Billboard advertising (July 1910)

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JULY a, ItNk Ttte Olllboard 28 yVm, Shearer, well known Highland luirpln pl«7*r, wUk two aicUaad mImdUI MiM Maute lAVell is now In b«r twririb week wltb Bon Bra.* Olitu. Bar nnvlral act caiMt«l« ot lielch belli, nraelca] • nilK-a, baajo Mloe and orsao cblmce. Ceo. HarUell, clown with the Rlnc- lliiE Show, has anoUier new one. UrlMHt cn-atlon la Te4d7 Booaerelt'e BeeeptlOB-ll JlMr York. He li anlited br ten people. AI. Martin and Joe Callie. of the Y«nnc Buffalo Wild West, ipent tbe dar renew- liK icqmlataacet wltb tae Haieobeek-WaUaee •ba«r at rteepert. HL. Joae 14. Owtnc .to tlM poor coBdltkm Of the dM not tone* mitd^:W Bandar niwinw^r ClfTrland, O.. C. S. Sharp, of St Louis, Mo., at one tlBM w ltb tbe OMe fbaw. vWted tala triead. D. H. Glltespie. who was connected Wttk Ban Broa.* Sbowa laat aeaaon. baa cbarse af tie aide show with Bpaika' Sb«w tbla .aaa- Mary Abrams, Who was thrown out ot her ebariot at Battle Creek, Uleb., June 10, la alowir taenmiat and able to ««lk about. : Bob Attortmry bealdes itelns legal adjoatar aad aananr ot prlTUegea wltb LeUont Btoa.* OUaoa, sMThaa tbe iip-town wasoaa. In duuvB oC tiie cook house wtth the John spaika Bbew ^tbla aeaaon la Owe. DaTis, wbo waa with tba BoMsaw Show last year. driiiwlns . tfao ovowds . Cant flWdjr^ rMtaa Sparks r Vlaaaber SoUtb. The pnoB work for mr thia mar la beinc doaa ly BO waa with Oole Brae.' Shew last aeasooc Prof. Wm. Curtis Zintonio and his alrablp, I«B07 S» Joined tbe Jobo RobtiiaoD Bhowa at Iowa Oltr, la., Jone ao. : Atkaasaw Stiin. with the Yankee BeblaaBn Bhow.' wfeo was Iintt hr an riephant recently, baa l e tuiu ed to tbe ahow. Sun Bros.' advance car number two la In ebarce ot Senator Geo. B. Bwkley. well known car manaser and asent. Bert Rutherford has the advertising prlTlIege wltb tbe Sparks Sbow. Ije^i Axtl. aerial artist. Joined J. E. PEfiXiQRMERS and ACTS - wrrH THE- TNK ORMIMAL Foolish Dick Ford ThaCep'thay all copy, bat I am the Cop Ibat CJopa tba Coppasa. Do yoa OOP? Ribpusd for altfeUBM with the Greatest Snow on Eartlt. WINSTON^S EqMstrian Seii- Lioiis -WITH- BARNUM AND BAILET —WITH— BARNUM AMD RAILET JOHNF.ADAMS Great CanuYal Spankk'Clown Prince Youturkey TIm; Japanese Woadtr -In Hto- Hifh Wire aad Slide ht Life. Comedy Boundinir Table Acrobats and Flying Hats wtUi BAItNUMANp BAILEY. James Duyal FELLOW with I BARNUM AND BAILEY. ACTS ;ANl>^ ^ ERr:ORIMiERS HOWPs IeAT LONDON SHOWS —1910— K. P. CARL STRONG HAN A Featur* Aet with the iwM'Mi,aai'"OM'' MM EARL WRIGHT Artistie Trick TumbUr wttk so nan J OrigM l>isk» FBstmht jjpBMissMU «Mi a Chair. : tfWaaSfkDNp - Merritt fielew Six Hone Act Midi CooMdr Mnlo ""''Hoidle' ■■• UYENO FAMHy trip ~ a' VtMwij^. Seiith AniiMiea bMoaobd BmseCMiik) Uui Tho Real Copper thalNvfir SleeiMonllb Beat Harry Weisenhaum. connected -wtth thaadTaaea ear otHaas Hlsbt^ Bhowa, sanda resarda to J* l*Eed Oataiatack; Bronoo Jos aad his alz trained atal- llooe a>« one of tte featnea wltb tbo TIser BlU-a Wild West thla aeaaon. A llama, haa been added to the men- aserle of Henry's WsKOn flhow. Tiger Bill waa called horn* a MW days aso owins to the ^aaa ot bla ttU». whs la anffertsf with passMSak At ZJshon. O.. JOIr *. Sun Broa.* Sbow will celebrate tbe erent by donlns an es- tire new apread of canraa. * Tlie • aanM^gJuyw^Br a^^Cir cna PERFORMERS lll^ITH.... Ringling Bros.' World's Greaiest Show&rr-l^^^^ Marvaloiia SEVEN MONTROSE TROUPE EUROPEAN ACROBATS THE 5 ALEX TROUPE World** areatest FLYINQ tiiAPCZE ACT PIfat tlRM. In Amariia NITLUUROY fftiijjjliigjfa Larg- -2 t : ~;WdlS RUNNERS JUMPERS . AND CAKE .WALKBRS THE FOUR NEVARQS The Mwnreloas Tight Wire Eqailibrists ABREU TROUPE (nVB IN mWBBB) ., MOST REMARKlilft: MEXICAN ACRON^'^