Billboard advertising (July 1910)

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22 JULY 2, 18ia ■ CIRCUIiaOMIP. (Gootlnned from page 19.) B<Mt«r of Gollmar Bros.' Annex: Dr. I. E. Fitzgerald, maiuger; UUe. Clifford. Saile llUt. Bobertos. Tbe WOIUxdi, "Zip." Tb« Bmnaiis, Homer Butler's colored band end mln- Micl (lunr. Belph Laoe. Bddle Jackaoo, Capt. O. K. 'White and Doe Cbapbam. Wm. F. Cody (Bnffalo BUI), and 35 of bSM wild west performers gave a complete production In tbe jard In tbe Inner court of tbe prleon at Aobam, N. T.. Jmie 15. One of tbe gttatett OTBtlona be bad erer received wu ac- earded tbe seoat. Since leaviner wlnterquaxters, twelve bead of beary dapple gray draught borses taaTe been added to tbe stables of AI. F. Wbeeler's New Model Shows, maklDK oyer one hundred wagon dunr. There were many TlBttors at tbe Blngllog Bros.' Sbow at 00 City, Pa., Jane 11. the moat prooiaent being Willis CoUb. wtwan dog man: Jtflm UWiMr, SM W g ja gB M . fhU Kins, mother flC g1* mSk tmiMt, mt Un. Hugh Weir. f, '. Mexican BUI. pttneipal .xkUv with the Tiger Bill's wnd WMt. Ma Mimfl flram tbe hospital gt Jfctoa ntliii imte'.,lrtM» be baa been»'fiirgMMk.>'/mWas conalderablr tasisad WhiB bfi "jHin SlBBfbled sod ML It was erroneDOSly stated In last week's laane of Tbe BOUiaarA IhM'B. ti. Brno- nan Is traffic manager of tiM .Da BCUafM Vt- moas Shows. Mr. Brannsn la tnflg'maigcr of the Yankee noblnnon Show. GOLLMAR BROS/ SHOWS En Route Season 1910 CARL NEMO BARREL jUMPfeR AND EQUILIBRIST NmNS, HtOWN AND BURNS Comedy Bar Act W. B. H. H. ft JOCKEYS THE AERIAL WERTZ DOUBLE TRAPS AND REVOLVING LADDER AimiNGER and TWO RUBES GUS LIND UNSUP^ LADDER AND F06T . JUQGUNG CECIL LOWANOE NO CHAMPION BUT MAKING GOOD The Two BlUa Show will go to the coast and CaUfomla tbis acaian, and will be thraa la baok at tba Balaam abow. Botb sbaam win aaki a *Mt tMV af « ~ tba iattar tSTit OcMkar. The LaMont Bros.' Clrcua been oot six weeks and during that „ . bad_bnt ons blow-down. A new aida iBmjtp, The John a good fmsniff H. Sparks Show is dolnc R. H. and Madam Dockrlll, John I,ancaater, wife and daughter, and Mrs. Bd. Bobacta waia Tlaltan to tba Haganba«k-Walla«a — at mttktm, JUL, jmm. ai. GREAT HAGEIIBEiX-WliyjlCE SHOWS. 1910 Carmen Troupe HIGH WIRE CHAMPIONS RUTHERFORD'S TASMA TROUPE FeaturinK TASMA, THE FIRST ANIMAL TRAINER The SaVoys With their Acrobatic Bull Terriers Percy Phillips ELEPHANT TRAINER Elmer Querry 'THE FROG MAN^ South Sea ishiil Joe Odd, Strang*and Curleua niualMl InatruiiMRta The Impalement and Knife Throwing A^t Chas. Crooky EQUESTRIAN DIRECTOR. Anita Conners and Her "Educated Pigs** Chas. MarveUe Novfl^ Coatortianist JACK SUTTOli^. Tasmaniaii^o ^ Van Dieman Troupe .Third Seaaon . Andrew Stuertz Rose Munro Mukal Artiit and Origioal Bagpip* Phyar Bessie SIddmore ; Piafaaalonally known ai •. 2ADJA SCTMational mid EcccaitricDjaiicar JIM H. RUTHERFORD Principal FtoduciiigGlown LOTTIE RUTHERFORD Saxopbane SoMrt with IfgntoVBaad "HEREfS MEr THE OLD CLOWN OriKinator of ray Make-tips & Entrees