Billboard advertising (July 1910)

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20 Ttie Bill board JULY $, moi I. X L. SHOW RETURNS. I went to Fler 12 on tbe East Rlrer MondaT afternooo, April 4, to shake bands with manT old trleada who anlTed on the Terdl from Sosth American pointa, and lo, and beboH. whon tiia Tcuel docked, at 6 P. U., all that could Da Be«n on the deck Bcrambllnjc to tbe ateos to come ashore was a bunch of Stetson ba;s, In- dian war Umneta, etc. tor on board nrere tbe membera at the L X. L. Wild West saow, the tcftecmtlon tbat Kr. Packard, o( Xew I'tirk Oltr. took to Soatb America last Mafmber. to play a twelre weeks* eii(ac«m«ct la tlw principal Sflatli American dtles, IMOM tgr Mr. R. Cbaadler, tbe Soatk Amafina t h — l rlMl masaate. FOIlowlas a» the nsmts at tta* fda- eipal perfUmos wUh the ihosr, and wh» ar- tlTcd b*^ late ud MOBd to Ood^ e«B Mia- t^: D. y.. jPsB MlL^ . Mali* MS^OkM n«a«. Ruk cbo" has signed with the Two Bills Show tor tbe coming season. And7 Belnap was with the BnHalo BlU Show for six years, and In that time rode all horses glTen hlls to ride, played no favorites, and waa at no time erer thrown or knows to poll leather In that length of time. Be bears the distinc- tion of being the only snccessfol rider of the famocs bucklns borse, Hieb Tower. I mean being the man who rode him for five cooseca- tlTe seasons and was never tbrown or went down to the juc handle to retain his seat. Solne record, cb? Bert Schenck, another Buffalo BUI cowbor.. !* c«v«nl la tte pailca nte BAwp. yttaascst aad nost npcrt Imp Cracy fopcn Btt ie«cl««a maar SattaciaK nOua ti» pot OD dwlr wtlU^wtd* kB«n fkn^' rope malpo- Uting (tmit from svreral promlDaot wild West shmn, hat tbey IiaT* alciwd aad xetmcd to their old love, the 101 Baach Stoir. wbara ttiaj J Soaar Jtm Gaaait aad and til* repcM: l»aa Mx. th* l a a on a ed down and Mloir ntth Iha fnanr mala aad whlskara. Tba cowflrSi ■dltb nntllBsar. iti«-»ii» wnaao, S'rala Nos- ter. A taa Iia Itane, Inanlta Penr and Ethal BverrtMOr looked flae and dandy and an spoke In flattering terms of Sooth Amarlea «■ a coontir to show In. The onir fliinc that aecmeit to :bother moat of the croard was tha tieenl y —van-day ti^ aa tha ml ne ftOMrlav md* aUa «aMl aoDu a( tta dUtawt tar - coDdltloas as tliey wan* Tom Orannner aaya: "Veil, Oay> FU tall TOO the irtwle Udnr la this. Whm «c vent ca board the ahip here in New YorV, laxt No- vember, to go sonth, tliere wss oo^ one of t<la oatfit that bad ever been ontslde of a little lad schoolfaoose when it goes to sailing over the briny deep. Well, the first tnr^ hoorii after we passed Bandy Hook, we were all hoping the boat wottld not sink, bnt, by gotCi, h't^n wa liad got six miles farther, the whole ontflt, to the last son of a gim. were down on their knen boping she wonld sink. .Talk about sea alekt It's the wont feeling I orer had, aol while I bad a good time In Sooth Ancln, and nw lota of atranga and latctefetlac ^^ta, I'll aarsa go thai* agalB. aaina .Hht aoiiil a I can olttar fHcai'MiW'ari-lnli,'« . there." Wben aaked bow the Sonth American and cowboys, or goaehca, compared wltti uira. Tom aald: "Toa'll hear smne people say thtj have ns beat when It eonea to- ito^, and otbeta win aay Jnat tbe opposite, hot I havo bean fMIas anond horses for the i>aBt few years myaelt, all over the Western States, and. to my %ay et thinking It Is aboot even np. They have soma good horsea, Jnst as good as oma, aad tiicB again, they have some sorry eritera, taa. Aa to tha goacbos aa riders and ropers. I tfeUk tkey ata the best backing hone lUars la tta>liaild arhaa It camea to lidtaK a aaakr ooe Tbar eaold Bot lUa' OBB la «■* of _aadaaa^^bitt ttar ^ Jiat^j g^ia '^ala It 'la'a'fBlrjaC'jwiaaraaC'tiip a^ In Bopanl nay _ _ _ . ''"■'a. Tlieir rope In a dlBHcat'a^^a, aad'wiflk a***^^ loodef zopaa* Thej nse ■ rawhide braided lazlat, alchly tttt tone, .and, make a catch at' flfty feet. spread a big locn and throw tha npe wMi the loop and tha caU both In the sama band. They aim to eatdi tta animal any way at an. }mt so toag aa they snare Urn. Tlwy don't ear* wbetlier tbey get it aroond tbe neck, by tbe feet, or aronnd the middle. We beat 'am hollow roping and tying'down stecra. I n. and tied one in 27 seconds, and one of the other boys came nearly beating my record; bat it takes three goacbers to tie a steer. Ooe ropes blm sroond the brans, another by the bind feet, and after they throw him, the third man ties him, so yon can see they ain't ai tkst as oar boys oo tbe roping proposition. Tea. they ose the boles, but only on wild oatrlefaes and horses and cattle that go too fast for tbem to get dose cnoogb to catch with their lariats. A bolo Is made of tbree pieces of raw- hide, from a foot and a baU to two feet in length, with a stone covered with horse hide tied to each length. These ttiree pieces are attached to another piece of rawhide alMiat two feet long. This Is a weapon over which they faavo nearly absolnte ctmtrol and can throw with astoalBhlog accnracy. Instead of uxlng hmda In tbelr lariat ropes, tbey nse a larKe Iroa ring, shoot four Inches In diameter. Lady riders? I did not see 'any down tliere. Onr cowgirls were the only lady riders that saw." Ves Pegg ts leaning heavily on a bnge cane (made at a shark's backbone, with a whale's tooth for a handle). Be was prettr badly Jam- med np l>y a backing borse talliog on talm. Ves •an tbe mall lerviee down there Is bad. and tkat be la alad to get back to tm good old V. fl. Aft, WlaM'lM can l>e in constant com m unl- lady friend, vlio la la '^VMaahaol aet^ apeetae aC aa der t» mosc be a tbe cMuage to celvea tbem; alia be a the foOowlng reeocd to hia orsdU^ better difnce to keep the JObY Gray Scott, tbe fancy rider, baa- J. Atignsttts Jones' Wild West for season. Hla partner, Ed. I«iie, Is at preasnt at St. Ignatloa, Montana, oa tha riathead In- dian Beservatitn. baying 9 aome hoiaca. B* writes be wUT andae lar HttMba^ Aba la_a shoK time stock. Artbnr Toegtlln, irhose name la the nya of ereqrttalng that ts vrasderfol aad tltol In the scenic prodnettoaa that have ap- peared at the wtffld's greatest pUyhooae, tbe New York Hippodrome, Is boay on a aaar stnpendons spectacle that promisee to cellpa* anything yet abown at the Hip. Dan DIz, the rabe, with the trained mnla. -TIrgll, of the 101 Baneh Show, and who Itxat came back from Sooth America, was the gnest of tbe downs of the Bamom and Bailey Circns THE OVERLAND SHOW. Old*Time Circua Men Discusa Changea That Have Taken Place in the Buaineaa. They Tell of the Exeerable Praeticea of tha Pioneer Coneesaionera and Fakirs. sot 10- The old daya of the overland circns, In which tbe "abell" and' "aoap" games flooriahed, days Of "bey rube" flgUa, were dlacnased with the animation that goea vlth tha reeoileetlons of thirty years ago lAen H. Hsrrtflla. William LoeUsr aad Wflllam lieOall. BseeB-- Setber aad laeaUad e ii i etl e Bi.a a et and nrtelT ehowa of jaan TtmwAmnm vna focmaily a t fer in the ntiertes Hontar ahow. It waa whila traTeUac with tUa aiww that Haidy Bale. Bar- della's real name, came to be billed aa "Har- dalla, the wondertol contortionist" and Hardella It tiaa remained aver since. The name waa ancfa a good advcrtlalng medlnm that he decided te bang on to It. Ixiclfer's real name la Un- A nH < ,,pBf ^mw'jba^baa Ibe tlnie at bla ^Theae old time drensaa snre nsed . eat a towa.!! aoM IMneed. spsallnc na;^ mtmmmmga a bnndi of <CAV b'tbe mSrtiat paid big eaaaae- gawM tb^ oaed to denaa in~~ varied. Yankee Ingennlty beiax taim to anlr to It. What money waaa*t In at the galea or by tbe abm gsmaa, Qsnally cleaned up by the 'gooseberry' J that followed the circns and while the people were watching the performance, raided the I wases. Sometimes the 'gooseberry* bon^ waa in cahoots with the show and sometimes tbey were sot, bnt they nsnally made a clean- tag. Soma a nall towna were literally wiped daaa by tbe drcu banch. "Xbe 'robea' did not aliraya take the dees- lag pcaoeebly. When they got a dianoa to Hair breath and oonpaie aotaa tb» a caae down on tiM drena with blooa la eyes. The fakira bad moved on to greeaer paatnree, by this time, and woe ready to woA the next town. The drena haada had to bear tbe brant of tbe storm. Ona experienced stako driver with the beary, banded circns stake oodd nsnally dean twelve or fifteen mbes, bnt Jimt tha aama thers was moch blood shed and many cracked beads. Many men have been ktUed In theae fights. I rememher ona oceaalan at Atlanta. Tcz. I waa alttlng 8t. XAda, to take bart la ZaA UAall'B Wild — - - the C West, "f^'^ at the CUIasnm these. Attar be eoadndce Ua ipedal engagcnent then be will reton BHi; to pbcr the zcat of his TaaderUla coatxaeta la Uia better-dasa beesee, An « veaba-eC'^the, dawa, and shlrla' aad'ae^fc!'bercble^-ot flae llarit bnes; spedeo of e<nl, lion old and rare coins. The Two Bills' Show follows the Bamnm and Bailey Show Into the Garden In a short time now. Already the folks sre beginning to as- semble, getting ready to take part in tha x*- bearsals, which start in a few days. Thlnge are shaping np nledy srith all the allows from latest reports, and It wUl not be loiig now before things start In esmtat, ■ Aa the oU-tlmen predict that this Is going te good year, bot plenty of oppodtioiuj- Tom Wx has entlrdy l eu nai e d fran Us woand reedvod In a gnn iWit wlOi inatleta op to Cal^ae v^ ^da |^ ^. '^ fl CStsM^T'^uSie P Tbe eottt fctt Wwr Tm* WahMBaTi A>ell 9, foF Beat St. £onts^' flU. wbaia oiaat all et them Join the 101 Bancta Show tbaie far (be Ug big opening. Mike Qoinlian, assistant boaa eaaaaamaa at the 101, was saperintendent of cuusliuett tbe L Z. I<. In Sonth America. He gat with Ed. LacT sgaia tlUa season. Otto Krembrink writes from the 101 St Bllas, Mia., tbat be. Bm Pickett and Ptcd Bnma have broken aboot forty-eight head edts for work In tha stena. Pode and Lane, the expat rifle shots, are at present -amnglag a retom to or of Coba. Centrd America and Mexleo la tbe lazga tao- devUle Itoiiace down ttiere. California Ftank Selitam ; !• _a theae daya at tne stock ' ni.. as be is secnring all 'tbe of the WUd Weat shows. "WUskers" Bill Caress, the original robe policeman, baa again algncd witb the 101 Show. He and Dan l>ix have an entirely new oflTartng framed op. Nearly all broogbt back a psnot. Tom Ozam- rorr bas two ot tbem. Be baa nameo Willie wnue, and the other High Pocket. Howard Compton, fba bareback backing baeae and steer rider, left New Twk for tlie Two Bins' winter qnarten at TTcnton. N. 7. Saw "Blacky" Itsgaa at tbe Oardea a tew days ago. Ete leporta wlntBlng good, aad la flxing to go oat wttb aoe of tbe big one la back la Hev SKk wUk as- af-v«iwn'»ale'"" pacta t»' dlapaae of r — Bd. Arlington was In New York OHjr s.fnr days ago, and ssys everything Is readf et. tei 11 darters to atait ea.tba toad. ' '-i^':-; MMtA- e( liaiM tta ealy aoe Jallj Wbai; aa ma Wer wb at part et tbe :tatio.' ep - wbat laagaage waa apefeee eoaM talk to tbe aatfrca and lad et ato ed. Yes Fegg told me there tbat Honker had been doing trick riding back a1onx tbereaboat, Jost st the . _ e. aad was dismissed af- In the ezmy mder General some of tboee generals of that day. At any rate. Ho<^s riding waa a big bit down there, and be made many He cxpccia bla man to laoeaae to make be to Rio In 1812. time be had' ter he liad Washington, M:u^^ bw lb tbe an .' Bsaser WHson bas a vest made €^ leopard akfaa, witb gold coins and tmttons. Uoet of the boys go back with tbe 101. CIRCUS ORDINANCE AMENDED. Kansas City, Mo., Jime 23-—Clrcnses exhibit- ing In Kansas City, regardless of size, will hereafter be compelled to pay a license fee of ^0 a car for the first day, and $3.S0 a car for tbe second day. ^tamerly aa ordlaaace was la iW'tbirtJf* was tbe report of a raa d eec aad ba tbiew v Ua bands and fen dead. No one knew -wbevt the shot came from. "The 'soap' and 'sbdl* games were possibly the most common of the games worked on tbe poor 'nbea.' The 'shell' games consisted of tbree half ahells of ICngllsh 'walnnt and a small ball the size of a pes made from the ssme com- poa M bm that prlaong idia are aiade boas. Of eonraa tbste waa a eoafisdetata—a akin game wtttOBt at least ane eoofedeiate 'waa a rarity. Tbe manlpidator takea tta abcBa aad tbe pee »iha ahnfilae *i*—» oa a ^^^ i ^1.*.^ be nem with aome member of tbe ennrt tbat be can tall which sbdl It la onder. Tbe game looks almple. Tbe confederate eoaiea op and beta. Of coarse he wins and nsoaUy keepe oa winning until tlie player refnaes to bet with blm farther. By thla time some festive nibe plAad np cnoogh nerva to brsee tbe game. He has seen the ottier man win aad thinka It Uaitally he pats all be haa on the game. Be watches the shells aad la aare ha-baa the right one spotted. Of eoore It laa't, tbe beO Is In the pelm of tte eperatar'B bead. "One day^I eaw a boy.oat la a Kaa walk np to cna of tlie gamea. Bvldently bad been Into town with com or aomething for be had 9200 In mooey. He bet It all on tbe game and loat. The jcambler began to set leeiy of tbe crowd and he broke for the 'qtudt diaage' room. Tbat la where tbey changed dla- gnlscs so they coold not be recognised. Tbe Iwy (oUowed and loat Inalde tbe teat, tha dob and knocked the most emd I have ever wUasseed, bat tbe show la gtrbg an exhibtUoa, tbe deliiillHi are bot could M of tbe oU "Witb tba laMlag et the 'fakir' haa goaa tliat other oaa Uase TndlspenssMe featare of the small shew, tbe txer.' it waa tbe doty of the ■fixer' to go ahead and 'square' things with tbe city edeeta. This waa done by getting the mayor and dtT marshal drunk or or paying them for tbe privilege of monlng their gaoug —robbing tbe town, to be plain. "Tbey will never tOrget down in AnatnUa Um tbne a certala big ciieoa toorcd that eooa. try. When tha - Aow drat leaded the aatbee Itlee qnarantlned tbeir boiaii, Tba maaagw a dgbter and aadaoated be booght ns a aatlTO horaca and drilled _ oa with tbe abow bat the , thsae poor people pay for the trooble tbey bad eanaed him waa a aaame. He tnned tbe whole works looee on tbem, 'gooes been' gang and alL 'Fakirs' were naknowa la as.g''*'' eonntriee aod the bunch with tlM show bad a dean ssreep. They robbed the people ootslde the tent, hdd them np at tha gatsa and the 'goosebeny* bunch plundered tbe bseaia whUe the owners were at the ahow. Tbat waa In 18SS bnt to this day those Anatrallaae talk sbont that clicoa. They are 1<^ y^aC a Immlraii —— " I toaad eat while lta»alkf Igrr haa bed as tnti isaHeg drcaa cateer blmadf. When 13 ycara of age be raa away from bla home at Petersburg, ni., and Jdaed a dreoa. the O'Connor Snows, than traveling throogta hla atate. Tb* drcoo was the ordinary cheap wagon show. After travd- log aroond with dlSerent shows he fell in with a amall abow that was organised at Slkfetc Mo. The show traveled tbroosb Sootheaat lOa- aonrl. indadlng a nomber of small townv Tbs abow was billed to appear at Hamborg. Alk.. and to reach that pUce WM.aeesaaavja e— tbe St. Francois river. UMMa *e far ,5* 99 boat chargea, the manager at tbedMw'traded «■ tbe cooking nteaaBa for tbe price of tbe tni "'it'waa at Pittsburg. Kan., tbat he fen la with ae Charles Hunter show and met Under- wood. It waa with this show that both maa recdved the namea they now pasa nndar. Mr. Hardella tells an interesting story of a dever trick used by a "fakir" irltb ooa of the ahows with which he travded throogh tbe soolk Tbe 'fakir' bad hired a Seminole ladbu, 1 black akin but long, straight hair. Be op in amall bottles, diacoloicd wttm^^ m he aUeged vroold take the kinks eot et a » mc^^E&. Tlw Seminote was czhlbMed_af ■ S^^'i^flK.'taking" cxaamle. Tbe otoS eeU — lag cakea, tbe smbltlna et to have aHaight liair like a ^ ir*—'**g of tbe old tiase w mere marked tt^ the paaaing eC halia. according to Underwood. "To mention tbe name 'variety' In dayv meant tor a d«c«Dt woman to take other side of the street," said Underwood. to g**""-» tataed, picked up mm dnra. It waa one of *fiWfii^got "tble dowa Bat asA aislr iiis ttfsll y dean np with it bat It ..^ a smooth man to .'work It. na fskli* who was alwaya a good splelor, pretended te be advertlxliig a apedal brand of eoep that woold dean anything. To advertlae the sosp he rolled np bills ranging from one to twenty doners end stuck inside the wrapper. He then dnpped tbaee eakee Inside a big aatehcl, 'Wtdcb —"■'■'■■■ff eeparate spartmenta and droppd In Monk eekss. Of coarse the erowd tbonght tbe soep was all going In the aame place. Ae first man op was dways aone dtisen of the town wlio had been "iuced." The cakee aotd at «1 each aad tbto fdlow got g20. Tbe cakes then sold like tarj and when be had dlapaaed of eU the blank cakea, he would tarn the tstdiTl oselde down to abow that it waa all oa tbe aqaaro. The other cikee containing the maney' were safely locked In a secret eom- p aiUu ent. We had one man working thla game wtio took In moz« money tJna tbe main atkow, "Tile siww where I first met Hardella was a one hattt dim owned bj Oluuleg Hmter, aow nspsletar of the Oeseeaa*- botsl at Pitts- tMiia , w^w "Cbaslee BMtec^ OMAiaid flboe was tta bldi aoeadlag ttOe aadw whieb tzanled. The show eonslated of one ear, I**"!**', two podes, six or aeven mdea and two or three bocsee. Tliere were aboot 29 soen tnrfn^ny the rooataboats and 'fakirs.' Ws aasd to bs bard driven for expenses. In the bottom of that car, which was a condemned Pallman, was a secret partition. When we ware simrt on cash hdf the men were pat nader tbe door of tbe car and when the con- daelor came aloag we paid fan for what waa ttTiUMeln anr' Ma. We- bad baM' lock oa tbat read arar after. "There were eaow towaa et eoaieei tbat ws eonld Bot leadi wltt tbe lallioads aad wa travded ovedand. No ona haa any Idea of tba dllDcnltles of moving a drctia tmder those conditions. Sometimes tbs roads were deep with mod. We tisiully hsd to start in tbe mid- dle of the night in order to make oor destlna tlon. Despite tbe pitdi darkneaa we never lost oor war hecaaie we alwaya had an ad' abeed aad 'railed' ' road. raHa _ was •laaing' tbe to'a eraaa read be ttiww hot tbe xlgbt aoe. That "Evetythlng Is cbaasid'^aev.—Vbe big drem magnatea have dladaatal' Mw fttkhf . altogether. Tbe. big ttows aesr. ceair IMr enijrtfate. der umroRMS ht Bands* MOitary* Minstrel First Pai^ Minstrel Parade, Ushers, Bell Boys, Baae BaU. Foot Ban, Basket Ball, etc, eta» SdihtUTiUC ' Bm Sw and Mention Wsstsm Unif orn GOa •Ms.euui*«T. car boOdera. Ail claaaea. Show Cars a i etalty. SbopB, Har*er« lIHmila BOTCEEIfiS, BLUX * OBMPAVY. Ml Ballway Exohasg* Bldg,, Chleage, BRILUANT e * e PRIMO UGHTS For CitcuBfig, bll kindg of Tent and Outdoor Shows, Ooaeee- gion and Straet Men. Writ* for Catalogue. WINDHORST a, CO. 104.6 N. 12tb St., ST. LOUIS.-UO. SnkKf lpinsaii riM liuals eats to handle. If - you errtve on time and In ,- — . =_ from the old reUsble. W, OIISUUA>V. W W. Oomci&rc4 St., San Antoalo, Robert M. Pierce Clown and Concert Performef ~WITH-- Oarli aad Soas* Coanbiaad Sbaws