tery near rulure. Leader Mcndenball. of tta monatcd band, baa perfected bto ptoiw tat tta laod.: .ns t etas t aa l e tbaa far ladlcato ttat, It «■ mMT ftatan of tta abow. • Daao BvoBa. sao oC tta nN* Mats, tato aad aedal aitlslSb Ml sM beokshto i Be la Mt baae ta ha Capt. Moooey U retaaralnx bis elephant band. Perfect banoooy from tta bic bmtea baa baaa almoat attained. This anr tilcfc onmber wblcb ars luidoabtedly mate tbe prcisTam. Rlioda Boyal paid a riait to the Garden. Ha waa warmly welcomed by tbe iMya. Jack OUtct and Hainr LoPearl tare become actlra eocisapondanto - ox no .WItossB& fij It to Jack «r Baor-aai thay srtU hart It to Ai. Ollphaa, tta creator ot dowB acto ta tta show, stnato np hto sleere whlA ' off on tta road. Al*s rlasard as part ot CIRCUS MAN MEETS DEATH. Indtanapolla. lod., AprU 26.—J. W. BartUck, who waa entascd aa p cape i ty aaaa with the HiKcobeck-wallaee Show, was eaasbt to a trelsbt wreck oattaC.a*L.ILB- last ' aad emabed to death. .CIRCUS OOSSIP^ aa «" Jimmy Smalley, one of tbe best known bUlera of tbe Northwest, and who haa been with tbe Blogllos Broa.' Show tor tbe paat fire aeaaoDS, Is rery 111 at the St. Jamee BOHiltal, Butte. Mont. Jimmy will not ta able to so on tta road Ibis sessoo, alttao^ harloc slsaed ap. Cbaa. Bartunek. who haa been a member of the Orpbenm Theatre, Eaaton. Pa., Orchestra, aerered his cmoectloa. and haa ac- cepted a position with tta cowboy Iwnd. with tta Two BOto' Show. Ifc Bsrtaack JoiiMd " " ~ «. X, ■sr. egcBcrly with tta caaected with tta Ba „ paaaad threwcb Ctoctoaatl on hto way to Para. Ind. Mr. Tconlnss waa tta (oeat of Bert Smith while In tlie Queen City. John Callahan, of Lima. O.. who was with the Miner Bros.' 101 Bsscb Show last oeaaoa. ton oat tgtln this lesson In the prlr- Oege departmeat. Emmett Reiny, electrtclas at the FaoTot Opera Booae, Lima. wUl also be with tbe 101 Banch. Another of the famous "hops" held by tta f^te of tbe Basenbeck-Wsllsce Show, came off AprO 2t at Peni. Ind. "Goremor" B. E. Wallaca was tbcic aad part 1 of the at BraOera' Cbeaa at Be win dMda bto tlaie thto aaaooff tta three BlnsUnc Sbowa. Bert E. Rfckman. last season with tbe Miller Bioa.' 101 Ksach Show, will be with the Gentry Doc and Poor Show thia aeasoa. Be Will tare charte of the prlrllete departmeot I.. P. Wilcox was in OUowo last wc«k. looklax After ada for tta phaato tta batoff wblto tops thto Salt Lake City. Utah. Geo. S. Freed wlU not be connected with the Bay LaBoyteaax Fairyland Show sa reported. Ha win ta with tta F. J. Boccra* Ooff and Pony Show. Charles White, of Mimctei, lad., has left tor Cblcacot whmo ta — " " datles «a tta detecttia Bna.' mala dlrlMoa. Tbe XMnont Family have concluded ttato raadeTlUe ensacementa aod opened with tta Basaabeck-WaUaco Sbowa on April 3S. Heber Bros.' CtrcuSk Mlnstz«l and Toadeellto Show wlU apea tbdr aaaaon at OllaMkait O. abant tta at May. Bandmaster C. H. Tinner will spend the sommer at hU bome In Memphla. Mo., looklos after his smoke boose. The Gentry Show opened April U at Bloooilnrton, Ind., Instead ot at MIHhell aa has been printed pterloaaly. la DeCoupe and' up-town mosenm a Shows thto «ea»on, Doc Springer 1 enbeck-Wallace a~ wtater In Coho. Mabel Vemon Is with the Gentry- Show thla aeaaon, offerlns her aoake dance la the Aimex. Geoi. CWIiltey) I>oerlnc will be con- nected wtth tbe Tooax Buffalo WUd Waat thto George F. Cable left Chicago last Watch for wblcfa wiU opposition ^flgilk en beck-Wi WUd W( April 29. next week's Jasne, or tbe FRED BIGGS CHARACTER. OLD MAD) hnfaik-SelsSMBa SnmISII PERFORMERS and ACTS -WITH THE- WINSTON'S JEqiiestrian Sea LuMUf —WITH— BARNUM AND BAILET ORIGINAL Foolish Dick Ford TheCopthejr all copy, bat I am the Cop that Cops the Choppers. Do yoH cop? Engaged for a lifetime with tbe Greatest Show on Earth. Prince rYjputuricey Thft Japanese Wtadfer -In Hla- Hifli Wire and Slide for Ufe. Abreu l^upe MEXICAN ' ACROBATS HOLLAND The Clown Prodnqpg —WITH— BARNUM AND BAILET The Garcinetti Bros. Comady Bounding Table -wlth- BARNUM AND BAILEY. Great Canival Spanidft dofwii ECCBNTRIC FELLOW Witt* BARNUM AND BAILEY.