Billboard advertising (Apr 1910)

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riie Bllll>oard APRIL' 30, 1910. Some Reaaoitt Whyri^ttencUiice^^^^ Diminiaheci Last SeasoD and - ttttt an tb* vark altaatloa Is ■fanUar to that la aar otbcc Baa oC baalntaa, The.BCKbant «ko B w o tt li ca blmadC la abtalalac otdlt bcjmd Ua laaoanaa la noc ta (all. ataB ttaoosh Ua >a»l ■ mi tha aarfare teoka prailaiiic Tba •fance paA manafar la ladlacd to apcod a ffcat deal oC moaqr aad rd7 oa hU: praBIa ta . pay for hia lanraataant tn part. A wack o( bad waathar ar i DJIB atant bnxlneaB from «ome alter cauat acada klat to kla corner for tbe final count almply bccaoaa be haa oremaciwd hlmiirif. OoBtrair to tbe opinion of Mme people, tbe iwik lasoe la not a dead one. Tben wm lie parka In opentloo after oar srandehUdnii h»Tr pasned awmr and all park man ageea of tbe present day have gone to tlse bappr hnat* b« fraonda. Tbeie la, bowerer. a pecnUar dle- tluctloD amoos tbe parka. TlM Wblta City cr tima Park, wideb ebaraeteilaca tba annaesMat aBterprtM trallt la . a eonpaet wajr, wltb no natural adrantagca. baa tor tbe prcaent at laaat aeen lu best daya. Tbe nat nral perk, bowevar. coretinc aoea of aatnzal aceiwiy, tiMS water and aU of tba beantlea tbat God has created, will nerer grow old-faMkloaed as tone aa this world teto l t ea . Too can not fenptara opno oatore, and man's endearor from tba. ba* ginning of- time bee only aocceeded in bringing eat Ita stroogest points. Ite pobllc wCH al- ways Ood to tbe amnaement xeaoat tbat cab eombloe natoral adranta^. with a estala amoont of amnsemcnt features. Xbe vteale paA baa rome to stay. Tbe aDbnrbaa aatmal parka eoonrcted wltb atrcet railway eompaolaa, talning tbeatcca and a taw olbcc amuaei will alwaya be paHoolaaa^^'bat ;thajHA',oC tbe aeucie t a walka aad BBiOOO elrrlHa: Mllbte^ (■ •am) win bs«e to alt back ■re aC tbe aest ctnmtta ^ _ — - jtad bi tta tbe Hlppadrome adwne Ohreraity to a vaoderllle Bt of tbe great abnllar- OBtdoor acta. .jMr big DCTTflty acts bear a eloae family re- "Maaee to ottaeis. Of eoorse tbe Hippodrome ■aa advantage over tbe tbcatrea daring tba SB la wblcb it la operated. Tbe pertorm- > la gtren onder tbe Moe canopy of besTen. tUa tact wm nndoobtedly do mncta to- vretcomlng the dlaadrantsgta In other coming aeaaon looka like a pnmlatng ona tor tbe oatdoor prapoidtloa. Xoney Is nndoabt- cOy la more. setlTe eircblatlon tban during tbe past two yean, and In moat aectlona work Is more plentlfnl and salaries bigber. Tbe eonll- dence of tbe pnblle bss been largely l e sto red and tbe sammcr park will nndoobtedly reeelre Ita abare of tba Incoming tide of prosperity. Tba tMlowlDC tnlew of eoadlttons in dlffer- (Bt parks and fairs only partially eorers tbe Bitiiatiaa. Tboe are orer 500 parka east of CbleagB. and'It woold. tberefore, be Impoaalble to more than akfan tbe aorface of this subject. Last work's issne of a New York tbeatrleal paper reatalard tbe laronnatioo tbat a New Orleans park bad opened AprO 9. dtlng tbls aa the fln*t park opening of tble atasou. Aa a matter of fact, tbe first park to open tbla year, cr In any prerloos year, wss Banlan'a rofait. Toronto. Canada. Rising from tbe ssbes 'CC a Ore that took plaee Isst Angnst. carrying total <l» » l im -tl«ni tn Its pstb. Banian's Point apeaed for tba eeami Marcb 19, orer 4,000 peo- ple being In attendance on tbat day. Orer tSno.noo la being spent In ImpcoTementa and tbe beary Inn of last season, wlileh would base dlseonraged moat park mansgera. baa only bad the effect of sparring Mr. I.. SoImOB, owner of this park, to greater efforts. Toronto Is a great and growing city, and one of tbe beat anmsonent centers on this eonti- sent. At Hanlan'a Point, a baseball paA and grand stand b being bnllt tbat Is seeood only to tha ftaaaa Forbes' Field In Plttabnig. The oms- .'■Satal work on this Tsst stmrtnre sad _lts catar scheme can be seen nowhere elsa. park win play hands and oatdoor coming aeaaott, honked throagb tba the American VandeTtlle Clrcolt. Pmiiably tbe most snccentfnl picnic park In or near Plmawirg Is Westrlew. sitnated In Al- lecheoy. This park for ■rreral seasons bss been playing band attractions, bat this year Is bnfl'Ilng s eaodeTflle tbeatre. and win play Tanderlle, mnslcal comedies, minstrels and op- era. Kennywood and Snatbem In Plrtsborc *11I nse Hippodrome acts and the Hippodrome fee- tore win again bold forth at Porbea' Held. Colnmlias. O., haa two parka of t oin t g i MBce. Olentancy and Indlanola. At the latter nmar- soa Impmecmewta are belag made, the tbeatre SSetlea af Mr.'~C. K. 'Mflea.' wflt mdatMedly get Itt share of the t u s liw a a . BIgel Park, at Newark. O.. a Batnra] amnae- men! resort, on tbe site of the old Idlewfld Park, will play Taoderllle attractions on tlie roof garden and In 'be theatre, sod also glre free open-air sttraetlons snd bsnd cooccrta. Alameda Park, at Rotler. Pa.: Idera Park, at Tooagatown, O.: Cascade Park, at Neweas- tla. Pa.; Bock apdaga Park, at East Ueefpoot. Q.: Jaacflaa Park, at Kew Brlgbloa, Pa., and Oafctait FBik. at Oianlaiig . Pa., win play i-daaa ■■■d nIB i' atttaetiaaa, tan or flee I It " - - - - Tbe woA at New Oaralral Coart. BolfalOk M. X.. altaatad oa tbe atte of tha diaaunUed Uma Paiki la piinifnlin rapidly, aad the park ezpeeta to open aboot May SO. Rnmeraoa fleatnrea era' being Installed, notably an Im- mense scenic rsQway, wblcb la being boUt ^ tba Ii. A. nompaoo Company. Tbe week on tbe new Yalley neatre, at STTaenae, M. T.. Is making rapid strides to- warda completlaa. TUs tbestie will be ai»- eisted by tbe Syracuse Street Railway Com- pany, beginning abont June IS. It Is being boUt entirely of steel eoostractlon, and - wUI seat shoat 1,200 people. Ibeia la BOtklag alaa of conaeqnence In tba paik^-Kaia bkvaiaaCH^ but aereral of tbe down: tatm tbaatf 'wM be rmi during tbe sammcr.' A new enteiiirtse at Uontreal. Canada, to be operated onder tbe naqie of King Edward Park, la rapidly assamlng abape, and « den. wltb a big paTlllaB bands and TaoderlBc^'^li^ sectlaa of the city. The parks at Albany. K. T., are ondergotng nnmerooa changes, tbe most notaUe being at Etecbdc Park, wtaere Bereral addlUoos are be- ing boBt. - There Is also a dooble track road eaaatznctlaD to the park, which will l a ue aa e d facilities and iscteaaed boaineaa tbe name of tbe i e«ie u»tim.led at Albany. Tbla U tbe park that trie CompaaK M and bands. Tbe county aBS-aCala'-flaln are making elab- orste ptcparatlow aivrttt coming season. Agrl- cultoral faira aia. anewed a certain snm of money by the atate they are in towatda tbe coat of their ezhlbltion. They ace almost all engaging free attractlooa sod some of tbe abowa presented at these mrsi exhibitions would cause some of oar leadlog ▼aaderllle managers to alt Dp and take notice. There are ezblbldoas using orer (10,000 worth of free attractions sreckly. Tbe Toronto Fair tbls jear Ii colDg mote Into band attractions, having booked abont 15 differ- ent bands. Slace an accident to s performer aboul two years ico, at the FUr Oroands, tbe management has steered clear of ontdoor sets of a blgbly scDsatlonal cbanctCT. Attractions for many of these fsUs sra en- gaged St an open Okecllng to wblcb aanMraw agents are Inrlted, aad tbla year .bMa fUs ta be tbe most waialy. eoalaatat.M'ttb'lllMqr:tf' tbe baslnesa. ne babny hceatb at aprlag can bow be felt In tbe air. the Oowcia are commencing to biaofli. tbe Urda an i iMiii ai lin to atax. and POIUSr ^AilK<ilMS NKW. HAN' are many Improeemento at I br tat aad ceecy- thing is bright and new. Tba large awlmming pool has been enlarged and as tbls wss a popular feature of Forest Isst seasoa. ought to be ■ mote ao tbla year with added capuclty. Tben there are new rides and new concesalooa with tbe old atBB d-bjB ot tba aecBle. mecTy-go- touud. watar vatra-at^ atBMiBlfli aa tta. v to pleaae tbaw •B:«feaB'iilv-aa*ar vaar- Mr. J. H. KoOer la ika auaanr ot fareet tbu eeasoa. Last yesr be bad Aatga eC the dancing paTUIOB aad prarad tba tbat ha bad OLYMPIC PARK. FltaMbMI*~aat Norwood bSTe taken a tea- year MMB'^dW'BacTesllon Park, rreaoo, c«I.. snd win opSB Itsy IS. Tbe atlractluns will coa- alat of an open-air tbeatre, mily equipped to which a maslcal comedy and grand ot>cra com- pany will appear. Band eoocerta, skating pa- tUIoo. etc.. will he featurro of tbe park. One of tbe features will be a tlO.OOO Warlltser Orcbeatrioa. Uessrs. litipatrlck snd MarBasd sra wall known to amnaement circlea. The chased a Lake OaL and wOl:. TORONTO PAR K NOTEa ■tract Railway Cai baa -Beach will op^n was formerly located between TVoy snd Albany on tbe trolley line, orleloally bnllt by Robert P. Walker, uid rerlred onder tbe management of Msz Rosen. The park was mored about three yeara ago to Lagoon laland. since wtiicb time It has been rather bandlcspped imder tbe manageme nt of Mr. M. Holoran* also msnsger of StsBwlck Hsll. In Albssy, snd lit. J. Oallln, cooaceted srltb Proctor's Thestza do wen tba coming aeasoo. a erslly potot to tbst direction. Smprlalng changes sre betog msde at Claaon Point Park. In tbe Bronx. Mew Tork City, im- der the management of CUaton Sterena. A Urge ride Is being bunt by T. If. Hsrtoo. of Pittsburg, snd abont $100,000 is being spent ta other tanprorements. This park ia sc c eaa lhle to New Tm-k City, being .a fire cent ride from tbe Herlcm and Bronx, distrlcta. Tbe park will use haada and ftee ontdoor sttrsctlons. "nm ssme policy sa to prerlons yesia win be ptmned the comtog aeaaon to the parka operated by the Cooaeetlcot Compsny, the bookings be- tog to tbe bsBds ot a Nnr Torfc accat. Tba otnrlal opealag wm be aboot Jnaa IS^ but tbe parka wfil vnMhIy opea tbdr gates oa Dceor- atlou Day. Prsctieslly every park In New Jersey wUI ebsnge bands for the coming summer, with tbe exception of tbe Newsrk parks, all of wblcb bsee been operated for serera] years troder tbe same management. It la lumu ied tbat PallMdca Psrk win be operstrd by New York theatrlcsl peopla. tiie lease hsTiag been forfeited by the former Ic sa ee e ss an outcome of court pro- ceedings. Bayonne Psrk Is sow owned by tbe Lembeck le Beto Brewing Compsny, sod bss been Icaaed to acw people this yesr. In Tren- ton tbe mealMf baa ad ie iU s e d for bids, stotlag tbat It Boaa vaBt-■cccptable. tbe park would be waU at j B blh lBB cHs B eariy tbla moetb. ■belpott Partu ■■■luliiu. Del., will prob- msnsgsBtol *iitit^,' . Siflv - ftMsBdB ta operate Foccet Park tUa aeaaon aa a bigb-class amuaeaient r e port and to matotain It aa snch. Re haa ae tui ed a lease on Forest from tbe F Uiat Park Cirealt aad Realty Coapaay. which opecalaa parka Ib St. toala, Mimiibli aBd. Loa- iaemek. bS^ MB. KSaariBl tba Kiaiai City IVwaat Park are stOI ta be antatad arttb Ibeor parka.' Ifr. Walter Bafferkamp la aaalslsat manager and tressnrer. Ur. ' Hafferkamp waa treasurer of Wnest Isst seasoa sad aiade many MeBda tbca. an aC «bs« Ma glad *• na bla HOVER PARK CHA NGES HANDS. Lima. O., April 7a. —Borer Park baa cbaaced lada. . Ifc PL HlBMiy..B dealer aC tUa aflFi He win tmirafa tbe rtaort. her of attrartloBa. Tba AWL class Tandernie will be banfeedlbia being remodeled aad athcr bBfldtega . . ^ for tbe ofvalag; «Akh wm occar tba. tattar part ot If 0. U. J. VOamO. ALBANY PAR K OP ENS MAY 28. Maple Beach Psrk. Albany. N. T.. (fnrmerty Altro Park), win opea (or tbe aeasoo on May S>, nadrr the raanagraieBt' of John 1. Csrllo. st p i m e at ataae dto ectar. at Praet«e*a Theatre. A pnilcT of BrcseBtMU'-tba.'toast eartad.kiBds at entertoloBWM wniifeB. pBMpai.\.lBH(a^ P ot Troy, wfli M a. MMritaMM aCjJto HBWBUROH PAR K dW W I W . Orsnire I/sk* Park, which is owned by Bx- Ooremor Renjamln B. O'Dell. Newbm-Bh. N. T., Is to be opened May 80 and be mirtrT the mansrement of Byrano O'lVlI. who la the yonnrest son of the Br-Ooremor. Rome ex- tenalTe Improeemento wlU ba noticeable wbea Iba park dp«fc KENTUCKY PARK OPBN»::|M,V 1. Ito galea ob May 1. Tba park la grtally 1^ Bsneeab SBa wbkb .to i Tbere are rumors afloat to Rsnsss City thst s new amnsemrnt park simllsr to sa electric psrk and ix>t nnlike Fairmount Park, viDl be bnnt this NELSON LEAS ES PARK. Wbeeltog, W. Vs., April B.—Tba Meaart Psrk bss Men leased for tbe sesaoa hy Clsod* Nelsoa. last season iHnloesa mansrer of tbe Grand Oi>era Boose, here. A tbeatte wUI be built to tbe ' ' ' eras, » Tba IS. HIAUQUIU fcH^IMW r, JUN8 1 Saginaw. Ulcb.. Aprfl 22.—Rlrerslde Park will open Ito s ts sa a Joae 1. Dally Brotbeta win baea tbe auaageaest. with I,. W. r Ib ibaigi ot tha henblags CM^IbB-:-; VAVINQ IN^ILAOCLPHMk A NEW PAm-ancuir. v. Bndy BcHer. of FbUsdelpbls. to Ing s ll>t of bookings now tbst eorer bts'ea'tire park drvalt of aeveateea parba, m ~ ' jii^ftawwa^tbrt^towy a^ijla^ Ajb FORMAL O PENI NG MAY 29. ZanesTtlle. O., April 23.—Moxahala Park. ZanesTUle's snborban amnseokent place. wlU be formally opened May 2B. No special attraetloaa are aa yet aaaooBrcd. Tba S B ~ " ~ Kobert Faiies haa purchased Wil- aon's Park. Deeaior, III., sod wii) rooiJari It aa a pahllr amnaement reaoct. oodrr tl»« oame of Faries Park. $r>EI^ICIOTJ-S ^ DRIHKS I) -.-r : o.^KB. SHOWS .ETC. ^ All otir preparatlone are alwAlnlely baral'w and are rnarsnteed nodrr tbe Pare He^ Ijiw; D. S. Serial No. 11T)H. Oar drtofcs the telallar larger proflu thsa aay attor Orangeade Powder A aiaai at the pa"*! ■abs* 4> gaBi — at daietMS OcawMto aad lalaWa ISr SMk We gaaiBBtce Ihto p awUsi to make ike bs<t Oraagrade aa tbe aMrfcet, It' IMtM Ika he«t, fiayn the lM«t prndl aad to to prnisiv to drink. Prie*. fS.XI par peaoK pretHild. Ksrople fnr 2c stamp. We siso mske Peacbette. rmt-Cola, ftber- bert-Ale, Peii-Fmlla. Ilneatn'l'' riiVr, etc. We will send B enaiT>leta S'«M^rttn*'nt or sam- ples, rslae (1.4.1. pre|>ald tor (l.nn. Sam- ple of any one kind (exce|it Oranaeadel, and onr 1B10 cstoioane of rirlnka. oiolers, glaas Jam, etc. papipeid tar in. OHIOAaO. ILL. vuam. naatma*, omrruM na»s a a OnCKtC of tbe CAKNIVAL coateel at comtog fair, and aaee your assnelstloa fiam dedcil wbea fair Is over, I will farahb yoo with a deulled idea of my aysteti.<riam start to eloslns of contest. Including samplea of dif- ferent llcketo need, how and where to sell them, onillne yoor total eipesse and eetlrastr your total pmdta. Fbr tbli ilmple and coaiplete sys- tem which baa tak^n y^ar* to perfect, I am only ebarglna yoo tt by man. wltb tan la- str^tloaar Tt PBB SMI W M a IMr P^JS. yonr raaMag_lbtoi. tbal mVt