Billboard advertising (July 1910)

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24 Ttie Billboard JULY 9» 19ia Enj)^ IN GER MANY In The Kaiser's Domain Travel Pictures Take Ihe Place of Our Dramatic and Comedy Motion , Pictures^ as the Public Wants Instruction UoTlns pietore bnslnen of Qermmj does not much leaemble that of our country. In keeping WIAh oar chjmcterlstlcs, moving pictures in tto United States are stirring contlnnoaB and . niltliiy, bat not so in tlie Kalssr _Bm|^. In Ib tba b«t liaeM. or ■dmtsalm nte to a nark <|OJaB). TtmM (10.096). Reel flekitB an lucd. bnt not ' (tamped In ttae aama maaner aa In aa country. She ticket seller lias a time-lndlcstlns stamp with whlcb he Impresses each ticket as It laaTCs his box. This notes the hour of arrival, and tha length of jonr star depends npon the amomit yon pay. Between series of pictures, notices are projected on the canvas that certain time-tickets haTe expired and that supplemen- tary tickets may be purchased from ushers, without solus to the bother of revisiting the ' ticket box on the oatslde. Ushers then pass tbroogh the andlenea and see that persons hold- Ibk not ismalB. -Vbm aima pIctBM la sank'nviatad 'lB aa «ranlag> Ttt, : acoal Iractb rot tKa admlsiIaB. to tiro Small otcnestrsB are hired to ftmiUh that Is really of a good daaa. and in some af ; the larger theatres brass bands ara .s Kir tha ponMae. Smoking and the . iM. ' la pcaUbttad at .tbe better daaa .tbM^phstat aC . lomc of tbe popnlar onga, Iwdt 'WIMWBH . drinking are pumltted. The fflms exhibited in Himborg sre from trsi agencies at a cost of' about tm> and ooe-balC ■ ctnts a foot "Cor tha Hast week and leas tor - - ac tlM< >'f«taU" fflma «r tbow tor as low a flgnre ss ona and ftxtr-llfthfe cents per foot. It will be recalled that trarel ple- torcfi were one of tlie lotrodaetory types Into this conntry, and there Is reason to belicTo that Gcnnaay will catch tbe ferer. Jost tba aanie aa did tbe United SUtes. It ft a waU-kaown flMt.ttat the United Statsa totiaMetaa MfMr. aaa attar- a long lapse ot tiaa OciaaBr takes- It n^ At sereral places throoghont the Empire, the American dim la being need, but aa yat with not more than ordinary snccess. However, this cannot long contlnne. Tbe fact of tbe matter Is that travel plctnres are atill an innovatioo to the Germana. bat aa aooa as tha MfdQr WMia RS. A TO MEET Semi-Annual Meeting of the Film Service Ass'n to be Held at Detroit, July 21-23~Matters of In- terest to All Exchanges Will Be Discussed Annonncements have been auide by Secretary Frenler. ot the Film Service Aiioelatlon ot the aemi-annoal meettag of that orgaalaation which Is to be held at Detroit, Mich., on July 21 to 23, Inclaslve. To qnote from the oOicial an- nooncement: **Matters of great importance.and of speclsl interest to all exchanges will be con- sidered at this meeting, when vsrions laraea are to he brooght np and dlscnssed. Yoo can- not afford to miss this 'meeting of an meet- ings.' It is tbe deaite of tbe oSceta and execo- tive iio—iriii ta Bribe ail(\;.«ba ~«MatMt and best atlMlelfBealbv-.tie .r. S.'Ai-feaa ever kaMm.**. Th*: arin tt-. tba-;aattaMI aMretar; aC Ike FOB flanlM iMedatlM to ait m En- terprise Bonding, Mllwaokee, Wia. Tbe oOcait are: A. O. QUIIogham. president; J, B. Preoler, secretary; Bobert Udier, tressnrsr, sal these executives are assisted by Percy WateOk aichard A. Bowland and rrank J. Howard. nieb WALTON. PLOHttH' BUSY' tN CHieAflMk Oaa of tbe boaleat and most capeMa. l a Obleaco la' Hr. d B. aa poSbcd the..Aatl-Traat raii.< ~ >a IWr men la tbe A ■ IbBllM ."■wka • <MaPt<l '■■M matt patUd aC tima., tt. lal acator aC the ennlar at the big baa- -ft ms bajrt a kad tte eoinfle or.Ua cpn- Ba and siilHefant nerve to voice bis aaati* ments. His speech was eonrteonsly veiled and tampered, and while replete with wit, humor and imrlesqne was, nevertheless, pertinent to the subject at hand and carried mach wet^t. Since then events which Mr. Ploogb anticipated have materialized and there is now In fact that which was suggested by him at that time. In other words, Mr. Plough felt that the Associated mm Manufact ur e r s wss to be, snd now that It la. be la working along the lines of his own Idaea; loyal to tiiem. and aggressive in their tDTtherance. However, not for a moment Is ttere one detaU of hhi business in Chlesgo, the Anti-nrnst FUm Compsny, neglected, and' while he does iind time for tlie recreatloii of psste^ baazd diversion, he li *te.'iba;'JM^:.«niiy-,al>; nte snd deservedly l e a jl l :.1be iott at faeecal whlcb is his dne. H. « H. PERFECT SYSTEM. At Ik* aOBtkaM eC tba loop la Chicago and 1 te eae at the largeat ot the 'Windy caty'a iB .tta baadQoszters of tbe H. One of tbese. "H.V tt Ike otter teptetealB Ifr. Cer seed tka beat Jgraleffla In this ;:lM:-aC:'bMlMH; K '* H. p^de themselves > SB tbis agataau ' 'Shay bava" labored over its ' f e rtee t l o B natO bow even their critical Judg- ments prompt them to say that It has ho fault. A Htrong evidence in regnrd to this is the genera] expressions of sstisfketion whlcb are to be heard tram the many exUbltors wlio have aetoBl knowledge that Hutchinson A mte "Biaka good" their dalma for a lyitem wbldi i^^THK iJOmyS PRAYBR IN PICTURES ; dtdr-tt depleta nHie Iiaid*a Playe r la a aer beyuud ead - above mete word deecrlptlon* ' It to one ot the jewds In the crown of pletoe- ' dom; it is a veritalde gem. Beautiful in con- eeptloo, the Idea loses none of its ssered In- terest in actual prodnction. It is an lllustrsted prsyer which msgnHles its holy subject and do- ing this becomes a mute sermon more powerful ' ihaa mere hnnum voice. The pietore la a credit ' Miad to eaomiiBt; -r-Ita appfoglaate IcngO. to :'«n teet. It >iiia5be rdeaaed HOPP'S? HOOiSB^ QRCiAN. '▲ Uttie£^^Beiim«u^*jWu^ Ika Btaalard Pntt^.'VxchaBgesof 'whidi-baa to do with Brcbange: ;ot Cblcago Is and pOblUhedTbj XoaJ^ Hopp. pcerident at that orgnteatlaa. The eoaunoB term for a 'Waef or this aatnze to a "^oose Organ." bnt Ur. Bopp to <rm in his belief that Us etTort in tbto line to nperlor to the title and he wishes It nadcistaod that it it to .an organ It hasn't Motor GIrU .. Mtas Stone. Mis* Qaecaeo. MlH Elmoce. UIss Conkiln. Miss Nanmaa. Ubt Haitch, Miss McLeod. Miss Wcetoa, Wm Humphrey, Miss Omrtney, Ulsa. Craig, IHm Hall, Mlas Herbert. Miss Baatman. Hlis Stanard. Miss Clar, Mlaa 'Wilaon, Mlas Car- penter. Miss Yost, Miss Uelvine, Miss Holt- maa. Min Date, Miss Domey snd Miss Chste. Summer Olrto .. Miss WOson, Miss Carpenter, Mlaa Xost, Miss MelrUle, Miss Hoffman, Miss Dale, Miss Chaae and Mlas Domey. Mr. BUleott. Mc Bhua. Mr. Ban . dTlfc who Sw been gradually euatac the attMp of the aodlence In her eharaetw waik. aid carried off the booofa ot the araalag whIB Ole. and whUe hu IMr bcHllaaee, ha jwinilllllia MIW i .aMaiaae^' shl^yc'tott baa veiy baa a wM* -aer- Mb aervtces have been employed by the Sellg Polyscope ctting picture atory called "The Hallroom Boys." WHERE EVERYBODY'S WELCOME. If there la one spot in Chicago where every visitor la made to feel welcome that place IB the home of the American Film Service which has aptly been called "The House o( Specials." Whether the caller hnn come tn Ibttec to the merits of the "best Him service In America" or for any other purpose, Mr. 1. .Van Ronkle takes the time, and baa the happy faculty of glTlng yoo 'ntie slad hand." aod Impartlofi the ft-elloK tbat'hls mtetlog with yon la the happiest mo- ment in. his life. Incidentally everything is business in this. exchsnge. Is it necessary to add tliat the ."glad hand", habit to one of the beat asseti aA ezchange .maa can have? Tbe American Film Service, -'.Ibe'BMiae ot Speclato". or "The House iOat iTanfJIallt"—take.'yoar. choice of these nanMa' tat daa't fotiat'thatiL Van Rookie Is always flad-tojate ogrn aad'aiaba yoo feel at home. - '■ ■ '-i- MOVING PICTURE THEATRES. proprietor of tbe Electric Grove; Kansas, baa bad id^lB the fn- Pittsburg, Pa., July 2.—Tbe Crown Film Ex chsnge hss been opened with offlces st 111 4tb avenue. A. E. Btooc. fannarly with tba Pltts- bov CBieiqB Ugbt gad FiI« .CIa«.to IB ' THE GIRL IN THE KIMONO PRO- OUCBO IN OH .ICAaa^^ Ziegfeld Thaatra HoHaaa Faroe With Miiiie. MiM Daid Fultor tha "Hit" ■ «f tha 8h«w.'. Chicago. Jnce 27 (Special to The BUlbostd) On Saturday eTenlng, June 2S, at tbe Ziegfeld Theatre. Chicago, The Qlrl In the KImooo was produced under the persotul direction ot Mr. W. K. Ziegfeld. Helen Bagg, Harold Atteridge and Phil Swarts are the program aacl§e';aiaktta.^ot tbe^pieee.'i,-:It; to: itagad - la. 'Harold: AtiwTle, a.Biartled.Ban ^ Clars Alnslle.'hto' wlfe; '!Tbe OM -to 'the: mono"... . .'Uiti.DerMhr'Mayaard Celeste'Moncore, an actress .. .'. .;. .. ;.. .. .. .. ..' Miss Osmllto'D'Arey Helen Csrter. RIcbsrd's alater.Mlas "Pete" Hsfl Edith Beynolds, Csrtct's Bsocee .. MIsa Arllne Bolinz George Beynolds, bet brother . Arthur 8. Hull Soasn, JMinsoo's wife .'. .. .. Miss Grace I«ne OOcer Bellly, an aOkar .. George Averlll Herman, tbe bead waiter .. ..-Carl Wlaterliaff Vlrat 'Walter ~ ----- Watttr dtll and nr. SCENES IN TBB PI.AY. ACT I.—Morning. The HaUway ot the Bl Dorado ApartsMst Balidlng. Maw Zotk Cttr, ACT II.—Afteneea. ■BIAaa<.,(jMlai^r;dpa^ meat. - ■ ■.•../ri,-.'v.'.-.•v.'-,..-.■ ACT III.—Bnalag.' Ske Xbit rda iB-^ The actlaa a(' tka':|ilar acenia .«ltklB' four hawa. ' ■ ■ A generous crowd of friendly theatregoers csme to applaud The Girl In the Kimcoo. tha night ot Its initial performance at the Zlegfsld Theatre, aod accomplished their purpose with evident enjoyment. At one point In tbe enter- tainmaot, however, the pretty UtUe Michigan aveaae ahow Aep waa lUled with adrtk aad te* who ^^^^^^^"^"^ bjJUaa JDato JW- tlon I * ■" who ■ she recited Besntlfnl Bsg. Tbto - pisca lk«B the Ted Snyder catalone is a gem ot Its Uad, and its presence In The Girl In tbe Kimsae belpa more than a Utile bit. Mlaa Dale de- servedly received the lloa'a share of tbe ap- plsnse, and while she was a bit ezaggeiated in her part at ^mea. she handled It very vtOll Indeed. Mr. lioids tMie, aa the young Oat- dwelUag baehcloc terolred ta a clreomsUntlal ato-op, to piMilag' to tha role, and while hto. llaca are aet aetleeahle te tMr ' ~" realtosa ta tke attMat " ~ Ailtoa Bawltoi SiSm waB ■ little to da Carleton King baa a sonsl popnlsrlty which wss responalble far Bia enthusiastic reception. His part to thto pl^r calU for aome acting, which be' doea aa de> manded. Unfortnaately be la also caQcd npoa to slog; he can't. Be "talks" a reminiscent song. The DIITerence ot s Drink or Two, which is good In spots, but far from original. One of the novel featsres of tbe evening was ths wireless effect In the O. <}. O. eoag, whIA ta tbe first act gave ■ puBha .«<-■ ■ »»■. .tktoBa ta come; pte ml sa s , howetac;'.«kich.'.aia'-BiMnM onta Beaatltnl Beg caBa ta tka teacaa. : WM Bollng's Only a Kiss waa fhr fnu betog la tba "otdlnsry" dsss, thoogh, and we teBeaiMr aow that It oeentred In tbe eecond act. MIse CsBllto O'Arey to ttoted on the program aa aa actrcaa; she la. Don Hsemlllan does tbe "hit" of • colored porter, who answers (ocsslonally) to tka name or "Johnson." His acting to free from restraint and bis dialect is good. Another "bit" la "done" by Henry Adams.- Henry to not oa the stage very long, bat when he to ta evUeaee he doea eU.thet to rsondsed ot hba.. Arthar B. Hall to a blg,'g|»a fwiHag^B. wba mva Ida clotbea wCO aad kaaaatt.^Wkm aet thtoktog of them, fc" " — « » ■ «- pi»«i*»r ae the ladnt gent brother ot Edith Beyaalda filrilaa Baling). Tlie UUe nit Is taken by Ulsa Dorothy Mayn- srd. Mlas Msynsrd to pretty snd works bald. The atoiy ot Tbe Olrl In the KImooo la told in tbe lyrics of Harold Atteridge. Mr. At- terMga atoo told as aboot tbe lU-fatad Wlnalag UlM ^-Bls lines are not noticeable for their iiiajaalllj. nor have tliey suOcICBt comedy to speB "ibccesa" with very big letteia. Bto work In this Initance msy well be referred to thst big room so needed of Tbe 'Wtoning Miss, the room for improvciaeat.. PhU SwartCvto rt- Bpoaalhlc_ter aone oC'the anate te.'niasAlil ta tba KlBOBOk nUiiltutr tmiK^aamitm excdleat repatotlea 'M' a- eempoier. Ihto toj^a fortunate fact, for bas done for tbto show with tlie negligee nsme win add hot little to his Isarels. It-.most not be inferred that The Olrl In tbe Kimono does not rssllse psrtly Its purpose sa aa catcrtatanent. It U submitted to Cblcsgo as a hot-weather amose- ment. Many of Ito ktod have thto seasoa aae- cumbed to the thermometer or closed beeanae vt other reaaona. In comparing this present earn* mer offetlng.:Wiai these otheta It may aot. at- vtoedly ba cpiadlctod that It wtU lenato at Ito preaaat 'alaadiTloiw..., Ai a ,dlvenlan„ (or .the B8a]r,.^:aM)r like It.- *" ad to rkiSSiaPr^^tala.. piwBlar' V,i:il-^■,■■^ SHUBERtS^ BUY^HfALP'^tNTillBSTi Burllogtoa, Iowa, June 27.—^The Shuberts uiS Jobn Cort bsve purchased a hsIMuteiest to ths Chsmberlaln-Harrlngtoo Circuit of theatres to Iowa and lUInola, the transfer Involving 9TB0,- 000, It Is said. The ssle affeeto the toUowtog the- atrea: Keokuk, Qnloey, Oaleahoig, Boek Island. Davenport (Burtls theatre), Moltae. Moeeattoe and Boekford. Uaiea aad part OWaanUp of tbe tonowtog: Onntea,: Peortai cess tbcstre), Anreca,' gollet, ' eato and Waterloo tbtatm>;'.< Preeport aad OltatOB. .Slil-Kfil part ewaanUp ot a, DaTHpert (Frto t, 'WateHeo (Byadl