Billboard advertising (Apr 1910)

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28 FAIRS AND CARNIVALS ITIiitt^Qregao StaJie Fair Plans BigThipgsfor Its 1910 Season—Bailxiqt ^v-^^r^'^^^^. O Success—^Paik<^^.Sh|)n^ The OngOD State Fair, beld ammalljr at fbe capital. Salem, la tlie pioneer Inatltntioa ot Its kind on the coast and In tlie entire Nortb- wcst. It is centrally located In the great WU- lamette Taller. In which reside eighty p«r cent.' ot tbe. people ot the State of Oregon. Tbe climate Is mild and'equable and rain, daring September when the fair Is held, is very on- uanal. In recent jArn tbe State baa spent Boner on tbe groonds and bondings with a Ist- lah hand and there is now no state fair plant In tbe West that can compare with that of Ore- Tbc Mr _ cttr and ■!• are sttnated joat outside tbe I eaailj aeceaaible br Iticet MwviBtlllMd -. tufpm ;. uMa. run :ti)F lie iilull liiiiilj ' iif in« iMUlliiii BItttw la the siandstand at the side of the nee eourae. the ere encompaisti the broad ex- Mose of the Terdantlj beaatifDl Willamette Valler extending to tbe Cascade Bange from which rise, la atatdy giandenr.. tbe snowr ~ sides and peaks of Oregon's scenic pride. Old Ut. Hood. Mt. Jefferson. Mt. St. Helens and other snow-corered mdantaina. The gnndeni .of tbe landscape from this point Is an especial .delight to Eastern vlsltoni aa welt as to tiiose of oor own and neighbor states.- < The large llTestock bams and poultry houses ^.aie flUed with stock ffom the bast strains >.b the ITnlted\8tatH|.ana^.esaipgaitygaacs from „^ l .'eqnal to •BTthtiiK pcadnaea/er'•nfiilM m' tha oomHry. The eaopeitttie.'«dlHtS -et the asTleidtiir- tst. the tinibamB;; , the ' boriScnltu&t. - thi Ooctet. the dalrrDiaD,' Owr meehaale, -the art' 1st and others are mwirpassed while tbe ser eral coontlea of the State crowd the parlUon with county exhibits that (or nrtely' and Ite patnn flC'tlw.iUr those in cbaxse of the camlral for ttie Mac- ' at. the aame lodge will tiy to book Company for • ntIBB The <3teat Parker Shows bad their prima- ry opening for the season of 1910 in AbUene, Kansas, where they exhibited for three days April 12. 13 and 14. With the acecpUon of a rain on tlie second dar It in» Meal weather for the camlval. The Shows played Oklahoma City. Okla- homa, April 16. to 23, inclnalTe, allowing nnder the ansplcea ot the 89ers, and company M. hospital, corpa. Osriac. te a Mas «t acren hours en loala, mtmSi lir- ^''lU'K'iit axle on «De aC tt*-. flat' ai%%tlto'«v«M« '4ar was loat,. ■ . 'Following Is s list of shows and attractions: Trained Animal Show. Jerry Barnes mana- ger; Japanese Tillage, Taoderille, J. A. l;ar- naby manager;. Show Glrta, moaleal comedy. Chas F. Pasty 'manager; Xotta the Show Beao- tiful, electrical theatre. A. P. Whitney mana- ger; Jubilee Singers, colored minstrels. Jacobs and Weismsn manaeers; Parker's Annex, Harry Mets msnsger; Parker's Museum, C. S. Colby manager; Parker's Side Show. ' W. F. Wal- lace manager: Flea Circus, W. S. WUk mana-' Eer; K.cmp's Model City, F. S. Kemp manager;' Pearl and Jenny. C. N. Fairly manager; Human Konlette 'WbfM-1. Chas. Kllpatrlck. manager;. Amusement features an follows: Chinese Human' Tjnnrtry, The Kansas Cyclone, The l^efcler. We Oot It; Kinder Oaiden, and tha lion and The House.. The lidlaK'deifeea ' coaalst-«( a Foils Whed, BIcaBunM, Aetua Swing, Par- ker'a Jtmiping Horse Catiy Va AH Miniature Ballwar and Over The Wases. Tliere ate fire tree acts chief of which Is Unde Dan Boyeng- C twdTO mnlea. PARTING OF THE WAY These many years, together, you and I ' Have spent upon the road, are to me dear, Elach week you brought a laugh, a tear, a sigh, .'Vr But you will miss me very soon. I fear. rm not the man I was when first we met, Iilfe then was Just one long, sweet, happy day, Iilfe's stm, tho', now. Is Just about to; Ml;.'. - Billy Boy^ ril soon be on my way. ■ ■..■ . ';■, .., Old pal, when I play my last earthly.:-''4pi*i:' And to the Great Beyond travel alone. Remember me, and at performers' rates. Devote one line to me, "Address Unkno-wn." ' - spent in free attractions. Mr. Spencer will JirOTlde an Indoor TandeTllle program In two arge balla bnllt for tbe oecailoo. Harry A.' Moore, formerly with tbe johmqr Jones Ooamaay, haa accepted a poaitlon wltbWaad'a Wumm lb—ate flia EMtet U«- .diine-DiBaraMBt;'-"' - H. C. EVANS MOVES INTO LARGER QUARTERS. and the State Iiegtslatore make It possible for the msaagement. to offer ralnable piemlnais to mets In all dassea of - at the Onest specimens . ta ha rteties of Unstock played each yjitr.'.-.: One of the fiatHt tmetii that may he foond in the West Is the one at the .Oregon tsir grounds snd In the' snnnal Taccs are a string of horses representing tbe best of many states. Tbe /puses offered for this feature of the fair are \ ss' rich as tbe richest offered by sny fair association In tbe East or West. The dlsuree- able element of the race track, pool and liquor selling, were long ago eliminated, no bunco games are permitted to oiwrate anil tbe show : attrscdons ccmform to a clean, moral standard. The Increased attendance daring the past /four years Is lemsikable. daily exomlona are *'iim from ereiT part of the State and Ite'maat bsarty co-opeiation between the WtW Boaid and tbe cltlnns Is every nhere erident^ Ko Instl- totlon In Oregon Is more loysUy sopported. Jnst ootalde Oe enclosed fair a ren o a a and fat rery close piaplnanlty to the main eBtraiie% Is a beantlfai oak state whaia tandceda of tents are ataked - dmlac fair weefc. These ~ ef .n' oseapetent nan whose duty it la to cl«« BttcKtleo t» the wants of the In- hahltants of the wUte: sfllaaa. XUa Is one «t the fsctors that- taalithalaa laiartr to-the Hoaifcable atteadariea tt«a the imf aeetioos ;«C the entire State. ' ' Bke-coming week. flUed with tbe good. and congeoisl spirit of tbe West, is .atant of eoommial. aodal and edn- "' ■ BAD WEATHER FOR CARNIVAL. Icgtnctoa. kir.,^'ApdI' 2S.—The K. O. Bar- knot AotBsemmt Oonvaiv foralahed the sttrse- tlons for the ICscesbeeStreet C^sznlTal In I.ez- . Incton, E^. Isst week. On aeeonnt of the bad weather tbe 8ist part of the was Impossible to bold the Csmlrsl the first two .CajE and nlgbta of tbe week, wtatle Wednesday , gad Thmaday the weather-was exceedingly cold and the ciowdB on those two days and nights 'wsia fiiissiniiidlinlj small, Tbe latter part of . Jhe we^Tbowere^ the weather was nilld anT trained bofralo Is aaother free offering. Fol- lowing is the Stair. Con. T. Kennedy, lessee and genersi msnager; Ed. 0, Talbot, general agent; T. M. Warren, treasurer; F. J. rotben. secretary; Berman Q. Smith, general press repre- sentaUn; W. M. Moseley, A. A. Poweis, and W. D. Cohn promotem; A. tJ. EsUck leader of band of tMrty-flve pieces; W. A. Spencer chief eleetrlcan with three asslstania; Cbas. Wation, cftlcf englnerr, with three three aaslst- anta; Mb. SlaTln. master of tauuvatatlon, and Biehart Seott; head inrter. ^:-''^-.pUR8i^ -iNCB EA^ The Randolph County Fair to be held at Bed Bud. 111., announce that they will Increase the smount of purses this yesr double of those offered isst sesson. PATTERSO N SHO WS OPEN. gbtt i g aca Showa opened the sesson rt; La., AptU ll. On Thnrs- M, at,4^ 'o'clock, Sbrere- bjr a taniSe wind and lain UMant aC idaawge was done TartWns. tbe'-tap e( tha pai- ^Aaaa.aM 'tto tm «( tba Oaac^ da bdas csaplatalr lay. Apiil 'U.i lb;, J and maiMgtr ;•( tha Shows, eelelwated 'Ilia fMy4lalh _ birthday dinner was ae t isd at an igr< eTcolog. at the dining ear, UIMa, ^ Cfetcnr Hathaway. Mr. Patterson proved himself an affable boat. His guests at dinner were Mr. and Mis. Edward Seeman, Mr. and Mrs. Pardam, Mr. and Mrs. Darla, Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Bralnard, Ur. and Mrs. J. Wm. Ooghlsn. J. J. Belsno. O. C. Row- ley, C. M. BIssler, J. E. lUaaiac. F. Weddlatan, John T. B a cknan , M«';raiaaa» and Jaasta Pat- tenon, Jl^- ■■ ■•■;':v;'-VS'/ig-aj; . : ■ ; ' [TpHANOE IN ROUTiL> -Ji, Zia'WdaiBnglliita Pleamrc Falre Clht< Ta.',-/1B^S;-SoiToik May 27. ,-<i-,-, .. ,- pair notes, -i-": Biipt'S. to X4 ars the datiM.iiiaoaaoed Igr ^^Bnaltttwi .^pa d tiyn^ i ^ 'ln^mSmSimi The fact that tbe old balldlag which has for so long been a landmark at 12B 8. Clark street, Chlcsgo, is to be torn down to mslte way for tbe eiectloa of a theatre, waa oae of the rea- sons why H. 0. Brans te Co. are now la new qnartera. The other reason is tbst the bad- ness of this big sporting goods boose baa grown so rspldly of late as to demand more and bet- ter si>sce. which wss finally secured by Mr. Ersns St 102 and 101 Tan Bnica streeet. The offices ot this company are now in connection with a completely equipped factory. In which they are mannfactorlng clnb room fomlture ana those things In sporting goods which are uaed by the fair workers of the country in their op- erations. Everyone of these men know B. C. Ersns; In fact, there ar(^ tew Indeed- la bis world of baslness who bare not s personsl sc- qoaiotanee with this man. wbo Is scknowledged pie-enilnent in bis line. Mr. Evana sisrted busi- ness on a shoe-string bank roll. By shrewd at- teatloa to details and personal snperrlsloD of all bis work, be has forged to tbe front rank In his field of eodesTors, snd Is 'still movlog shesd. "A sstlsfied customer Is our beat sdrerllse- ment"; that Is tbe motto be has llred up to the letter. It is Erans* boast that oerer baa be failed to "make good" sny dslm he has put forward lu the descdption of his gosda. He says tbst what he sdla will do JaK what be says it wlU do. Fathapa a: little aiOK. - bat aatdy BO.Ieas. In hia baaln*^'caiccr aefcr baa Oan been a IMS or diipatn aa to aMney aent la tbraoabtb •'hialla.. ■ Kem has It.oonsMantly ham iud 'ttatiAl plcea^aC work bearing tbe Er- aaa liadi aiaik nsa aat-.ap to the highest stsnd- aid ''In fart;- wiwfa ivatatloa Is concerned. II. CBtaaa baa a paMeatage of 100. with not so artsc Oalkad np. In.the new oOIccs ot this eeocetn' are every thing pertaining to sporting goods and dab rooms, A eompletdy eqnipped factory Is mslntalned in conueetton. mder the direction of B. W. Erans, son-of the msster of tbe bDSlsess. H. C. 'EranS * Co. are among the Isrgest pnrdiatcn of eellnlold and Irory In their line la the world. Tbeir games sie used In prsctiesUy erery tsir and street csmirsl lu tbe co un try, and there are but few of the best dnb rooms which bsre not some |>Iece of their ingenlons workmanship. Mr. Ersns has slways opersted on s basis ot exsctlng require- ments. Erery business rule has been strictly sdhered to. It Is by these policies snd by a plugging, aggressWe spirit of adrance. coupled with an Impelling personality, that has built a sncoaasfU boslitess. which now Is kaowa as Vbcstr> aMws. thasa wbo baee.oecaataa la han- dla'- a. 'piadacl of bis aart. -' ■_■ -•>.';" ./ • , VHAROY PRACTICIIICL:^?^;!;^'- Jas. B. Hardy, tbe -well-known high wire par- fttaier. la busily engaged In practice perform- ances at bis borne In Parkdsle, near Toronto. Hardy has recently assnmi-d a new lole, In- stesd of "walking the wire" he has been "rld- tnc the goat" oadar the direction of msmhets or the Independent Oidar of. Odd JsBaws . ot wbteb fntamlty^lfs ilM laca^.; a A NEW iiBENB PAINTINO. CdM* PANY; V New York City, April 23.—^A company known as The Kcw York Studios has recently been organized with offices at No. lOM Times BIdg.. to buUd what wlU be one of the Isrgest scene painting stndlos In tbe Unltetl States. Their spectsi line will be the equipping of new the- atre stages with scenery, rigging and appli- ances. It Is noderstood these stndloa bare the bseking of Jdin Tooog and Catca.aad Ifaraage studios in connection with one or two of the big western scene psinting compsnles. BUBSIOK 80H08—Old Borne Week People, we baTe a aong for yonr town with name printed on title page. Just tbe one yon wsnt to sell to old friends. Drop a card tor our propoelttoo. Dealen In mnalc send for our list: we're not looking to mske money, but last to get acquaint- ed. Too get tbe beneSt. Ballad Sinmis. tend for our new one. "THAT BOMB W .KONO AGO;" out Hsy 10. To o csn' t M Wl i ta miss one of onr songs. BVBDZOX MBBI Xicokpeit. H. T. Endosa postage. SUMMER STOCK or REPERTOIRE COMPANIES Wanted quick, for onr baw Alagraundalr, opi - " fMm. Capacity Alaxaadtla. La. The •a Mraw FOR BALZ, AIX FOB K60.€0. Edison Machine, all complete. In first-class con- dition. Ten reels good film: Pirate'a Gold. The Adrentoreas, When Knlabts Were Bold, Alsddln's Lamp and Tbe Pass, Motlee to Quit, Tbe Spy, The Derll. Oratltade aad Noble Jester. Cloefc- maker'a Secret. Baow Ifan and Aa Affair of Honor, Bandit's Waterioo. B leta good dides, ATsnos, g itts b ai g. Fa. WANTED—LOOP THE LOOP RIDERS I AddTMS "BIOTOLE," oars Billboard, Chicago, AT LIBERTY Ugb-daas TaodarlUe Slnm: can diaase for lea weeks: play banjo or gaitar. ■ Bailable oiedldne men write. Will work lODaMr re- eoru and parka. We deliver tbe psftfe Wbo waats nsT Address B. nBOVBini, HMP Went- Cleopatra A eolored Art Film over- ehadowing all others in point of coaception, mag- nificent staging, irre> proachable acting - and beautiful coloring. RELEASE DATE Wednesilay, May llUi A Film They win Talk tliflut, INSIST UPON BOOKING IT NOW. Don't Let Yoor Exchaiiee Bluff Yoi. PATH^F~R£ltES NEW YORK 41 West 25th Street - CHICAGO 35 Randolph Street Get your Posters from The A. B. C. Co. of Cleveland, Ohio. LAST CALL! Shows report Battuday, Utj 7; we open Bondsr. Acknowledge eall by letter. Caa place oas mors uwwSb WK' e, Dlasolo, hlfh dieer, wba me year at once. BASE BAUL F»OKEI* Tbe most attractlTe and fascinating ot all nor- elty ball games. Twenty-four mammoth atsal playing carda moonted on a rack, niow dva balls and make any poker band. OLD IVIILL. STREAM AQtomstlc moving flab pond. A minlatnre re- prodactlon of an old mill scene with tbe wattf, tbe wooden mUl wheel, and the Mb.alL>n_ tlon. Write for foil partlcnia TOH AHVBEIIZIIT 00iraT~ Xaysr BUg., Peoria, His. For Sale, Froak Dog bsTing only two legs; gets sronnd saaae aa aay other dog. lotelllgent and a great pet. WooH be a great attraction for a mnsenm, B. BTAXLEB, OaneUton, Xy. IKAW-WHITE nUf, 1,000 ft., osed 10 times, like new, t20; Model B. Oss OntSt, complete, like new, (19: almost new Lnbin Arc Lamp, fSj doDble rewind, 12: Lecture set of TO Orand Canyon slides. aU colored, «20: 39 Panama Caaal slides, IS. Will sblp tor exsmlnstlon It or Agent's gusrsntee Is sent. Booa Bde batsalna. A. B. BENSON, Box 271. BIyria, Oblo. •20.C0 BUYS UAUOHINQ OALLKRV Consisting ot e Uetsl Mirrors, three feet blgb. or will sell tbcm single st $4 splece. Loud, Blne-tnoe Hand Orgtn for tale, Wsnted—To buy small Wbale. Shark. Octopns, two-hesded Bsby, two-brsded Calf, or any kind ot Freaks or Uontroiltles, witb or without paintings. LOOE BOX 171, JameitowB, K. T. BtO OAamVAh BOYAL ABCAinilf ATOn- OBB, BlOmiWm BILI„ L. L, MAX M TO SI. Stnac lodgs and all hostleta. Cpneeaajeaa.aad abowa waattd oa peiccatsge or Oat. AMtsaa BBCBBTABY, 4 Dwight 8t, Jeraey City. W. J. rOB SALB-lIoTlaf Plelort Tbeatia, dartUa .tfaia.Oina.SapNto. Via. Baa TM< Wlaeanstai, OOnia on the raadt Anyway boy my ontat. Bargain. Ed. Bi. Hdt., taka-ap, icady to ran: 3 reels dim, 3 seU slides, sersen; sU for tiB- Bend 110 dep., hal. C. O. D., ezaa. n> UBlLar. Hkt. * Tib. Cantab, Ohio.