Billboard advertising (July 1910)

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JULY 2, mot The BlllboArd MOVINO PICTURE THEATRES. L D. D«nli'l» liiiK pnrchBied thr Mn**t ot Martin Uadaar ths Kancr AmuHmut Oow. umrlelon of Keeoer's Tlieatn, HobU*, Ala. Ku* wiU be no cbanf« In tba DOller cr la UM Buti«oi«it of iba tbMtra. J. T. Smmt eo>' SiulD? In the c«P*S!?^ "^I^ff- Th« Moon. Tlw OrplMo ud tta Blkl^ Tbaa* t«rPlM Wi* Ark.. •« 9W»e«to Ui. WUhoIt- ^pot OMWi.kwr* b««s eloacd far tb* wub- Nat Saekett. nraprlator of tba Elm Btnat The- ■MlillB. P«>>o ^an, N. Z., win remoTe to more Snaodkma quartets la tba block owaad bj SmuOiotga B. Cornwall, oo Ualn atraat. Th» Stctfleal Bxtnrea bara ]Dat bees Inatallad. and Saplaea fitted dp wttb all modara eonTanleiKaa. na iMtlar capacity of the new Tbaatorlnm will ba BOO. ana tba proacenlum openlns la 24 to^M f<*t. Tba policy of tbU booae wOl ba moTliis plcturea and TaoderlUa dorios tba aaa- jon. Mr. Sickett la alio booklac amall toad tliowi for next aeaaon. Tbe Beat Tbeatre at Cleboroa, eatlmwa to draw cood patrmtga H tha atalf at thia booae: Mja AMI . Marlator and manaRcr; iOm Lam Ziodla, rtMtr. and Hany Andrewa. marator. nr 1. A. Bertram, of tba Otand, at Jwrta. N. D., baa Improred tba appaar- BMiaf bi« houM by addlnc US Una new aaata. 7 9. Ray bia opened a new moUCB plctota t^tf* In Boiie, Idabo. It baa a aaatlac cap- Sty of 400, and la known aa Hie Bay. ^Tbe Ciaacant Tbeatn. Albany. Oa., baa added ■gnflifina to It* sanlar piofiam of pjet am. i|iw».ij t ■ ■■ ■ ■ » ? -wr.a.x,.. w iM tt i ii M .: ALL ON ACCO UNT OF A COMMA. . Ikaach tba InadTertent oae ot a comma la- ■Md at a acml-eoloo to tba aeetloa ot tba aitMe wbleb menllooed tbe a ttapdanf at tlw tadcpeodaat VUm . UM'* Coaraatloa ia Clada- aaU.niaoit l»iaa.ft t> wa. mad oto appear that Mr.-btta lUMkiB mvmmM tba New Bnglaad film Bachaaia Oaapaw a( Boa- toa. HoweTcr. It was oar pTpaaa - ff. i Hea Ur. Ulttbea aa wan aa tba rapraaMlrtIa* «( aald ezcbiBse <oa|iaBy aa atteadaala at tka ■ a aMB» . Tbe icptceeoUtlTa ot aald w a n p an y «aa Hr. 0<rmu, wbfle aU aeqnalatad with Mr. Mttban know that be realdea la Chicaso. Sha gaa ot tbe lenil-eoloo Inatead of tba cotama will BMka clear tbe atatement that "tba repreaentatlTa of tba New Easiand Film Kxcbaate. Boatea. and Haz l«wts or tbe Cbteaco Cilm Bxebaose, f%l- cafO agreed to cancel contracta wblcb tbey beld to tonUh fllma obtained tbroocb tba Salea Com- paay, and rTmaln lojral to tba priselpica of tbe AMOcIatloD." Tbe Inaertlaa ot a aeml-celoa will alio utlafactorlly explain "tba AModatloa foond a ataascb anpport la tba Maw Bactasd Film Sxebance, whieb was wllllns to aacrUca bosl- Eeaa (or tbe sake of tbe catae." Tbe BUiboard cbeerfnlly makea tbla correc- thm. and teala aallafled that tba IdeaUty of Mr. la " " THK OAUMOMT Cft OKNKW VOmC NO LONQER CONNECTtD WiTH THE PARIS CONCERN. Berbert Blacbe, (bo pcaddnt ot the OaoaMat Oempaay. baa laaaad tta folliialiia atateanat: "That tba Oaoatoat Oaapaar. «C Maw York, haa no loacer any caanectloa with tba Sodeta daa Eaubllaaemeat* OannMnt. ot Paria. or with any membata ot tbat company, tMr latcreata haTlac naaaed Into tba baada ot new partlea, at tba head of whom ta the a lalilant of the Oumoat Company, ot New Tock. Herbert Baebe, tbe foraxr accrataiT and treasiaar ot tht company. "^tU comp a ny wOI cnatlaaa bnilaeaa aa bare. Mora, bat wIU make coaaldanhla „_ ^ colas udepandaat. . _ uttar )rthat tba llcaaaa or ih* Oanacat Con* paay expired on tbe SOth ot Joaa and waa aot aabaeQncntly renewed. Ia all probability thIa UceuM wUl not be renewed. It 1* tha tatiatloa or tbe Oinaoat Oompaoy to aaaiiit.ti« thair gant In rbublni for tha tima bains for tbe •Mlo^Tapqrpoae ot prlatlns ffiot Ihay wlU ffS5'-Sr""'. ony ot tha manotaetniera, HHoctiTa ot whetber they are Uccaatd or ta- '"'Udcnt. The atndio la not at tba ncaaant la opmtlon. altboosb tba Qanmoat Com- ' ■■ir;CMttBa« tbe miktas of orlsintli at Nik. ^ahoold the stndlo be pat Into nrlfea baklas of flima, tha Oaamoat ■ WIM M ma l a~& tha Maaaf VliUBgyi|-iLK)|M»iW'IT. Nfw York. Joaa artuts wbo baT* MaOr Icea and wlU appaar at tli* ^"■'"'"f iwrtocauaea. for tha baaMt of tha Jr^F ^omea'a Mmw AaaodatM; to ho held at tte Unntittm theatre, Arrcnie. l. I., aiaalai. Jaly «. IBIO. under tbe SS2l2!L?*«!*"-«* WItmark are tbe guowlat; vAMOlla gtoaa and Armind Kallca, "•■•■•Jnhth Trio, Uaode {.ambert (by kind I<0« nalda), Mike Bernard. Sam ' lOompaay In Vablttafcl * Co., John toUa Uelatyra (aUta ot Jos. U. ;aaw laio prodncUoa. Tha Olrt ot Uy ■). out Oordoa, tba *!«• 0 ' ~' ^^---£B. Ball, Onatar Balaer aal Mi ana »>ate» arcb aatra. and othata. TOLIKImI OXSINO BURNS. Tork bjSS^t^-^ I., Jnne SS (Bpeelal tb Tbe Bin- 2~-»r-«» 11:80 laat night, Are completely de- JWJW tha Oaalao Thaatra hero. Tba total loaa WUl reach 188,000. Tba flamaa ware dlacorarad in the enpoia ta tba aoatbarB aad ot tha band- T?. V" °""i"«><i (NIB oaMOd: ClKtHe wbaa Tb. Are department had giatt dMNily te sav las tba raat of tbe reeort' '™»»f' 8b»P«rto claimed tbat h* ctttlad "Jja 880,000 lasuranca on tba anttra rcaort. ot *hlck ahoat OM-thM woold apply oa tba thaa* tre. A atattoaaiy apaa-air thaatra waa at ooea erected to slra tbe thcatrecoera a Soaday ahow. It la aot lUted aa yet If they will rebaUd or continue tha alrdome. WHITE RA T BIL L SIGNED. Maw Tork. June 2T.—Qor. Hughes, yesterday, algaad tba White Bat Bill. Tbe feature clauses ot tba bill are tbat all gross weekly eommla- alona oa aalary are limited to Ore per cent., and tbat aU eoalraeta oObrad paif or ai ai a maat ba appioraa •( Ir - - nwda t* " New Tork. Jnne ST (Special to The BlUboard). —^Although Jack Barrrmore baa been 111 for aoma tiaM ha baa coatlnaed. agalnat tbe adrlee of bU phyrt d a a , to.glaa Ua.^pirfsraances reg- ularly aTtha OalaV.- i?.*'".;.: . Just a taw mtealra ttatea tha time for oprn- lag tba doora 00 Riday algbt, Jaa* 34. Mr. Barrymore'a hooa was 'phoned, aad It was learned that tha rtar waa anfrerias from an at gg^^Mrtgy li a i pi jJ ao, _Ha. ntmtnt ~ oa " JINCIC«7«KltLt 4.BA8B. nL, JOaa IT. WM W. Jeacka. tar the past twaaty^oor jpaata laaMa'aC the BIgiB Opera ll t a aa> baa gtran n Ua laaaa, and la aaecaeded tv FMckatt aad nUtaa, who ara the prcaent haaaea at tha TtnpIa-aMilaK pietnre booae and tha Star Tanaarina Vhaatia. hare. The plan la to ran tba BfJa Optra. Haoaa aa a combination booae, with eoa larga moakal comedy and one atralght dramatle offering each week, and the balaaea of tba time ▼aoderllle. Mr. Jeneks haa other amnaemeat cntarprlaea In contempla- tta for later derclopmant. NOTES OP THE ROAD. Tha Maahattaa Trio haa Jaat aa — aac a d a alatcea wceba* toor ot Oaaey Bslaiea aad Jaka 8iciaad*s time. Alhurtaa. hjrpaotlst. coaualtted auldde ia Spragoe, Wan.. Jaaa 19. by Uowlag oat hla brains. Caow at bla actioa ia aald to be doo to eeparatiaa hatweea blauM and hla wife. The mnalaa imi* tafeta iB cbaiaa hr Spokane Ixdg^ T. lI,'*i.V>-lf^V^.;.,;-;,-,. Hany taka baa nMu oad' ta Ctaelaaatl for a three waaka* reat prior to opening bla Eastern Tha Popper Twiaa cloaa tbeir aeaaoa Jaly 16 at rredoaU. Sao., aad «IU aa dliMt taltteir borne In Uatay. Oat^ On.^ te a- dMy wacks* Tseatloar Dowcll Bna.* New Tent Show opened at BIdtsrnia, C. Jane 17. Tbe program conalata ~ Bichard DeMaro. nustdaa; <«reat Beiaotlar *1aatoa«B*a Uarloaatle Oo.' aged and maalaolattA br Ma J. TBI. Jr., will bo kaowa aa "TUI'a.-IIWMa-AalPia.i'- tha name left raeaat br tbat:4Mtta'«(''fbBfc Jwa TBI, or- Maaiar sbA stoAMv af tBMltaMh'atti. Ur. jgj fa Ji-B air jiiijattiK bla .tta adB iiLnli»,«p.aawklBf!3«^fiAact. ~ — - ' — aad Martha), who hare aad da ada g act. Joined jrgaaa and are' doug a sketch. cntlUad VoOUab Mr. rooUab. The Biyta^ Tandaxffla Theatre at^SSML "niM* •C tba-,»B tlaiB a l a liaNt Ool. Bat It la . _ [Oaia.™™ aMio a beoB* bar* before aiaay Cora Toansblood Corsoa Sextette baa not been booked with any burlesque abow, aa baa been reported. Tbe act la now laying off for tbe aommer bat will reanme In Tanderllle Octobers. Jolly Ruth Oamold baa entered tbe automobile contest In Cblcago aad hopes to aecure one ot tbe twelve eara offered. Mr. aad Mia. T*d B. Goodwin (Ooodarin and Oaodwto) . maon tha taa at Prof. Barria B. Prior will return to tha atage next fall after being In retirement tor two years. He will present an-act Is magle. belns assisted by bU wife. Tbooaa and Byan. bOlad aa the "Baya ia Bed," hare opened on tbe Pantagea time. Frank C. Burton has been re-engaged by Wagenbals and Kemper to play the part of Captain WlUlama In Paid In FuU. Tbis wUI make Mr. Burton's tbtrd sesson In the same company. rOB BAUE—1,000 foot reels film, SS to $25 per reel; Optlgraph, $23; Model B. Oaa OuUlt, 929; lAblB, Power. Bdl- ^ *SOi „^ . fc; acta. 11; 8800 Orerlaad IMOB fnaoa, tlOOs Etactrle BedaceiB. (IS. Ftt tmk CSn glllni. 86; 12.000 ft.. $12. Wm BaE-MairhinsaTsllm. Show Goods. Tents, etc. H. DATII, Water- town, Wlaeooaln. Don't Get a Eeomlzir If you waat to squander money 1m exorbitant electric bllla. BUT U yoa aio on tba JOB for aU there ta In It, TALK TO MB. Aik abnt uy VUckerteaa M P. machine, 4,000 c p. are I a m p a KLIOTBA Pink la a h e l _ carboaa. announce- SIMea, and all kinds of sup- It SOGrMniebln. lEW TOIL • ...ROLL TICKETS... 7 P^&Ktlflf e OWlt sod I "LOOK THESE PRICES OVER" 6,000 — $1.25 20.000 — S4.00 60.000 — 96.00 10.000 — 2.60 90.000 — 8.00 100,000 — 9.60 ROYAL TICKET CO. wMi artw. Ma a a •. Shsmokln. P«na DIXIE FILM KXCHANQI, 609 (PRICK RAY, OWMP OWENSBOHOb KY. Look For The ;C0LUMBIa1 'Rip the sign of ia Program based on an Op Market Quality gmtitf WMf SEAL program: NMtor Eelaip TUESDAY ThanheuMr Lux KInograph WEDNESDAY Motegraph Elaetragraff THURSDAY CcrrtauF ClfiM Columbia FRIDAY ThanhouMP Lux KInograph SATURDAY Graat Northarn Caraon Capitol WtMC VOUROIlbaM BllinTTO numsomsoo. M. T. ft XnilaT. Bayeana, XT. 7. _ IIOTOOBAPR CO. atl M. Caieect St.. BaltiBam, Md. 'II & BTth St., Vav Xatk Ottr. iM zras^r^ — esxsz : SMtuSbl M laOi ft. -^Wmt Tmk Otty. OAPXTO& FXLX MS Utb St., K. W., Whahfastaa. COLIIXXIA nut 00. Ml tth A**,. . Mew Xarit Oty tU Baarhata St. zx uox nun lit.. iCQCUMBIA Wm-