Billboard advertising (July 1910)

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JULY s;l9io. Xtie eillboard 19 wtole di7 wu eouDned In maklns tba trip. It to B lone wbila since « clrcns bu been la tbii MctloD ud It U pnietlcallr a atw eonatir. I>nvloiiBl7 tb* elrauee. after leavloc Hjmdioan. would be obllsed to so to Bedfoid, tben to BaBtlBSdoOf tbea te-AItoeoa aad ■ naad Meat The side ahow with Srlti Show QOdac tba KdlT, bad turoawar ~ im WMtr ^thooaaad . nair tant not belns Urn data (be people, the aide ' tb* back and tide, peopla formiBce from tbe ootald*. The following comprise the crew of car number one of tbe 101 Baocfa WUd Weat: Paul W. Hetrell, car maucer; Paul t^unoat, boas blllpoater, witfa tbe toUowloc aaalatanta— Mark Wlaehart, Ju. BaTeae. Harnr IfuIIlncar, L. Rnrrlck. Bed Boorer, Baorr (Skaat) Bloc- (r(t. Geo. Babcock, W. D. iBsram, rancj Lar- - - puipott: iXnrd ' cooitrtuBtiJkg — ^ w««.ta HateUn- «B Oortla B. WtaUe tttat tor aoB, Kan.* ha Iter of Crawfotd'a AirdocM in tbat eltr. «nm be nied to tranpe (or foor or St* r lb. DawaoB la a cartooniat of ao ai ■ • t» Mr. At LowtQI^ N. T.. June 6, the ■MSaccrle of AI. r. Wbaelcr'a New Model Sbow ancmeated br tbe birtb of a camel, wblcb waa (hrlsteced Media, after tbe UedJa Temple, A. A. 0. N. U. S. at Watertowa, N. "S. At tbe cTealas performanea a latf* dalagatlan of tbe oidtr Tialted In a tnif .tai-wmmatut .tka aw- aemar with a Maii>»t tmammt iriKk' 1m» MHa at tbe Tnaple. The crew of the Mighty Haag Show cooaliti of Victor Stont, car maaaKcr; Howard WlKubanm, boea blll[>oeter, wltb tbe foUowlnK atatt: OroTer BtU. O. aoB, AlTln BadeUft. Baa OtUk Hattr William and Paadk Kataaa: Im Bakerl TfltoKy-'**^ aaa. W«. ririS^^baaae; Bara. Ifatt. Ben «U, ir. m. Brown, At Artiland, Pa.. June 18, the man- agtment of Howe'a Great London Showa pre aeated aometblDc eotlrelr new in tbe ariT or ciicna traniportatloo, lo getting tbe bla Tana op a looK bill wittaoot tbe aid of bonea. Tbe wasona were attacbed to tba rear of a troilar ear aad baoled to I hi afcna tinaada la a Mw mlnates. . v .- Jethro Almond, owner and manager %* ^^S!^ ^ & nowa, la la Obaitotta N. O, takiar. tnatMM «ia aa iaiand leg. Moaed br a ndnor laJav.MMMilaat flaU at Camden, 8. O., wbaa a-.«M|a'4Haa*'tnrtle Mr. Alauud ai^ ba tmrntTmStf^ road amla by ^alr U.f^ • - • ■■' ' aa Haga 'au''. ; m tbe PMNCESSOECARMEN IN HER MNCE BEWILDEIUEIIT LEADING FEATURE MiKU's FiMK Sins, Sum 1S1I StMhtari Hd WiiiKe STtLL ON MITH WITH ROBMSOirS FAMOUS SHOWS SEASON laia and Kcoentric Oomadlaiia ttaeOoBecrt. 1QBI8 SHOWS FEJVrURES 8EjMBdN1910 TOURS OUR 191t UST OF SHOW EQUIPMENT IS FREE TO SHOWMEN It ffvtB pnces and a full description of evetything you need andanintaiMtodin. SEHmirNff. We paint the best of banneiB on short notice. Get OUT quotations. No delay in this department. We are also agents for Bolte & Weyer Lights. UNITED STATESTENTfcAWM CO. 22-28 North Desplaines Street, CHICAGO. ILL. ANTLES FomvuuiiiiAn) Our new patented intHtad lUiK and Upri^t Cap Mantles «ie niade to FIT ANY BUBNER. Tiiej are Bpeeiatt7 oonslrbBleil to STAND SHAIONG and VIBRATION;, Give a briUiant WHITE UfiHT. And are PORTABLE. —Wfite for aamplM and paTtieBlara— THE BLOGE LUyiT CO. YOUNGSTOWN, OHIO. WfSTERN office: U FUtli AvsniM* CHICAGO. GIANT SNAKES CHIMPANZEES^ BABOONS aid MONKEYS. " NEW LOT OP PYTHONS. JUST THK SIZE FOR HANDUNfiU BIRDS FOR WH EELS WILLIAM BARTELS CO.. IM TENTS NEW or IBECOND^HAND 216-217 W. Ontario Su Ua Ea & M. CO. CHICAGO. THREE HOTEL CARS niitin 11, 23 snd 26 ma^ OF CAIIS ,POR SHOW PURPOSES GREAT PARKER SHOWS! CON. T. KENNEDY. Gsnsral Managar. ROUTE—ffifebiifc MiBL. Jut 27th ti Mf M V>|irii. MoL. My 4th tl 9tlL IILLPaSTfiB' ANHUAL CORVERTION, JHly1M4,tllittll Haadqaattm far BBUMlBITB BEXBA BERNARD BRUSH CO., 01BOD8 VBUBB and atkcr loppUaa. BulWlng. CHICAOOy 09> AUi