Billboard advertising (Apr 1910)

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T^tie Billboard CMeuo. III., April 23.—Mlu Elfarl llohlMoo. at Uw Western VaudeTtlle Maoacm* Aiaocla- tloD. mortt tbac dnrlDs ber rwcot Sootbern trip lb* booked tbe followlDS Mate fain and parka wilh the roliowinc attracljowi: Trnneawe State Fair. NarilTlUr, Sept 1»- 24. Narataar Ladlea' Trt'State Fair. Mempbia, Bapt. ST-Oct. 4, Navaiaar Ladlea* Band. Alabama Slate Fair. Oct. S-IS. Maiamr La ' dlea* Band. FollowlDS free aeU (MaAfOto ud VampbU date* aboTrt. Frmk mj Ttot Bley, VMUato iDd BartdM. »dtt—i lty j tk «» | it. (Blnalnsbam). Cotton Slaten. Itaray nownd'a Animal Olmia. Bottomler Troapv, and Ftank and True Blc«. Itaaa State Pair, Dallra. Oct. 10-31. Tbavla'a Band, Anna Woodward and Max Bricca, aolo- . lata: Six Ruaalan SInEen and Danrent, Franzo Balnero, Eleren Tyrolean Slngera and Inatm- aentallita. Oakland, Cat., Idora Park, Femllo'a Band. Tbavln'a Band. Webrr'a Band, Xaraaaar La^ dies' Band, and Ellerr's Band. Portland. Cal., Oaka Park, Llbprtl'a Band. ' Naraiiur Ladlea' Band, Weber'n Band, and Frrallo'a Band, Minnesota State Fair. St. Paul. Sept. S-IO. ' Na*aaaar Ladlea' Band and eleven featnr* tt«e . acta. Ulaslaalppl Slate Fair. Sept. 12-16, KaTas aar Lad lea* Band. . MANILA PARK OPENS MAY 29. Tamaqiu, Pa.. April 2S.—Vba fbrmal openlnc of Manila Park will take place on Satnrdaj Hay 28. Tbe Irene Ueyer'a Stork Co., (Wm. R, Uejera. mgr.) will oeenpy the boarda for tbe entire anmmer aeaaoa. presentlnK a reper- toire of plaja and TaodeTllle apeclaltlea. Mlas Irene Mejera and Mr. Martjr Woodwortta will aaanma tbe principal raleat. Tbia will be tbe AiiEiifcAi* 'Wkkb-yoiiUiv: pirrs- '•■'.jMme.--'" • Howard Prw, aaaaccr of tba Aaerlcaa Band and Oiebeatra ot PrarMcDca. B. I.. Tialted Plttabnrc last week and airanged to present bla band In popular concerta at DoqnesDe Gar- den dorlns tbe montb of June la coiUnnetlon with Florrn'a Spectacglar Operatic Company. Tbe carden la to ba pat In sala aonimer eondl. tloD for tbli creat. 'At tbe clone of tbia en- nicment. tbe band will go to Rlrerrlew Park. CbTeafo, and otber weatem parka. IDLEWILD WILL REOPEN. . Tk^ April SS,—IdtowlM PMk Mil acalo reopn tUa at aa oii oader tke nanaccarant of Fred Mwla, wbo for many ycara waa eoa- aeeted with tbe Boatoek Trained Animal Show. It will be eqolpped witb aU tbe latest amnse- mrnts. Opposition will be encountered tbis year aa a new park will be opened at tba cad of Uaa- rbeater, aaraed aad coatnilM-;hr ife* jtiae t Railway Ooapaar. caatnltod tr Oapk.- Bacb- RENSSELAER PARK! vaaln. Case aid Kalfle Postal Cards. Jeweirr aad 'turn : abowB or derlcca that are new. FOR SALE! Miiwi IL1 Swrtz. Mmpr. Twy. H Y. SideShowPaintiiigs SIEGMUND BOCK. 'nt Mijw Irtand Ay.. Chloago, Ills Snakes ' Fython Snak««. light colored; broke to handle; in all mzea. Also choiw lot of lloBkaya aad Birds. jJiPUS IL M St. Pi. WANTED TO BUY Sennd-baBd arena Rcaerra Seata. abaat aU length*, nine or tea bifh: «an alM om mum fooil practical reaerrea for caaraa tbaa li a. aalt abl.- for In crntfr of tent. B. K. ~~ Balslili. it. c. M; Osldibato, V. 0., M. SAM EHRLIGH wrttaa aiiiiii^ ■alig—t lil iii^ Itet (K tha nHwap la vaaAMffla. BBHO OMB OOU.UI fOR FOUR OHBAT rAnoniES. SIS Pntnam ■Bollillng. NEW VOIIK. AOTOBS oorovr. «so.00-pcr aaca. ttm par nionlh per aete. AU Pad Bnchart tar patMca- l«r». Addreta Tta Billboard, Cloeloaall. '^IF?** SHOW, complete, 10x18 ft., Tai. I!S ?J.*l?^^»''' MummlBed ladlaa Woman • nd ChlW. and TxO Palntlns, Fire SwonI ?jr*,V°*'?^ Swpcda and lumwtloaa how to *M iSZ VinL inuov. • vaa Var. iUINT BUUIH'S m UUNDRY ALREADY GETTING THE MONEY n» treateat lancblnc norelty ball (ame. Attracts lirger crowds tbao any amnaetMSt dcTlca la parka, at fairs, eamlrala. Factory working da; and nl(ht. Don't wait antll laat moment to order—DO IT NOW! Price, complete, Ilhiatraled circniar* on application. WORLD'S 0BXATE8T KOVXLTY COlfPAKY, SO IHni Strrrt. CTTTCnfWATI. OHIO. SdutoiBD, Mum l6D ATTENTION X A complete Camera to be sold for 25c. Just think of it! Will produce finishedpicturein two minutes. Does the WOK of a S25.00 kodak. Each camera contains 3 plates, developing tank, and a bottle of developer. One dozen oonmlete outfits, $2.00. Sam- ple, induding postage, 30c. WESTERN BAB6A1I HOUSE MioocT euTPir 242 E. ■■dim St. eilU80.ILL At Pari(a,FalnaMl Aan«M«t Inaito EvMVWiMn Tbs Orsataat Fan Xaksr aad Maaay Xakaa la aar Laochinc Xirxor Show. Boat PrapoaltiaB aiar affand tba Amnaamaat Maaairar. I.arxe retorrta oo a small Inmtment. Baally manaced. Any one can be Boe- ceaafoL Rnnninx expenaea baldly anything. Al- waya ready for boalneas. Xo trooble to get tbe people In. Tbe roars of laogbter from pleased patrons draw tbe crowds better ttiao any ballyhoo. Onr Improved mirrors are made of a bl£bly polished Qlckcl composition metal. They cao not rust and wUl not tarnish. Same appearance as the glass mlr- rora and answer same purpose at far less cost. Be- but Upht la weight and noe-braakahla. tbarare tha WT really portable mirrors erer aaada. we bava made the langblng galleiy a spectaltx. aad can tar- alab Ideas tbat are (me to get tke aiaa ay. Wri te to-day for fo il partlcni ara. t. X. XUM PCQg AirasEicEHT coHSTRvcnov ooimun'. aatai Xayar Bailding, PEORIA, nXITOfc .. TO Omcesskiils j|tv %le Ave-oent fare from PaterMxt, PaaBaie, Haekeosadlt^Dd other nearby towns. Paterson popiilation, 140,000. Half-mile race track, motor cycle races, driving dubs, picnics and trolley parties. Privil^es for merry-go loimd. moving pictures, min- iature railway, boats, and laige and small concessions of all kinds stiUopen. m PARK ASSnttm J^t^ UTTIE FALLS. N.1 Aorebats and Jugglors. We an ixnr pnmriiig a noir act whidt will be wadf May 28th. Just tbe Kind of an aet for Parka, Fain or Vaudeville. Acents wantini; on act that is unique and tip-to-date, addresa, CARL PLTOBLEIOH, DodgariBe, Wta. 30th Century Merry-Go-Rdiiild FOR SALE I , atcd track, good organ, good niatB a bargain and will " '^•^ I for aale rheap, or r, Sljtia, Ohio. 32-ft. aurhlae. 24 teraee, 2 chaitota. 10 h. p. .— tX,K.l The One Big Event at Kittanning, Pa. 10th ANNUAL STREET PAIR—HOSE CO. No. 3. July 4tli^h; ATTRACTIONS WANTED. JPlB^ M. BAKER. Manager. lAT* AlVFITFi Repertolra and Musical ¥T ±%1^ J. ±JMJ Comedy GompaiUes For our AbdooM ObmuH; INQ AQENCir. BoeMi4«^<«Jtt, USlTi. Stis WiAMBs ] BOOK- Don't Get a EeaiMliir It JOB waat ta fqnander moner la exort>ltant elecMc bUla. BUT If TOB are on the JOB for all there la la It. TALK TO ttm. Ask aboat w Fllckerieaa If. P. machine. 4.000 n. are I a m p a. n.iicrrRA piak I. a b e I carbona, spot lights, cx- baoat fana. aatiea- toa cables, leaaea. colored annoanca- ment Slldca, and all kinds of aaa- ^tea. Write far FRKB Catalogas Ko. 16. LI IttHEM. iM Sfuiiiik An. ThaSacardof the eilBi-MIK It. Any oae can operate It. Kakea S anlahed battoa photographs a ibIb- nta. Pries of Can- eta-Scope. with ■oppllea for mak- Isg 300 pletnrea (enoogh to pay for the eonplata oal- Ot). Kxtrabattca^Vl Si aagi par TheSnrest Thing Knoum ■ the tact that we are maktag tha Baaat liBB at OPERA CHAIRS la America. Baaatlfai dcalgia, , atnetloB. Sapertt flalab and oar pricea ate aa higher than thoae asked by eoapctltora for la- farior ehaliB. We hare been S5 jeata at It aai ws know how to niak«» nn^ra chalrsL 2,000 VENEER CHAIRS atwaja In stock fcr Ivaedlate ahlptDeat for aas In Morlng Picture T h e ati sa. It Is bettor ta be aare than te be sony. and la baying froa • yoa ate SURB. Write aad be coarinccd. IMPERIAL SEATING CO., 1347 State Street, CHICAGO BRILLIANT • • • PRIMO UGHTS For Cinmses, all kinds of Tent and Outdoor Show% Coneao. sion and Street lloi. Write for Catalogue. WINDHORST & CO. flT.xoiim, Ma Wanted for Blondin Show Leading Lady. Soobictte or JoTcnUe; molt iota OD wire. Koote: Jaekahotit, 30: Olaey. May 9: Arriwr aiy. S; B a ikbati te t t^ 4; an ;~ STREETMEN i5l%Pr4rfittoYoa AhnawbnH iitirlc wBI^fctgc 11.000seU Inthiccdsriai WlKoaahi Slate Fair hat rear. Yoa caa do htmt thaatbbat anr food Pair. FUa HK. Ca.. Uksaat Iskty Sis, Chissgs tmmttj «ad all jemr friend*"just anf i tlMir *-t~'*t off" «LtkctitkB<iwlac Why, with Ca.rli««h.tb« Mw ktOf dictar»ca harmleee tnuff S*o1 ftif 10c C»l"r mcJiwl*! ntVC. r,T.M%.Ct\, I>rrV. ^ i.lkk^c*'III. lllinpHUMAN Hi%IR*'f OO \ KAKS-ITP. TbMtrtOftl QOOPe. \| By