Billboard advertising (Apr 1910)

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24 3iM9img Perfomiuioe atHoanuDg- ^ fon, Ind., Auracta Big Ctowd. , . Slow Now Assumep'Pib- ' - pc»tioas(tf KgCtrcus BIoomlDKton. Iiid„ Afdl BHUxwrd).—In b bow i Gentry Broi.' !f«r Sbowa In tU>. their home dtr. Batortar. Awn tt. In spite of tbe nOseraU* weattcr. Itflt aot prore to be ••23" tar tbe bom. - " lllllM wu > bl» sDccees. Tbeic was quite a ovwd on tba (treeta to aee tbe parade, aod all treic wen r epaid for atandins ahlrerins in the cold. ETerythinK waa brand new, and ptcaeatad a' tell- Uant specUele, abont a bait mile la IfBcth. Some of tbe former Doc and Poor akow &a- tnres^were In line, bat tbe recent ad<Hfl«»ia up a resnlar etreoa parade, far ab«ie tiM avar- ase. In tbe Ions line were tfene bnda. Kith the CTcr-popolar ealUape In tbe nar. Tbe Blae -or tike oowd- to tbe aft er noon waa a wonder. con«lderlo« tbe bUzaardlr weatber. Tbe bis top wu tbice-fonrtha fnO. and tbe crowd atajed tbrtmghoDt to eojor one of tbe beat per- formaneea erer pat on tbe oU circna lot. At night iTrry rewrred seat waa sold, and tbeie were bat few vacant seats of any Und. Some of tbe best and always popnlar acta of tbe old abowa have been retained, and tbe principal ad* ded acts are: Bracbard and wife, contortloniata; Kelly Family, one man and tbree womcD, la wbe act; Boreaaette Family, alx in nnmber. ac- rabata: ManeU and 1>nnett. bnrlzontal bar clown ' act; I«ttEU Slsteta. aerial bntterlly act, boldlns ' br teeth; Hzl Vetealf and' ber Performlnc Ooca. a Teiy pretty act: Capt. Metcalf. Intro- doeed In a ateel-endoaed arena, bla troupe of timiaed wDd animals, the bis sensation of tbe ahow. A military band of twenty ptecea. led by Prof. Harry Crlsler. made a bit wltb tbeir excellent mnalc and gorKeona new onlfonna. Tbe show ia ooder tbe mana^ment of H. B. and W. W. Gentry, wltb Frank Gentry as press man and legal adjuster. J. W. Gentry baa tbe pcMleses. Of coarse, Ben Anstln and Wink Weaver are witb the show. Beo has cbsrse of the concert, and Wink is ahead of tbe abow. ..W. E. Wens Ii tbe ring maater. Tom North ' k In advance of tbe ahow. . Jifter tbe afternoon pctfonaanee the hard of el „.«|bnta and wild aaiadB 'wmm- Mt. !• Ihi y.-ttrm. as it w aa tao^eaid3>< lif)i9><N* :<tC-<<>' It ajg jpt wfl A _ -^•amnr BROS.' aovertisinq car SMASHED. No. 1 sdTertisinr ear of Gentry Bros.. In chaise or FraDk Bairia. waa aide awlped by a ftelcbt train at Norwood. April 25. Side of car completely cmaabed. Tbe cbef. Grant Kinney waa tbe only one braised. The balance oC the boya eeeaped .iaJAty. The accident hap- panaa «■ tbe C. L. and K. Railroad tracka. Ixmi wllltMa.-CCoeraI a^nt of the ahowa. abot .oat BO time waa lost. .vfOREPAU OPENINa (CoBtlBaeA Cbobb pasa 90l) '^ienlt ilxtr-vae hocM aet. arhIA la tmly the - aqnlne Caatme of tba drcna. To aee tbe gayty eompariaoned ateeda drellns alternately In dif- ferent dlrectlona on tleia. obedient to tbelr mas- tcr*a dletatloo. preaeatcd a Terftably impreaalTe light. l>lsplay VI. ptcaenta a "potpoanl of phe- nomenal performancea by artiata of aicCled and ■ tfreaUed talenta." eomprlaed of HyataU and OUcfilT'BInea Dao, Kaknrai. Tbe Clowns' Can- peea. Tbe Tire Alpfnes and Xbe-WablOBd and Tkkla Trio. The anrommon atrengtb ot-JIra. -Wahlnmd is tmly remarkable. In aplte of her nnucnlar and powerful balld. All tfaeae acta deaerre farorable mention. Onea more tbe whistle nsbera In tbe next display, which Indmlea The Aralon FamQy in -<ddlshtfal and worthy eqalUbristlc acrobatlam: . Yoaeph Ii, I«sarty in one rtns, and Tbe Ttaree SUteca Ortaney in tbe otber, who twist in aercr-tani^lns knota; Tlie Two Franka, in a Boral hand balancing act; A Ueny Andtewa and Ok., Tbe Acrobatic Two Ortaneya and ttaeli per < lacmlnK canines. Iked Uaere and nUcbi. In ifloma clsTer contortlonlam. The ilBCS and atases clear again to allow Iflaa Ab Jotanaon. SUaa Uda Jameaon. Mlaa A. Welah to distlngolab tbemselTes In tbelr blgb school horaemanahip—a good act—while Madam S. Hlnes and Mme. Ortaney engage tbe vast erowd*a attention by a number of exceptional iialanrfng^ and iuggllnga Willie poiaed on a roll- ing sphere. After 'Iheae globes, are rolled oS tbe stage, tbe tight wire performers begin tbelr sure-footed mld-alr apedaltles. Tbe artists In this display are Tbe Blchards Slaters, Four ATallooa. lUas Ab~ Jobnsoo, Three T^ Ben Sisters, Three Or- taney ffiatera, and The Alpine Family. Each ooe la good, especially tbe llrely, acdye, baxard- ■ ooa and flolabed performance presented by Tbe Alpine Family. Distinctly norel and hereto "fore unseen. Again tbe band ceases, only to herald the en- trance of tbe strong men and women, Indodlng tbe almions Wahlmwl and Ttokla Trio. Byatakl and KonklcM, Hanley and Co., Hlnes-KImball -Xkoape. Ada Bdl. Edwirds-THo. Taw and Dkl- - ctaL. and The I^anndor Trio. Good. DIaplay No. 12 la now presented up In mld- ■tr, which rlrets tbe besd at as an^ oncom- tathUe for tbe neck. Howerer. cleremess and flak of life render all physical diacomfltnre onnotlced. Fred Lasere. Mlaa A. Joimaoa, Jos. C LialTerty, Jamea R. Wallace, are all swing- ing, climbing, dropping and twisting at the same time. Tbe Alearcs; atars in tbe ladder trapeae branch, deaerre apcclal mention for olarMtlee tnm the SprtegM* , BO«d cart and three bone taadaa tna act. Tbe other rings ate oeenpled Iv Mr. Wa. Ud- rnse. Vlaa Marie Heets and Tba Lvwaadca, who, as naDsl do a any etcdiubia wocfc. The next dlaplar la a aoaclty (eatnic, that FUmpangh and Sdia can w^ be prood of for novelty of the Idea, of ceu alr uetlon and merit of talent. The Iron-Jawed angela as they flnt- tsr-abont wltb flying wlnga In tbe beareo of tba White City, win deaerred applauae and cap tbe eltanax to tbe ring performancea. It would not be (air to call Tbe Soaring BIcbatda Slaten. ^tbe Tr Bdl Slateia and Tbe Flying Ulnerra SUteta "tat —HWT are aaperlatlTely excellent. After ~ the aerial bnmana bare descended to tbe groond and discarded tbelr gaoxe-llke wlnga. tbe hippodrome races are annoonced. These con- sist of flnt. a Ladlea Flat Bace—competitora. Mlaa R. Welch. Bessie Morris. A. Jobnaoo. Lola Jameson, Mlaa J. Hairia; second, a Ocntlemen's Fiat Bace—Jack Egburtson, Art Gagnoo, Earl Bannard. Jack R. Harris.; a two-borse stand- ing race—Bletaard Weltoo. Frank Morris, Jack Baraell; a handicap coar^lng contest between fleet English whippet racing dogs; the Cloirns' Bace; a pony against a thoroughbred horse: Ail Nations Bace—Miss Bessie Morris as cowslrl. Earl Bannard as cowboy, Dan Cnrtia aa XDdian. Art Gagnoa aa Bnsslan; Iaat|F> ■ IfcllWIt four- bone Booun chariot contest feCtstn'Atk John- son aod Billy Jameson. ' ' ' Now a paose. then the cooadoosness tllat tbe abow is over lllls the mtod of tbe people; they applaud as they leare, united in opinion that Porepangb-Sdla la distinctly worth while and beq>eaka tbe able management of ancb men aa B. White. Wm. O'Dell Jaa. J. Brooks, E. J. Kelly, J. D. Newman and tbe many others con- nected with them. To tbe above we doS oar bat. for thia abow waa run off and rehearsed at a tempeiatnie below freexlng. They bare lanncbed an enterprise of gigantic proportions and posalbUtles; launched It weU. Tbe clrcns Is satlafaetozy to tbe recent patron aa well as tbe old-timer. It embodies tbe cream ot tbe old aarored by tbe spice of tlie new. Conse- qnently Tbe BOlboard takes this opportunity to congratulate them on tbe interest, comptmctloo, unison, harmony, anlmatkm. attention and reg- ** HIS SIDE. Tack. April 20, ISIO. -Deer Sir:—ABoir me, throogh the colamns of yoar Talnable paper, to vindicate to managers, agents and my lirotber artiata, my actions in connection wltb my act,' known as BassTs Mus- ical Elephanta. ""In one of tbe professional Jour- nals an artlde appeared stating that the act. wblcta is my original Idea, having invented tbe instruments, composed the music and re- hearsed tbe ladies in tbelr respective parts. Is and alwaya will be tbe same, whether done wltb elephants or witboat my partner. Mr. F. Sehmergel. of Vienna. Austria, who owns the elepliants, which would have been on hia handa. arranged with nw for Oe ttalaiac of ii All this done paraneally wkna^heSV scheako (Nhtel) Mad so. Had Ike act binaiefl im ■ BMPK ■aaBer, aad by a . II 111! aee "Ale IS aai the JmtUsUe salair for riMk im met. m» li a bl e would have ariaen. bat to walk tire aal Ikcce tliaea a day. aod to lose 1110017 was aiace ttea I, or any otlier art- ist woold entertain, when the fault was not on my aide. Aa for any legal p r oceedings having been Instituted against me, I deny this asser- tion, and give yon the truthful statement, which la. that I served an order from the Sopreme Court for a dissolution of partnership. As for epirlting dephants away from Onlsdienko (NIebol) I was only too delV>ted to hare so fortbs ref poQsIMli^.^ " " expenae of paying - aUc, groouia. etc . . . --r -. Mg^Miir^to^itgii|^i -mM uim - AH la Onlaehenko (NIebot) ahaU give him an oppuituully te akU] at tbe coadoaloa of my TWO Bina" Show, for which 1 . , gaged by Major Ullle. to Introdaee «ke act Of which t am the originator. In the year 1811 my act will be presented to tbe Amer'r«i* public wltboot elephants. Thaaktas yen fhr the vdnable space yoo allow aM le-vMlce*e-aiy rights, I remain. : ■'Wr,^itn very tmly. . :-;;^yl-i2.^''- AiJTttE P Bossi. . DICKEV^;«li»lM^Bivrt^^ Dickey's drde D BaaA speaad at- tbelr ranch tat a four wedtsf ceatiact trtlk'tke liellg Potysecpe rnapany of rhhagSt aa Afrll Ix. Selig's csr with a aliiiil ramiiaei ead para- phernalia aiTlTad ea AprO in.'■ Tke Indians were three daya late in arriving on eccoimt of ijoarantlne for acarlet fever on the Bosebud Ueaervatlon. Boater: Tom Mix. Cbaa. Foqua, Johnny Mui- Uns, Soap Welderman, HUt Davla, Pat Long, Jim Clark, Geo. McElroy, Frank Anaoo, U. Bobeson. Henry Grammar, Tom- Grammar, Jack Hunt. Tenneeaee WUIla and Tony Cane, cow- boya; Olive Mix, Leu Fero, FoUy Mnllina, Lil- lian Dickey, Maggie Gramaur. aad Ids WlUla, lady ridera; Chief Bdlmaa eaa ' SImpaon wltb twecty-flve from the Boeebod Agency. MANY ctricuBKi^ ^mu^ 't^ THIiBi SEA SON. Western Penoaylvanla and tbe eaatera part of Ohio, aeeais tbe battlcfleld la which dr- Mm valieT aad it la piedleted Oat the Bght wfll be the meet MMw (feat has takca plae* In Weetcrn Pennayleaala Mr • may yvara. Op- poaltioe brlgadee (Mr both aheare were than for alx daya. The Hageaheek-Wallace Ibow wOl be at New Castle, Pa., May 7, and the rot«> einsb-Srlls Bros, are to be ibere May 13. offalo Bill Pawnee Bill will follow. CIRCUS LICENSE REDUCED. BranavlUe. lad.. Apall 'fT ' "fli"'iVlfiiiii i baa been Introdneed la the City. Osnadl rrdne- Ing circna iicenaea here, (rom $4M to lauo. In case a drcua-gives e parade alaas Main atreet. the license will be but (ITS. ' Mmhaais contend that tbe aonnd of tbe calliope along Main atreet la worth mote than $2i ia that It will help to wake up "dead ones." Pittsbaigt Pe»» _ Bingllag Brae, aad the in Beaek. all' ai which compaalca will show there .early la Hay. The Two Bllla are there Decoration Day and the day fdloarlng. There wUl be a dash at Bearer Falls, Ps., between the Hsgcnbeck-Wallace Show at Jnae- tloB City. Joat a cr oss the river from that town. DROPS DEAD IN CIRCUS TENT. While In a paroxysm of mirth over tbe dance of an Indian boy who was pt>rformlng in the areoB at tbe 101 Ranch Wllil West tibuw at St. LauIs, John Donovan. 38 years old. aaaiataat manager of tbe St. iMla Democratic Clok FINDLAVS LICENSE REDUCED. The City CaaaeB e( Fladlayv drcna l l e t as s la thet to US. • the (100 FOB SAL£—Peony Arcade Macblnea, all kinds. Electric Plaooa. etc.. cheap for cash. & wtvv 60T Xaikat St., St. Lonia, Xo. WAKTED AX ONCE—Toung Lady to aiag IHv trated songs, do poars and serpentine daece . Looiie Levere, write. Address CE" eaia Lama Shswa. Maanm, Okla. Ton OIXI> or boy can irork in pit with my Porcnpinea. Interesting booklet, "Bow to Ex- hibit Flint's Porcoplnes," sent free to show- men. J^-nil tr. (laT, LUrWOOD ILTHT, Horli Waterford, Mains. rOB SALE—Must sell at once. Fowcr'a Camera- graph No. B. 170; Modd B. Oaa Oatflt. new. (22; 5,000 f t. gltan . Ic per ft., all la A-1 condlUoo. O. WHEEXBS. CONCESSIONAIRES lyEiUISUIIBEIKITfm raiTUND, MESON, of die Itqte*' and Bub^ puks oo tknuafieCoML Will Open Seventli Summer : Gieat oppoitunitjr kn hidi-clan Noveides. 12 boodua ^(ereni sizes, to Rot on die toaO. Fbib buflding. 50x 100. for Splendid openins for Bohemiaii Glan Blowers. Waot a fint-dsH and Judjr VAUDEVILLE ACTS Can offer good Singing and Daadng Acta tlrn* over oar entire circuit. Tboae having more thia one chassv of act preferred. OIAOV BXOfl.' BOOKTHO AOEirCT. Kooma t. t, i, T, I, *. m S. Karket BV. Wicliita, Kin WANTED—Fbr Frank KInnle'a New Hbowx. Csa- fol Wagon bbow People of all kinds: Tnba Player, doable trapa: tnan and wife pretened; alnsle trap (lady) Bounding Bope, workingmea. Show opens May 2L People doing two or mora Itlllpnsh r I ' ~ ' Young Bufiak/s Wild West! six and elfibt bone diivon mad kRMMDs; also bl^ oxen men. tralnmeD aod irorkinciDeD all dffMrtmeatn. Beat of i Address a r. MODES, 1Umi«t, PEOEIA. niS, WANTED For KEMP'S WILD WEST SHOWS Owing to disappointment, want Side Show People dolnc two or more turns: most be good. Also Urat-cIaM Camp Cook for WIM Wc«t Show. CaD aw a frw morr GOOI> Wild Welt People. Show opens ricvfltnJ, Obi-', M«t 1-1. Nt -m- «tan.Iv \V« = t.\;, Slito Caarh In rriA aerrlcTiblf ron- dltlon for c«»[i. Addrvu. O. P. KEMP, El Paio. lUa. Wanted for The Miyility Haas RaiM^ Driaeis. TTala JIaaler, Man te take charse ef ■ l ae gi i l e aa< wetk cttvkeat act. Caa Becu. C. WlUlems, Geerae WaraAett. ftoperty Bed ar Bert CsnoO aad Ull (haewa as long grrea driasri. write or wire. nUUK BL UTTiTiTB. Btasalilaa Waaaier, Seev Shiir. atlstal. Staa.. AfsO Ms Abiagdoa. Ta., AgrQ »> PalaaU. Ta., AprO SS; Seat Satfaii. Ta.. Jbr Sparks' Slaws laot quick, folotn oa fire—Boss Hostler, Tnti Nistar, Calliope Player, *6 aod 8 Horse Drliers. Boozers save stamps. Address Qias. Sparks.' Route, BcnyviOe, Aric^ April 29; Neosho, Mo., 30; A^ta, Okla., May 1; Oaremore. OMa.. 3» A Real Midget Lady Wanted Most be perfertir fonned. to eiblblt In coDoectloii with the IJttle HDsatn PriM«. Lou ta ffacmient. 1 par aalary aod rallmad fan* pfter Jotntog. Otm<q at Trrrf> llante, lad.. Uaj B; week stands, send pboto and state mt ipce, tK>lftht iml wplght id'I lowest ajilirr. AddfMi UANAOER LITTLE 1IDH8IAN I'RINCE. Ei«t Bt. Ixiult. liW Dumb Acts and OHtdoor Novelties mlam» State open time and full particubuv in first letter, ply unless you nwntioii Mlaiy. GL W. NEISON, ter, N. Y. Do not expects le* ROBINSON S FAMOUS SHOWS WANTED T O JOIN AT ONCE Sober, Expericaoii HU. POSTERSuiiUTROGIAPHEBS Wiie or writs OAIT FRANCIS. Dennison Hotd, CSneisnsttaCUa.. WANTED Adam's' SOUTHERN RAILROAD CIRCUS Two or tbfsa good Purformeni, nan and wlfa pfvferml. roalllTely ran't Iwoae bare. I waSt goad