Billboard advertising (Apr 1910)

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APRIL ao; ma The Bill board CALL! CALL! Place fwwdcr Mir Cmt MM ii mt Shootiog Galleries or Base Ball Games Don't delay; avoid the rash Diamoad Novelty Company SchMMCfaidy, N. Y. iMt tt« Utte of CUeaae ter. at. M Biatj Becker. ORGANS A. BZSVZ. tM W. 14th at.. Mtm ToA. TaL OS OkdMk OEOBOB OEVIXrS BBOOBD. ta Georce Dertoe, unwrnokw baa oaa «C tka bau •kattn tnrntd oat la rears. Dcrla* startfd ractoff oDlj two aeMooa aco with tlw best iterfunnaacc smo at tta« Hlppodrooa Btaa, and tlacr cradaatlnc from tb« ooTtee ranka bat farced bla way to tba fraot ontU b* la ne- ocnlsMl as ooe of tbe beat Oat floor raccca la Oi« Wrst. ata ncrat racca bare been against Artbnr Malooej, oa Mardi 20. vbea b* de- f«stnl that crack ta two atnlsbt beats la tba fast time of 3:14 and S:I»—S-A. Oa AprU T Derlae was called apoa to defend bla tlUa Anny AacUon Bargains. IMiktMSa*: Bs*oHa(a.n.»Bp:Lia- liaa till Jill mi rnnirinrl r ■.fSeap: Xmt Bcvtr RIflaa. op: ja fOM up: Miia-Ana Saords. 3te ap: Vlcaa. ae.f» up; X«w UalCurmA. St^ up. Imt- tmt stock OOVT. AUCTION BAKOAlKB In tba world. U acrea nqolrad for lu stance. USpaca catalosna. ».S0S lUnatratloaa, Indod- lac l*ia IMI. iBvtfr aboat AprlL Not whola- aale and rataU prksa. Mailed Ue (stanps). '^»-~" Flaca. Plsiola.Itlflea.8peaia,UraBia, ntAKCia BJJiNEHMAK. Ml Brauiwar. Kew Tork. WMTEO-THEATRE Aar Mad. aar white, ta Iks HMdOa West, n- liaecT fee for lafonaatloa. X. W, MT.WKB, eaia Tks BOIboaid. Cladaaatl. 0> aialaet Fraak Berk, wko aalr laat aioatb woa < •fee ea r Mi l e dtr ckaaivtaaaUp.«( MUwaakrei aal asala dcfeatetf Ma niiaiil.t— atnirttl MM <la tks a HWBt lt <i>-|Bwa wnm* Ht-l - ■ MtSStri •*'iBa — ■ Wanted-YaudeYiile People A-l VaodeTiUa People wbo can ebaasa often; B. r.. Irlab. Dutch. 8. * D., rUDO Player who can lUic Performer wbo can nu pletare laa- cMaa; ataat ptU oa red bet sets, dtcss walL .— _— — ,„n^ Blak. Mnwaakce. baa . wttk Htnrard Betamoat. o( Aieacsw «k» ranks as tbe best abater freaa Saas Saael Blak. If Verlae krrpa ap bla rletorlaaa career be wUI be laatcbrd with Hcoir Becker, city cbamploo ' wf Cbfcsfro, aod star from Rlrerrlew Blak. Edward Lrmke. wbo was cooorctcd wllb the Aadliorlom Rink of Kenosha, Wis., nMnaA ta tbU city last week and la now opee flIr-aB Cacrmrot as floor or rink MATCH TEAK PUBSCIT. Arranccmenta were conpleted April tw««n klaoacrr McCarmack. ot tba OardeBs. lod Jallu T. Flticerald Uw a match team porsult race between Beoiy Becktt- and Frank nrnneasy ra. Cart Carlaoa and "Nip** Mrlxer. The Ont race win be akated Uooday Btcbt. May 2 and win be three mUea. Tbe amad lacs; Wrdaeaday alcht. May 4 at Mn ■Ma aa< ahaoM tbe third race be a m a m y ta sHtte tks autch. It wfll ha skated mdsy Mcbt, May 8, dIaUnee to be decided by toaalnc «f a coin. Benry Becker, tbe champtoo of Cblcafo, wla- ■araf tbe Joa. T. Keana Challcnce Cap and ST •MMllTe eirtorles this aeaaoo. wlu team op *Mb naak neaaisai. two.aBilo eibr champloB aad wlaaer oC 21 atiOAr aMMtat fhtaat Park thfce-arile cHy aa< MalsLiha—It —1 aaa sf th» best ladSaSa ' " The racra of the wrstcta dlrecttoB of Br oOclala ot the itloa. CBACK mUt WINNIMO. Hcary Becker, Cbleaco city tfhamnlea. acsla csae to the fteot wbea he captnred the two-mile baadlcap race at BIrrrrtew Blnfc. therrhy win- Mag ItM capw A. Kmser Balshcd second aad ^_ ". «Md. psMhta I aad Csndy. rree gala, and Boolerard, - to reat or oa per- Parler aad extra Ooaa dears BUY—ROLLER SKATES—SELL ■ah sat a laa rtak Oogr iisaBw. O. WANTED - Strong Outdoor Attraction Aeroplane or BsTlonn, Satnrday, May 7, for aoctlon lot eale. Harrlsborr. Pa. Addnas C. TOTOO, The Lot Bala llaa, 28 B. Sd 8 Bartiabarc Fa. h. n. steam dccerte light plant; ft. B. T. and lone range ahootinc gallery. condition and cheap for cajih. State prlc«. NjLLOMINO, write. X. X., oara BlUboard, fSn- ■ Ohio. Mat $imi «n Mil CHAS. SBABP. 429 «tb Are.. N. Y. WABTED—Fbr tba Imperial TaaderlUe Show. Sliter Act, Sketch Team. Mnalcal Act that can dooble In band. Piano Player to dooble In ban). People to change act nightly and work la aett. Week atanda: we pay alL Show ( May 2. Addrcea IMPEBIAI. VAI SHOW. Box 14«. Cumberland. Md. WANTED Opeaer. I«etacer and Grlader. The best la the tawliK aa If yoa take a driak now aad then. SBWke dgarettea, or warn yonr car Ci ranced. please don't write. CHABISB KAV MX, Ooa. DeL. Obleago. HI. -FOLDING CHAIRS— All wood; natural flolab: atroog and datable; beaatlea. Bare time. Send dOe for aample. Only M.M par dam No ractorr can eompeta with na.. BOOEBS 00., UN Aoitnj, Hew Tark City. DeWin SISTERS vawXnSc SECOIO.HIIO ROLLER SMIES VUTEO 400 to 600 palm. In good coodltloa. OEOBOB D. BXBHOP. Arcade Bldg., Vew Jaraay. State price. Xnataa. FOB BAI.E—Fancy Wagoa. Dnabar H«d*l. A amsll store oo wheels, equipped f» gspcsea and peanut roasting. Price, (dOQ. Mk GtaMiaaati. O.. BOlib^raill CHALLENGES Tho BlUbMiid «^ print ohallongM, i^lthor In Its orff»if»it far sMpiMMi^ %m nmmi swd - pi f os ff 'a ,of smottnt •oeompanUs ehallongo. THE BILLBOARD PUB. CO. Hepley Roller Skates Hentey Racdn^ Skates hy speed ekateis e tei y where, and ai* alao daa for tndlrldaal use, wbarn the Oneet aad completa akala la tha auikat la dssl t sC POLO Send tbr Skate Catalogna^ OSIclal Polo OoJde, lOe. ILCHENLEir, Writofbr The New Balto. Flyer Managers* Sampio Pair Proposition. THE SKATE WITHOUT A RIVET Balto. Skate Mfii. Go. Baltlmor*. Hd. Mi li Skitai lU at Daiea OVER 1.000 IN USE. to he tha BBWuehb wfih whicb to aa eren, smooth sorfaco oa any kind » floor, old or new. bard or soft. WIU I fram 5,000 to T.OOO sq. ft., once orer la ■ Two or fear times orer will a eabo. tt ■ -— • tat oar VBBB ™"» K. Z. 80HI.t>BXZK. lOJ-ias IT. Caaal Stmot, CUaaga, HI. Pkofesmnal Roller Skaters' ai-i'ASSOCIATION Organised to giro gieater pmrnlneaea to bona Ada Ptofeaalonal Bkatsts—those ■who bare a dalahed act to eObr Haaageia sssMng Bxhndttaa Hkststa snd ta pnoota Ballac 9* T^' ^ CBjs dB All.tiie Stars of the Skatms World I (MB OBBABIXATXOB. im S^lcUlUN Hi MTICMM Aitlatle Beeate BoreMjr, A SCENE FROM TOYLAND Wm. MocrlB Ohcolt. DAINTY GLADYS LAMB la Artlatle and Oraeatal Bsacj sad THefe SkatlBg, lamisrtsg many aew, actglmal (eala. AddrsM BKSIABOSOK BKAIS oa. Ml Walla St., Chkage^ QL H. A. SDSM^S Orealsat UtIbc exponsBt ot tba art ot Fatlnace— Hapailor AitlaMo Triy and j[Wt"'|lfi''*|j* ~ ■*** •arty forbeoklBC. AdJieseW Broad 8L.irT.Clty. MRS ADEUIDE E. DnfOMK VAN FRANK Faatuea of 21-Ib. Too Okol Skatas. OuaaS of Death an Hlcb aad Broad Ji Speoiaities OB BoUoia. ^rewiaMag ji9JKm iiassia^n^iySrSvSsHfc St.. ladlaaapoUa. tad. BESTHA DOUD MAOK Tba ortgtaal AaM Held gi im l i i i Msaa Daaear, feataaiag Back and Wtag sad sB tbe ^.-^'-g steps fSmlllsT to maslaal eoBody. Act ertgtnal aad O- t e da t a Beaatlfally coataaad. B—a il dr im. (■ Bute St.. Bea^m ralK M. T. THE HARRAH8 R I N K L A N D with BpsrtsI Hi ssnj. OH TBB UITBB-aTATB OIBOinT MISS GRACIE AYER, Queen of the High RoUers Veatarta* her OUnt Skatea, weighing 12 Iba., with « In. wbeela, doing tba moat dlOcnlt steps fcnotm. Spinning on heels, one toe and two toes. etc. Alao many noreltlea on tba tecular ulie rtiti-e 1« known is the Girl Top, plajlng Rinks and Vaoderllle. O. 1.. AYER, 140 Eui^vnle Str^..'t. Chlctgt). COLORS SCENIC ARiiftiri by J.8. A. W. R. EAKINS. ine.. New Sample Book sent on requests 2 to 24 Waliabeut St.. Brooklyn. N.Y. FOE BHOWMEB—Indian Wooaa wttk two-fseed rUBISA LABS BlffBKCTBTAimMw Psal Baby. t23; Wild Derll Child Body. sU cwrered ■ Brachatd, Promoter and IHiectar. Jack Sattaa. with taabr. «1S: Pig Child. «»: Alligator Bm, | Hagenbeck-Wallaec. Jack D*ir ~ tlS: Two.headed PalagooUh Glut. «3S. O. I Sells. PhU DaiUac^ BUBM * S. KOOD, • Tea Xaadea St.. Ghaahridga. Xaaa. I Maido. Blagllas